Things from Another World

Chapter 842: Determined to become the king of regional agents

Thanks to the live demonstration during the autumn harvest, even though Tang En has very shamelessly doubled the price of the combine, he still sold 5,000 units—yes, 5,000 units, which is one Billion Illus gold coins.

Together with 5,000 multi-functional magic tillage machines, a total of 200 million gold coins were consumed.

For the sake of this level of consumption, Tang En waved his hand and gave him a thousand magic sprinkler machines with a total value of 1 million gold coins-of course, what he told Testro was worth 10 million Gifts, but this simple country king was moved by heart.

What? Testero has no money?

That's right, he has no money, but is there a difference between 2.1 billion debts and 2.2 billion debts ...

Just because there are so many lice, you do n’t have to worry about it. You have already owed Tang En so much money, and you do n’t care about it. Not to mention that with these machines, the grain production capacity of the Rennes Empire will definitely increase greatly. Have enough to eat and wear warmth, and have the heart to give birth to children to create more value, right?

Besides, Tastro did not intend to bear all the debts for the purchase of these agricultural magic machines.

After thinking about it in his heart, he suddenly found that there was actually a lot of money in it.

He bought these products with national debt. After the products were produced and shipped, he then changed hands and sold them to the lords of the Rennes Empire. Not only could he earn a private house money for the Bloodeye clan, but also reduce certain debts, and promote domestic Why is it that the economy is active and promotes the development of agriculture?

Further thinking, if you can maintain a long-term cooperation with Tang En, buy a variety of good things from him, and then sell it to the Rennes Empire, sell it for yourself and make a profit, as long as you speculate for the difference Businessmen have been restricted. The market of such a large scale as the Rennes Empire has its own discretion. Wouldn't it be possible to pay off its debts soon?

As long as you can continue to do so, you can make a lot of money and turn into a local tyrant!

Thinking about this, Testero became more and more excited and more and more feasible. As a terrible king, he wanted to make a fortune in his dreams. He was eager to buy things and buy a life of throwing one. Now he found himself finally getting rich. Opportunity.

Testero immediately told his thoughts to Don.

"You mean ... not only do you want to buy these things, but you also want to obtain exclusive rights to sell these products in the Rennes Empire?"

Down and Fiona looked at Testro strangely. Do you know what he's talking about?


Mr. Tastro said eagerly, "These products are of great value. Once they are put on the market, they will definitely be well received. I think that even if I am the owner of the city, I will definitely be happy to buy some products. "

"I don't mind, but ..."

Tang En said queerly: "You mean to be our general agent of the Datang Chamber of Commerce Rennes Empire."

In order to make money, a king wants to be the regional general agent of a chamber of commerce ...

It feels weird to think about such things!

"Distributor? What's that?"

Testro didn't quite understand what a general agent was.

"It is to obtain the right to sell in the region. The products we produce in the region must be sold through the general agent. We give a part of the benefits and give the general agent a relatively low purchase price. The general agent is responsible for helping us sell the products. Below the general agent There are secondary agents, tertiary agents and so on ... "

Tang En briefly explained to him that the current product sales of the Datang Chamber of Commerce are mainly based on direct sales of stores. Although the regional agency model is conducive to expansion, the initial capacity is insufficient and it is not easy to manage, so it was not considered.

But now it ’s different. The raw materials are about to get ample supply. The promotion of magic buses and intercity buses has greatly increased the flow of labor. The integration of alchemy and artificial soul technology has greatly increased production efficiency. The birth of the smart phone also enhanced the convenience of information exchange in the entire management network. Many programs that could not be implemented now have the conditions for establishment.

Regional agents are also considered options.

Testro said without hesitation: "I want to be the general agent of the Rennes Empire!"

He didn't understand anything else, but Tang En said, "Give a general agent a relatively low purchase price." He heard it clearly. What does a low purchase price mean?

It means bigger spreads, more profits and small money!

Orcs that allow them to grow their muscles into their brains are seizing this opportunity to make money, which is extremely rare!

"Are you crazy?"

Sharp teeth stunned: "The soil condition of the Rennes Empire is not as good as that of the Illus Empire, and the farming culture cannot be comparable to them. These agricultural machinery may be slow to sell!"

Testro was awake for a moment.

