Things from Another World

Chapter 828: Skybreaker, attack again! (Conventional ticket)

Angus' expression was ugly. Looking around, he was surrounded by Chaos believers before he knew it!

After the residents of the entire Nancheng District were evacuated by him, only a dozen Chaos believers were killed by him, but at this moment they were all gathered together, and due to the intake of an excessive amount of chaos, they had completely corrupted and were very close. Chaos creatures.

At this moment, the chaos in their bodies resonated with each other. Although they were at a distance from each other, the chaos was faintly connected to each other.

This means that the damage they receive will be shared with each other, and their power will be superimposed on each other.

"Trouble ..."

Angus shook his fist and didn't know what to do.

If they are still the former chaotic believers, they will be smashed by a big move, they will not die or be disabled, and they are not afraid of anything.

But now they have completely corrupted and almost become chaotic creatures. The ghost knows whether they have the characteristics of chaotic creatures now?

If he did not die after suffering his injuries, and a dozen legendary chaotic creatures appeared at once, the fun would be great, not only the Rennes, but I am afraid that the entire Prandall will be devastated by this.


At this time, a roar suddenly came from Beicheng District, and Angus' face changed drastically—a sharp roar!

I'm afraid he has the same trouble!

Damn it-Don, if you have any choice, hurry up!

If you drag on, I'm afraid it will become a dead city here!

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened in the sky ...

Just as the situation got worse and worse, Angus tied his hands and feet, a crack in the space of dozens of meters in diameter suddenly burst above Burkeso's sky.

"Gate of Chaos !? No--no! It's a portal !?"

The huge portal was flowing outward with a strong magical brilliance, followed by a behemoth and came over.

Tang En, who stood at the bow of the horse, yelled, "I'm back!"

Hearing his voice, Angus calmed down a bit, and looked carefully, and suddenly lay in a big groove: "You pulled the Skybreaker !?"

That's right, the sky-breaker completely overhauled from the portal is completely overhauled!

In the Battle of the Broken Isles, he made great contributions, but had to return to the factory to repair the Skybreaker. After technical upgrades, he appeared on the battlefield again!

At a glance, the silver-white hull knew that a lot of universal alloys were used to strengthen the hull. The constantly flowing magic and engraved runes on it proved that Skybreaker is not only a product of pygmy technology, but also Fully embraced and integrated with Ellington ’s magical technical support-through the effect of magic, Skybreaker has obtained a strong shield and dynamic support, and can stay in the sky for a longer time. The combat radius is larger, and the firepower is even more. Fierce.

The Skybreaker is quite different from the beginning. With the technical support and new materials from Tang En, the Skybreaker can now be called the second terrible air combat platform of Prandall. .

Ok? What is the first?

There is no doubt that it is a dragon.

"Successfully crossed the portal!"

"The hull structure is complete and no visible distortion is found!"

"The power system is normal and the power output is stable!"

"The weapon system is normal, and there is no abnormal situation in the arsenal!"

"Everyone is in place, everything is OK-please give instructions from the big craftsman!"

Clotto in the cockpit yelled at the onboard radio and said, "All escorts, go!"


In a split second, dozens of flying motorcycles rose from the Skybreaker. These mini-comet flying motorcycles were specially designed for gnomes, but Croto rebuilt it based on Tang's design. , Turning the mini comet into a flying escort, specifically protecting the Skybreaker.

The size of the mini comet has increased by one circle, and the payload has also increased a lot. This allows the gnome driver who drives it to carry more weapons. The weapons are fully integrated into the body of the mini comet. Not only that, but also the increase Improved air-to-air machine guns, air-to-air missile launchers, air-to-ground bomb projectors, and more.

When Tang En saw these disgusting transformations, he was shocked.

These guys are completely building the Skybreaker as a spacecraft carrier, and at the same time designing the mini comet as a carrier aircraft!

Instead of going through the troubles of transforming a mini comet like this, it is better to use the design of a carrier-based aircraft directly.

It ’s just that I do n’t have time to comment on Tang En. When all the carrier-based motorcycles have been launched, the Skybreaker stopped moving, completely anchored in the sky above Burkeso, and the weapon system began to lock below. The enemy, and the safety of the Skybreaker itself, were all given to the ship-borne **** motorcycle.

