Things from Another World

Chapter 858: Encounter, crush them!

Although Adrien and Aubry intended to let Elsa lead the team alone, they obviously couldn't let Elsa die by herself.

Don't mention how much the two old guys hurt Elsa, how could they possibly make such a decision without having a second hand?

Dare to do this on the one hand because Ellington's supply of materials is too perfect, and all kinds of weapons and equipment are readily available, especially after the brand-new equipment and weapons are replaced, the combat capability of the entire army has risen straight and is almost fast The demon who came here has been abused.

Even ordinary soldiers can resist a few frontal attacks from the devil, not to mention Elsa.

What's more important is that the blood of the goddess and the returning crystals that the soldiers listed are simply life-saving priceless treasures. If they are used well, it is difficult to die on the battlefield.

Another reason is because of the assistance of Saratimore.

As a devil hellcat, Saratimore can not only effectively attract the hatred of demons, but also can completely protect Elsa's safety with her strength.

In addition, there are accompanying Templars, a variety of divine magic to assist in combat, and the security of the team performing the task need not be worried at all.

In fact, this is the virgin Ellie is not in the Rift Valley. If she is there, it is estimated that she will be stuffed into the team.

Don't be surprised, the two old guys did this kind of thing completely.


"Everyone, get in the car!"

The devastated Elsa yelled loudly at riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and the team members assigned to her all got on the car one by one, while the Templars who accompanied her rode on their warhorses.

Elsa's order was neat and tidy, and she didn't mess around. After preparing supplies, she waved her hands and said, "Go!" The team rushed out of the gate and rushed towards the third area north of the Great Rift Camp.

Elsa, riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, took the lead and was completely afraid of possible dangers. Rather, the fighting in the past half month completely sharpened her morale. At this moment, she welcomes any challenge.

Along with Elsa was a 12-man Templars squadron, with an average strength between silver and gold. The captain Reynolds was ninth in gold, close to the master's, but replaced with Egypt. After the legendary quality armor and legendary quality weapons provided by Arlington, Reynolds, the apex knight at the golden level, was not afraid of the master-level enemies, even if he was dragged into the realm. With the help of unique divine magic, he also had Strike.

"Captain Reynolds, no matter how you look at them, the motorcycles they ride are more than our warhorses."

Hudson whispered. He was one of Reynolds's men and an experienced gold-level Templar. Although his faith was firm, his mouth was shattered and his character was a little bit bad. So far he is still a gold bachelor .

"Don't talk nonsense."

Reynolds glared at him, then lightly touched the mane of the war horse under him, and said gravely: "The war horse is part of us. We treat it like our family, so that it will become our most in battle. Good assistant. "

"But," Hudson pouted, "Gabriel's kid was so good to his steed before, and when it fought, wasn't the steed dumped him by the bitch? So I think it's still Ellington's Motorcycles are better, unconscious, fully obedient, and without feeding grass. "

The horse under Hudson snorted.

"Your friend is upset, so don't mess with it anymore."

"I don't believe it will understand me."

Hudson pouted again and looked at the team in front. He couldn't help but whispered, "Captain, we did not make any mistakes in the previous battle. Why did we let this girl accompany him to death?"

This time Adrien divided Elsa's thirty fighters, and twelve Templars, plus Elsa's forty-three people (not Saratimore), that's it People went alone to close the demonic portal in the North Third District, and this order seemed to let them die.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

Reynolds suddenly changed his face and cursed, "Sometimes I really wonder if your brain is flooded!"

"team leader?"

"You haven't fought with her in previous battles, so I don't know how brave she is!"

Reynolds shook his head, and then continued, "Large your dog's eyes and take a closer look at the equipment on them. Are the thirty soldiers ordinary soldiers?"

He yelled: "They have better equipment than we do not know how much! One beats both of you too little, and you don't find that they are all gold-level peak strength !?"

"so what……"

"It's okay to say you're stupid! These golden-level peak fighting powers are the backbone of the Great Rift Camp! They are an important foundation for the development of the Illus Empire in the future. Now they are all sent to obey that girl's order, but there is no Someone has a complaint, haven't you seen anything yet? "

Reynolds whispered, hating it: "It doesn't matter if you don't see it, don't you find out who the kitten on her shoulder is?"

