Things from Another World

Chapter 816: Sudden Chaos

Although it looks like a stone, the material used in the Temple of Fire is certainly not ordinary. Soaking it in lava will not change its temperature.

Then again, even if it's hot, it won't burn the virgins of Carlo Marine, right? This is his temple after all ...

Huh? Carlo Marifu sheltered the maiden not to be afraid of the heat, but cocoa and vanilla tea were afraid of hot, this is not scientific ... Why is this?

Tang En's thinking went awry again.

After walking to the Temple of Fire, Vanilla turned and stared at Tang En. It took a while for Tang En to return to God: "What are you doing?"

Vanilla's disdainful look pierced Tang En's heart: "Avoid, understand?"

"Well? Why do you need to avoid it because you are just observing the ceremony?"

"Since it's baptism, what do you say !?"

Tang En was surprised: "No, it's really a baptism !?"

Vanilla glared at Tang En without saying a word, his expression getting colder and colder.

"Well, I avoid it, please help yourself."

Tang En raised his hand and surrendered: "Call me later."

He flew straight out of the crater.

Seeing Tang En leave, Vanilla and Coco were relieved. The two looked at each other and slowly took off their clothes. Then they stood opposite each other and stood in the center of the Temple of Fire.

"Sister, your figure really hasn't changed at all."

"shut up."

Vanilla said blandly: "Tell me this letter again or believe me to call him down?"

"Are you stupid? You're not wearing clothes."

"He's seen it before."

"Why, what !? That kind of thing is all-is it true before ?!"

"No, it's just that he saw it while taking a shower."

"God! How did a man like him become a strong man !?"

Vanilla didn't want to remember that, and said impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense, let's get started."

"That's right, not gentle to my sister."

Coco pouted and stretched out her hand, pressing it on Vanilla's body.

Vanilla also reached out and pressed on Cocoa.

"Concentrate and start."

Coco closed her eyes and finished speaking, a red rune appeared on her forehead, and then a hot flame emerged from the rune. The flame wrapped her body, and her hair completely turned into a flame in an instant.

After the opposite vanilla closed their eyes, the same changes occurred. The golden flames of the two people whistled and merged together, and then turned into a huge flame rune.

The lava in the crater rolled up into the sky, controlled by the runes above the two, and wrapped around the two's bodies.

It was as if they were bathing in lava.

The baptism of the true **** of fire.

Outside, an arcane eye attached to a stone shone with an insignificant light ...


Cao looked at Tang En sitting on the stone and asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what are you laughing at?"

"Civilization watching ... Ah, I mean, the weather is good today."

Tang En coughed, Bao Xiang solemnly said, "It is very suitable for killing and setting fire."

Cao looked at the clear sky and nodded. "It's good, but unfortunately the smoke is a little bit heavy here, and everyone feels uncomfortable and wants to leave here quickly."

Although the Temple of Fire is a sacred place, the sulphur smell of Naihe Crater is too strong for ordinary people to bear.

Tang En casually said: "Wait a second, baptism should not take long."

It was also after seeing the Temple of Fire that Tang En understood why the Temple of Fire was not guarded at all. The temple soaked in lava cannot be found or destroyed by ordinary people.

"Yeah !!!!"

There was a sudden exclaim from the crater. When Tang En's face changed, he immediately appeared in front of Cocoa and Vanilla: "What's the matter !?"

The sisters in a group, pointing at the lava floating in the air, exclaimed: "Fire! The flames have turned black!"

Then Tang En found out that the lava, which should have been in the red state, exudes a strange black flame, and a cold and gloomy breath is permeating in all directions.

Chaos Breath!

Don was suddenly shocked: [Nora! Block here! 】

【Roger that. 】

As Nora soared into the sky, the green light filled the entire crater, and the escaped chaos breath was immediately blocked here.

"Isn't this the Temple of Fire !? How could there be chaos !?"

Tang En grabbed them and kept them behind, the world's will was already in his hands.

Although there is only a strong atmosphere of chaos at this moment, who dares to guarantee that no chaotic creatures will appear in the next moment?

"I, we don't know ..."

Coco said helplessly: "We just started the baptism normally according to the past, and the cleansing inflammation was halfway ..."

