Things from Another World

Chapter 813: You ask if I support or not ...

The prince of Groma is generally rated by the folk.

The impression he left on the civilians at the bottom was arrogance, domineering, and full of conquest.

Reasonably, this should be quite consistent with the orcs' consistent aesthetics and hobbies, and it should be quite supported.

In fact, his approval rating is not high.

Because so far, each of his instructions is full of strong personal color, and did not let the people of the Rennes see any hope of improving the country.

Plantar is peaceful at present, and various countries are recuperating, trying to recover from the damage of the chaotic invasion, and hegemony is not what they need.

What people need now is delicious food, a peaceful living environment, and a bright future that can be expected.

And these, Prince Groma could not bring.

Advocating violent aesthetics, he seems to be looking forward to chaos.

In Tang En's view, the prince of Groma in the boss's mouth is more like a traditional orc in his impression, and these orcs walking on this street are more like humans in strange bodies-except for some appearance Difference, thinking is no different from ordinary human civilians.

Although they like to watch gladiatorial matches, they themselves like a peaceful life.

Contradictory, but reasonable.

The romantic plot of the death of the battlefield horse hider?

Maybe it sounds romantic, but if the battle really broke out, who would be willing to throw away his wife and son and leave his family to die on the battlefield?

No matter what race, no matter what country, the most unlucky people after the outbreak of war are civilians at the bottom.

So it's no wonder why this boss is so pessimistic about Prince Groma.


"The second prince Ursa had no intention to fight for power in the early years. He left Burkeso early and traveled the world with‘ Axe ’Meng Kahn.

"The eldest princess Merose married early, and now she stays at home with her husband and son. No need to mention ..."

The boss sighed: "In the long run, only the prince Gromah will inherit the empire."

The thoughtful Tang En asked again, "Does, in your opinion, have any abnormal behaviors by Prince Groma?"


The boss shook his head: "After all, he is a prince, what can we say? Usually I can't see it ... but if I really want to talk about it, in the past few years, my **** eyes said that he would choose a consort for him, but in the end it was gone . "

Chosen Concubine?

Tang En frowned. "What's so weird about that?"

"You do not know?"

The boss smiled, took a glance at Elias, who focused on the accessories, and lowered his voice to Tang En. "Prince Groma used to be the most beautiful woman in search of all sub-tribes of the Rennes Empire. Since the beginning of last year, I don't know if it has suddenly changed **** or was reprimanded by **** eyes, and suddenly converged. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"That's a good thing, but it's abnormal."

The boss spread his hands: "The guy who is used to eating meat, you let him suddenly become a vegetarian, will he hold back?"

Tang En nodded thoughtfully, which is really the truth.

It seems that the time when Groma was eroded by chaos might have been five years ago?

Now it's troublesome ...

Tang En frowned slightly, but he promised Angus, if possible, to purify chaos and help Groma return to normal.

Tang En planned to ask for more information, but the boss suddenly closed.

"It's rare that it's going to rain soon."


Tang En then noticed a large cloud over the east.

"My hair is sticking wet, and my gut tells me it will be a heavy rain."

The boss collected the good things and said with a laugh: "It seems to have been more comfortable in the past two days. Good-bye guests, come back and take care of my business."

"Let's go."

Tang En pulled Ilya back and started walking back. The orcs on the street seemed to perceive the dark clouds in the distance. Now they hurriedly packed up and went home. It was just late in the afternoon, but the sky darkened very quickly. The temperature also quickly dropped to a relatively comfortable twenty degrees, and the wind blowing from the street carried a trace of moisture and was blowing on the face with a touch of coolness.

"Brother, let's go!"

Ilia ran in front and dragged Tang En, but Tang En walked slowly.

As a result, when they went halfway, heavy rain poured down.

Of course, the two of them are not affected by rain. Arcane shields can well block the rain, allowing them to walk in the rain curtain without any problems.

When I got home, Angus was back. Rarely, the sharp tooth master also came to visit. The two sat in the gazebo while eating and drinking while drinking the fine wine from Tang En. The surging force blocked the rain Close up, looks very chic.

"Where have you been, Your Excellency Tang En? Come here for two drinks!"

When Sharp saw Tang En, he issued an invitation.

After Tang En sent Ilya back, he sat down next to them with a smile, took out the wine glass, and poured a glass of fruit wine.

