Things from Another World

Chapter 832: Down's Passion

"Your Majesty Tang En, you and your maid helped each other in the past ..."

Just as Tastro spoke, Tang En suddenly said eagerly: "Your Majesty Tastro, this crisis in your country has been successfully passed, but in order to help your country, we have made a great deal this time. The cost of the weapon is still under study. Everyone can see that the power is extremely great and the effect is very good. "

"I know this, so because cities are too powerful--"

Tang En interrupted his words and said quickly: "Yes? Because this weapon is still in the experiment, the cost is very high, but for the sake of fighting against chaos together, I can give you a preferential price. Only 10 million gold coins will do. "

Lying down! ?

"As for the additional teleporters' long-range support, individual **** cover, high-altitude reconnaissance, etc., all are included in the combat package. This time, I will give you a special discount, a 10% discount, plus ammunition fees, and the total commission will be 50 million. A gold coin, you can transfer money and cash, and give 20% off coupons for praise. "

Tang En looked at Testerrow eagerly, and his expression was clearly saying, "Helping you fight against such a powerful enemy of chaos, but as long as you have such a gold coin, it is super affordable, so you pay for it quickly".

Testro was instantly aggressive.

Lying down! ?

Shouldn't I claim compensation! ?

How suddenly it turned out that he demanded payment of war money! ?

Having said that, did you say at the time that this was a hire operation? ?

When did this guy's position change from the initial humanitarian support to the role of a mercenary! ?

"Wait, please, is there something wrong with His Excellency Tang En?"

Testero had to hurriedly stop Don, if he allowed him to continue, I'm afraid he would have another inexplicable creditor.

"Well? Is there any question about the price? Please be assured that we are responsible war agents. Yours will be listed by you in detail. Check and pay the bills. After all, when we do this kind of business, we usually require on-site settlement. "

"Okay, I see-that's strange!"

Testro was suddenly anxious and said cheekily: "You have vented your power to ruin my city and you should pay me compensation!"

"Oh so?"

Tang En smiled at Tastro: "But you seem to have forgotten who introduced the enemy to Burkeso in the first place? I think the residents here will surely destroy who will destroy their lives into this. Looks interested. "

When Testerrow heard the cold sweat, he took a stab, and if the Groma scandal was known to them, the future of the Bloodeye Clan would be dim and the glory of the royal family would completely disappear.

So he persuaded: "Her Tang En has something to say!"

"Then check it out."

"Please be assured that I will end up--"

As Testero said, Raviz, who was silent next to him, couldn't sit still: "Your Majesty, there is our compensation!"

Lying down!

Testero is crazy, co-authored by you, you played a game in Lao Tzu's city and destroyed Lao Tzu's city. Finally, I have to pay for it! ?

Even more outrageous is the Star Diamond Bank. You obviously are the rescued party, so you still have a face to come over to claim! ?

If they really agree to their claim for compensation, it means that in this battle, he will somehow have two more creditors, and they are all of a kind that can't be upset at all.

Testro fears to be the biggest loser in this battle.

"Her Excellency, your request is quite unreasonable. You are the rescued party and you should pay us a rescue fee."

Testro learned a little experience from Down, and immediately used it. If Star Diamond Bank can be transformed from a debtor to a debtor, not only will his economic pressure be much less, but he will also be able to obey They got a lot of money in their hands, and the reconstruction of Burkeso needed much money.

"You want us to pay for the rescue operation, right?"

Lavitz looked coldly at Tastro: "No problem, we give, but then our Star Diamond Bank will also fully withdraw from the markets of all cities in the Rennes empire. All existing investment projects will be terminated for at least 100 years. No longer will the Rennes investment project be considered. "

"Please do not do this!"

I lay down on your knees for the tyrants, please don't go!

Testero really gave Raviz to his knees. The orcs were not very good at economic aspects. The domestic economic development was supported by these goblins. If they leave the Rennes empire, I am afraid the whole Empire's economy will collapse completely!

Tang Enzhi pouted, was he the only one who could tell that Raviz was just bluffing?

