Things from Another World

Chapter 834: The pit has been dug, please close your eyes and jump

In the temporary hut, Tastro met Fiona, who had taken off his cloak.

Fiona gave a courteous manner and said, "Hello, Her Majesty Tastro, I am Fiona, the director of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and the chief executive of Her Majesty Tang En. It will be up to me about the cooperation It is solely responsible for the negotiations. "

Just as the wild mages resettled the refugees, Fiona took the opportunity to secretly meet with the dwarf expert who came to explore and got a good news.

This is indeed a huge gigantic hematite with a huge scale that cannot be detected at all-this means that it is almost impossible to mine here at the current level!

With the rapid development of metallurgical technology, and the rapid development of Ellington, coupled with the hot sales of various magical machinery, now the amount of universal alloys consumed by Ellington every day is quite scary. The production capacity of the mine can no longer meet the needs of Ellington, and now Ellington has begun to import iron ore from other regions to synthesize universal alloys.

Because the mining efficiency in other places cannot be compared with that of Ellington, this hot sale has led to a further increase in the price of the already expensive iron ore. The rise in the price of ore has seriously affected the production costs. Now Fiona is Headaches in this regard.

Tang En has become the regent of the Illus Empire. The mines that originally belonged to the Spade family have been successfully recovered, but those mines have not yet completed the transformation of new technologies, so the production capacity is still low-you must admit Reconstructing an existing mine is more difficult than reopening a mine with new technology. Just to figure out those complicated mines, laying transportation rails in it is quite troublesome.

If at this time you can own a large iron ore of your own and fully use the latest technology to mine, the production capacity can instantly explode all existing mines, and the cost will be controlled very low.

It is for this reason that Tang En is so concerned about the demolition of Burkeso.

Although Tastro was surprised that Tang En would give such important things to a woman, he didn't say anything, and sat down honestly with Fiona to discuss face to face.

Fiona first took out a document, which clearly listed the various support and assistance projects given by Ellington. In order to facilitate the understanding of the digitally slow orcs, the value of each of the above was evaluated. very clear.

"First of all, during the construction of the city, our food assistance to your refugees. At present, the market price of the wheat of the Irurus Empire is basically stable at 13 gold coins a ton ... Oh, how much will a ton make later? You see, the current number of refugees is an integer, about 1.2 million. "

"According to the average orc food consumption of 1 kg of wheat per day, that is, at least 1,400 tons of food are consumed per day, which is almost 20,000 gold coins of wheat. Of course, I know you ca n’t just eat wheat flour and various meats. Milk and eggs, the average daily meal standard is calculated according to 40,000 gold coins. "

"But considering that the city will not be harvested for a long time after it is re-established, we will continue to provide you with food for a long period of time until the autumn harvest next year, which is at this time next year. The total food import fee paid is 14.4 million gold coins, which can give you a preferential price of 14 million-or you can mobilize food from other places in the Rennes Empire, which can minimize economic pressure. "

Sitting silently next to him, Tang En gave thumbs up to Fiona, who was worthy of being an aide, and slammed the pressure on Testro's head.

Without giving him some pressure, the next negotiations will certainly be quite difficult.

With a population of 1.2 million, 14 million gold coins will be eaten in a year ...

Sure enough, this kind of thing is not dare to count.

Testero wiped his wet forehead with his hand, pursed his lips and said, "Food alone has 14 million gold coins, and the commission that Her Majesty Tang En said before ... Where can I make such a large sum of money? ... "

Raviz suddenly said with anticipation: "If you are willing to mortgage as the King of the Rain Empire, our Star Diamond Bank will be happy to provide you with a loan service."

Fuck! This is to make my country sell!

Testro stared at him immediately: "Dream!"

"Don't worry, you won't be so nervous after I finish calculating for you."

Fiona smiled slightly. Although Down's plan was actually similar to that of Raviz, at least they could make Tastro completely unaware and willingly jumped into the pit.

"Please speak."

