Things from Another World

Chapter 857: Elsa Foyle

After opening the window, Har Kamanda growled at Dunn: "Damn! You are definitely on purpose!"

Hal Kamanda was soggy, and the rain on the scales evaporated quickly after entering the room. He shook his tail, turned and transformed into a human male.

Lying down!

The stunned Tang En looked at the human image of this guy. Would you like to be so manly! ?

Let's put it this way, at first glance, the human image of Har Kamanda is like a young and handsome little flesh that has been weathered and unusually vicissitudes ...

Sounds contradictory, right? Tang En feels the same!

The actor's image that appears only in the magical Mary Suwen actually exists!

This is really the salty fish red dragon that uses the tail to draw Leviz's face and likes to change the cooking materials to scare the chef! ?

"You want to hit my window without saying a word, of course I want to stop you."

Down rolled his eyes and said to Fiona, "This is Har Kamanda, the dragon observer next to Leviz. You haven't seen him before when you went ... In addition, Alcho Kamanda It's his son. "

"Hello, pretty lady."

Hal Kamanda salutes Fiona quite politely.

The father of Azor Kamanda?

Fiona responded in surprise with a look: "Her Khalmandah, are you here to find Eldrok Kamanda?"

Nothing important, how could the Dragon's observers suddenly leave the Star Diamond Bank and come here?

"No, I'm actually looking for him."

Hal Kamanda pointed at Dunn: "The things you asked me to have results, believe me, you must not guess what happened."

Tang En, holding a tea cup, said very calmly: "Say, no matter how ridiculous the possibility is, I have guessed the worst case is that Taser Hackero has been out-"

"Ilu-Haksha is Elsa Foyle."


Tang En's tea cup fell to the ground and shattered, and hot tea splashed his leg, but he didn't even notice it. He looked completely dumbfounded: "What are you talking about?"

Hal Kamanda said rudely: "I said, Elu Huxa, is Elsa Foyle."


"This is impossible!"

Fiona exclaimed, and Dunn shouted subconsciously: "She is the daughter of Abbotton and Clara—"

As soon as the words were finished, Tang En suddenly remembered a lot of things, whether it was that Elsa and Abelton were not the same (see Chapter 154), or that Elsa was born with great power, or when Elsa was furious. The dragon phantom behind them, all these clues indicate one thing, Elsa has secrets, not only she has secrets, but also the Abbots have secrets ...

"This is a fact."

Hal Kamanda asked hurriedly, "The girl named Elsa is in Ellington, you might know-"

"Know? Of course we know ..."

After Tang En said it, he felt a little weird: "But this fact is a bit ... You tell me the specific situation."

Hal Kamanda briefly described what Sasaglot had done more than a decade ago with Don Enfiona, but in order to avoid accidents, he skipped the events of Abbotton and the Tomb of the Faceless.

After listening to Har Kamanda's description, Tang En finally understood how Elsa's strange power was going on.

No wonder everyone has always said that she is a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, and they have dragon blood already!

I just didn't expect the problem to go round and back.

Tang En couldn't laugh or cry, he always felt that a pair of black hands were controlling everything.

However, after knowing that Elsa was Ellu Haksha, he was relieved. At least he didn't have to worry about repairing the cane of kingship. He told Elsa about it, let alone put some blood in it. Also ... Okay, she doesn't need to dedicate her life, it is estimated that the blood that flows every month is enough ...

"Where is she?"

Hal Kamanda couldn't wait to meet Elsa, and he would only feel relieved if he saw that Elu wasn't dead.

What's more, he also brought an important gift for Sasaglot, which must be handed to her in person.

"she was--"

Before Tang En had time to speak, another figure suddenly appeared in the rain curtain outside the balcony, but this visitor was obviously much taller than the wet Har Kamanda-an invisible force field blocked the rain from getting wet His clothes.

Eltro Kamanda looked at Hal Kamanda quite unexpectedly: "Well? Dad, is it really you?"

He suddenly watched his father vigilantly: "Why don't you run here all day at the headquarters in Nanila?"

Could it be that this guy also knows that Ellington's life is comfortable, so he plans to suppress himself with his seniority and transfer himself back?


Stop thinking!

Do n’t even think about it!

Hal Kamanda blurted out, "I'm here to visit Elw!"

