Things from Another World

Chapter 836: Unexpected quote

The mineral resources of the Rennes Empire are not barren, but they are relatively rich. Although they are not as good as the Kingdom of Grace, which is the most abundant mineral resources, they are almost comparable to the Kingdom of Solant and the Empire of Illus. The total reserves of iron ore are far more than these two countries, and even more than those small duchy.

However, due to the backward metallurgical technology in the Rennes Empire, the utilization rate of mineral resources is very low. Despite the low mining efficiency, many mineral resources have been hoarded over time.

They obviously can obtain development resources and wealth by exporting ore like the Kingdom of Grace, but because magic metal is a valuable strategic resource, the ministers have never agreed to export these resources, so the Rennes Empire has been hoarding mineral resources. Not exported.

Sitting idle Baoshan stared.

Testro stood up arrogantly: "It turns out your ultimate purpose is for our magic metal mine!"

Fiona spread his hands: "Otherwise, can there be any property mortgaged by the Rennes Empire? Huh?"

Oh, if you can guess, will there still be so many circles?

Magic metal mine?

That kind of thing is important, but for Ellington, who has already researched universal alloys, the value is really not high.

It's good to have it, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't.

Tastro sat down suddenly: "No, no ..."

Fiona deliberately stimulated him: "Speaking of which, your second-class sub-ethnic women are very beautiful, and if you are willing to do slave business, it is not impossible-"

"shut up!"

Testro's eyes widened: "I will never let my people be slaves!"

"It's not OK, it's unwilling, isn't it possible to want us to make charity for the Datang Chamber of Commerce?"

Testero was silent for a moment, and sighed: "... it's another condition."

What does magical metal mean for Plantar?

Means equipment superiority in war!

That is the future!

The meaning of magic metal is too great. It is related to the future strategic position of a country. It is absolutely impossible to transfer it so easily. That is not a transaction. It is an enemy-selling country.

It was strange that Tastro could agree.

It's just that Tastro underestimated Dunn's routine.

Because their purpose was not a magic metal mine from the beginning ...

"Unwilling to use magic metal mines as collateral?"

Fiona frowned: "IMHO, Your Majesty Tastro, as far as we know, there should be a lot of magic iron and fine gold reserves in the Rennes empire, and I am afraid that you have only valuable hands These magic metal mines. "

"Impossible! I won't agree, you don't have to think about magic metal mines anymore!"

Testero shook his head. It was impossible to transfer the magic metal mines. Those mines were the lifeblood of the Rennes Empire.

"Then what can you do for a mortgage swap?"

"... five ... no! A ten-year tax-free period!"

Testro took a hard heart and said, "Ten years of tax exemption! This is almost unimaginable preferential policy!"

"Ask yourself, how much can the commercial scale of the Rennes Empire develop in ten years, and how much money can our Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce make here."

Fiona said calmly, "Frankly tell you, even if you give us a twenty-year tax holiday, considering economic development, we can only agree to replace the debt of one billion gold coins at most."

"Then forty--"

With that said, Tastro closed his mouth suddenly.

The 40-year tax exemption period, even if it is not possible to agree to such a clause, such a discount is too exaggerated.

Mortgage ... What else can be used as mortgage?

Mine ... mine?

Tastro suddenly said, "Yes! In addition to the magic metal mine, we also have the magic crystal mine! I am willing to use the magic crystal mine as a mortgage!"

There are six small magic crystal mines, six medium-sized magic crystal mines, and three large-scale magic crystal mines within the Rennes Empire. These are all mines that have been proven or even mined for a period of time.

It ’s just that the situation of the Rain Empire is worse than that of the Illus Empire. The magic crystals extracted by the Illus Empire can be sold to the City of Silver through the Ronantant's commercial road, or used by the nobles , But the Rennes Empire is completely dead, and the magic crystals they dug have not even been digested by the market-so after discovering the magic crystal veins and performing a short excavation work, these mines are completely shelved. .

After all, the Rennes Empire ’s demand for magic crystals is basically zero.

The magic crystal mine of the Rennes Empire is also one of the goals of Tang En.

"Magic crystal mines are certainly possible, but you also know that the main market of magic crystals is basically only the Silver City. With the consumption power of Silver City, only the magic crystal mines produced by the Illus Empire are sufficient. The market needs it. If we continue to expand production capacity here, it will only make this already saturated market cheaper. "

Fiona started to stare at the nonsense.

