Things from Another World

Chapter 815: Temple of Fire, this is magic

The 14th month of harvest, the fourth day agreed with vanilla.

Everyone in Burkeso had planned the rain for a long time, but did not expect the rainstorm to stop unexpectedly last night.

The new day is coming, as if even the air is filled with the fragrance of mud. The land washed by a lot of rain has become muddy. Fortunately, the road paved with gravel is barely able to go, and the impact will not be too great.

The city located on the hematite mine experienced a lot of lightning strikes yesterday, but until now I haven't heard of any unlucky eggs being struck by lightning. After all, the nearby Kierger Mountain is also a rich mine area, which is equivalent to a natural lightning rod Already.

Just after breakfast, people gathered on the main road in Burkeso, preparing to congratulate the Virgin Coco and the Vanilla to the Temple of Fire.

The maiden has not yet appeared, and people are chatting in a low voice.

"Have you heard? Someone seemed to have rushed into the sky last night, and the rain cloud was blown away!"

"I saw it! It was just a miracle! The thick rain cloud suddenly broke a big hole, followed by the wind and the residual clouds, blowing away the large rain clouds!"

"In Burkeso, only Sharp Lord can do this kind of thing, right? With his power, an axe can split the dark clouds in the sky."

"It doesn't seem to be Lord Tooth. When the man in the sky dispelled the rain clouds, someone saw Lord Tooth and his old friend Master Angus Miracle Hand drinking in the tavern."

"Who would it be?"

"Unclear, but speaking you didn't notice that the shape of the rain clouds spreading in the evening was a bit strange? It looks very regular, it seems like a strange word ... Isn't it God's revelation? "

"I also saw it, it looked like text, but it was completely unimpressed."

"I'm really curious what that means. If it is Divine Enlightenment, a thorough study may not make it stronger."

"You think too much, maybe it's just a prank of a strong man who deliberately teases us with words we don't understand."

"No, is there such a vicious strong man ... Ah! Hush-the maiden's crown is down!"

The street suddenly quieted down, and a dragon car slowly drove from the side of the cathedral, where Coco and Vanilla Sisters were sitting.

After putting on the sacrificial robes, it seemed that the two serious sisters could not see the joke and joke with Tang En at all. The women sitting there peacefully seemed to have a sacred and inviolable atmosphere.

It's just that it's still a little worse than Irilly.

Tang En, who is hidden in the teams on both sides, smashed his mouth. I feel that Coco and Vanilla are still too immature. Compared to Yi Luli's professional maiden, they are more like amateur mistresses.

Not to mention that Iluli has great popularity throughout the area covered by the Holy See believers, and even the Roninante Kingdom has a lot of her admirers.

But looking at cocoa and vanilla is different.

There are many sub-classes of the Rennes Empire, and their aesthetics are also different. As a second-class sub-group, the image of the Kate Cat is close to humans, and naturally they will not receive the attention of the first-class sub-groups. Those people do not respect them so much Conquered by their charm, but simply because of their identity and the meaning they represent.

Without the charm bonus, their range of influence is certainly not too large.

According to the original plan, after Cao took the team with Cocoa and Vanilla, he would leave the city according to the planned route, and then go to the Temple of Fire, while Tang, Angus, and sharp teeth were hiding in the dark, and trailing. Moving in the dark.

Ilia was left at home by Tang En and learned to control magic every night.

"... I hope she doesn't teach ..."

Tang En murmured to himself, the only thing he was more worried about was teaching Ilya every night, in case her idiot's world view infected Ilya, the fun would be great.

However, to Tang En's surprise, the maiden did not cause any commotion, but Cao they caused a lot of strong onlookers.

After all, the Harley-Davidson motorcycles they ride are really great men. Although the orcs have not touched this design style, the art is common, and the visual stimulation is the same no matter where they are. The motorcycle conquered the hearts of the orcs almost immediately.

"What are they riding !? Looks great!"

"Is it a mount? It doesn't seem to be Warcraft."

"Maybe a construct, a golem?"

"The Golem? Isn't that the Golem used by the Star Diamond Bank to guard? That thing will be the same as what they are riding?"

"It's just different in appearance. It should be the same in essence."

The hustle and bustle of the discussions made Cao and they earn enough attention. How have they been treated before?

