Things from Another World

Chapter 835: I'm poor, but I want the best!

In the temporary house, Testero stared at the quotation, and his emotions could not calm down for a long time.

It ’s all good stuff ...

What do you want?

But no money!


Now Tastro is as painful as a shy girl who opened Taobao and saw that her favorite products are on sale, but she is so shy ... What? Don't understand?

Then you must be able to understand the pain of staring at Xia Cui Heiwu Christmas when all kinds of discounts and various discounts are 75% OFF.

"This ... do you ..."

Tang En didn't hesitate: "No, get out!"

Testroth grieved: "I just want a little discount. Is it so hot ..."

"This is already a pretty good price."

Fiona explained for Tang En: "You know, as a king, Burkeso, there are too many things to consider. You need to consider everything, and you don't want the king to be re-established as Prandall. Everyone's laughingstock, right? "

Testro shook his head, of course.

"So we have to do our best to get this done-believe me, except us, there will never be any team in the entire Prandall that can do the same job in such a short time."

Fiona aggravated his tone: "Our team is the best, and our fees are completely reasonable!"

Testro hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth and asked, "How much does it cost to rebuild Burkeso in general? I need a preliminary understanding."

Fiona's spirit was refreshed, and she handed over a document: "Look what package you want, you see we have arranged a variety of packages for you here, different prices and different options ..."

Testro took a look and suddenly jumped.

Although this gives different types of packages, the worst package above also exceeds 200 million gold coins ...

Looking at the price, and then looking at the design quote just now, Tastro took a deep breath and couldn't help but raise his doubts: "This price is too bad, right? It was just a thousand or two just now. Wan, why is it suddenly billions? "

"Please look here."

Fiona pointedly pointed to the header of the quotation: "It is clearly written in brackets after the title. The following quotation does not include material and construction costs."

Lying down!

How did Tastro know these things, he thought that those quotations were all inclusive, but he didn't expect that it was just the basic cost!

This is really a serial pit!

But the biggest problem is, knowing that this is a serial pit, he has to jump in with a smile and a cry!

The sharp teeth next to it, and Imir who later came to help Testro look at the doorways in these quotes, but after seeing the dense terms above, they were dizzy.

However, an unintentional sentence by Mengkahn and Ursa strengthened Testero's determination to jump.

——Ellington is a city that can really live ——

That's what they said.

Made! Must also be built to good specifications!

"I think so!"

Testro gritted his teeth, pointed to the top match in the package and said, "I want this best!"

As a rural native king, he was not used to being afraid of Tang En's good plans, but it would definitely not be a chance for a lower third-level city to become a modern city leading by Prandall. It's always there—not every time a city is blasted.

This time Burkeso will encounter this kind of thing. It is a disaster from one perspective, but from another perspective, it is not broken. Why is it not a new life?

"you sure?"

Fiona was quite surprised by Tastro's consciousness. With his courage, it was amazing to choose a mid-range package-here is a mid-range package, the total cost of the entire city has exceeded 1 billion gold coins. closed.


"That's the total cost of two billion gold coins."

Fiona paused and said, "In addition to the previous commission, and food and supplies assistance, a total of 2.15 billion gold coins need to be paid!"

"We don't have that much money."

Testro smiled bitterly and spread his hand: "I said before that even if I sold the entire Rennes Empire, I didn't have that much money."

Then sell me the Rennes Empire-Tang En almost blurted out so that the suspension brakes the car.

If he said so, the fool knew he was planning this country.

It is impossible for Tastro to really sell the Rennes Empire-he is willing, other orcs may not be willing to do so, maybe they have to cause an uprising.

"Well, His Majesty Tang En also mentioned this. Because this is a very large amount of money, and considering the city's assistance for construction, we are willing to provide special products such as labor, mineral resources, fur, herbs, and tax exemption. Policies, trade protection policies. "

At this point, Fiona was on the subject, and she said with a smile: "Prandall is well known that the imperial beasts of the Rennes are quite good. War wolves, top-quality sharp-toothed horses, and earth walking dragons are all very popular Commodities, especially war wolves and land travelling dragons, will not worry about selling if they can be exported. "

Testerrow frowned: "The exit of the war wolves is impossible, it is too difficult to cultivate them, and it is difficult to control them by human means. The earth dragons can be considered."