Tang En said with a smile: "If it refers to the soil condition, you can rest assured that we will soon mass produce a liquid fertilizer. As long as it is added to the irrigation water in proportion, it can greatly improve the soil condition, even if it is barren The Gobi Desert can also be used to grow food, and after a period of cultivation, the desertified Gobi Desert will be resolidified into fertile soil. "

"Really !?"

Even sharp teeth opened their mouths in surprise: "You can do this kind of thing?"

The Rennes Empire has few other things, such as deserts and next door, arid climates, and poor soils. If this liquid fertilizer can really help improve the soil environment and turn it into arable farmland, it must be taken at all costs. Ah!

"Of course. When did I lie?"

Tang Enli's candid look was full of persuasion.

Testero said loudly, "Don't say that, I have decided to become the regional general agent! I am the King of the Rennes Empire. No one is more qualified than me to be the regional general agent?"

Sharp teeth didn't stop him this time.

If the Rennes Empire can be made better, this opportunity is worth a try.

"Oh, to become a regional general agent is not only power and status, but also sufficient economic vision, keen market sense and good business promotion experience ..."

Tang En looked at Testro with a playful look: "IMHO, Your Majesty, Testro, you are completely indifferent to these three conditions ..."

Testero hurried: "I'm sincere!"

"Of course, I have seen your sincerity."

Tang En turned around and said suddenly: "So, for your sincerity, I decided to allow you to undergo five days of devil training during the construction of New Burkeso. Training, if you graduate successfully, you will definitely become a qualified businessman and regional agent. "

"no problem!"

Testro overjoyed: "Just so few days--"

"You don't plan to go back?"

Sharp Teeth couldn't help but said, "Now New Burkeso is under construction, and you as a king should go to the scene to encourage them."

"Let Ursa go!"

Testero said decisively: "Groma can't do it anymore, only to give Ursa the right to inherit, and now he can just let him collect a wave of prestige."

The sharp teeth are too lazy to say: "Your life is still long ..."

"I want to make money!"

Testro's eyes were red: "I want my people to live a life full of food!"

In order to improve the economic environment of the Rennes empire, and at the same time to promote domestic changes, Testero broke out.

As for a dignified king, he has become a regional agent of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, who cares.

As long as you can make money, repay debt, and make the Rennes Empire really better and better, it's all worth it!

Tang En didn't expect that Tastro had such a simple wish. He took a look at him quite unexpectedly, then snapped his fingers and said, "Since this is the case, we might as well choose another day, and we will arrange you to join the training today. Right, but in the training class, we won't treat you like a king. Can you accept it? "

Testro nodded without hesitation: "Of course!"

So Tang En returned to Ellington after the observation, and took Tastro directly to the training seminar of the sales clerk of Datang Chamber of Commerce, and temporarily inserted him.

This training course was organized by Fiona in accordance with Tang En's ideas. All new employees who join the Datang Chamber of Commerce must receive a week-long short-term training here before being transferred to the cities below to arrange specific work.

It's not that Tang En didn't want to train them more, but the literacy rate of Prandall is too low. Those people can accept a limited amount of knowledge in the short term, so one week is enough. The learned knowledge and skills are enough to make their sales philosophy surpass. 90% of Prandall's merchants.

And most of the skills taught in this training class are from the various psychic chicken soup Tang En sees on the earth from the Internet, including a large number of self-suggestions, self-motivation and certain brainwashing articles.

The biggest significance of this training course is to broaden the thinking and horizons of these people, arouse their self-confidence in selling products in front of others, and also give them strong loyalty to Tang En. The sales skills are actually taught instead A lot of it, it ’s just some common sales techniques on the planet.

For example, instead of telling customers how good your product is, it is better to tell customers that this product is exactly what he needs, what are the three principles of equality, honesty, and win-win sales ...

Even if there are some very simple truths on the earth, after getting here, it is an extremely advanced sales concept for those people.

The placement of an orc student did not surprise Tina-after all, the human dwarf dwarf gnome elven Naga had been taught, and the orc was not bad.

It was just that she would not know that this student was the king of the Rennes empire.

What? Little Love?

Is she an orc? (Because her racial identity is not obvious, people who don't know it will treat her as a gifted human.)

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