Things from Another World

Chapter 811: This chick has a clever idea!

"Legendary Fighter? Who? She? No, impossible ?!"

Coco was startled and looked at Ye Ye incredible: "Lying! Must be lying? Legendary powerhouse, how could it be a maid!"


The girl also wants to know as a legendary powerhouse, why should you be a maid honestly!

Night after night staring at Tang En.

Even treating her as a playful lover is better than being a maid!

Paying attention to every night's sight, Tang En pouted his lips and continued to drink tea.

This can give Ye Yeqi a few punches and say stubbornly: "Yeah, although it was once a legend, it is now only a pseudo-legend. It is only enough for someone to be a maid. "

Coco's ears and tail collapsed, and the whole person almost scared to his feet.

False legend!

Even if it's not a legend, it's only a line behind the legend!

The strong at this level can be said to be windy and rainy, who cares about the identity of a virgin!

Respecting you is my culture, and disrespecting you is okay!

Who dares to turn his face?

Looking for death?

"Vanilla vanilla vanilla is bad, I said something wrong--"

Coco threw away the tea cup and darted into the vanilla's arms, tears almost bursting out.

Seeing Coco look like this, every night contented.

That's right!

Annoying this girl, this reaction is normal!

Every night he glanced proudly at Tang En, only to find he was looking at the cat-girl sisters in a hug.

Abnormal love beast mad!

Ye Ye scolded in her heart, how could they look good on this girl?

and many more?

In essence, she and Yustisa are the same as those of the Inzbelen family. They are now "alchemists" and belong to the category of "things" rather than "people" or "biology".

If you like them to be beasts, isn't it like fetishism?

Ye Yejiao felt a shock and felt like she had discovered something extraordinary.

Vanilla hugged Cocoa and touched her head to appease her, and looked helplessly at Tang En and Ye Ye, a look of "It's really shameful to have this kind of sister, so please treat me as my sister"

"Okay, rest assured, Ye Ye Girls are not so stingy ..."



"Woo, that's good ... by the way, vanilla, who has lived in the human kingdom for a year should not be short of food. Why is your breast so small--"

Vanilla pushed Coco expressionlessly: "Ms. Ye Ye doesn't show mercy under her hands, please dispose her at will!"

"Wow how can you do this--"

Every night monster smiled and rushed up: "Since then I will punish you for wasting precious tea-eat me a trick!"

"Yeah please don't catch there--"

Vanilla grabbed Coco's hands and said, "It is indeed Ms. Ye Ye, and at a glance you know where Coco's weakness is."

"Please don't rub it!"

Vanilla: "Enjoy her nasty breasts"

"Can I do that too?"

Tang En put down the tea cup, eager to try.

Vanilla sold Coco relentlessly: "Please feel free to taste."

"It's great!"

Tang En was about to stretch out his hands. At this moment, Vanilla hurriedly dragged Cocoa back and glared at Tang En: "Just a joke, you take it seriously."

"Woo--I knew my sister was the best!"

"Sister, or sell you to him as a concubine."

"How, how can you betray your sister like this!"

"You have no choice!"

"I said you guys played a little too much?"

Standing at the side of the arms, Ye Ye obliquely glanced at the sisters hugging each other. After the night's claws of Lushan, and just struggling, the sacrificial robes of the sisters became quite messy.

Because the weather here in Burkeso is very hot and dry, the sacrificial robes here are also designed to be quite refreshing and breathable. After struggling, their chests opened wide, exposing large swathes of snow-white skin, almost all of which were clearly seen by Tang En .

There is a family, love, and European style ...

Tang En, who had a full meal, said with emotion: "Surely the cat-ears are the best ..."

"Pervert (X3)!"

Coco hurriedly pulled the sacrificial robe, blocking the skin on his chest.

Vanilla, who has long been accustomed to Tang En's pungent eyes, sorted out his clothes very calmly, then sat calmly in the chair next to him and raised a tea cup to drink tea.

"Vanilla, did you live next to this big metamorphosis last year !? You are really amazing!-Wait!"

Coco suddenly exclaimed, looking at the vanilla: "You, shouldn't you have stepped into the adult ladder one step first?"

Vanilla was going to refute, but for some reason, suddenly a move in her heart, nodded slightly proudly: "Yes, so hurry up and call your sister honestly."


Coco yelled at Vanilla with admiration: "Only this time, I'm convinced that I lost it!"

Finally, finally!

