Things from Another World

Chapter 837: There is no reproductive isolation in human maids!

Generally speaking, the so-called unlimited power is often time-effective, that is, after this period of time you are useless and you give up automatically.

Fiona thought the same from the beginning.

A certificate of unlimited mining, it will take ten years to reach the top of the sky. If the efficiency of the exploration of mining veins is a bit slow, the tax rate of 30% is estimated to not make much (her appetite has been raised by Tang En).

But life-long unlimited mining is different.

As long as Tang En is alive, he will always have this right, and he will always be able to obtain a steady stream of mineral resources from the Rennes Empire, which is a long-term profit for all!

When Fiona realized this, she was so excited that she almost agreed to him.

However, after noticing the playfulness in the eyes of the sharp teeth next to Fiona, she calmed down a little, and after a moment, she suddenly came to her senses, and could not help crying cunningly!

No wonder Testero was going out to discuss with the Fox Fox clan ministers. It must be the ghost idea that those people gave him!

Fiona completely underestimated the orc's craftiness.

The benefits of this lifetime unlimited mining certificate can be seen at a glance as long as it is obvious to the eye. In this case, Testero is not a fool, why do you give such favorable conditions?

There is only one answer.

The Rain Empire wanted to tie Down.

If Tang En accepts the deal, it means that Tang En's interests are tied to the interests of the Rennes Empire.

Now the productivity and its backward Rennes Empire are simply unable to explore and mine those veins. No matter how rich the resources in the Empire are, they can only stare.

But the Illus empire was different, and more specifically, Herring, Herr Down.

There are dwarves, dwarfs, and those convenient magic tools developed by Tang En, exploring and mining mountains is easy!

Use a mining certificate to easily tie your own interests with those of Tang En, and sit and harvest 30% of the ore in vain without paying any attention—note that these ore are really picked for them. Because of the productivity of the Rennes Empire, they had no ability to mine it.

And what about Tang En? He obtained 70% of the ore at an extremely low price, and will be satisfied, and even better is to protect his own interests in the Rennes Empire. If something happens to the Rennes Empire, he will definitely stand on the side of the Rennes Empire of……

A piece of paper proves that not only did he get a group of laborers for free, but also the golden thighs of a legendary powerhouse for free. From this perspective, the deal of the Rennes Empire was completely profitable!

"please wait for a moment."

Fiona was upset next time, and she dragged Down to talk about her speculation outside.

"It must be the ghost ideas of the Fox Fox tribe ministers! Among the orcs, those second-class sub-clans are a little bit smarter."

Fiona said a little depressed, "I look down on them."

Tang En smiled. "It doesn't matter, you can promise them."

"Your Majesty, we are making wedding dresses for him!"

Fiona didn't want to give Testro such a big advantage.

"Fiona, have you forgotten the root of the business? Win-win, only win-win can make the business last long."

Tang En said earnestly: "They are calculating us, why are we not calculating them? Although Testro has gained benefits, but we have not suffered any losses. He underestimated our ability, and by the time we made comparable He imagined much more. "


Fiona said a little depressed, "Listen to you."

Tang En rubbed her head with a smile, and her supple blond hair messed her up: "Don't be depressed, I'm far worse than you in the negotiations. You just didn't see your momentum pressing Testero. Out of breath. "

Fiona bowed her head shyly when she heard the words: "I forgot that he was the king when negotiating ..."

After the two had negotiated, they returned to the room again.

Fiona sat back in front of Tastro and said calmly: "30% of the mineral tax we can accept, but at the same time, we need a franchise certificate. All the Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire. Shops are tax-free for five years and ten and a half years. "

Five-year tax exemption for ten and a half years ...

Tastro had a complex look, and hesitated for a moment before finally sighing and nodding, "Is that enough? If you want something else, we can only choose to rebuild the city ourselves."

It seems that nothing can be squeezed.

Fiona nodded and said, "Well then, let's start drafting a contract for both of us."

Testero was also anxious to see his city re-established as soon as possible, so he immediately called his staff, the ministers who had just given him an idea.

Although the Rennes Empire is a martial arts kingdom, as a king, Tastro must have some wisdom, and he must also have his own staff, and these Fox Fox tribe ministers are the smartest orcs around him. When they drafted the contract, they would take care of him, and he would be a little more at ease.

