Things from Another World

Chapter 829: Your **** shipborne gun! ? (For the first year of the new year, ask for a monthly pass

For these races in Prandall, the flightable kinetic energy armor is obviously easier to accept than the aircraft. The shape and driving style of the aircraft need to be completely trained from scratch, but as long as the kinetic energy armor is worn on the body, the combat method will basically not be The change is just an increase of its own strength and defense. It may not help the strong, but for the low-level apocalypse, and even for ordinary people, the kinetic energy armor can definitely increase the combat effectiveness.

What's more, the low-level apocalypse is inherently stronger than the earth people. When designing, you can consider those functions that far exceed the limit of human tolerance, and the increase in combat effectiveness is even stronger.

In terms of materials, the strength and performance of universal alloys are estimated to fully meet the needs of kinetic energy armor, and the power aspect can also be provided by magic modification, but it is obviously not that simple to build a kinetic energy armor that can be put into actual combat. Apart from that, how to achieve perfect assisted combat alone is a big problem-if it just enhances the defense, what is the difference from ordinary full-cover armor?

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The spell shock released by the chaotic believers blasted on the Skybreaker. The strength of the spell shield plummeted, and the ship sounded a screaming alarm, but Clotto did not order to avoid it-the huge hull was very difficult to avoid the attack Instead of struggling to avoid, it is better to fight back with a stronger attack.

"Suppressed by fire! Chief Officer! What about your mother-in-law's main gun !?"

Klotto cursed fiercely: "Get me out of it!"

Skybreaker opened a huge gap on the front side of the belly of the ship, followed by a thick and large 350 mm ship-borne main gun. After the main gun fell, it quickly locked the city below. Reloading ammunition again ...

"what is that?"

In the distance, Testero, who was still grieving in his own castle, suddenly saw a strange thing appearing in the sky, and immediately hesitated.


Sharp teeth glanced obliquely, with a strange smile: "I didn't expect that they even got the steamship of the gnome country?"

"Steam ship?"

"It's the product of gnome technology. It made the ship fly to the sky with a strange power ... Strange, how did it feel different from what I saw before?"

As soon as Sharp Teeth muttered, he saw a crowd of objects flying from the steamship.


Sharp teeth looked at the gnomes in amazement: "What is they riding? Can they fly in the sky?"

"Flying in the sky is not important!"

Testro said in shock: "They are attacking Chaos believers !?"

A well-known thing is that the dwarf itself has no fighting power. When encountering Warcraft, there is almost only a dead end. Not to mention Warcraft, even ordinary human teenagers can easily fight two.

But it was such a cowardly race that at this moment launched an attack on Chaos believers! ?

"Gods are on! What happened to them-that is His Excellency Tang En !?"

Only now did Tastro see Down in the sky: "His—he just opened the giant portal !?"

"It's only him or Angus who has this kind of strength. Ms. Ye Ye is a martial artist and she should not specialize in teleporting spells."

Sharp teeth frowned and looked at the empty street, and said decisively: "The chaotic believers over here have been killed, you go back to the palace, I will look over."

He also noticed that the death of the Chaos believers caused the remaining Chaos believers to become stronger and stronger. As a veteran who participated in the Second Chaos Invasion War, he intuitively told him that he must pay attention to this matter.

"I'll go as well!"

Testro stared at the Skybreaker. The King's intuition told him that he must get as much information as possible about this, otherwise it may cause a great disaster!

"That being the case, hide behind me, but don't die."

Sharp teeth laughed and rushed forward.


"That's ... Skybreaker?"

Ye Ye frowned slightly. During Ellington's days, she heard a lot of dwarf-related things, as well as the story of the Skybreaker.

It's just that every night obviously did not expect Skybreaker to appear here.

"Why did he bring the Skybreaker?"

Looking at Tang En in the sky every night, he pinched the head of a chaotic believer.

A black smoke drifted away and was quickly absorbed by several other chaotic believers.


The still-chaotic believer shouted in his mouth, and the twisted tentacles stabbed at Yeye quickly!

Every night flashed through their attack, glanced coldly, and the chaotic believers driven by the Red Lotus Knights were basically wiped out, leaving only the last three.

But these three are more troublesome than the previous dozens.

After absorbing a large amount of chaos, they have completely fallen into madness and become monsters very similar to chaotic creatures.

If they are forced to fight directly, they will immediately adjust their strength and become as strong as her.

