Things from Another World

Chapter 830: The end of Burkeso

The sharp teeth and Testro's complexion that had just come over to take a closer look at the situation.

Sharp teeth pressed Testro behind him: "This is a gnome lunatic! Hurry up!"

Testro exclaimed, and burst into tears: "My Burkeso!"

However, their voices were overwhelmed by the sound of the explosion, and thick smoke swept through, covering both of them in the dust.

Fortunately, with sharp teeth guarding, Testero will not be fatally injured, but the wolverine is inevitable.

On the other side, Ye Ye, who was dragged by three deeply corrupted chaotic believers, saw the thick and big cannon tube as soon as she looked up. Based on her understanding of Tang En, she made the right thing right away. Choice-decisively rushed directly below the barrel with the monster!

"Every night !?"

"Master Angus, hurry up!"


There was a loud noise in the sky, but it disappeared from the spot every night.

But even so, she flashed hundreds of meters away, but she received a strong impact, and was lifted hundreds of meters away by the shock wave.

Angus was even more unlucky. He had no intention of running away at all, thinking that he would not be afraid of the spell armor on him. Who knows that missile explosions have physical damage in addition to spell damage, and the speed of the shrapnel is even scarier after being hit by the spell. Would the mixed damage after the stack be so terrible?

Angus's spell armor was almost cut off, dense shrapnel rubbed past him, several shrapnel rubbed against him. Fly down, the old man in a hurry clamped his legs to hide in the sky .

Fortunately, they are all legendary powers. Although the power of the eighth-order spell is powerful, it will not cause them fatal injuries, just looking a little scalp.

The hot dust rushed in all directions, and the entire Burkeso shivered under this missile. The hot smoke and dust were as red as blood-stained. The ground lit by the two saints was also shocked and shattered in all directions, burning. A lava storm hit the entire city.

Burkeso burned completely, and when the shock subsided, two hundred percent here would turn into a ruin.

"Ah ha ha ha ha--"

Croto laughed and waved the walkie-talkie up and down: "My friend! How is it !? Are all those monsters dead !?"

"It's all dead, it's terrible."

"The Skybreaker is awesome !?"

"It must be great."

Tang En's mouth slightly tilted, although at the beginning he thought about the black hand to dismantle Burkeso to force Testero to move the capital, but he didn't think how to start to clear his suspicion and saw the break After the Skyman, he came up with a good idea.

This 350-mm carrier-borne artillery bombarded, and the uncontrolled eighth-order spell completely destroyed Burkeso, including the mansion he just rebuilt and hadn't even had time to live for a few days, and the church of the Vulture — —Although the Vulcan court was originally a poor force, it is not guaranteed that the old guy of Imir will take advantage of this opportunity to make a big claim.

If Tastro really asks afterwards, Tang En can say that I am also very wronged-hasn't my home been bombed? It is because the power of the dwarf technology is too powerful and cannot be controlled, it is not that we intend to destroy it!

Thinking of this, Tang En couldn't help but praise his wit.

However, in order to protect the residents outside the city, Tang En opened a giant magic enchantment, limiting the power of the explosion to the city's interior.

"So I'll just say it," Croto said proudly. "You should call me an expert like this for demolition--"

"Shh ..."

Tang En hissed, "I didn't tell you anything, and you didn't do anything. We just wanted to destroy chaotic believers, right?"

Croto laughed aloud: "I understand, I understand ... Well, we have wasted a lot of valuable resources in order to destroy chaotic believers. Although we came to support the Rennes Empire out of humanitarianism, these resources can be It is not used free of charge. After finishing the war, it must be reimbursed by the Rennes Empire. If you do not want to pay in gold, you can offset it with mineral resources or corresponding policy preferences ... right? "


Tang En was relieved, and Clotto was so relieved to understand the central idea so quickly.

"But don't be too early."

Tang En stared at the increasingly gloomy sky, his eyes sharpened: "The battle is not over yet."

"Does the gate of chaos? Hum, come on, but we are ready!"

Croto smiled wildly and adjusted the position of Skybreaker, and the bow of the ship aimed at the place where the atmosphere of chaos gathered.

"Cough, cough--"

The thick smoke dispersed, a cough sounded under the dust, followed by a crackling sound, and the sharp teeth of "electric sparks" flew out of the ruins, and it was he who was caught beside him. Testero.

"Gods are on!"

Sharp teeth exclaimed: "Burkeso is over!"