Vanilla really wanted to shout excitedly into the sky, and finally made Coco shout her sister!

Victory! The long tug of war has finally won!

"Then when will you marry my sister? Brother-in-law?"


The tea in vanilla's mouth was sprayed out.

Tang En stunned: "What?"

Coco said seriously: "Although I know that as a human being, it would be troublesome to marry the maiden of the Rennes Empire, but your strength should not be a problem with your brother-in-law? After all, you were in the crater before ... now even--"

Coco glanced at Ye Ye a little, and then continued: "——Ms. Ye Ye, are only the maids of your brother-in-law, shouldn't it be a problem to convince the Pope to agree that vanilla should marry you?"

"Wait, wait, why did you suddenly talk about this kind of thing?"

Tang En couldn't keep up with her thoughts.

"Why not? Difficult or impossible !?"

Coco exclaimed, looking at Tang En with an unbelievable look: "You intend to abandon vanilla ruthlessly after playing around !? You, you really are that kind of scum !?"

Tang En's brain was jumping straight: "Who has played with her !!!"

"Actually, I didn't even admit that she had played with her!"

Cocoa kicked back and forth a few steps, his face quickly changed: "Don't you plan to eat dry and clean !?"

Down: "..."

"No! I will never allow you to do this to my sister!"

What kind of girl's head is she in? ?

"I will certainly persuade the Pope to agree with his sister's marriage-the Pope has no right to interfere with the personal relationship of the saint. It must be fine!"

Now even vanilla has changed his face, why is it getting out of control! ?

"Look, I didn't play with your sister, and your sister didn't lose her virginity, understand?"

Coco was terrified: "Somehow, he used healing magic in such a place !? Eating dry wipes and destroying evidence by the way! What a terrible man!"

Even Tang En was on his knees now, and the young girl had a clever idea!

Having said that, healing divine magic has the same effect in that kind of place! ?

Don't ask me what you know!

Vanilla's eyes widened, and she yanked Cocoa hard. "Shut up!"

Coco said with great excitement: "No! I will definitely protect my sister's honor! He will never be thrown away! Sister, you wait, I'll go to Imir now-"


"It's my sister's job to maintain her reputation!"

"I see! Is it okay if I admit you are an older sister? So you sit down for me!"

No matter how slow, Vanilla reacted, obviously, but it was deliberately so excited to punish her.

It was ridiculously happy: "Is it really unnecessary?"

"No need to."

Vanilla slammed a sentence: "Sister, you are not as stupid as it looks."

Indeed ...

Tang En was deeply convinced that Coco's performance just now could have won an Oscar gold award. He almost thought that this chick really wanted to say pro.

"I'm exhausted."

Coco sat down with a big grin and said to Tang En while holding up the tea cup: "But seriously, it's not impossible if you really want to marry vanilla."

Vanilla blushed: "Drink your tea!"

"As long as you can buy me, let me help you talk-hiss! It's hot!"

Coco suddenly opened her mouth and spit out her tongue.

"Is it hot? It's already warm!"

Every night he rolled his eyes: "This tea is suitable for this temperature."

Tang En stopped Ye Ye said: "She's a cat tongue."

"Oh, that's the same."

"Are you discriminating?"

Coco retorted, then suddenly looked at the tea cup in surprise: "Well? Suddenly, my mouth felt so fragrant ... and it seemed that a wonderful force had penetrated into the body, and the fatigue was gone. "

"What tea do you think you drank?"

Ye Ye snorted and said proudly, "That's the tea made from the leaves of the World Tree."

Tang En froze, obviously it was his thing, what was this chick so proud of?

"Eh !? Eh !? It is such a precious treasure !?"

Coco widened her eyes and said with an incredible look: "The elven clan would sell you such a precious treasure! You actually use it for tea !?"

"The elf clan has an unusual relationship with him."

Holding the tea cup of vanilla said lightly: "At least, you can't drink this tea elsewhere."

"It's so precious ..."

"Yes, this cup of tea is worth nearly 10,000 gold coins."

"Nearly, nearly ten thousand gold coins !? Also, that means one thousand gold coins in one sip !? God, God ..."

Coco murmured, his eyes fell on the pool of tea that had just fallen to the ground, his eyes flickered ...

"What do you want?"

Vanilla looked at her sister with great vigilance, always feeling that she would make a very shameful behavior: "Although good things are not fake, don't lie down and lick!"

"I won't do that!"

Hey, look at your expression, I really want to lie down and lick ...

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