Things from Another World

Chapter 817: Laozi's maid, he is the savior.

In the Temple of Fire, the threat has just been lifted, but the atmosphere has become awkward again. There is no way. Who makes Tang En's position so awkward?

The reason is of course because Tang En not only enjoyed the great shots, but also enjoyed a panoramic view of the plains and jungles.

Where can I find such good things?

Coco, who was usually very shy at the moment, almost jumped, shy and angry, and his tail was up: "From the moment I knew that we weren't wearing clothes, we didn't remind us to keep staring at us. !? "

The cheap Tang En got the fool decisively: "What are you talking about? I can't see anything because the smoke is too big here."

Coco screamed: "It's too bad to be a fool even if you see it clearly! Scum! You must take responsibility!"

"Well, I admit that I did see it."

"Did you finally admit it ?! Want to be responsible !?"

"No, it's not a question of irresponsibility ... it just suddenly reminds you of a good solution."

Tang En fumbled with his chin: "Since one can't cover it, why not hold them together? It just happens to cover the sight perfectly."

Yes indeed!

That makes sense!

Cocoa and vanilla hugged without thinking.

Tang En's breathing was stagnant, and he looked at the two cat-girls hug together with satisfaction.

"Amazing scenery, awesome scenery ..."

"Oops! I was fooled!"

Vanilla's face changed slightly, and she wanted to break away immediately, but Coco hugged her: "What are you doing !?"

"you're so dumb!"

Vanilla hurried: "We look even worse! Completely satisfy the bad taste of this guy!"

The round and full four hemispheres are tightly attached together, and even squeezed and deformed because they are held too tightly. The fair skin of the young girl is rubbed against each other, making people want to imagine being sandwiched in the middle will What a heavenly experience ...


Tang En froze for a moment, then turned back suddenly.

Not good, it's too bad!

There was a faint feeling of being seduced by two cat-earsmaids!

How can this be!

He had already vowed to marry Aegwynn, how could he be seduced by two cat-girls!

A tried man will never be seduced by cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits or whatever!

Elf girl, only elven girl is the man's life!

Tang En kept meditation on Aigwin's name in his heart, and finally he finally calmed down and calm down.

"The baptism is over? Get dressed."

Tang En turned silently and shouted Nora flying back and forth from the sky.

It is obvious that the big pervert suddenly became serious, but it felt a little uncomfortable.

"He's such a person, just fine."

Vanilla has long been out of sight, broke free of Coco's arms, and immediately went to dress.

Coco had to quickly put on his clothes.

After getting permission, Tang En turned around and looked quite indifferently: "Is this returning to the baptism even over?"

"Although interrupted by the appearance of chaos, let's say it's over."

Vanilla looked at Tang En expressionlessly: "It would be more perfect if there was nothing behind."

"A sudden situation, nobody wants it."

No wonder, you are terribly afraid of it!

"Speak back ..."

Coco looked up and down Tang En and said in horror, "How did you get into the Temple of Fire?"


After the emergency ended, Cocoa and Vanilla discovered nothing wrong.

"There is a word of deportation here. People without permission or blessing cannot enter here. Even in the Vulcan court, only a handful of people can enter here. Why can you come in?"

Tang En shrugged. "Probably because I'm special?"

His health is a perfect body created by the gods of the gods, and it is certainly indispensable for Carlo Marif's power. The so-called exorcism of the Temple of Fire is certainly invalid for him.

"Just don't want to say it."

Coco scoffed at the reason, apparently distrusting his words.

special? Who is not special in this world? Everyone is unique, but the person who can ignore the word enchantment has never appeared.

"You can't believe me if you tell the truth."

Tang En suddenly asked curiously: "Speaking of the baptism of the two of you naked here, wouldn't Caroma River see it clearly?"

Cocoa and Vanilla's face changed slightly, and they slammed Tang En: "Don't be rude to Lord Vulcan! (X2)"


Coco said very seriously: "Master Vulcan is the **** that controls the fate of orcs and warriors. How can he be as vulgar as you?"


Vanilla said faintly: "As a god, what kind of maid does Lord Vulcan want? Do you still need to peep at us? Your Majesty Tang En, please don't please others by yourself?"

What do you know?

"If it is someone else, this sentence that insults Lord Vulcan alone will be regarded as our enemy."

Coco also said: "But for the sake of His Excellency Tang En, we will treat it as if we hadn't heard it. Please don't say such rude things in the future."

