Things from Another World

Chapter 810: shut up!

Sarkolo still thought that Groma just fancy the two saints, wanting them to be his wives and wives, but ashamed to pull his face to pursue their princes, he had to do this, and tied it back to the bully. Shanggong said, after all, what can they do to resist?

Enjoying the life of a high society, who will return to the bitter days of the past?

Therefore, Sarkolo thought that he was also good for the coronation of the maiden. It was not easy to pick a golden turtle in the Rennes Empire. The golden orcish thighs like Prince Groma could not hold any of the sub-orcs. .

Don't think that the maiden doesn't need to eat and drink ...

It is their chance and their blessing to hold this golden thigh.

As soon as Sarkolo returned, he started a new kidnapping incident. In order to make it as smooth as possible, he had to find another way to temporarily change the route of the patrol.

At the same time, in order to reduce the possibility of revealing his identity as much as possible, he had to choose his confidants to participate in this operation again, and at the same time had to find a way to give Prince Groma time to blame.

Of course, if His Highness Groma can quickly get under the crown of the two saints, and then release them before the Holy See notices the anomaly, I am afraid that it will be a happy situation, and Sacolo will not have to be so embarrassed.

It is a pity that Sarkolo has counted so many things, and he has miscalculated the purpose of Groma ...

Burkeso, Don's House.

"Now that the news of your return has spread to the streets and alleys, if the other party really has such a fervent desire for you, there should be some movement recently."

Tang En blew hot tea and raised his eyelids: "Yeah, the tea is a little hot."

Lying on the sofa next to the night lazily raised his hand: "Then cool down and drink."

She kept staring at Vanilla and seemed to be quite suspicious of her identity.

You told me that this was Ellington's muscular Jiro who was more than two meters tall?

Tease me?

"... Then, what do you mean by bringing her here?"

Tang En gave up the lesson every night, and continued to drink tea.

What he said was naturally cocoa, yes, this time cocoa also came with vanilla.

Coco said with a smile: "Of course I was worried that my sister was cheated by some human, so come and supervise it."

"Sister-what does it mean to lie to me !?"

"Oh, you can rest assured that although she has taken away her virginity, she has no interest in her heart at all."

Coco exclaimed: "That's even worse, your personal scum! Come and marry my sister in a beautiful scenery!"

Vanilla looked at Coco with a headache. "He's talking nonsense-sister, don't listen to him talking!"

"Oh, you just called your sister! You just called your sister!"

Coco cheered: "So you finally admitted to being your sister!"


Vanilla turned around expressionlessly and said to Tang En: "Sorry for such a sister."

"Isn't she your sister?"

"No, if she becomes an elder sister, it will always feel worse and worse."

Tang En put down his tea cup and looked at two catgirls with different hair and body shapes, and said helplessly: "So, aren't you here specially to show me affectionate sisters?"

"No, of course not. My sister thinks we should make a plan!"

"Vanilla you are really too frank, face your heart! Obviously you came to ask her sister for help."

Coco has been holding her vanilla on her face since the beginning, and she has never stopped. It seems that her feelings that have not seen her for a year are all vented in these days, which makes Tang En very There is an impulse to replace her.

Vanilla looked at Tang En silently, with an expression of "I regret telling her now".

"Then what did you discuss?"

The cat sisters looked at each other and spoke one by one.

"The target of suspicion is unclear and the scope of the target is too broad."

"So you must seduce the opponent to take the initiative."

"After spreading the news, if the other party really wants to do something, they will certainly wait for action."

"If we stay in the church and don't give each other a chance, things will be troublesome."

"So we decided to go out. (X2)"

"After my sister (me) returned, I had not yet prayed and baptized in the Temple of Fire. It just happened to be an opportunity."

After listening to the two of their sisters turning, Tang En rubbed his eyebrows and said, "So you really think that stupid person will choose to do it halfway? And will you bite the hook directly without doubt?"

"If our attraction is really that strong for that person, it is inevitable."

Coco grinned and said, it was not like talking about matters related to his own safety.

Vanilla said silently: "Because we always stay in the church, there are strict guards here, and they are the refuge of Carlo Marine. Even if they want to do it, there is absolutely no chance. We go out to the Temple of Fire. Time is their only chance. "

Tang En nodded, if according to the previous reasoning, Coco and Vanilla said that they are probably the only opportunity for the other party to do so, so they have no choice, either when they go, or when they come back, and they can only leave. After Burkeso, on the way to the Temple of Fire.

