Things from Another World

Chapter 833: You guys tooyou

Mr. Tester was stunned by what Tang En said. How did the character change?

I was just a mercenary leader, and soon became a salesman engaged in civil construction?

But what he said ...

Testro couldn't help asking: "How long will it take you to rebuild a king near here?"

Tang En raised a finger.

Lavitz said disdainfully, "Ten years? Too long! Our people only need half the time, His Majesty Tastro, if you want, you can choose our recommended partner of Star Diamond Bank!"

Tang En shook his head.

Testero was taken aback: "One year !? So fast !?"

In a year, we can build a city of the previous size. This speed is really fast! Looking at the entire Prandall, which of the existing large cities did not take decades or hundreds of years to build-except for cities with magicians.

Tang En smiled and said, "You are still too conservative."

"Can it be ... a month !? How is this possible !?"

Testero looked at Don in disbelief: "Unless there are a lot of magicians, but now the magicians-"

Although he was a magician, it was impossible for him to do such a thing. A king, or a magician, ran to build a house and said that it was not shameful to go out!

At least Tastro asked himself if he could do such a thing.

Angus, who had never spoken, said suddenly, "His Lord Tang has already included a lot of wild mages, and the wizards of the Silver City can be called at any time."

"Really !?"

Angus's words immediately made Testro's heart hot. If this is the case, then he can cooperate with Tang En!

Rebuilding King City in just one month will save those residents of Burkeso from homelessness in the shortest time, as well as his precarious approval rating And prestige.

"You guys, after all, I'm still too young and have no idea. If I really need that long time, how can I open up to talk to you about cooperation, my people don't waste so much time here, and I don't need silver Foreign aid in the city. "

Tang En shook his head and said, "One week, at most, only one week can give you a brand new king city. Not only can it accommodate millions of people, but also it has a reasonable plan and the design concept is absolutely ahead of the entire Prandall."

"one week!?"

Both Testro and Lavitz exclaimed in silence.

In one week, build a king city that can accommodate millions of people and can expand in the future! ?

how can that be!

Even if a magician joins the construction, it is absolutely impossible to complete such a huge project in a week!

He is absolutely bragging!

This is absolutely impossible!

Not only the two of them, but even Angus and Clotto were a little surprised, because what Dunn said was really amazing.

It is true that the construction efficiency of the dwarf construction team is very high. With the assistance of the wild mage, the construction efficiency can be further advanced, but after all, the amount of work is placed there. In any case, it is impossible to build a building that can accommodate millions of people. City!

"you are lying!"

Raviz screamed: "This is simply impossible! Do you think you are a **** !?"

Let the non-faith goblin come up with a metaphor to see how much Tang En's words had impacted him.

"Did you lie, just know the facts when you see it."

Tang En's indifferent look: "I'm just talking about cooperation with His Majesty Tastro, and I won't force him if he doesn't want to cooperate-"

Before Tangn finished speaking, Testero said decisively, "I promised!"


Tang En smiled: "I promised before I heard the specific conditions. Don't you regret it?"

"Now I have a headache for the food of this million people. I can't solve the problem. If you can solve it, I will continue to talk to you about the next construction project."

Testerrow went online at this moment, but did not immediately promise Tang En, but instead threw him a rather realistic question. Not only can he see a part of his strength, but also give himself a little time to think about Tang En deeper. intention.

Tang En nodded and said, "Since that is the case, I will stop talking nonsense. I will go here ... Clotto, Angus, I will leave it to you for the time being. I will monitor it and assist the Red Lotus Knights and Bourke. Som's guards maintain order and don't let those refugees stir up. "


Tang En instantly tore the space and disappeared.

"Your Majesty, do you believe he can do it?"

Raviz questioned Testero's decision in person: "Without doubt, he must be bragging. No one in the world can do that kind of thing except the gods."

Sharp teeth said lightly: "If it is really a deity, it won't take a week."

Raviz hurried: "Master Sharptooth, don't you think he can really do it?"

"Try anyway without money."

