Things from Another World

Chapter 839: Usurp country

On the Skybreaker, Testero, Tang En and others sat at a table, drinking tea and watching the rapidly changing construction site below, chatting from time to time.

Just then, Tastro suddenly came up with an idea.

"Do you want them all to join in building the city?"

Tang En put down the tea cup and looked at Tastro with a little surprise: "Isn't this good now? Your people can just stay in the new city in a few days."

"No, that's not good either."

Testero looked at Tang En very seriously: "The incident happened suddenly yesterday, so those people haven't responded yet, so they can only accept arrangements. But for seven days, they can talk for a long time or short, they have been doing nothing. It will soon be a mess. "

Tang En smiled: "But if they have something to do, they will divert their attention and not make trouble."

"That's right, so I have to kill this spear before they mess up."

Testero added: "What's more, they get paid for their work, and they can also mortgage some of our debt."

What he was really worried about was that now 1.2 million people were all in the wild and there was no shelter from the city walls. If at this time the followers of the Chaos Gods mingled in the water again and ran over to destroy it, there would be no one to prevent it.

However, if all people are transferred to the construction site, they will be protected by the elemental lord, and the threat of the chaotic believers can be temporarily avoided.

"The salary of 1.2 million people is not a small sum. Are you sure you want them to participate in construction work?"

Tang En looked at Testro meaningfully. He was just eager to solve the potential danger of the present, but ignored the potential danger of the future.

If these people are really involved in the construction work, of course, they can deepen their bond with the city and make them more confident in protecting the city, but accepting the remuneration of the Datang Chamber of Commerce means that the entire Burkeso 100 200,000 people have become employees of Datang Chamber of Commerce during this period.

Everything is most afraid of the beginning. Once there is a precedent, there will be no psychological pressure to do it later.

This means that the future development of Tang En's Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Rennes Empire will be smooth. Even if you are in trouble, you can easily find orcs to solve it-after all, they have worked for the Datang Chamber of Commerce before. It's nothing to help.

This is certainly a good thing for Tang En, but he doesn't believe that such good things will fall on him like this.

"Of course it is."

Testro nodded without hesitation.

Now the 1.2 million people are really a headache. He ca n’t take care of them at all. If Tang En leaves them here, in less than a week, the Rennes Empire will be chaotic because of these refugees. He also couldn't afford to lose.

Compared to such a serious consequence, giving these people to the wealthy Donn arrangement is the only option for Tastro.

Give it to Tang En, no need to worry about them messing up, no need to worry about their hungry, let alone worry about their safety issues, and even the progress of city construction is more guaranteed, and because they are also involved in city construction Therefore, the future feelings for this city must be very deep, which is a good thing for many purposes.

"We need to discuss this, please wait."

Tang En got up and went to Fiona, told her about Tastro's idea, and asked, "This is a rare good thing, but I want to know that our liquidity can afford 1.2 million. Orc salary? "

"You think too much, Your Majesty."

Fiona smiled and said, "I asked Coco and Vanilla before I came, and I also referred to the opinions of Montgomer and Ursa. At present, the salary of the Rennes Empire is very low. They are more expensive than coins. Willing to use kind as compensation. "


"Never mind, the vast majority of their work is paid for things that are tangible, such as wheat flour, bacon, cooking oil, etc., plus a small amount of money."

"Because the economic dynamism of the Rennes empire is not high, a large amount of gold and silver currencies left over from the former dynasty are accumulated in the country. The amount is much greater than the economic strength of the Rennes empire. The Rennes are now in what you call the state of inflation. These currencies Nearly ceased circulation, all accumulated there, and the actual value of money was very low. "

"The circulation value of those currencies is far less than our Illus gold coins, but currency is money after all. The bosses of the Rennes Empire all follow an unspoken rule. When settling wages, they use a part of the physical plus a part of the currency to settle. In this way, the currency squeezed on hand is cleared out, and human dealers from outside are happy to use these gold coins to trade. As long as you return to the territory of the Illus Empire, you can find the royal collection point to exchange for Il Ruth made a fortune ... "

Fiona spread her hands and said very innocently: "This is also why those merchants run the Rennes empire twice a year. As long as they can return smoothly, they can always make a fortune."

