Things from Another World

Chapter 814: Make a big news?

The next day, the third day agreed with Vanilla, the rain continued for a day and night.

In view of this situation, Tang En didn't go out. They celebrated Cao and others in the tavern yesterday, after having breakfast, they went back to the room and slept.

"This rain is not small ..."

Tang En was sitting on a chair by the window, and it was clear that it was three shots in the sun, but the thick clouds blocked the sun and the rain poured, making it look like the evening at this moment.

This weather is really not suitable for going out, it is suitable for staying at home, holding a cup of hot tea to chase the drama ... Unfortunately, Prandall has no drama to chase.

Ilia hummed and said, "Yeah ..."

"Does it hurt? Is it too deep?"

"Well ... it would be better if it was gentler ..."

"I'll pay attention and tell me if it hurts."

"Don't ... continue ..."

"it is good."

Night after night cleaning, listening to the conversation between the two people, couldn't help but turned around and said annoyed, "It's just just picking out your ears, why are you talking so imaginative!"

This comfortable weather made Elijah particularly unmotivated, lying lazily on Tang En's lap, asking him to help with his ears, and the occasionally comfortable little girl giggled.

Tang En said without raising his head: "The so-called benevolent sees the benevolent sees the wise, and the thoughts in your head are too stubborn. How can we blame our conversation?"

"Is it?"

Ye Ye ca n’t wait to put his broom in his face: “Looking at you as you smile, do you dare to say that you did n’t deliberately lead Elijah to talk like that to satisfy the dark desires in your heart? Oh my **** you are so sick ! "

The smile on Tang En's face froze, and he took out his ear-pick spoon and stared at Yeye darkly, and when he looked at her hair, he suddenly smiled brightly and said, "Speaking, Yeye, I remember you before You said you would warm me up? "

Every night suddenly startled: "Don't you finally be able to help me !?"

"Isn't this what you expected?"

"I, I, I don't!"

Every night flees.

"Hum, fight me?"

Tang En scorned his lips. That guy was a giant in thought and a dwarf in action. If she played with her, she would run away immediately.

"Big brother, don't always bully Sister Ye Ye."

"When did I bully her?"

"You didn't bully her, so how did I hear her cry out and call your name outside Sister Ye Ye's room last time?"

Tang En stunned: "What?"

"One night when I passed Sister Ye Ye's room, I heard her cry with a cry," Oh my master don't, "" Please give me a try "or something ..."

What the idiot is doing at night! ?

Tang En suddenly held Eliya's shoulder in a panic: "Yelia, you must stay away from that idiot ... Stay away from night and night, you know? Absolutely, you can't listen to her talking."

"Ah? I'm sure I listened to you since Big Brother said that, but why?"

Tang En said decisively: "Because she is a pervert!"

"Is that right?"

"Yes, believe me!"

Tang En felt that it was necessary to keep Ilya and Yeye a certain distance in the future.

Having said that, obviously a self-controlling ex-legendary combatant who has now transformed into an immortal figure body, but still needs in that regard?

Do you even play it yourself?

This is neither scientific nor magic!

Listening to the ding-dong noise coming downstairs, Tang En sighed, and the little girl immediately gave away his leisurely elegance to the destruction.

Although it was raining heavily, the construction team from Ellington had already begun construction. In order to carry out the initial renovation of this mansion, people are now everywhere in the house, but they already have very rich experience in renovation, so they do n’t need Don't say anything more to complete the task.

In addition to the warehouse transformation of the basement, the most important thing is to make the main building here comfortable and make it more suitable for human living and living-Tang En is still considered by employees.

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly appeared in the room.

"the host."

"How's it going?"

Appearing in the room was the dark elf Haley.

"The information you asked me to ask is almost inquiries. Indeed, as you might have guessed, five years ago, the Rennes empire experienced a lot of turmoil over cult affairs."

Hailie reported all the news she had heard to Tang En, and Tang En was even more sure of his guess.

Five years ago, the Rennes Empire suffered a large-scale bloodshed due to the infiltration of cultists. After the event, in order to avoid leaving the enemy a chance to resurrect, many deterministic objects were cleaned up. Already.

But Testro could not have imagined that his eldest son, Groma, would be corrupted by cultists.

Is this cult a dark snake?

From time, it seems to be right.

"Tough work for you, you can go back first."

"It's a matter of subordination for the master."