Sharpe looked scornfully at Tang En: "The real man should drink this wine to be powerful!"

Angus said silently: "He made the Tang Dynasty hero liquor."


As soon as sharp teeth stayed, he gave Tang En a smile.

The person who can make this kind of wine is definitely a good wine person, at least better than him ...

Tang En nodded with a smile: "Please help yourself."

"You're welcome. Wine is good wine and food is good. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't really enjoy this treatment."

The sharp teeth sipped the fine wine, and tasted the sweet and clear feeling: "Especially in this weather, it really has a flavor."

Angus nodded: "This is really a rare heavy rain, for the Rain Empire."

The relatively dry climate of the Rennes Empire was affected by the partition of the Malowi Mountains all year round. The water vapor from the abyss in the east was blocked in the Kingdom of Solant, which brought the rich white grassy plains to the Kingdom. But he suffered the Rennes Empire on the west side of the Malowi Mountains.

Sharp teeth nodded: "It will also rain at this time in previous years, but it is not so large. After all, there is not much water vapor to pass through the Malowi Mountains."

"Perhaps you should thank His Excellency Tang En."

Angus said lightly: "Although the Gorgalon Crater was destroyed, Your Excellency Tang En gave you a huge inland lake. It is because of this inland lake that there will be so much water vapor this time. It's such a heavy rain. "

A rain may be nothing to other countries, but to the Rain Empire, it is very important to make the soil moist and to plant some Gobi crops.

Even more, in some extremely dry places, the rain could even become a source of water for their lives.

"Respect you."

Sharp Teeth really raised his glass and toasted Down a glass of wine.

"You're welcome."

Tang En toasted.

"Did you release the news uploaded on Burkeso Street these two days?"

Sharp-toothed Lengbuding asked, Tang En heard a stun, and smiled without saying a word.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, I hope you will not endanger Burkeso."

Sharp teeth grinned, staring at Tang En's eyes and saying, "Even if I'm not happy, I have to stand up for my compatriots."

"I don't think we will be enemies."

Tang En tossed this sentence lightly, and then shifted the topic: "I don't know what your sharp tooth thinks about the trade relationship between the Rennes and Illus Empire?"

"Trade relations? That's great, of course."

Sharp teeth said with a grin: "The Rennes Empire has a lot of great specialties, but due to limited transport capacity and limited channels, those specialties are difficult to get out of the country in large quantities. Similarly, we have strong opinions on many goods in your human kingdom Demand, such as your food, textiles, daily necessities, etc ... "

"I thought you would say weapon armor."

Sharp teeth obliquely glanced at Tang En: "I'm not stupid. Will you sell really good things?"

"of course not."

"So don't mention it."

Sharp tooth continued: "If the trade route can be opened, it will undoubtedly be good for both sides. Unfortunately, ..."


"This is unrealistic."


"The Kingdom of Grace and the Kingdom of Solant will not allow the Illus Empire to skip their trade relationship with the Rennes."

Sharp teeth said coldly: "Now the Empire Empire imports a large amount of food and textiles from those two countries every year, but in order to curb our development, they not only limit the number of exports, but also greatly increase the export prices. Has been hungry and insatiable. "

"If we sell you a lot of food, would those two countries be regarded as enemies?"

"That's it."

After a pause, Sharp Teeth shook his head and continued, "What's more, no matter what route the Illus Empire wants to establish a trade route with the Rennes Empire, they can't bypass the Kingdom of Grace and Soland Discussing this is also a blind discussion. "

Tang En and Angus smiled at each other. Tang En said, "Whether it can come true, let's just say whether you support the establishment of bilateral trade relations."

"You ask if I support or not, I say support. I'll tell you this clearly."

After sharp teeth, he suddenly looked at Tang En and Angus with a little doubt: "Can you care so much about the trade issue ... Can you get around the blockade of those two countries?"

After speaking, he was excited first. If Tang En can really bypass those two countries, trade with the Rennes empire and send a lot of food, then the Rennes empire can recover from weakness as soon as possible. , Re-establish a stable and powerful orc empire.


As King of the Illus Empire, did he really want to help and meet a powerful orc empire?

"Well, that's the trade secret."

Tang En smiled very brightly: "In short, if there is a need at that time, please also assist His Excellency Tooth."

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