In fact, Testero really wanted to export the dragons. Sometimes he suspected that the Rennes were so lacking in food because of these big foods. If they can export a batch, it will not only reduce the domestic Food pressure, but also earn a lot of gold coins, why not?

Unfortunately, many domestic ministers protested.

After all, Dixinglong is already a strategic advantage.

"Will the wolf not work ... It doesn't matter. In addition to these, the leather, wool, rock tea, etc. of the Rennes Empire are also very popular. These sales rights can also be replaced with certain gold coins based on the market size assessment. "

"It's okay, but I need a third party to evaluate the market."

Testero didn't make a mess this time. Market assessments can be big or small. It can't be done by the other person alone. It is most appropriate to have a fair and fair third party to supervise.

Fiona smiled and said, "Of course, no problem. Who do you want to choose from third parties?"

Testerrow groaned for a moment. He originally wanted to have sharp teeth to invite Jean. After all, Jean's reputation was pretty good in the human kingdom, but then he suddenly remembered what Angus had just said, and Jean was very May know this guy too.

He suddenly looked at Raviz: "Can Star Diamond Bank help us with market assessment?"

"Of course no problem, but the handling fee cannot be less."

Raviz said without hesitation: "A market assessment of an industry requires a service fee of 100,000 gold coins to ensure that the most complete market information is collected from the headquarters and sent immediately."

Testero nodded: "With the help of His Excellency Doromavis, I am sure it will be delivered in time ... wait? Why didn't you see His Excellency Doromavis?"

Raviz said with a glum face: "He went out before it rained two days ago, saying that he suddenly felt that there was a lot of water elements nearby, and went away curious ... I feel like he is hiding somewhere Now. "

Doromavis is an observer of the Dragons' branch in the Burkeso Star Diamond Bank, with a role similar to that of Azor Kamanda.


"Your Majesty Tastro, I have to remind you that these are not enough."

Fiona reminded Testero: "According to our assessment of the current market, the market size of these industries does not exceed 100 million gold coins. Even if we add our good expectations for economic development, we will raise According to market expectations, the size of these markets in the next five years will not exceed 200 million gold coins. "

Some words Fiona did not say, because Harley-Davidson motorcycles are now fully listed, people have a lot of choices for travel, coupled with the mass production of magic cars, people will have less demand for mounts in the future. This means that the market size of the War Wolf and Dixinglong will gradually decrease with the passage of time, and will eventually be completely replaced by the magic car.

Testro couldn't help sighing: "But this is almost the entire economic industry of our Rennes empire ..."

As a poor and remote king, Testero also suffered internal injuries. Who doesn't want to make his country rich?

But the orcs are not that stuff at all, knowing that many domestic things can make a lot of money when they are transported to the human country. Those human dealers can make a lot of difference when they come over twice a year, but there are only a few of them. The orcs are willing to do it-Shang Wu's orcs are ashamed!

A few thick-skinned orcs were willing to try it, but when they brought things to the human kingdom, they were deceived by those treacherous businessmen. From then on, they doubted that life would give up this business directly ...

So the business climate of the Rennes Empire is very poor.

The heat is almost over.

Tang En quietly winked at Fiona, and continued to hold the teacup in silence.

Fiona nodded secretly, then said, "IMHO, Your Majesty Testero, if you only take out these things, it will not be enough as a mortgage for construction."

Testero had to say, "In addition to these, I can only come up with some commercial preferential policies, and I can give you two-no! Three years tax-free!"

"Are you teasing me?"

Fiona's eyes showed a slight disdain, just to be discovered by Testero, but did not offend him: "In the current business conditions of the Rennes Empire, three years of tax exemption can save us tens of millions. The gold coins are sky-high. "

Destroyed by a pinch, Tastro felt blushed: "But we also need taxes to maintain our rule ..."

"It seems you really don't know what else you can use to mortgage."

Fiona sighed helplessly and said, "Since this is the case, we can only mention it ourselves ... I don't know how many magical metal mines are being mined by the Rennes?"

Testro suddenly widened his eyes and was spared such a large circle, at this time he finally realized that the other party was so enthusiastic about asking for assistance!

"It turns out your ultimate purpose is for our magic metal mine!"

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