Things from Another World

Chapter 865: Dragon Welfare

Har Kamanda's gift is a small square box, covered with complicated openwork runes. Through the openwork rune, you can see a red and gold ball inside the box, the ball is like It was the sun that sprayed the "corona" all around.

"This is a gift the king wants to give you."

Hal Kamanda handed the box to Elsa: "Here is the dragon's heart and blood of Elu's body, which was originally prepared a lot, but after purifying the chaos, there is only this little thing left."

Elsa looked at the dragon's heart and blood inside the box, and her pupils enlarged involuntarily.

Although she was across the box, she could feel a familiar feeling very clearly. It felt like it was extending from her body and directly into the box.

"This is your essence. As long as you swallow it, it can fully inspire the dragon blood in your body, and at the same time awaken the sealed memory in your soul, so that you can recall the past."

Hal Kamanda said in a deep voice: "This was the way the king prepared to prevent unexpected situations, and now it seems that the king really has the foresight."

Sasha Glott might have thought about the possibility that Ellu Haksha would lose her memory due to reincarnation at the beginning, so she made such a preparation.

Swallow it? Regaining memory?

Elsa was hesitant.

Hal Kamanda said, "You do n’t need to rush to swallow it now, it is not too late to act when you are ready. Our dragon family has a long life and has plenty of time and patience to wait for you. Decision here, I just want to say to you, we welcome your return at any time, Elu. "

Elsa suddenly changed her face and categorically denied: "I'm Elsa! Not Elro!"

Why does someone have a new life and am afraid to find it after learning that they have amnesia?

To deny one's current "existence meaning" because of the existence of another "person" or "memory" is unacceptable to any one person, and will be naturally rejected.

No one makes an exception.

Hal Kamanda said: "To me, you are both Elsa and Elw."

Eldrek Kamanda nodded again and again: "Yes, Sister Elw, although you are now reborn, you will always be my Sister Elw."

Listening to the suspected Al-Qaeda Dragon's Echo Kamanda eagerly watching Elsa calling her sister, Tang En felt that his goosebumps had fallen.

"Don't shout anymore! Otherwise I, I, I will throw this thing away!"

Elsa grabbed the box and threw it.

Hal Kamanda was very proud: "It doesn't matter, I can find it everywhere I throw it. The dragon has time!"

Elsa: "..."

Have you ever seen Hua Xuanxuan's life? ... No, I should say it's a dragon, now I see you.

"We have no idea about your current status. After all, the life span of our family is too long, and many members have some weird hobbies-"

Well, for example, a certain dragon that is talking has the quirk of "like turning into cooking materials to scare the chef".

"——Your current experience can be regarded as experiencing the life of human beings. We will not do anything."

Yes, even that quirk can be accepted, what else is unacceptable?

"Even if you haven't eaten that thing until you find that the people around you are getting older, but you are still young, you will also notice your own extraordinaryness and accept the reality."

Elsa looked at Tang En subconsciously, and a look of panic appeared on her face.

Familiar relatives and friends die one by one, leaving them to live alone in the world. Is this life really good?

"You are a dragon, no one can deny it."

Hal Kamanda continued to entice Elsa with a look of eagerness: "You can now enjoy our family ’s welfare policy. Our welfare policy for young compatriots is very generous. Not only does it have a variety of nutritional foods that aid growth There is also a full set of growth training materials to help you become a qualified dragon. "

Perhaps because the population of the dragons is too small, the dragons value the young dragons very much.

They have a very complete training mechanism-but there is not much opportunity to use it.

They have a very mature education system-yet dragons are born to inherit the skills of their parents.

They have very considerate welfare policies-however ... oh, no dragon will refuse this.

"In addition to standard benefits, young dragons can now receive 10% more dividends at the end of the year."

The Dragon is a star diamond bank run by races and goblins, which means that each dragon has the right to dividends from the star diamond bank, even if it does nothing throughout the year, only the dividend at the end of each year, a dragon also Dividends that can harvest tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins are enough for them to become humanoids. They have been chic in the human world for a long time.

