Things from Another World

Chapter 841: Really lose the face of a legendary hero!

Fiona complained that Tang En spared no effort to supply the refugees in Burkeso. After all, her own people in the Illus Empire have not yet fully settled off. It is a little too anxious to rush to support foreign countries. .

But she knew about Tang En's plan, so she didn't oppose him, only raised a question.

"All the originally planned food supplies were supplied to Burkeso. What if there is a shortage of food again this winter?"

Facing Fiona's sharp problems, Tang En smiled and said, "Relax, if that happens, you will interfere even if the climate is destroyed."


"And you think too much, after all, the staple food only takes up one third of the food. If we lack this part, we will use other parts to make up for it."

Down refers to meat and fruits.

"This year's vigorously promoted centralized breeding has achieved average results, and the main policy preferences have been tilted towards the plantation industry. Therefore, the development of the animal husbandry industry is relatively flat. The most important thing is that no breakthrough technology has emerged and it can only be raised slowly. It may not be realistic to fill the gap with meat from the livestock industry. "

Fiona said: "Don't worry about the fruit, leaning on the Emerald Forest and having the Elves as the backing. Fruits can spit people up and there is a surplus, but after all, fruits cannot be eaten as food."

Tang En smiled and said, "There are a lot of canned fruits supplemented with rich vitamins, a small amount of meat supplemented with protein, and some vegetables, plus a certain amount of staple food, so it should be no problem."

Vitamins? protein?

Fiona was completely confused and ignored these two inexplicable words. She said: "Don't forget, there is also a large food gap in the underground world that needs to be transported from our side. The food gap this winter is still very large. We can't make up for it. "

"This year will be another year of hard work. When the spring of next year starts, the seeds improved by Grantia and Ortinia will be planted. At this time next year, the production capacity of grain will more than double, let alone these. With a population, more than double the population can support it. "

Tang En was full of confidence. After all, not only would there be improved seeds, but the plant growth catalyst solution should have been mass-produced. At that time, the improved seeds were matched with the irrigation device added with the plant growth catalyst solution. Not as good as crazy? The final output is afraid of going against the sky!

Maybe under the special effect of the plant growth catalyst, Kadar (Planndal wheat called by Down) can still be planted two seasons a year!

This stuff is much more powerful than any other gold bullion.

"Next year, let's talk next year. The only solution I see this year is to further popularize greenhouse cultivation technology."

Fiona sighed and said: "Although the greenhouse planting technology is good, it is not useful to promote it only in our city of Ellington. Only the entire city and village of the Illus Empire use this technology. Vegetables and fruits There will be a quantum leap in production. "

"Of course I know."

In fact, Tang En has let Aurelia start to promote greenhouse planting technology. However, due to cost constraints, not many landlords can afford it, but now the large-scale output of cheap glass replaces expensive crystals. It has dropped to an acceptable level, which greatly facilitates the promotion of this technology.

"I have already discussed with Aurelia. The promotion of greenhouse planting technology should start in the celebration month, and use the opportunity of the glorious ceremonies to carry out a large-scale promotion. When entering the withering moon, complete relevant technical materials in major cities. support."

Tang En watched the thundering combine harvester in the farmland and said casually: "The biggest reason that affects the promotion is the interest. Without sufficient benefits, it is difficult for those scattered chambers of commerce and traders to join in to provide support for greenhouse planting technology. ---- It would be too difficult to rely on our own strength to spread service outlets to every city and village. "

Fiona has nothing to say, this is indeed a cruel reality.

No matter how strong the Datang Chamber of Commerce is, it is too difficult to extend its tentacles to every city and village, it is not impossible, it takes a very long time to achieve.

At the moment, only those chambers of commerce and businessmen who have a footprint all over Prrandal can be used to attract them to join.

"That is to implement a regional agency system."

Tang En said lightly: "We give up some benefits and authorizations, and let them help us achieve product promotion, construction and maintenance services."

Fiona, accustomed to holding all the benefits in her hands, sighed: "As you said, give up some of the benefits and get a faster development speed and a better development environment?"

"Yes, tie them to us with interests, and they can't do without us."

Tang En said with a smile: "The stronger the dependence on us, the more important we are, and eventually they will be swallowed a little by us."

"It is also possible to raise monsters and swallow us."

"It is possible, but unrealistic."

Don Enha laughed: "As long as we keep the technology ahead, no one can have that opportunity."

"You are too confident ... It always feels like this confidence will ruin you."

