Things from Another World

Chapter 838: Ellington Construction Brigade

The next day, Tang En returned to the ruins of Burkeso with a design, accompanied by a group of skilled craftsmen, of course, and most importantly, in order to facilitate the use of the power of elemental creatures, Dikarios followed.

"Gods are on!"

Seeing a mighty group of people coming out of the portal, Tastro, sharp teeth, and others were stunned.

When is the portal able to teleport so many people?

If the portal can achieve this effect, who would miss the teleportation array!

Tang En's strength is so horrible! ?

Taking note of their doubtful gaze, Tang En smiled slightly and threw the pot to Dikarios: "Introduction, this is the elemental lord from the elemental world of fire, His Excellency Dikarios, now 忝Director of the Ellington Construction Brigade. "

Looking at the guy who was no different from an ordinary person, Testero froze.

Lord of Fire Elements?

"Do not make jokes!"

Testero shook his head again and again: "How could the Lord of Fire Elementary be your subordinates-"

Sharp teeth stopped him.

"Master of sharp teeth?"

"do not talk."

The sharp teeth were cold and sweaty, and he could clearly feel the terrible power from that guy.

"I'm afraid ... it's really Lord of Fire."

Dikarios, who was addicted to the comics, heard his words and raised his head to glance at him, with a sneer of sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Stupid creature."

Testro dare not step in.

Tang En said with a smile: "Thanks to its power, we can open this portal to transport supplies. Without him, I am afraid that you and your people will be hungry. You should be thankful."

Both Testro and Sharp Teeth accepted Down's claim.

Tang En asked: "The construction team will follow me soon. Who would you like to follow?"

"Where to go?"

"We looked at the surrounding environment and chose a suitable location for the construction of New Burkeso."

"But don't worry, the place we picked won't be too far away from here, with a deviation of up to about 40 kilometers," Tang En said.

"... what are you talking about?"

"I was negligent."

Down took out a small book and handed it to Tastro: "This is our Ellington ... Well, the Illus Empire set a new and standardized set of weights and measures. Now we have forced the nation to use this uniformly. Set the standard, if you deal with our Datang Chamber of Commerce in the future, I think you need to master this set of units of measurement. "

"... So it is."

Due to the regularity, Tastro quickly grasped the know-how, and soon discovered the convenience of this standard unit.

"We will use this unit in the future."

Testero said, "Each sub-tribe of the Rain Empire has its own set of weights and measures, and it is very troublesome to switch between them. It is very difficult to trade and rule. If this standard is set, it will be much easier to trade with each other in the future."

Tang En smiled brilliantly: "That would be the best."

The more races and nations that use his standards, the more inseparable his control will be in the future, and it will be very important for his future development plans—and Testero obviously does not understand the importance of standards, of course, even if he understands With the strength of the Rennes Empire now, he can only stare.

At present, Prandall has the ability to popularize the standard and accept it by other countries and races. Only Tang En, the only one, has no semicolon.

In the end, Testro and Sharp Teeth followed Tang En and set off on the Skybreaker. It was quite convenient for them to find a piece of land nearby for construction.

At the suggestion of Testero, they finally found a good place about 40 kilometers south of the ruins of Burkeso. From the sky, the plain land is very flat, and there is nearby A forest, which can be easily used for wood, is suitable for building a city. More importantly, the soil nearby is much better than the green plain before. As long as the power of the elves and fairies is used to slightly modify it, and artificial water facilities are added, you can Transformation of large arable land.

For the Rain Empire, the importance of arable land was self-evident, so when Tang En pointed out the land below to Tastro and elaborated his blueprint, Tastro was almost hesitant. Accepted Tang En's suggestion.

Compared to painting big cakes, Prandall really has no one like Tang En.

After the Skybreaker landed, Tang En immediately began to work. As the main designer of the design plan, he must first define a large work frame for the construction workers-the construction scope and main buildings of New Burkeso order.

Tang En floated in the sky, and the ground in front of him was trembling in accordance with his will. It was quickly divided into neat parts. The urban planning of New Burkeso is similar to that of Ellington, which is divided according to the functionality of the building. For residential areas, business areas, government affairs areas, industrial areas, etc., there are various public welfare buildings and buildings with recreational properties interspersed in the middle, such as public toilets, parks, direct water stations, garbage disposal centers, etc ...