By then, the orcs of the Red Lotus Knights will be wiped out as soon as possible.

Ye Ye said decisively: "I attracted their attention and you retreat immediately."

Ulduar was shocked: "But ma'am--"

Every night scolded: "No, but don't want me to die here, just roll away!"

"I, I see!"

Audulla gritted his teeth, and resolutely ordered: "All members, retreat!"

"Evacuate the city! Cover the civilians and stay as far away as possible!"

Every night, he deliberately released his power to attract the attention of the chaotic believers, allowing Uldurah to find their chance to escape.

After Ulduara had left their sight, the expressionless Ye Ye turned decisively and ran towards Nancheng District, where fighting still broke out.

And the three chaotic followers quickly followed.

Although they constantly release chaotic rays, chaotic light spheres, and even directly attack Yeye with twisted tentacles, they can be a legendary fighter. When Yeye does not want to let others touch themselves, it is absolutely impossible for them to attack her. of.

Like a butterfly wearing flowers, she dodged in an intensive attack and quickly approached her destination ...


"Sister, what is that?"

"Skybreaker, a weapon developed by Master Croto and Down-called my sister!"

"Is it amazing?"

"It should be very powerful. It is said that during the battle in the Broken Isles, I worked hard-call me sister!"

"My sister has enemies."

Coco was immediately distracted, and the sisters walked hand in hand in the ruins of Burkeso, where they turned completely into lava ruins.

However, they also found that the strength of Chaos believers is getting stronger and stronger. They can be killed immediately from the beginning, and now even need two or three attacks to kill them.

Fortunately, as their strength is getting stronger and stronger, their brains are getting harder and harder. Facing their attacks, the deeply corrupted chaos believers do not know how to dodge at all, only know that they are bumping against each other, and they contain The flames of divine power have a strong effect on them, so the cocoa and vanilla sisters are safe so far.

Since they were not given two combat areas at the beginning, they just followed up to pick up leaks. Their area was now swept away and there were no enemies.

It's just that their indiscriminate attacks were too fierce, all the streets burned along the way melted, and the neighborhood became ruins.


"Sink !?"

Seeing that the ship's main gun was moving, even Angus was shocked: "Clotto is angry!"

The 350mm caliber shipborne gun was a weapon designed and developed for warships by the Datang Maneng Military Factory in the Black Rock Caves before the Battle of the Broken Isles. The strike range was between 10 and 40 kilometers, and it was a powerful weapon. Dedicated cannonball with a wide range of damage.

When performing beyond-horizon battles on battleships, the control method is achieved by combining the eyes of arcane and detection to lock the target, and fine-tuning the orbit through a small magic array.

But in air-to-ground battles, obviously it doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as the target is locked from the air and then bombarded directly.

After feeling the truth that big is beautiful in that battle, Croto decisively joined the multi-turret theology, and in a blink of an eye, he improved the weapons used on the battleship to the Skybreaker. For this purpose, the Skybreaker was redesigned almost from the inside out. Not only the center of gravity needs to be recalculated, the adjustment of the structure, the placement of the ammunition depot, the redistribution of the load, etc., is very complicated.

But that couldn't stop Croto's enthusiasm.

In the end, such an air mobile combat platform equipped with a variety of short, medium, long, air-to-air and ground-to-air weapons was born.

Now, it is clear that Klotto intends to make a fierce battle in the capital of the Rennes Empire!

The ammunition of the ship-borne main gun is huge and production is relatively difficult, so a total of three were prepared for the entire Skybreaker.

They did not expect to use it for the first time after the repair.

After loading the ammunition, all the gnome lay on the ground and covered their ears—


A loud noise ripped through the sky like a thunderbolt, and the deafening sound was like the roar of a dragon. The 350 mm caliber shell almost blew out of Burkeso at the moment it was released!

This is a missile carrying an eighth-order spell singularity blast. Because it is a complete eighth-order spell that is not controlled, its power is extremely terrible!

The circle of chaotic believers in the center of the bombardment was spared. The power of the singularity explosion shattered the shields of the chaotic believers, the sharp shrapnel shredded their bodies, and the hot heat burned their flesh!

The horrible shock flattened everything in Burkeso in an instant, tens of thousands of tons of dirt were lifted up, the earth and rocks were shocked into dust by the impact of arcane, and the sky was covered with smoke and dust, which floated for thousands of meters. The Skybreaker has been severely impacted!

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