The time for drawing up a contract is much less than expected. After all, the main interest exchange has been negotiated. After confirming that all the items are written on the contract, under the witness of Imir, both Tastro and Down signed In his own name, the contract, written in the name of Vulcan Carlo River, was announced.

According to the contents of the contract, in the next week, the Tang Dynasty-led Datang Chamber of Commerce will provide 1.2 million refugees in Burkeso with adequate food, water and necessary material support. At the same time, the Datang Chamber of Commerce will use All the resources to rebuild Burkeso with the highest efficiency and perfect design.

In contrast, the Rennes empire headed by Testereau will pay an unlimited mining certificate for this purpose. Holder Tang En can hold this certificate for unlimited mining operations in the Rennes empire while he is alive. You only need to pay 30% of the ore tax and a franchise certificate. The business activities of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire will be granted a five-year tax-free period, a ten-year half-tax period, and then return to normal.

In addition, the Rennes Empire will also transfer the export management rights of local specialty products such as top-quality sharp-toothed horses, Dixinglong, leather, wool, and rock tea to Star Diamond Bank for evaluation, and then replace them with debts at market scale for debt. Datang Chamber of Commerce comes to operate ...

All in all, in this transaction, neither side suffered a big loss. It can be said that this is a win-win cooperation contract.

The productive empire of Rennes has been given the opportunity to cooperate with Down. The strong productivity of Ellington can inject strong vitality into this country and even give this country a new life.

And Tang En can also get a lot of scarce mineral resources, commodity resources and most importantly-rich labor resources from this backward country!

The orc's reproductive ability is comparable to that of humans. The only factor that restricts orc's reproduction is food. If the food problem is solved, the orc's population will expand as quickly as humans. This will bring a lot of new forces to fight against chaos. .

Just while giving birth to the orc population, it is also necessary to pay attention to balancing the population ratio and relationship between the orc and human beings. If the orc population is expanded too much, it will surpass human beings and become the master of Prendall. Big.

Therefore, it is a very important step to encourage interracial marriage, break the inherent impression of blood lineage, and promote blood line fusion.

The external controllers are excited, tremble. Despite the huge difference from the orcs, there is no reproductive isolation between the sub-tribes of orcs and humans, because the **** of human creation also has the power of Kalomari River.

Only when the blood is completely integrated into one, and all those who adhere to the pedigree theory shut up, will the entire Prandall enter the era of racial unity.

It's just that this is destined to be a long and difficult job. What Tang En can do at present is to first let the country slowly fall into its actual control through economic invasion.

"I wish us a happy cooperation."

Tang En held out his right hand, shook his claws with Tastro, and then his mouth was tilted. "Since the contract has been signed, then we will start designing the plan overnight, and tomorrow we will choose the site and start building the city. First of all, I want to ask you a question ... do you have any requirements for the location of New Burkeso? "

"Location? Requirements?"

Testro snapped: "Isn't it here?"

"of course not."

Tang En smiled arrogantly, and said, "The destruction here is too serious, and ..."

Tang En looked at the red plain outside his window, and his eyes were a little weird: "And this place is not suitable for the construction of the capital of the king."

If he confesses to him at this time that this is a hematite, Tastro and Sharp Teeth will definitely think that Tang En deliberately destroyed Burkeso. This pot cannot be carried back.

"Then ... look at it."

Mr. Tastrouso gave Tang En in full power: "You are experts, I just need to see the final result."

Tang En smiled and said, "Well, since that's the case, let us give you a dreamy new Burkeso."

Down was brought back to Ellington with Fiona and Clotto that night, and then called Isari, Aurelia, Aurena, Lola, Peltis, and Durandon, Including Klotto, these guys dominated by the girl army are all leaders of various races.

Humans, elves, dark elves, naga, dwarves, dwarfs, and leaders of the six major races gathered together, which was quite an incredible scene.

What's even more crazy is that the leaders of these six races started brainstorming with Tang En's suggestion, but the goal of brainstorming was to build a brand new king city for the orcs ...

Isari: "I think the city must be full of greens first and plants must be seen everywhere."

Peltis: "Secondary."

Olena said weakly, "Most of the terrain in the Rain Empire is a wasteland ..."

Lola: "The important thing is that it is strong enough not to be hit by falling rocks, and then there is perfect lighting, adequate water supply and food!"

Durandon: "Secondary."

Alleria felt a little headache: "Why don't they live in a cave like you and there will be rocks ..."

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