"No, believe me, I'm the man chosen by the gods ..."

Tang En just wanted to make fun of it, and suddenly hesitated, seeing a bus stop lingering beside him, and then a group of orcs from the imperial orc empire came off the car one after another.


Tang En looked at the sharp teeth with a weird look, and next to Testero, Emil and others looked at the sharp teeth with a weird look.

As a legendary powerhouse, he actually ...


Motion sickness! ?

"Did the sharp tooth eat his stomach last night?"

Coco whispered, "He ate a lot in the pub last night ..."


Fiona drew a corner of his mouth: "He's motion sick ..."

Since the popularization of buses, there have been many cases of motion sickness. At least 10,000 cases have occurred in the entire Illus Empire. At the beginning, Fiona was panicked and thought that there was a major problem. Tang En followed with tension.

As a result, I later found out that it was just motion sickness.

But ... it's too shameful to lie down!

Obviously, all aspects of physical fitness are terrible, dynamic vision is amazing, motor nerves should also be very developed, and even motion sickness! ?

Then again, this guy is not only an alien creature, but also an orc, why is the orc motion sick? !! Are you a teaser, Caloma River? ?

Sharp teeth spit out the breakfast, and after standing upright again, he was furious and rushed to pick up the tomahawk, fortunately was stopped by everyone.

"Don't stop me! I'll smash this thing!"

"Look at your temper."

Angus accompanying the tour looked disdainful: "It's just a car, I'm mad at you."

"A car? I've never seen anything so terrible ... it can make my body feel so uncomfortable!"

Sharp-toothed face was extremely ugly, growling: "I was not afraid of the chaotic army at the beginning, but now I am actually afraid of a dead thing! Shame! This is shame! I must kill it!"

No one else was abnormal. Sharp Teeth strongly doubted whether this thing was a terrible weapon made by Angus against him!

"Calm ..."

Testero bitterly persuaded him: "It's a pleasure to drop it, but you can't afford it ..."


The sharp teeth calmed down immediately.

Yes, although it is a legendary hero, sharp teeth is also a poor force ...

This bus looks extraordinary. It is a special product of Ellington's family. It can't afford to break it ...

Testero, now carrying billions of debts, was shocked when he saw something suspected of being valuable, lest he crash.

It's really amazing to be the king.

"Is that a combine harvester?"

Testero immediately shifted the topic and focused on the combine in the distance. When he saw the combine passing through the farmland, the crops in the field were cut clean. As soon as his eyes brightened, he came immediately Out of interest.

The Rennes Empire had low grain production, on the one hand, the barren land, and on the other hand, because the orcs were really not enthusiastic about farming, but if there were such labor-saving machines, even the orcs could complete the farming work well?

The introduction of such equipment will definitely increase domestic grain production!


Whether Testero was carrying debt or not, his strong urge drove him to ask, "How much does it cost?"

Tang En's mouth turned sharp, and he immediately entered the sales mode: "This is a good thing that we have only recently developed. At present, we have insufficient production capacity, and we are not enough for our own use. We have no export plans yet."

In fact, since Fiona donated a batch of combine harvesters to the royal family on behalf of the Datang Chamber of Commerce a while ago, the production lines of combine harvesters are now basically stagnant, and the main productivity of the Magic Energy Machinery Plant is concentrated in the production of Harley Motorcycle and magic bus.

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Testero was very disappointed.

Tang En was dumbfounded, but you continue to chase after you!

You do n’t want to either! ?

If you do n’t chase me, how do you know you want it!

You do n’t follow the rules of this product!

The Fiona next to him was just like Tang Enxin. He immediately knew what he was thinking. He pretended to inadvertently say, "Sir, we have added several production lines when you were away recently. Combine harvesters, multifunctional magic The production capacity of tillage machines and magic energy sprinkler irrigation machines has been greatly increased, and now basically meets the domestic market demand. A small amount of sales will not have much impact ... "

Testro suddenly blinked: "Your Majesty Tang En! Please be sure to sell us a lot!"

Good job!

Tang En secretly praised Fiona, and he also knew the key to dealing with this idiot.

Go straight and don't play tricks.

"In this case, for the sake of everyone's friends, one of 20,000 gold coins was sold to you-Illus Gold Coin."

Tang En looked like a big bleeding, but Fiona, Angus, Vanilla and others who knew the selling price couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Things that cost 10,000 yuan will cost 20,000 yuan, and there will be a big bleeding look. Can you be more shameless?

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