Although the Silver City was indeed the main consumer of magic crystals, Ellington ’s magic industry has begun to develop and gradually covers the entire Illus Empire. The larger the scale, the greater the demand for magic crystals. This market will only grow bigger-of course, as a demander, she will definitely not disclose the information she has to Testero.

So Testero was completely turned around by Fiona's routine.

"The valuation of our Magic Crystal Mine has a mining value of billions of gold coins-"

"That's just mining value, it doesn't mean market value. I don't want to popularize the difference between mining value and market value with you."

Fiona waved his hand, interrupted him, and said lightly: "It is a good idea to replace the debt with a mine, but just a magic crystal mine is not enough. If you do not want to use magic metal mines to mortgage the replacement, then Use ordinary metal mines, such as iron and copper. "

Iron ore and copper ore?

Testro hesitated for a moment, magic metal is related to the national high-end combat equipment, and iron ore is related to the equipment of the soldiers at the bottom, so selling it is a bit painful ...

"Okay, just iron and copper!"

As soon as Testro gritted his teeth, he didn't want to drag on anymore. In fact, he had no choice but to have these cards in his hand.

Testero originally wanted to take out the map and take out the iron and copper ore that had been explored for Tang En to choose, but when he thought about it, he suddenly felt a cold sweat.

The mines are all marked on the map of the Empire of Rennes. To display them means that the map of Empire of Rennes and the divisions of various cities are all exposed under his eyes!

Although it is still pleasant to get along with Tang En now, the two sides do not have the idea of ​​starting a war, but Tastro did not know if Tang En's purpose was a map, or he decisively dispelled that idea.

What a cunning and sinister human being! Don't dare to care!

Testro pulled his sharp teeth and several orc ministers went out to discuss it for a while. When he returned, Testro's face was very calm.

He said: "Now that the mines that the Rennes Empire has clearly explored already have owners, they cannot be assigned to you. So, I can give Tang En's an unrestricted mining certificate. As long as you have this permission, you can unrestrictedly Exploration of minerals in areas outside the military restricted area of ​​the Rennes Empire, and mining can be carried out by self-explanation after the exploration. We only levy 30% of the minerals as tax, and the remaining 70% belongs to you. how is it?"

Proof of unlimited mining! ?

Tang En was shocked, but this guy is going to bleed!

Although there is a 30% tax, do not underestimate such a proof, which means that the holder bought all mineral resources of the Rennes Empire for only 30% of the price! If a mining tycoon got this certificate, I'm afraid he would be excited with cerebral hemorrhage!

You must know that in Prandall, the mining industry generally has to pay a heavy tax. After you have explored the veins, you have to work hard to obtain the king's mining license before you can start mining, but this mining license generally levies half of the mining volume. For taxes.

That is to say, if you dig out ten kilograms of ore, five kilograms will be turned into the treasury, but the remaining five kilograms are not all yours. In addition to the mining tax levied by the king, there is a 30% tax on the lord, which means that In the end, only two kilograms belong to you.

Looks cruel, right? But this is the reality under extremely backward productivity.

Testro gave a 30% tax unrestricted mining certificate, which is estimated based on the resource reserves in the Rennes Empire. This certificate is now worth more than one billion gold coins. If it is a few years, I am afraid that Flip it up!

Promise him!

Dunn hinted Fiona that the conditions were pretty good.


"Your Majesty, 30% of taxes are too high."

Fiona waved to Tang En secretly and continued: "Your side is doing nothing, using a few words of paper, and earning 30% of the mineral income in vain, but we have to run around to find mines. The cost is extremely high. I think this tax rate should be reduced to 20%. "

"20% !? Too low!"

Testero shook his head decisively: "This is a proof of unlimited mining! His Majesty Tang En is so strong and has a long life. He has been alive and you have been mining. How much mineral resources will we lose in the Rain Empire? The 30% tax has been collected. Very low! And this certificate can only be used by you, it can't be transferred or sold! "

Fiona was startled, and found that she seemed to understand something wrong ...

The "unrestricted" in Testero's unrestricted mining certificate refers to the life-long unlimited mining!

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