The more fixed investment in a place, the lower the probability of actively terminating or canceling the investment, because the losses will be very huge. For Star Diamond Bank, the investment here must see a return, but a huge amount of investment has been made in the early stage. After funding, but suddenly gave up the market ... this is unreasonable.

Because of this, goblins are also a group of profit-making wealthy fans. They have always done only money-making work, and never lose money.

Based on Tang's understanding of the goblin, if he didn't guess wrong, I am afraid that these small files found the current situation, and decided to come over to Tastro to see if they could make a fortune. ...

As for the destroyed Star Diamond Bank in Burkeso? What's that?

The vault of Star Diamond Bank is located underground, and it is protected by the magic enchantment set by the Dragon observer. The previous explosions and battles could not destroy the vault at all.

In other words, the loss of hundreds of millions of gold coins that Raviz said did not exist at all from the beginning.

Although Tang En was very clear, Tastro couldn't afford to gamble!

If the Star Diamond Bank really divested its investment, where would he cry?

Because of his mentality, Raviz has taken the initiative.

After discovering that it was really profitable, Raviz's eyes narrowed and he was quite happy, but on the surface he still looked indifferent.

Don't want us to go? Wow, pay for it!


Seeing this little file getting more and more excessive, in the pit of Levy's idea, Tang En gave a cough, and pretended to say inadvertently: "I remember that the vaults at the Star Diamond Bank have magic knots of dragons Is the world protected? As long as the previous attack was not a frontal attack targeting the Star Diamond Bank, the aftermath should not be able to destroy the dragon's enchantment ... "

Raviz: "!!!"


Testerrow came to his senses, and of course he knew about it, but what happened just now was too amazing, so he did n’t have time to think about the details at all. As a result of what Tang En reminded, Tester Roma knew himself Fell into a blind spot.

"Sir Lavez !?"

Testro exclaimed: "I want to know what you mean?"

"whispering sound!"

Raviz slipped his lips and dispelled the scum, saying, "Our Star Diamond bank's real estate investment, shops and bank branch in Burkeso have been destroyed. What do you mean by me?"

"Those properties don't add up to that much at all!"

As soon as Tastro spoke, Don couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, isn't that giving up the initiative again ...

Raviz said with a sharp angle, "The real estate is in the prime area of ​​Burkeso. Although Burkeso has not yet developed, we are quite optimistic about the long-term development potential here, so our investment experts believe that these assets The value is considerable ... or does Your Majesty Tastro's long-term plan for Burkeso fail to meet investors' expectations? "

This guy is so insidious!

Tang En couldn't help looking at Raviz, and these words kept pushing and pushing, not only regaining his initiative, but even defeating Tastro.

If you do not recognize the value of these properties, it is equivalent to not recognizing the value of Burkeso. At the same time, you have denied your governing ability and long-term planning goals for the city. On the other hand, it is equivalent to smashing the investment. If Tastro's immediate goal is to admit it, I'm afraid he won't turn around anymore.


Tang En spoke again, and said very enthusiastically to Tastro: "Your Majesty Tastro, if you want, we can first charge the account and are willing to provide you with residential support services at a very favorable price. At the same time, we also provide construction assistance services. Our Datang civil builders will have rich construction experience and can help you build a new king city in the shortest time. There are also elves, dwarfs, humans, orcs. You can choose from a variety of urban styles, including style, modernism, fantasy, ultra-modernism, and mashup style. "

"Not only the city style, we also provide comprehensive and comprehensive modern city supporting services, which can carefully build a complete water supply and drainage project, environmental greening project, as well as urban municipality, transportation network ..."

"Of course, these are not free services. The more services you need, the more expensive the price will be, but we provide a personalized service that is very user-friendly. You can formulate the required items according to your ideas and charge according to the items. , The price is absolutely clear. "

"As for what project you need, I think I can wait to take you to Ellington, where our Datang Chamber of Commerce headquarters is located, and you will have an expectation for the new king."

Tang En, who was enthusiastic about selling for a long time, finally threw out his true purpose: "It is also worth mentioning that although the cost of assisting in the construction of Wangdu is expensive, we can provide a credit method ... or replace it with resources. Way to trade. "

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