Those dragons who have the responsibility of observers have even more dividends. The gold coins are enough to fill their lairs. Of course, they don't think that there are too few gold coins ...

Well, although they often say "We are observers of the world, maintainers of order, not fanatics", who would believe it?

In the end, Hal Kamanda threw a blockbuster: "And if you want, you can now return to Long Island to inherit your parents' lair and property, and Wang has kept their lairs sealed for the return of you. "

"My parents' ... nest and property?"

Elsa was confused.

Inherit the dragon's lair and wealth!

No one will doubt the wealth possessed by a dragon, just as no one will doubt the power of the dragon. This is simply heaven and earth!

However, although Tessa Huckro and Murphy Haksha are her true parents, they are just two rather unfamiliar names to Elsa now, and they do not even have a specific image in her mind.

Hal Kamanda said that she could inherit what belonged to them now, and Elsa still felt a little unrealistic.

"No, still no, I, I need time ..."

"Well, anyway, the least we need is time."

Hal Kamanda shrugged and said to Dunn: "She needs time, then we won't bother, I think you have enough power to protect her."

Tang En said very naturally: "I will protect her whether she is Ellu Haksha or Elsa."

Brother Tang En ...

There was a touch in Elsa's heart, what descent of dragons, what Elk Haksha, what memories of the past, what dragon's lair, where is more important than brother Tang En!

Subconsciously she wanted to throw the box away-but hesitated to put it away.

Because she suddenly thought of it, Har Kamanda said that this thing can completely activate her dragon blood, which means that this thing can give her more powerful power and better help Tang En brother.

"I'm glad she can meet an older brother like you-although she's much older than you."

When Hal Kamanda spoke, he grabbed Atzo Kamanda by the neck and flew up into the sky: "I'm going to leave first. If Ellu ... Elsa figured it out, she wanted to return to Long Island If you look, you can bring her to me. "

Then Hal Kamanda left using teleportation directly, leaving Down and Elsa with a blank expression.

"very confused?"

Elsa nodded, and she was so indifferent that she was at a loss. No matter who saw her now, I was afraid she would not associate her with a dragon. She looked more like a weak flowering season. Girl.

"Don't worry too much about this kind of thing. The past experience is just a memory, remember it when you want it, and ignore it when you don't want it. After all, we live in this world to look forward, not to remember the past."

"I just worry that I am no longer myself ..."

Tang En pulled Elsa to sit next to him: "Even if you retrieve Ello's memory, you only have one more memory of the past and one more experience, not the past. You replace it. "

"Is that right?"

"Of course, you don't have to be too exclusive about your past. Your past memories will only merge with your current memories."

Tang En slowly said, "Did you say that you suddenly forgot what happened when you suddenly remembered what happened when you were a kid? It is impossible, right? The memory of the past is only the past, which represents your past experience, why they want to It reminds you, just not to let you forget your identity as a dragon, not to deny your current identity. "

As Tang En said this, Elsa gradually relaxed her tension. The reason why she was so nervous was because she was worried that Har Kamanda's purpose was to deny Elsa's existence now.

If even the meaning of one's existence is denied, what is the difference between death and death?

"So ... did I eat it?"

Elsa held up the blood of the dragon heart blocked by the rune, which belonged to her blood.

"Don't worry, it's not too late to eat it when you're really ready."

Tang En smiled and rubbed her head: "You should be worried that Aunt Clara will not want you, may you take this shift holiday and go back and tell her about it, I think you will know the result Now. "

No need to worry about them not wanting you, but they will worry about you not wanting them ...

Tang En sighed in his heart, poor parents, under normal circumstances, which parents would not want their children? Abbotton was infertile, and Clara gave birth to Elsa. They really raised Elsa as their own daughter—in a sense, the bloodline of Clara was integrated. Elsa is indeed her biological daughter.

Abbotton didn't even tell this to Aubrey and Adrian (of course it might be ashamed to mention his flaws), so the two old men have never doubted Elsa.

After she talks to Clara, maybe she will understand.

Her worries are superfluous.

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