Haili said she threw a wink at Tang En, licked her pink lips and said, "The master is not sleeping in such a remote place. Why not let his subordinates stay with his master? I think Her Majesty will be very happy. of."

"No, no need!"

Tang En repeatedly waved his hand: "You go back!"

What a joke, there are still things to do tomorrow. If you leave this Juicing Ji, can you still be on the road tomorrow?

So Haley went back very disappointed.

"Why do all my sisters want to sleep with my elder brother so much?"

Elijah pursed her lips: "It's obviously Elijah's position!"

"Yes, yes, you are right ..."

Facing her simple eyes, how can Tang En explain?

"I am back."

Angus drifted out of the window, glanced at Tang En, and couldn't help complaining, "You're really laid back."

"You can relax, but you don't want to lie down and rest."

Tang En spread his hands. He didn't let Angus do his work, but Angus didn't want to see Testero so sad, so he set out to find a clue.

"How about it, what's the gain?"

Angus was silent for a moment and sighed: "I'm afraid Groma is a bit wrong ... but are you sure he is the guy who wants to kidnap the vanilla? He has been corrupted by chaos? Maybe he just changed his character ? "

"You can rest assured, I won't judge wrong."

Tang En shook his head and said to Angus: "Compared to this, you should think about how to persuade Testero as soon as possible."

Tang En has told Angus Groma the time of corruption, and five years of deep corruption, even if the true God comes, I am afraid it will be difficult to save him.

Angus was silent again and said with a bitter smile after a while: "You have really given me a big problem."

"If you can't handle it yourself, you can discuss it with sharp teeth."

Tang En made a suggestion: "After all, Lord Sharptooth is a legendary hero of the Rennes Empire, and his words are still convincing."

"let me try."

Angus reluctantly accepted the reality: "In addition, just when I was inquiring at the tavern, I heard them say that due to heavy rain, the plan of the maiden to go to the temple of fire for baptism may be stranded. What should you do?"

"you're so dumb?"

Tang En looked at Angus with a stunned look: "Are we also legendary mages? It's not too difficult to interfere with the weather, are you stunned?"

"... I may really be dizzy."

Angus touched his head: "These two days, I have been held by sharp teeth and not drunk. The good habits developed over the years can be regarded as completely destroyed."

It has been said a long time ago that in order to maintain a clear mind to deal with all kinds of emergencies, magicians rarely drink alcohol.

Although the legendary mage is not afraid of alcohol, the habits that have been developed are still very difficult to change.

The sharp teeth can make Angus break his rules, but you can imagine how bad Angus is to him.

"Do you plan to stop the rain at night?"

"It just happened to give the opponent some chance to set a trap, didn't they?"

Tang En said lazily: "The orc is originally a rectum, not very good at conspiracy and deception, and coupled with the corruption of chaos, it is more faithful to his desires, so I am almost sure that the other party will do it tomorrow."

"If only it would go so smoothly."

Angus sighed and said bitterly, "I'll talk to Sharp Teeth to discuss this matter. Although we can't reveal our plans now, we can at least discuss in advance how to deal with Tastro. "

"Is it so difficult?"

"What do you think!?"

Angus said angrily: "If you have a baby boy with high hopes, one day suddenly someone came over and said that there is a demon in your son and must be killed. What would you think?"

Tang En fumbled with his chin and nodded: "It seems quite reasonable to say so ..."

"Know how embarrassed I am!"

"But what about that?"

Tang En spread his hand: "Anyway, he can't beat me anymore, so he can only bear it."

Angus: "... sometimes it feels like you are a villain."

"Wrong, I just prefer to use simple and crude methods to solve the problem."

Tang En snapped his fingers: "Being able to reason and reason, you can only raise your fist without listening to people. After all, sometimes speaking with your fist is more effective than speaking with reason, especially for these orcs who worship the strong. Language. "

"Perhaps, I still hope that Tastro understands the importance of this matter. If Groma is really corrupted by chaos, it will not only be trouble for the Bloodeye clan, but also for the entire Rennes empire."

Angus drank a cup of tea and flew into the rain curtain again: "I'll go talk with the sharp teeth, and he will certainly not sit idly by."


Tang En muttered to himself: "After a big news, will it be better handled?"

** Things are often left unattended, but the emergence of the Internet has given people a chance to make a big news and pay attention to it. This is the reason that things can often be resolved quickly after a big incident.

If Groma spreads the news of his corruption immediately after he starts, maybe things will be much easier.

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