Things from Another World

Chapter 831: Anyone richer than me is a tyrant!

The just opened door of chaos has not existed for a long time, and was shot in by a shell of the Skybreaker, and then the horrible explosion swept the entire sky, and the violent magic swept through like an hurricane, even Angus The rising shields were crumbling.

With the addition of sharp teeth and Yeye, the Skybreaker stabilized.

In order to protect the civilians below, Tang En could not reach out at this time.

The chaotic creature that has just crossed the gate of chaos has not yet landed, and his body is torn by the turbulent space, turning into a chaos atmosphere and returning to the gate of chaos.

The power of a landslide and tsunami brought terrible coercion. Even with the protection of Nora and Down, the orcs and civilians on the green plain below still had a hard time resisting this shock. The wave just passed out They all fell down afterwards-but they should be thankful, at least just fainted. If it wasn't for Tang En's helping hand, they would all die here.

After the magic tide passed, the sharp teeth of the body were re-stabilized and looked up, and then suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw that the door of chaos, which had just spread the terrible breath in the sky, disappeared in a blink of an eye!

It's so fast! ?

The door of chaos is gone, replaced by a dense cobweb-like space fissure. Behind the broken space fissure is a continuous flow of terrible energy. The inexplicable twisted color makes people dizzy.

Although the broken sky looks very stingy, at least it is better than the Gate of Chaos, at least it will not gush out those disgusting chaos.

"This, how did this happen !?"

Sharp teeth panicked: "It's so easy to close the door of chaos!"

For the sharp teeth who have experienced the chaotic invasion war in person, it is an incredible miracle to close the door of chaos so easily!

If there was such a power in the first place, how could that war kill so many people! ?

Angus laughed: "So you don't have to worry about him, His Excellency Tang En is an expert in dealing with chaos."

"No no no, my question is how did he do it !?"

The place where the sharp teeth are tangled is obviously how Tang En blew up that chaotic door. If he can master this technology, he will find other chaotic doors in the country and he can easily solve the problem.

"It's simple. You need special weapons to deal with special enemies."

Tang En came over with a smile, with a slight apology on his face: "It's just that the power of this weapon is a bit difficult to control ... so I'm sorry."

The subtext is that Burkeso may not be able to keep it, and this is to help you. No matter what happens, you can't blame me. Don't think too much.

"Special weapon? What special law?"

"Trade secrets, no comment."

Tang En stopped the sharp-toothed curiosity in a word.

After confirming that there are no Chaos believers in the city, and the door of Chaos has been completely closed, the Skybreaker roared and landed on the plain next to it. A group of gnome quietly ran out of the side door and got into In the crater of Burkeso ...

Looking at the coma and the millions of residents around the city, Testero wanted to do nothing and passed out.

With so many people and so many mouths, there is no city now, and eating alone is a huge problem, even if he is a king?

"Master Father!"

At this time, Ursa and Montgomern ran over with a group of people, and then Tang En saw Testero surrounded by a group of Ursad bear women, probably his wife and concubine. Look at the pair. Stance, this orc king's harem is not a bad job.

Ursa gathered in the past and whispered, "The palace is completely ruined. Although the basement is well-preserved, those gold coins and jewels cannot be eaten."

Montgo Kahn shrugged: "Even the city is gone, there is a ghost in the palace ..."

Just a hundred followers of Chaos Theology has turned the huge Burkeso into a ruin, which shows the destructive power of Chaos Theology.

After struggling to soothe his wives and concubines, Testro, who was in a mess, said, "The most important thing right now is to solve the food problem. Although Rift Valley is not far away, so many people will eat there. Dead City! The city of Krčinas, which is the closest to Burkeso, is also three days away, but there is no way to accommodate the influx of millions of people, and we must find a way to divert-"

At this time, Don stood up without hesitation: "Your Majesty Tastro, I may be able to help you solve the problems you are facing now."

"Your Majesty Tang En? What better way do you have !?"

Testeroming knew that it was a very dangerous time. Down was the king of the Illus Empire. He couldn't trust him completely, but he had no choice but to rely on others now.

Otherwise, how to solve the food of millions of orcs!

Tang En smiled on his face: "Don't forget, I am not only a regent, but also a magician, but also a magician with space equipment and ultra-long range teleportation."