After the entire large frame was set up, Tang En waved his hand, and four huge space channels immediately appeared on the ground below. The space channels connecting the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind continued to flow. Out of many powerful elemental creatures.

Testro took a cool breath: "Hisse! Many elemental creatures!"

What made them even more surprised was that the water elemental creatures and the fire elemental creatures that originally turned into water and fire appeared together, but they did not fight. Instead, they stood in line one by one, like soldiers under review.

Is it because ...

Testro looked at Dicarios, who was sitting still.

Only such a powerful elemental lord can forcibly suppress the underlying elemental creatures in its own rank.

Dikarios is not looking at comics, but the design drawings and construction steps of the city construction. As long as he understands it, he can share it with those elemental creatures, which is quite convenient to control.

Then the elemental creatures started to act.

Soil elements rushed towards the center of the planned area, and the ground along the way began to change according to the design plan. Using the power of soil elements to build foundations and build walls was simply too easy.

The fire element sprays hot flames and burns the soil and rocks after shaping into lava. This will remove the internal impurities. After cooling, it will greatly increase the firmness of the building. Compared to using a gravel to block the house, this method is obvious. Simpler and more reliable.

The wind element whistled and flew towards the nearby forest. The sharp wind blade cut those thick trees, and then cut them into neat plates as needed. The plates were transported by the power of the cyclone, saving a lot of practice for those craftsmen. .

The water element, with the help of some soil elements, ran to open a huge artificial lake next to the city-this artificial lake will become an important part of the water circulation system in the city of New Burkeso.

The artificial lake can not only regulate the nearby humidity to a certain extent, affect the climate here, but more importantly, it can provide irrigation water for the transformed farmland on the nearby plain.

This artificial lake project is really not capable of ordinary people. If it were not for these water elements, I was afraid that a legendary strongman like sharp teeth would come and stare.

Tang En can open the channel of the water element world to irrigate here, but it is impossible to do so all the time, and the water here will dry up sooner or later.

But with the power of these water elements, they can use their talents to sense the location of the groundwater and make several underground wells at the bottom of the artificial lake, so there is a continuous supply of water-at least for a short time, the new Burkeso need not worry about water.

In fact, Tang En could even use black water to control the lifeblood of New Burkeso, but after considering it again and again, he gave up that method.

Rather than conquering a country with coercion, he prefers to use soft power to conquer them and let them spontaneously yearn for integration. After all, he comes from a civilized world and is a civilized person.

Many light and dark waterways extend from the area of ​​the artificial lake. These waterways will be excavated in the second phase of the project and spread throughout the new Burkeso, so that the humidity of the entire city can reach the standard value, while providing sufficient water for the city's greening projects.

Now, those earth elements are working to lay the foundation and excavate sewage and rainwater drainage pipes. The larger the city, the more complicated the drainage system. Last night it was just to design this drainage system. Tang En, Clo Troy and Aurelia were busy in the middle of the night. If it wasn't for acceleration, I'm afraid I can't design this sketch today.

Testero exclaimed again and again: "It's incredible, it's incredible!"

Seeing that it was still a barren plain, it became extremely lively in a blink of an eye. The prototype of the entire city has been framed by Tang En. Elemental creatures are obedient like workers and are orderly doing their work. Gnome engineers Driving strange structures along strange routes, the pavement where the structures passed became abnormally flat, and the short craftsmen planned the later production plan according to the design drawings. Some people participated in the construction work, and the other part Responsible for supervision and management, to communicate the orders of the commander in chief.

The best part is that now there is a magic phone.

Because the area of ​​the entire construction site is too large, it is quite troublesome to communicate with each other. However, with the magic mobile phone, the general commander who stayed on the Skybreaker to co-ordinate the overall situation can call the past directly and get information feedback immediately. The instructions can also be conveyed as soon as possible.

The efficiency of construction can be improved by more than a little bit.

If at first Testereau doubted whether Tang En was talking big, now he will never doubt it again. With this horrible efficiency, I am afraid that a brand new city can be built in a week.

Testro glanced deeply at Don, the power in this man's hands was terrible!

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