"Food support is on the one hand and city construction work on the other. I think Her Majesty Tang En has already mentioned it to you. Our Datang Civil Construction Chamber of Commerce is a very professional chamber of commerce, and they can definitely give you a perfect The rebirth of Burkeso is, of course, whether you accept it or not. Please look at the aspect of urban assistance. "

Fiona took out another document to show Testero.

Testero took it and looked at it. His Rune language is quite good, and it is stress-free to read.

The title is quite concise, straight to the theme: "Datang Chamber of Commerce's Comprehensive Quotation Plan for Reconstruction of Burkeso (Note: The following quotes do not include materials and construction costs)."

Do n’t understand the basic urban planning? no problem! We provide you with basic urban design concepts and overall planning and design, and you only need to listen and pay, and only need 1 million gold coins for the service fee.

The design of the urban lighting system is still distressing at night in the city. Is it still suffering from the pungent scent of burning candles? Is it a headache due to the hidden danger of torches? No more headaches! We will provide a complete lighting system design work service fee of 5 million gold coins for your city; (Note: if you choose a package service that includes materials and construction costs, this item only requires 15 million gold coins!)

Is the urban architectural style design numb because of the rigid architectural style? Tired of rough and ugly houses? Do not worry! Professional architectural design masters will provide you with a variety of urban architectural style designs with a service fee of 5 million gold coins;

Are you tired of the yellow desert and Gobi? Our specially-appointed Elf Master Druid can provide you with a comfortable green natural environment, so that the entire city is bathed in the fragrance of plants, including the greening costs of plants, all of which only need 10 million gold coins;

Is the design of urban transportation networks still using rough gravel roads? Still worrying about the crowded streets? No more pain, choose this item, we will design the most reasonable street plan for you, and provide the preparation for the access of modern transportation (this item includes the laying of asphalt roads, the construction of traffic lights, traffic rules and traffic police Training and other related expenses) 15 million gold coins; (Note: Magic bus, produced by Datang Chamber of Commerce, you deserve it!)

Is the urban water supply and drainage design annoying because of the muddy road surface caused by rainfall? Are you annoyed by your neighbors urinating everywhere? Is it painful because of the smell of feces floating over the city? Are you still worried about dumping excreta nowhere? Don't worry anymore! As long as 20 million gold coins, you will bring you a clean and sanitary city. From then on, you will bid farewell to the primitive society, embrace modernity, and embrace civilization!

Is the design of the municipal service system slow and inefficient due to the chaotic management system in the city? Let residents not find the service they want?

Only 25 million gold coins are required. Elf, dwarf, dwarf, human, and Naga royal family members come together to create a professional vertical management system tailored for you, allowing you to clearly communicate your voice For every manager ...

Design of Urban Residents' Domestic Waste Treatment System ...

Urban fire safety system design ...

Design of Urban Citizen Safety Management System ...

After looking at each of these, and then seeing the clear picture next to it, Testero couldn't help sucking in the air.

The gods are on, when has the human kingdom reached such an advanced level! ?

Is that really a city? Is the city where people live? Not heaven?

Noting that Tastro's expression changed, Down and Fiona looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Testro was so excited that they knew it was half done.

"is this real?"

Testro pointed at the tap above, and said in shock: "Just unscrew the faucet, you can have clean and clear water come out?"

Tang En nodded: "Of course, but in contrast, a water plant needs to be constructed to disinfect the water source and deliver it to all households under pressure at the same time ... Of course you don't need to worry about the water plant. This factory can also provide a lot of jobs and create a lot of wealth. "

In fact, due to the lack of industrial development, the water source is quite clean. The disinfection is only boiling and chlorinating, and it is easy to form chemical pollution when adding other things.


Tastro took a breath, and pointed to the bus in the photo and asked, "Is this thing true?"

"Of course it is true. We have begun to use it in our country. Now all cities can take buses, which are good and cheap."

Testro was excited.

He was really excited.

Compared with the cities in the photos, the former Burkeso, although it has a rough beauty, is not like a city inhabited by a civilized race!

Previously he was powerless to change Burkeso, but now Burkeso is gone!

In other words, he can completely build a brand new city according to his wishes!


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