Testro's eyes brightened, but then quickly dimmed: "So what, these are millions of mouths, not a hundred people."

No matter what the problem, zooming in a million times on the base is enough to make people crazy.

These residents' food, as well as property, could blow Testero's head off.

But these residents are not yet the biggest losers in this battle ...

"You don't need to worry about it, all in all, I have a way to help you solve this problem, and even help you rebuild Burkeso-"

"Your Majesty Tastro! You must explain to us what this is like !?"

As soon as Tang En was about to throw out his wishful thinking, a group of goblin goblins ran over. They seemed to be awake faster, and they found Testereau's account for the first time.

When Testero saw the goblin headed by him, he suddenly had a headache: "Lord Lavez, you must understand that this is an emergency, not our reason ..."

Lavitz Pistons exclaimed with a sharp voice: "You are shirk! Yes! Shirk responsibility! Because of this terrible accident, all of our Star Diamond Bank investments in Burkeso have been thrown away! You Do you know what a huge sum of money this is? We have to report to Headquarters what happened here and re-evaluate all investment projects in the Rennes Empire-because the investment environment here is really terrible! "

"Her Raviz, you are so excited!"

Testro panicked. "You better calm down."

"Calm !?" Raviz screamed suddenly. "Now Burkeso has been blown up into a big pit. Tell me to calm down !? The Diamond Empire Rennes Division is completely destroyed, at least Hundreds of millions of gold coins were lost, you told me to calm me !? Our great goblin was rescued by a group of leprosy patients. You told me to calm me !? "

"Hey, what do you mean by that big green-eared monster?"

Klotto was upset immediately: "I have been very restrained and did not ridicule you on the spot. You dare to speak out to the benefactor!"

"shut up!"

Lavitz jumped up and screamed: "Given the current cold diplomatic situation of our two sides, I have every reason to suspect that you intentionally destroyed the Star Diamond Bank branch!"

Croto blew his whistle, sorted out his soaring crown in an indifferent manner, and said proudly: "You are just speculation, there is no evidence, I can tell you with certainty that we are fighting Believers in Chaos have no choice but to use a weapon of mass destruction under development. Unfortunately, this weapon is too powerful and cannot be controlled, so that the entire Burkeso is affected—oh, of course, it also includes a certain What inexplicable banking branch ... "

"Intentional! You are definitely intentional!"

Raviz's mind was congested, and the group of bank employees beside him were filled with indignation. They rolled up their sleeves and started to work.

"A fight? I am here!"

Croto said strangely, with a wave of his hand, a group of dwarf soldiers riding a mini comet flew on the Skybreaker's deck. They were carrying assault rifles with special warheads.

There were also a few madly carrying out the experimental model of the magic energy electromagnetic cannon, that shot, I am afraid that even the gold-level apocalypse can not carry it, let alone these goblins.

Although they did not know what the weapon was in their hands, Raviz still controlled his urge to fly across the sky in the opposite direction, he could not touch it, how to fight! ?

After calming down, Raviz simply ignored Clotto and said to Tastro: "Given this terrible attack, we must get a reasonable explanation and compensation! As for the later investment projects, we must reconsider Only. "

"Compensation? That's impossible."

Testero was furious: "Who do I seek compensation for?"

Raviz said for granted: "Of course it was the one who broke the compensation."

Testro subconsciously looked at the sharp teeth, and the sharp teeth stared. Do you dare ask me for compensation? The wings are stiff, right? ?

The great king immediately persuaded, and then his eyes fell on Angus.

Angus said lightly, "You all saw it, I didn't destroy the city."

Testro did see it, so he looked at Cocoa and Vanilla ...

Damn these two are virgins!

So he jumped over the two maidens and saw Ye Ye.

Every night she raised her eyebrows: "I'm just a maid, and I have something to tell my master."

the host?

When Testro's eyes brightened, why did he forget this tyrant?

Although the Illus Empire is a poor force in the human kingdom, it is at least richer than the Rennes Empire!

Anyone richer than me is a tyrant!

However, when Tastro invested his eager gaze on Tang En, he suddenly became clever and froze.

Because he saw the same eager gaze from Tang En's eyes.

Suddenly an ominous hunch!

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