Sharp Teeth shrugged: "Isn't he saying he can credit?"

Raviz was more anxious.

Why is it urgent?

This is not very obvious. If Tang En can confidently fold such cards from these populations, they can estimate the probability of the project's success, and can also calculate the benefits. If it can be done, it means The Star Diamond Bank can easily loan to Tastro, after Tester repaid the transaction amount of Tang En, the remaining time can slowly work for Star Diamond Bank to earn money and interest.

Is there a more stable way to earn money than lending to the king of a country? As long as the country does not collapse, there is no need to worry about losing money.

But the most important thing now is that these people have not spoken the key information, and no one knows why Tang En is so confident.

Well, the support of Wild Mage, Gene, and Silver City may be considered as one of the hole cards, but they just said that he doesn't need the help of Silver City!

This makes Lavez unable to evaluate Tang En's strength at all. The risk of uncertainty is too great. How dare you invest?

It was only a little while in the past that Tang En reappeared, but this time when he came over, he brought a group of people, all of whom seemed to be wearing magic capes.

These magicians are all flying in the sky.

With his mouth wide open, Tastro had a look of disappointment: "More than fifty wild masters of gold or even gold !?"

Flying is a fourth-order spell. Isn't mastering a fourth-order spell a golden magician?

"No, some of them are silver magicians."

Angus shook his head and said, "It's just that they are wearing a cloak of constant flying."

"A cloak of constant, constant flying !? So many more !?"

Even Raviz was jealous now. The magical equipment that has constant flying skills is a big hit. Often, he can sell a good price in the auction house. One is because everyone has the desire to fly freely. The aspect is also because of the great role of flight in adventure and combat.

What's more, the magic cloaks with constant flying can also use their goblins.

Suddenly there were so many magical cloaks with constant flying skills, why didn't Raviz jealous?

Even if he has the opportunity to take the special express service of Dragon Observer, he can fly freely!

With the envious and jealous gaze of Lavitz, the wild wizards in cloaks quickly dispersed, and immediately they saw that they had found the head of the patrol team in each area, and then whispered a few words in the open space next to Just as many cans appeared on the hill!

Canned foods have been brought here by merchants long ago. Although they are rare, they are not particularly rare, but such huge quantities of canned foods are very rare.

Even more shocking ...

Testro and Lavitz exclaimed, "Space equipment !?"

Even sharp teeth exclaimed: "And everyone has it !?"

Croto scowled and said, "Fuss."

Space equipment is really not rare now in Ellington. In his spare time, Tang En made a lot of space equipment by using the astral cube on his hand. Rings, wrists, pockets, necklaces, everything.

Those who perform well and become management personnel can get a space equipment. Although some people get a small amount of space inside the space equipment, as long as they continue to work hard, they can get more space equipment.

Ten of the best performers of the year can get a space ring that Tang En personally made and enchanted, which can almost become a status symbol, which has become one of the important reasons for those people in Ellington to struggle upward.

After the hill-like cans appeared, there were piles of oak barrels, filled with delicious ale and a lot of bacon.

These foods are enough for the refugees to go through the most difficult first day, and more food will be delivered one by one tomorrow.

For Tang En ’s plan to overtake Burkeso, this time, Fiona mobilized the power of the Datang Chamber of Commerce throughout the Illus Empire to bring together redundant stocks of food from all parts of the country without affecting food prices. .

After the food was in place, the patrol and the Knights were busy immediately. A lot of food and drinking water and beer were removed. After the unconscious orcs woke up, they began to ration according to the wartime control. .

At this time, Tang En came to Testro with a faint smile and said meaningfully: "The food on the first day has been arranged, so can we start discussing the construction assistance?"

"Of course, no problem!"

Testro promised Don without hesitation.

Now whoever can help him in a hurry is the boss, and what insidious intentions will be in it ... leave him so much!

The so-called bare-footed ones are not afraid of wearing shoes, anyway, the Rennes empire was already clanging poorly, so he was not afraid of any calculations.

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