"Warriors, they are full of energy and have nowhere to vent. God of War is definitely a bird-like. Maybe I'll just stare at this here in the realm of God ... I'll take it back."

Seeing the two cat-girls glaring at themselves, Tang En shrugged, but he still suspected that Caroma Marief would peep here ...


A mass of magma suddenly sputtered and was shot on Tang En's face.



Down: "..."

"Look," Coco was proud, "I said there would be a fine!"

Tang En wiped off the hot magma and looked up at the sky, his gaze seemed to want to penetrate the void, and faced with an existence in another space.

"What to see you asshole!"

A deep voice suddenly burst in Dunn's ear.

Tang En was startled: "Who !?"

"Who do you say I am!"

Where Tang En looked at the sound—it was the altar of the Temple of Fire!

The cocoa and vanilla next to me were stunned when they heard the sound.

"Kaloma River !?"

Tang En took a breath: "You're crazy !? Niss Claire has said that your sudden appearance would destroy the barrier of the world-"

"Go **** the world barrier!"

Carlo Marief shouted in a desperate anger: "I will ruin your reputation, will I be able to sit still ?!"


"You just peeped! Believe it or not I shake out what you just did with Arcane Eyes !?"

I **** you uncle, have you said it already? ?

Tang En said without change, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"I went to your uncle and pretended to be stupid! I just couldn't figure out why such a big mission would ultimately fall on your weak chicken!"

Tang En said without hesitation: "Don't think if you don't understand, I'm also very strange."

"Mum said it lightly--boy, I talked to you specifically to tell you that I don't have a hobby of peeping!"

"Oh? Really?"

Tang En said blankly, "How do you know we are here to discuss your peeping?"

"You guy ..."

Silent! He was silent!

Cocoa and vanilla panic, great Vulcan! How can you be silent at this time! ?

You should refute it right away!

Your silence will make our pious faith disappear!

Kalomari River growled hysterically: "Because Lao Tzu can hear your voice through the altar! Do you understand !? Lao Tzu has never peeped! No before! No now! No later!"

The silence just made your words unconvincing!

"There is a second thing, what you did in Ellington, Niscle Claire, they all see it. Everyone thinks you should have gone the right way. The next thing to do is to continue to expand this. This advantage blends two unique characteristics of civilization and makes up for Prandall's flaws. "

Tang En complained: "You said lightly, do you know how tired I am? Have I wanted to go on strike several times?"

Carlo Mariffer said coldly: "You may still work hard to enjoy longevity. Strikes can only accompany this world and destroy it. You choose it."

"Xing Xing Xing, you are all big brothers. You are the last word. I am a tortured wage earner. I confess my fate, but can you improve the welfare of employees?"

Tang En seized the opportunity and poured out the hardships: "You caught me here to save the world without bringing me an encyclopedia, and even the materials of climbing science and technology did not rely entirely on that half a bucket of water in my mind. The efficiency is too slow!"

"There are enough resources for you. It just depends on how flexible you are."

Carlo Marief yelled, "The future of this world depends on you-and you."

Carlo Marief suddenly said to Coco and Vanilla: "Lao Tzu's maiden, don't blame Lao Tzu for not lowering the divine enlightenment. The situation is too troublesome ... Trouble is that Lao Tzu doesn't know how to explain what you can understand . "

Very good, very upright.

Tang En dared to swear with his own two years of discipline. He had never heard of using the self-proclaimed deities of "Lao Tzu" to believers.

"Really, really great Lord Carlo River!"

Coco and Vanilla plopped on, kneeling down at the altar, and suddenly heard the voice of the true **** of faith, both of them burst into tears with excitement.

Ignored Calumary's extremely vulgar discourse directly.

Fuck, religious brainwashing is terrible.

Tang En pouted his lips. If he heard his own **** spit out "Laozi Laozi" every day, he would definitely change to another house every minute.

"Don't kneel anyway, I have something to tell you."

Callomare River went straight to the theme: "The guy named Don, who is standing over there, is the messenger chosen by our gods to save the world. His actions represent my will ... I'm exhausted talking, in short, he is the incarnation of Lao Tzu, what's the matter to understand his orders !? "

Messenger ?

Coco and Vanilla stared dumbfounded.

save the world! ?

Just him! ?

Noting the skeptical gaze of Cocoa and Vanilla, Tang En could not help rolling his eyes: Sure enough, the world was simply destroyed!

"Then I flashed first--"

Faceless Tang En called him: "Don't go before you wait! Tell me the truth! What makes me a weak chicken?"

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