Tang En is very speechless. Star Diamond Bank didn't get involved in this kind of business?

"... In other words, can we use canned fruit as a salary?"


Fiona pulled out a book and flipped a few pages, and said, "According to the current economic conditions of the Rennes Empire, an ordinary orc employee can give a dal meat and a dal flour a day-oh, Dahl is the official weight unit of the Rennes Empire, which is about 1.5 kilograms. If it is converted into normal prices, two canned fruits per person per day are more than enough. "

Tang En laughed suddenly, he might be short of other things, but now he only lacks canned fruit.

At this time, Fiona added another sentence: "That being said, they have lost everything now, we have to rely on us for food, clothing and accommodation. If we only pay two cans for wages, they are absolutely insufficient, so it is better to Mr. Tastro talked about replacing the material aid during this period with orc labor. "

"Oh? In other words, food is no longer debt-reduced during this time. Do they provide labor to get food?"

"Is such that."

Fiona's eyes were full of joy: "If it works well, I think that the short seven days will be enough to let the behavior and treatment of the Datang Chamber of Commerce go deep into the hearts of every orc in Burkeso, which will be enough for us in the future. Development paves the way. "

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En nodded and said, "I think Testero will be happy to accept this condition."

After all, the debt on his back is not a decimal.

Fiona said decisively: "Then we promise him."

What they are doing now can be said to be the most coveted thing of a businessman, I am afraid that it is also a pinnacle state that all businessmen have failed to achieve. They are now supporting a country!

As long as this short seven-day period, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has seized the opportunity to do enough ideological work for those orcs to make them understand the goodness of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Burkeso, but I'm afraid it should be called New Ellington ...

Tang En, who is familiar with political books, knows the importance of grassroots work, and naturally knows how to maximize the use of grassroots power, so he smiled and said, "Maybe we can plan further."

Fiona's eyes lit up: "What's your good idea?"

Tang En waved his hand: "In the name of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, a caring rest station is set up at a distance from the construction site to provide drinking water, food and medical assistance services to provide services to the orcs at any time. The rest station provides a place to relax. Comic book-Let Sanye and the printing house take the time to make an Ellington brochure, and I want them to be brainwashed by us Ellington unknowingly! "

"At the same time, set up the radio, set up a temporary radio station on the Skybreaker, and call Marin to have her broadcast here regularly every day. I don't think I need to say more about the content of the radio?"

Fiona's eyes doubled, and she said angrily, "Rich, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious?"

"Right, but don't be so exposed!"

Tang En snapped his finger, and hehe laughed, "To be entertaining and let them look forward to the voice of the radio station every day, we must let these stupid and backward orcs understand our advanced culture of Ellington, and they must deeply Be convinced, and after the city is built, we will always miss our goodness. Let the great humanitarian glory shine in New Burkeso, and let the flag of Illus always float in New Burkeso! "

Fiona was too lazy to talk about Tang En's ambitions. This guy clearly intends to take advantage of the crisis in the Rennes Empire to take a salary and start to capture the opponent's base camp directly from the grassroots.

If nothing else, I am afraid that after the city is completed, Tastro will discover the abnormality of the people. The attitude towards humans has suddenly changed from indifference to friendliness or even closeness. This change for Tastro But it's hard to say whether it's good or bad.

After the two had finalized the plan, Fiona began to recalculate the matter of mobilizing materials, and Tang En immediately returned to promise Testero.

"It's great to be able to use a labor force to mortgage a certain debt! I have no opinion at all about the offer of food!"

Unsurprisingly, Tester accepted Rome's proposal on the Roman side. Although Sharp Teeth was a little puzzled, he didn't get involved in politics, and he couldn't figure it out.

Anyway, the orcs did not suffer, but they also received job opportunities and food assistance. Isn't it a good thing?

How did Tastro, who had never experienced the struggle of the people, understand Down's abacus, he is still happy that he can finally reduce some pressure.

After the sharp teeth are affirmed, he will return to the ruins in the north. Next, he will lead the refugees to the south. The distance of 40 kilometers is only one day for the born strong orcs. They will probably arrive at night Already.

At that time, I am afraid that the central area of ​​New Burkeso has already taken shape.

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