Vanilla said suddenly, "Suddenly a black breath oozes from my sister, and then the purifying inflammation becomes black."

Gushing from cocoa?

Tang En looked at Coco very seriously: "What's going on?"

"I, I don't know!"

Coco looked blank: "I didn't feel strange before."

As soon as Tang En grasped Coco's hand, he followed in with the power of pure void.

Then he discovered the anomaly.

"It turned out to be a latent chaotic atmosphere ... too rare!"

Tang En held Coco's wrist tightly, and the force of the void rushed forward, driving out the chaotic atmosphere lurking inside Coco.


Coco exclaimed, and there was more chaos from her!

Vanilla panicked: "So strong chaos!"

"What exactly is going on!?"

Coco was terrified to see a large amount of chaos detached from his body.

"Don't worry, the concentration of pollution is not high, and you have the divine shelter of Carlo Marine, so you have not been corrupted."

Tang En sneered, staring at the chaotic breath that escaped: "However, I am now more sure of who I want to do to you."

After dissipating the last ray of chaos from Coco, almost all the volcanoes blocked by Nora were covered with a layer of black mist, as Down said, because the concentration was not high and they were suppressed by the gods, So cocoa has not been corrupted, but the lava here is different. Under the erosion of chaotic atmosphere, the blink of an eye becomes black and red, which looks very strange.

"Fortunately, the concentration is not high, otherwise you will not be saved."

Tang En released Coco's hand, then opened his arms, and the power of the void began to purify the pollution here.

At the same time, Nora also began to release the power of pure life. After the green light of life fell, the chaotic atmosphere floating in the crater melted like Yangchun Baixue.

Just a moment of effort, all the chaos breath was purified, and the crater returned to normal again.

"How many times have you been in contact with Groma before? Or, have you met other strange people?"

"Not much ... but not much."

Coco whispered, "Speaking of strange people, is Shaman's leader Al Farah not?"

"No. Although he is a lunatic, he has nothing to do with chaos."

"That's gone."

"That is to say, the chaos in your body is really left by Groma."

Tang En looked at Coco rather doubtfully: "But how did he do that? Could it be you and him ..."

"What are you thinking about!"

Cocoa said anxiously: "Don't spoil my reputation! I have nothing to do with him!"

"I said nothing, what are you anxious for?"

"Everyone knows what you are thinking!"

Cocoa stomped angrily and said, "By the way, how would I know what Groma is ... wait? You mean, Groma is related to chaos?"

Tang En's gaze was a little dizzy with the waves. He nodded subconsciously and said, "Yes, I have accurate information to show that Groma has been corrupted by chaos-and he should be the person who tried to kidnap the vanilla. . "

"It's impossible!"

Vanilla and Coco were both surprised. Although they suspected that the person who wanted to deal with them might be a high-ranking empire, they did not expect to be Prince Groma!

No matter what you think, Prince Goma has no reason to hit them! ?

"He's corrupted, and it's not surprising that he did anything."

Tang En sighed, and said, "Maybe there is something special about you that is attracting him? Perhaps his purpose is to let you come here like today, and corrupt the Temple of Fire?"

Coco and Vanilla were taken aback by surprise, and looked at each other, feeling that Tang En's speculation was quite close to the truth.

Coco and vanilla are twins, and they happen to be the sons of a talent, so they have a special talent. After the two have joined forces, they can trigger a particularly powerful fire talent. As they grow, the power of talent continues to grow. It is speculated that , Now the power is even comparable to legendary spells.

Even more amazing is that their talents will increase their power indiscriminately.

In other words, if there is chaos in not only cocoa, but also vanilla, it will just erupt together at the time of baptism. Under the increase of their unique talents, the chaos will increase geometrically, I am afraid that the entire ancient Patry The Chinas Crater will become a gate of terrifying chaos!

Tang En didn't know what Groma wanted to do, but after listening to their descriptions, it was speculated that this was probably the purpose of Groma.

"Anyway, his plan obviously failed because of my presence."

Tang En smiled slightly and said, "Because I am destined to be a man of" chaos nemesis. "

"It's strange to believe you-Ah !!!"

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