"Don! The mutation of these chaotic believers has deepened! Solve them quickly!"

Angus yelled at the sky, attracting Tang En's attention, and seeing those chaotic believers covered in chaos, Tang En raised his eyebrows and shouted to Croto: "Below starboard, aim at An Gus, three rounds of bomber No. 2 missiles, launch! "

"Received! Flame Two missiles, three rounds of bombing-launch!"

"The missile is reloaded-launched!"

A gap was opened in the belly of the Skybreaker, and a black and thick cannon tube protruded from it. After locking the position of Angus, the cannon tube exploded with a thick and white smoke. Suddenly Angus looked.

Angus avoided the missile, three missiles blasted among the chaotic believers, followed by the fiery flames, and the huge shock wave roared in all directions.

Angus yelled angrily: "Where do you fight !?"

"Don't you say 'fire on me'?"

"You are absolutely intentional-damn it! Are you going to ruin Burkeso !?"

Angus looked down, and the street that was originally complete turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant!

"What are you talking about, Flame 2 is just an improved version of the fifth-order spell Purgatory Shock, it won't damage the entire city at all."

Angus was stunned: "You tell me that the huge lava pit below doesn't mean to destroy the city !?"

"At least Bulkeso is complete-eh?"

Tang En said quietly, "They're not dead yet."

Although the Chaos followers were hit by Flame Two, the improved fifth-order spell did not cause them much damage. The shield formed by the corrupted magic blocked most of the damage and allowed them to stand. The sea of ​​fire was also safe and sound.


The Chaos believers noticed Skybreaker, Qi Qiba launched an attack, and black-purple chaotic rays hit the Skybreaker.


The attack of Chaos Ray inspired the Skybreaker's shield, but Chaos Power is very corrosive to magic, and the strength of the shield is rapidly weakening.

At this time, the carrier-based **** team took the opportunity to launch an attack on the Chaos believers. The mini comet dived down from the air, and the improved machine gun "DaDaDa" sprayed the tongue of fire. The special warhead assembled on the Chaos believer exploded. Flames and frost echoed each other, quickly weakening the shields on them.

When the flying motorcycle dived to low altitude, the pilot dropped a bomb, and an emergency lift climbed back into the air again.

"Group One finishes throwing 'Black Hole One'!"


The power of the bomb is quite huge, but even more frightening is that this bomb is a special type of bomb, adding a part of the dust of the magic stone to the gunpowder. When the bomb explodes, the dust of the magic stone will flutter in the air for a short time. A magic vacuum zone is formed inside, which can cause instantaneous spell shield failure.

And when the spell shield failed, it was when the Chaos believers died-dense bullet rain poured from the sky, and the fierce warheads turned their bodies into a sieve!

"So amazing power!"

Angus was amazed: "Those dwarf drivers are ordinary people!"

That's right, although the fierce battle on the battlefield is now, and the chaotic believers below are completely suppressed, the dwarf pilots are ordinary dwarfs without magic and flesh. As the native race of Prandall, they They do not have a strong fighting force, they can only use their own brains and hands.

But it is such a race, and now relying on the tools at hand to chase believers who are comparable to the master or even extraordinary!

"It is planned to target the enemy's weaknesses, and this effect is normal."

Tang En waved his hands and squinted his eyes to watch the dwarf fighting. To his surprise, those dwarf pilots repeatedly used various incredible operations, such as the kid who just dropped a bomb at low altitude and urgent U-climbing— —The acceleration of that moment can even crush the head of a person. He didn't react at all?

Or is there any hidden secret in the dwarf?

"Normal? It's completely abnormal. If this weapon and strength were available during the Second Chaos Invasion War that year, I am afraid that Prandall will not be so miserable these years!"

Angus sighed, just about to complain, but suddenly remembered that these weapons used by the gnome are all developed by Tang En!

This guy, really decided from the beginning to get on the chaos bar?

Ignoring Angus' horror gaze, Tang En murmured after staring at the flying motorcycles for a while: "Using flying motorcycles as escorts, although convenient to operate, has a safety and tactical aspect for the pilot There is not much advantage. The design of the carrier-based aircraft may be better, but the pilot needs to be retrained, which takes a long time ... maybe, the easier to operate flying kinetic energy armor? "

Tang En flashed a gold and red figure in his mind, and couldn't help whispering in his heart.

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