Testro looked up, and suddenly burst into the brain with blood, almost fainted on the spot-he would rather faint on the spot!

Even better if this is a nightmare!

Unfortunately, this is reality.

Burkeso ...

Can consider moving the capital.

Burkeso is really over. Before being hit by the forces of Sharptooth, Angus, Yeye, Tang En, and even two saints, it was already in danger, but in the end, the gnome's Skybreaker again The sky gave the city a bit of ruthlessness-what you need to know is that the uncontrolled eighth-order spells are added to the missiles launched by the ship's main gun, and it is impossible to control the power to affect only an area like Tang En.

This missile went down, and the entire Burkeso completely turned into a huge shock crater from the center to the surroundings, and the buildings in the city were all shattered into fragments.

That's right, the battle was fought, and the kings of the Rennes Empire disappeared directly from the map.

After getting the alarm, they tried their best to evacuate the people, and the residents who were lucky enough to survive with the help of the legendary powerhouses were still shocked. They were suddenly dragged into the sky by an invisible force and then thrown out. Cities-To move millions of people out of cities in just ten minutes, can ordinary methods work? Ghosts know what they just experienced!

But now looking at the ruins in front of them, they know what they are going to experience-Burkeso is dead, and their property in Burkeso naturally disappears and disappears. The so-called return to liberation overnight means that This is the case now.

Losing their home and property, their bewildered expressions became a true portrayal of these people at the moment.

"Compensation! Compensation must be obtained! They ruined our home!"

These are some people who are more emotional.

"But without their help, we might not even have life now."

This is a more sane part.

"Without them, maybe the Red Lotus Knights would be able to solve them? The damage would not be so terrible ... wouldn't they have done it on purpose?"

This is skeptical of the truth.

"Isn't this the battle of the strong? You have lived in peace for a long time. Maybe you haven't seen the strong who really shot with all his power? Let alone Burkeso, the entire Kerger Mountain will be razed Flat ground. Master Sharp Teeth, they do not hesitate to choose to save us, we should be grateful to them, not blame them. "

"Yes, if we were saved but condemned, who would come to save us if we were in danger in the future? What's more, what qualifications do we have to challenge them?

These are smart people who choose to explain the problem from the side.

In Prendall, the weak have no right to speak, but because everyone belongs to the people of God, and the external crisis (Chaos Invasion War) caused the internal solidarity to become the mainstream voice, they are restrained from expanding each other. Desire, which gave them certain conversational qualifications.

But if you want the strong to do things according to their own ideas, you can only say toonaive.

"Find our king! Yes! You should find our king!"

Then suddenly someone came to realize: "As a king, Your Majesty's Blood Eyes should protect our safety and property, but now our home is gone, we can only ask His Majesty to discuss it!"

This child, you have an idea, but you underestimate the filth of politics ...

"We ... wait! Gods are on! What is it !?"

"My God! That, that, that is the gate of chaos!"

Seeing the chaotic gate of more than twenty meters in diameter appearing in the sky, the reddish plain below fainted on the spot.

"The Door of Chaos actually appeared here, it was dead. This time it was really dead. It is impossible to survive!"

"Even if we have a sharp tooth master, he cannot save everyone!"

"Why is there a gate of Chaos !? Wasn't the original war on the distant southern coast? Why is there a gate of Chaos here?"

"The men in black who just appeared in the city must be them! They have an ominous breath around them!"

The atmosphere of despair permeated the entire community, and all residents of Burkeso did not think they could survive, even if the Red Lotus Knights and Burkeso's soldiers had been working hard to maintain order and continue to evacuate the crowd.

The only vitality now is to flee. The farther you can escape, the better-but how far can your legs run?

The Door of Chaos has been opened. Sharptooth, Angus, Yeye, and Cocoa and Vanilla have all come to the Skybreaker, and their mood is quite bad.

"How to do?"

Sharp teeth murmured: "There aren't enough reinforcements now ..."

Angus glanced at Dunn, then relieved, and said to Sharp Teeth, "Relax with him."


Sharp Teeth didn't know what Tang En could do.

Staring at the chaos gate where chaotic creatures had begun, Tang En's eyes were extremely sharp: "Are the special missiles ready?"

Croto laughed, "Wait for serving them!"

"Then launch it!"

The hull trembled and shot thickly and violently, and slammed into the door of chaos!

Followed by a loud bang, the whole sky changed ...

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