"That's ... Saratimore !?"

"Even your eyes aren't blind!"

Reynolds spit and cursed: "Has it followed, do you think this operation is to kill him? Rather than killing him, it is better to gilt Elsa girl! We can come to see us too The battle was difficult before, so that ’s why we came here too! ”

Hudson listened to the captain's analysis, and it seemed to make sense, but he couldn't help himself, and he couldn't help but say, "It's not because the girl has a special background. This special treatment is rampant. "

Reynolds said angrily: "Nonsense, Grandpa Adrien is her grandfather, Grandpa Aubrey is her grandfather, Princess Parola is her grandma, Princess Aurelia is her cousin, there are several people in the world who can talk to She's better than born? "


"But you were wrong."

Reynolds said very seriously: "She can have the prestige now, but not by virtue of these auras, but by her own punch and sword."

"Captain, what's your joke, she's just a little girl ..."

Hudson did not believe Reynolds' words. In the previous battle, his combat area and Elsa were separated from each other, so he did not know Elsa's strength.

"Believe it or not, you'll know when you meet the enemy later."

Reynolds didn't want to say anything more, just wait for the facts to speak.

Now he just hopes that this boy can manage his mouth, and don't make any mistakes because of broken mouth.

You know, now the Pope and the Virgin Emperor are very optimistic about Tang En, counting on him to lead the Illus Empire to grow, so that the Holy See can become the first religion again.

After the team broke out of the patrol area of ​​the Great Rift Camp, the breath of the wilderness suddenly became tense.

After half a month of fighting, the entire wasteland was a mess, and there were potholes everywhere. Although Harley-Davidson's superior performance, it had to slow down in the face of potholes, so the holy horse riding The Temple Knights had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Look, although your mount is obedient, it really depends on the war horse at this time.

The broken terrain made Elsa also complain. She knew that she had applied for a batch of comet motorcycles from Ellington, or the flying cape flew directly.

The team had just passed through the fierce battle zone, and the sky in front suddenly swooped down into a shadow.

"Enemies! Prepare for battle!"

Elsa shouted sharply, and at the same time pulled back the chainsaw sword on his back, instantly activating the magic array on the chainsaw sword.


The serrations spun up quickly, buzzing and buzzing, the magic glory gathered more and more on the chainsaw sword, and the whole sword seemed to be burning.

Reynolds Z. truce horse, chanting prayers loudly, raised his hands and gave the "blessing of light" to the Elsa people in front, and other Templars also blessed their comrades, followed by the attack from the sky. .

Nazura's flying wings screamed and screamed towards the center of the team, and the claws wrapped in the shadow power tried to hunt the soldiers in the center of the team, but at this moment-

The thirty soldiers sneered in unison, and the next moment they brushed up their weapons-the assault rifle of all colors-angrily ejected a dense bullet rain!

"Boom boom boom boom—"

The special seed bomb with fireball and blessing power of the light bombarded Nazura's flying wings at a terrible speed of hundreds of meters per second. Although the fragile membrane wing is protected by the shadow power, the power of the light is Their nemesis easily destroyed the protective layer, and then tore their wings into rags.

What's even more surprising is that the dense bullet rain hit those Nazula Flying Wings by surprise, and a large number of bullets hit them. When they rushed within ten meters, their bodies were severely burned, and even burned. The bones were exposed.

At this moment, the targeted targets in the center of the team took up their assault rifles, replaced them with a fierce chain saw sword, and then leapt forward before sending out. So, he rushed to the front of Nazura Flying Wing Demon, and the chainsaw sword was severely inserted into the devil's chest!

The rotating saw blades flashed with the Holy Light, tearing the bodies of Nazula Flying Wings, cutting their flesh frantically.


Everyone already knows that the devil's heart is in the heart. They are waving the chain saw sword frantically, looking for the heart of the Nazura flying wing demon-after half a month of fighting, the soldiers already know the position of these demon's hearts It is not fixed, even the number is not fixed, so the first attack will be searched for.

The results were brilliant.

At this time, Elsa's attack finally arrived ...

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