Now that you've determined that the other party will definitely do it, it's easy to do next.

"We intend to hire you as a guard for our trip."

Coco said happily: "Your **** of your sister from the human kingdom has proven your ability, and the Pope and your sister also trust you, you are the best choice."

Vanilla silently added another knife: "Although I'm sorry for the leader of Uldurah, the news that you have won them today has spread to Burkeso. At this time, you can choose to have them speechless.

Tang En silently mourned the agonizing Audura for a second, and then smiled and said, "No problem, as long as we go out, those people dare to come, I dare to leave them all."

Coco cheered, "This is the best ~"

Vanilla glanced at the sky and said, "The time of travel is set the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow you can continue sightseeing here, and wait for us at the church door the next morning."


"and this."

Vanilla took out a roll of animal skin scroll and handed it to Tang En, expressing expressionlessly: "The map near Burkeso, I think you need this very much."

Tang En took a moment, took the scroll, and whispered, "Is there anything so important to me?"

Although he has a good relationship with vanilla, he is human after all. In this era, the map is a very important secret. It is equivalent to the crime of betraying the enemy to the people in other countries.

Vanilla did n’t go too far and said very blandly: "Although it is a map, it is just a sketch drawn by the Red Lotus Knights. It is not a level map with the royal family. It is not a secret. Besides, you must **** us. The Temple of Fire also needs a map to study the route, doesn't it? "

"This reason cannot be refuted."

"The most important thing is," Vanilla sighed. "If you are really interested in Burkeso, they have no resistance whatsoever. Since it is all this way, why bother struggling?"

Vanilla knows that such a negative attitude is necessary, but there is no way. Who makes Tang En's strength so strong?

Not only personal strength, but also comprehensive strength in all aspects.

Having personally participated in the Ellington Guard battle, Vanilla knew very well how terrible the combat effectiveness of that unit was.

Although they are armed against chaotic creatures, they will not differ much if they fight against other enemies.

The gap between the two sides in equipment, weapons, supplies, intelligence, etc. is really too great, and it is so desperate.

The only good news is that Tang En didn't seem to be an ambitionist, so he didn't immediately begin to dominate the world, nor did he have a direct charge with the Rennes Empire. In that case, what pretentious pretence?

"We still need to discuss the details of the baptism with the pope in the afternoon, so we go back first."

Vanilla stood up and left.

Tang En stunned: "So fast? Don't you stay for lunch and tea?"

"You're welcome."

Vanilla shit. The stock sat back again.

"How can you do this, sister?"

As soon as Coco stood up, she saw her sister's lack of restraint and exclaimed: "It's too shameful, it's too shameful of the maiden's face!"

"Coco, you shut up!"

Vanilla stretched her face and tried not to lose herself, yelled: "Stay here for a meal and you will understand!"


Tang En couldn't help clapping for the straight vanilla: "Yeah, don't you hurry to pour tea?"

Every night, he rolled his eyes and mumbled while standing up and pouring a cup of tea for Coco and Vanilla alone: ​​"Drink, drink, drink, you die! You are honored to enjoy the service of this girl!"

"Wow, it's so arrogant to be a maid!"

Coco's eyes widened: "You don't even adjust. Teach her how kind you are to your servant ... isn't it just because she's beautiful?"

Since the appearance of the second-class sub-clan is more similar to that of humans, the aesthetics of the Kate cats are similar to humans.

"Shut up and drink your tea."

Vanilla slaps her expressionlessly, then bows and apologizes to Ye Ye: "Miss Ye Ye, my sister doesn't make sense, I'm sorry."

"Huh, I don't care about your face."

Every night, he waved his hands pretentiously, and then looked at Vanilla curiously, "But are you really Vanilla? That strong cat Jiro?"

Vanilla drew a corner and nodded silently.

She really regrets it now that she had eaten the illusory results-I am afraid that Kurojiro's black history will accompany her for life.

Coco shouted, holding a tea cup: "Hey, why do you apologize to a maid! We are also virgins!"

Vanilla turned with a grimace and said to Coco: "Unless you can fight a legendary fighter, you shut up and don't embarrass me."


Legendary Fighter?

Cocoa is aggressive.

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