With the envious and envious eyes of the orcs, everyone raised their heads and stood up, and at this time they could not humiliate their fellow humans.

Not far away, Uldull looked at Cao and they were very complicated.

It is their duty to **** the maiden to the Temple of Fire.

Now let those humans do it ...

Although they did lose in the competition, that does not mean that they are really inferior to those human mercenaries!

Speaking of Burkeso, they must be more familiar with the Red Lotus Knights!

How can we leave work to humans!

What was Imir thinking about under Crown?

In the royal palace on the north high ground, Testero is overlooking the convoy on the street.

"The Temple of Fire ... I hope nothing will happen this time."

Testro shook his head.

A long time ago, he proposed to include the Temple of Fire in the urban area of ​​Burkeso, and try to move the development of the city closer to it, but it was unfortunately opposed by Imir.

The Temple of Fire is sacred but dangerous.

Mortals who attempt to approach God's realm without permission will only be harmed and not blessed.

"Say back ... why is this kid, Groma?"

Testero frowned slightly: "Willn't we quarrel with Ursa again? Really, obviously I haven't seen each other for several years, can't I sit with my kindness?"

Worried about the housework, Testero quickly refocused on dealing with all kinds of complicated things.

The convoy was slowly moving forward, and soon left Burkeso in the cheers of everyone, then headed northeast.

The Temple of Fire is located in the remnants of Mount Kelger. Among them is a mountain named Gupatrichinas, which means "the crown of eternal flame" in Orcish language. The Temple of Fire is located there. .

When he heard the name, Tang En had a faint intuition.

The ancient Patricinas Hill where the Temple of Fire is staying, I am afraid it is an active volcano ...

The muddy road did not affect the team's progress. By noon, the convoy reached the Patricinas Hill in peace.

It seems that the other party did not choose to do it when they went.

But after seeing the crater, Tang En's mouth twitched, and it was unexpected ... it was an active volcano.

If Down is aware of the discussions between Tastro and Imir, he will definitely support Imir.

Damn the active volcano into the city? Is there a pit in your head?

Having said that, what kind of temple of fire covers this kind of place? The volcano is indeed a symbol of the power of the flames, but isn't it intentionally embarrassing in such a place?

Seeing that Coco and Vanilla had gotten off the dragon truck, they still planned to go deep into the crater, and Tang En was suddenly shocked: "Want to go inside?"

"Of course, the Temple of Fire is in it."

Coco said casually: "You wait outside, if not blessed, you will be burned by the flames."

"Burn? I'm not afraid."

Dunn asked Cao to wait on them, Angus and Sharptooth were responsible for protecting them secretly, and he followed the two maidens into the crater.

After tens of meters down the road along the edge of the crater, it was very close to the hot lava. At this time, Tang En noticed that in the thick smoke, there was still a protruding stone platform hidden.

Shitai protruded from the edge, all the way to the sky above the lava, right in the center of the crater.

The temperature here has risen to the point where it can kill people, it is estimated that at least Baidu.

But as the goddess of Vulcan Caroma River, Coco and Vanilla both have his protection, so the temperature here does not affect them both.

The two maidens walked hand in hand to the stone platform and whispered in prayer.

Tang En suddenly widened his eyes and looked at them in surprise. As they prayed, a very soft red light emerged from them. The light formed a vortex in the central area above the two, and all the sulfur smoke was around. Dispelled, the lava below began to roll violently.

Isn't it about a volcanic eruption?

Tang En squeezed the cold sweat, even if he knew that he could not be afraid with his own strength, but because of the instinct of an earth person, he still felt a little scared.

However, the volcano did not erupt in the end.

A quaint temple rose from the tumbling lava.

Tang En's eyes were dumbfounded.

A temple emerged from the lava!

This is really too-wait! It seems very magical ...

"This is the Temple of Fire?"

"Yes, you better not get closer, there is the realm of the great Caroma River."

After Coco reminded, stepped into the temple with vanilla.

Tang En looked at that ancient temple, still a stone platform, still a circle of stone pillars, still a simple but mysterious rune of God's Word.

Tang En stared directly at the Temple of Fire, sighing.

The shape of Mom is completely the same as that of other temples ...

"I said ..."


"This thing just came out from below, right?"

"That's right."

"Then you go up like this, aren't you afraid of hot feet?"


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