Things from Another World

Chapter 840: The Diary of the Town

The time is already for the 16th month of harvest. The harvest of crops in the Illus Empire is vigorous. As the regent, he cannot always sway outside. After all, the shamanism has been resolved. The repair of the cane is also in the works, and the main tasks have been completed.

Although the chaos of Burkeso's chaos has not been fully understood, Imir of Vulcan has already said that the Red Lotus Knights will follow up to the end-in this case, Tang En will be happy.

So after properly organizing the orc refugees, Down and Croto and his party returned to Ellington that night.

Testro, Sharptooth, Imil including cocoa and vanilla also followed.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as these soil **** came out of the portal, they were completely aggressive.

Because the cities they see are far from the cities they imagine.

"Here, is it really the city of the human kingdom?"

The hair on Testero's shocked body was all up. What happened to the houses that looked beautiful like works of art? Is that really lively?

Why is it so bright at night now?

I haven't seen a torch at all!

Those bright pillars-is Chengdu a magic crystal lamp?

"So expensive magic crystal lights are used here to light the street?"

Testero felt as if he had seen what a real tyrant was like.

"That's not a magic crystal lamp."

Vanilla, an orc who has lived here for a year, stood up and acted as a tour guide at this time: "On the pillars are light crystals mined from the underground world, one of the specialties of the underground world. It ’s very convenient to shine. "

"What about the roadside?"

"That's called fluorescent grass. It's a kind of special plant of the elves. It will glow at night. Although it is not very strong, it can illuminate a certain area. It is a sign that separates roads at night and also serves as decoration."

Guangjing! Fluorescent grass!

It was just these two things that just saw that made Testero feel hot.

At this time, Ymir said with a little surprise: "Your Majesty Tang En, you are so unusual here, even the civilians have used crystal windows."

Tang En shook his head: "That's not crystal."

"Not crystal?"

"Yes, that's called glass. It's a relatively cheap industrial product. The most important thing is that it can be produced according to my needs."


The next Testero said enthusiastically, "Her Majesty Don, the new Burkeso you designed for me will also have crystals, fluorescent grass and glass?"

"Light crystal and glass should be fine, but fluorescent grass is probably a bit troublesome."

Tang En shrugged and said, "This kind of plant is not just for planting, it must be maintained by the elves every 30 minutes."

"Elf maintenance?"

Sharp-tooth heard a little surprised: "Don't you have Elves here?"

"Master Sharptooth, no elves are here."

Vanilla explained: "Instead, many elves are working for him."

"Many elves!"

This is big news. After the war, the elves basically have been living in seclusion in the Emerald Forest. They rarely appear. Now they will appear here, and they also work for a human being!

"Did I tell you?"

Angus stunned: "He has a good relationship with Isali and Aegwynn."



Angus added, more than good, his relationship with Eggwin was jealous!

Sharp teeth glanced left and right: "I didn't feel the breath of Eggwin."

Tang En smiled and said, "She is now north of Yalinks, where there have recently been traces of demons, and I ask her to help me take care of the recruits."


Sharp Teeth's face was inexplicable: "When did she become so attached to the devil? Didn't she keep chasing chaos all the time?"

Angus whispered silently, so the boy's position in her heart was a bit special!

Tang En heard the words for a moment, and then smiled silently, "You follow me to the Lord's Mansion, and I will arrange a guide to visit you in Ellington in the next few days."

Vanilla raised her hand: "I can show them without a guide."

Tang En nodded and smiled. "That's why I trouble you."

After going to the lord's house to arrange the accommodation of the crowd, Tang En lay in his bed for a long time, completely emptying himself, not wanting to do nothing, and planned to take a rest overnight.


Tina pushed open the door in a close-fitting maid outfit: "Your Majesty, I need to report something to you."

"What will happen tomorrow ... say ..."

Looking at Tina with long white legs in a black short skirt and a shy face, Tang En suddenly understood what she wanted to report.

"Do you want to report on your progress?"


"What did you learn?"

"Ms. Lola has recently taught me some more esoteric knowledge, and Her Majesty needs to study it for me ..."