"Illu? Which ... wait! Sister Ellu !?"

Eldrok Kamanda's eyes widened suddenly: "Sister Ellu Haksha? Isn't she dead !?"

"Actually ..."

Hal Kamanda was very annoyed. All the dragons in Long Island knew it, but he kept it from him. As a result, he didn't know it, and his son was distorted.

Explaining the things that had just been said to Altro Kamanda, Altro Kamanda was very miserable, eyes widened: "I knew it! I thought I had read it wrong!"


"Several times before, I found a familiar atmosphere from her! And the power she used, has always made me very skeptical, and I have even seen her burst into the power of the dragon before, but there has been no evidence ( (See Chapters 430, 463, 465, 470), so just doubt. "

Eltro Kamanda said with great excitement: "That is to say, Sister Elro is now alive as Elsa! But because the spell recasts her body, her previous memory has not been retrieved. If She retrieved those memories, and she is still Sister Elw !? "

"That's right!"

Hal Kamandahaha laughed: "Poor little Elu is not dead! She is still alive! Although she is Elsa now, she is also Elu! Where is she now? I have a king here to bring her The gift can help her awaken the true blood power, and maybe help her to find the memory deep in her soul. "

"She left Ellington a while ago, as if ..."

Eldor Kamanda looked at Don.

Down said: "She is now in the wasteland north of Yalinks, where the passage to the abyss of purgatory is opened, and there are many demons. She and Ellington's soldiers are there to grind themselves with the demons.

"Access to purgatory abyss?"

Hal Kamanda frowned: "Should not ... the barriers of the gods should not be broken ..."

Tang En stared for a while, eh, the weather is really good today haha ​​...

"Forget it anyway, those guys can't make any waves, anyway, take me to see Elsa now!"

"Why wait now?"

After knowing that Ellu Haksha is Elsa, Tang En was not in a hurry. Anyway, there will be substitutions in the Rift Valley. Elsa ’s group of people will also get a holiday and come back to rest. It's the same when I look for her again.

"Of course! I can never wait until tomorrow for what can be done today!"

Hal Kamanda couldn't wait any longer, and pulled Down to rush out the window.

"I'll go as well!"

Eldor Kamanda followed into the rain curtain.

Fiona watched as Tang En was **** by the Red Dragon father and son: "Well ... the magic phone isn't finished yet ..."

All in all, Tang En, who wanted to relax for a few days, was abducted just after being a salty fish for less than half a day.

Great Rift Camp.

"Report! The thirteenth and fourteenth regiments have changed their defenses. The demons in the west three districts have been eliminated. At present, the west two districts, the west one district, the northern one, two, and three districts are fighting. Stalemate! "

Adrien patted the table and said: "Notify the Templars and send the rest of the Fourth and Fifth Cavaliers to the East One to support the recruits and break the deadlock!"

"Roger that!"

Aubry raised his head and said to the guard, "Notify Depp and Elsa that they are coming over. It's time to give the demons a fatal blow."


The guards led, and after a while, Depp, Elsa, Locke and others entered the headquarters.

After half a month of fighting and grinding, several people are now full of anger, and the armor that was originally bright and clear is now covered with scars, showing how fierce the battle is.

Even the immature Elsa was now full of murderousness on her small face, and the chainsaw sword on her back was faintly green with the blood of the demon soaked with an unknown evil spirit.

"Grandpa, what's the order?"

"Speaking of calling me a commander or general on the battlefield!"

"I know grandpa."


Adrien sighed, and went straight to the subject, saying: "Our scouts found a demon portal in the North Third District. Those Ubris demons who came to Prendall are summoning the same through that demon gate. Don't mind killing a few more demons, but it will not be good for us to continue in the long run, so I will arrange a combat mission for you-destroy the demonic portal in the northern third zone. "

"no problem."

Depp said in a deep voice: "Guarantee the task."

"No, you and Locke are not participating in this mission. Your mission is to stay at the headquarters and follow our two old guys to learn combat command."

Adrian said: "Town needs a commander. We are too old to keep this responsibility. He seems to intend to train you, so I need to see if your two talents are worthy of this. position."

Aubrey said lightly: "Because I want to train my good-granddaughter more than train you, you must at least show the value of training."

Depp was surprised: "You mean--"

"This time, Elsa will lead the team alone."

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