"Is it knowledge or posture?"

"It's both posture and knowledge ..."


Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, no wonder people often say that people are so tired, he rarely wants to take a break.

The next day, after feeling the nightlife of Ellington, Testero and others once again felt the vibrant morning of Ellington.

In the early morning here, just after Lumbica rose, people got up on time and got busy. After having breakfast, or going out by bicycle or walking, they went to work to contribute to the construction of Ellington.

"Why are they standing there?"

"They are waiting for the bus."


"A means of transportation ... well, the early bus is here."

As soon as the vanilla voice fell, they saw a bus full of elven art and modern design coming slowly: "The Lord's Mansion has arrived, the Lord's Mansion has arrived, please follow the order and get out of the back door. It is strictly prohibited Cars jumping through windows, brute force breaking doors, etc. Passengers who board the bus should line up. It is forbidden to use flashes, stealth and other ticket evasion behaviors. If found, they will be severely punished! "

"This, this is--"

Testro and others have their eyes widened. Isn't this the magic bus as mentioned in the previous quotation plan! ?

They watched in shock as people walked into the magic bus in an orderly manner, and then only heard the sound of "The next stop is the market area, the market area, please prepare passengers in advance", The bus then headed smoothly forward.

"As you can see, this is a form of transportation created by Her Majesty Tang En. It moves cyclically along the designed route, and passengers can simply stand at a fixed stop and wait for a specific line of buses. Get where you want to go. "

I'm afraid Vanilla herself hasn't found it, and her words are full of worship of Tang En.

"The Harley bike they used to ride was also designed by Her Majesty Tang En?"


"Your Majesty Tang En is so knowledgeable!"

Imir is full of emotion, such a great emperor appeared in the human kingdom, and perhaps the long-lost Illus Empire will once again usher in an opportunity to rise.

"Why didn't you see Her Majesty Tang En today?"

Vanilla pointed to the east and said, "He went to the farmland in the suburbs to observe the harvest situation. This year is the second year that the combine has been put into use, and it is widely used throughout the country. He wants to observe the situation."

"Combine harvester ... what is this?"

Testro paused again.

Came here for only one night, but heard more new stuff than in the past 100 years.

"It's a machine that can easily harvest wheat ... forget it, let's take a look. Let's wait a moment, Lord Lord has arranged a special car for us, and it will be here in a moment."

Vanilla thought for a while and simply took them to take a look. After seeing the power of Ellington, it was also good for the future of the Rennes Empire.

In Vanilla's subconscious, Ellington has been regarded as an invincible goal, it is best to be an ally.

If it weren't for her special status, she would even want to bring Coco to stay in Ellington, after all, life here is really comfortable.

Having said that, Lord Callomare River said that Down was his messenger, could he represent him with all his powers?

Vanilla thought wildly. If she stayed beside Tang En, she could be a close-range servant of the ambassador, wouldn't it be malfeasance?

In the farmland area of ​​southeastern suburb of Ellington, farmers are bustling with heat.

With the help of a combine harvester, a large amount of food was harvested and bagged, and part of it was returned to each house, and part of it was directly imported into the city's reserve granaries, although the agricultural tax was only reduced by half under the administration of Tang En However, this year they have more food in their hands than in previous years.

The harvest far beyond previous years made everyone smile on their faces. They all know that with so much grain, they will definitely be able to spend this winter safely.

It's just that they don't know yet. As soon as the grain delivered to the lord Tang En was transported to the granary, it was transported away and sent to the construction site of New Burkeso. Orc's belly.

Although there are only 1.2 million orcs, an orc's food is worth two or three adult men, and the food intake is terrible.

The increased production of food throughout the entire Illus Empire adds up to feeding the orcs' stomachs.

Although it may seem like a great loss, it must be done even if others don't understand Tang En.

The racial separation has no meaning to Tang En. His only mission is to fight chaos, and in this mission, any living force is valuable. Of course, the race with a high average combat power, such as orcs, cannot. Let it go.

Give them a tailor-made set of equipment, and their single combat power is afraid to crush three or four adult men of the same level.

This is a very precious living force.

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