Things from Another World

Chapter 866: She is a dragon

Ellington, it's dark, the pouring rain has weakened a lot, the drizzle in Zelili is still going on, and the hot breath after autumn is swept away. This kind of weather is very comfortable. After dinner, people beat Umbrellas are hanging out in the street, or go to the pub for two drinks, talk to friends about today ’s harvest, or go to the bulletin board in the square to see if there is any new work to do.

The happiest in this weather is the Naga from the abyss sea. They came to Ellington from the humid abyss sea. Although they can adapt to land life, the dry environment makes them very uncomfortable. Many Naga settled her home in the nearby Emerald River, which also led to frequent complaints from the city hall that Naga complained that residents who went fishing on the Emerald River seriously affected their rest.

The dwarfs and dwarves who like to build things every day, can easily affect their nature and like quiet elves ...

Redstone dwarfs are more irritable, and it is difficult to sit with other members of the race. On the contrary, the dark elves are very popular with humans-the concept of dark elves in the female clan is very open, in order to have offspring as much as possible I don't mind sending it to a pleasing human friend, which has led to the Dark Elves being most popular with those adventurers in Ellington.

Of course, this is not to say that the dark elves are wildly slutty, and many of them are very discerning. They insist on the principle of rather lacking excesses, and they have always been dismissive of men who are not worthy of themselves—such as the current elves. The Queen Luo Lin, in the face of her mother's Lola's forced marriage, would rather die, but in the end it was cheaper than Tang En.

After seeing Tang En's extremely high-quality genes, Lola also abandoned her past life and began to concentrate on her heart. She came and squeezed Tang En at an interval of three to five, in order to give birth to the best children ...

Anyway, Ellington's adventurers are more than happy to meet the dark elves' girls in the tavern, rather than the grumpy redstone dwarfs.

The harmonious coexistence of multiple races is a very difficult problem, and Tang En has not been able to come up with a perfect solution so far. He can only use the binding power of the "God Angel" as a constraint on various ethnic groups to temporarily restrain them, and Formulate relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the principles of fairness and justice, strictly enforce public security laws, and do not favor any race.

Clara, who lives here, has witnessed the rise of Ellington and witnessed the lives of various races here. She feels that this rough way of integration will have some hidden dangers, and the worst situation may even cause Ellington. Fragmented.

But when she told her speculation to Yustisa of the Academy, Yustisa just smiled, shook her head and said "impossible".

Confused Clara meets Eli Li and tells her about her doubts. Who knew that Eli Li also smiled, and said with certainty "impossible".

Next, whether Clara asked the dwarf, the dark elves, or Naga, the answers were "impossible" and "no", but no one told her why.

Clara came across Otinia by chance-she didn't know what the girl was, but she knew that Fiona's attitude towards her had been shown many times in places where the girl could not go in Ellington Knowing her identity is very important, she is obviously one of Ellington's most mysterious and free people-in the face of Clara's unintentional question, Otinija's answer is "no".


"Because he has an ambition to overthrow any race."


"I mean, he has the potential to become a prince of hundreds."

After finishing speaking, Otinija left without a word, and she didn't care about Clara, who was aggressive at the time.

To this day, Clara, who is sitting on the balcony and drinking tea with Winissa, looks at the streets and the pedestrians, and she seems to understand Otellini a little bit.

This is an incredible miracle, but it is surprising that this miracle was done by Tang En.

As long as he obeys the law here, his tolerance is enough to accept any intelligent race to live here, and welcome any capable intelligent race to settle here.

Maybe, one day, we can see the integration of the various ethnic groups here in Ellington. One day, everyone will be happy. At that time, the title of the city of hundreds of people may change from Fira to Ellington.


When Clara suddenly saw Elsa and Down in the doorway, she suddenly became very happy: "My daughter is back. Come up, it's raining outside."

When she heard Clara say "my daughter", Elsa trembled and clenched Down's hand subconsciously.

Don En pulled Elsa to the balcony: "Don't bother you?"


Winissa smiled and said, "Thanks to the source of magic, Clara's body has been fully recovered, and I'm helping her re-familiarize herself with those spells and knowledge."

"The teacher was reluctant to leave after coming here."

Clara said with a smile: "The allure of the source of magic is too great."

"Of course she doesn't want to leave, but the reason may not be the source of magic."

Tang En smiled and said, "Don't forget that your father has been settling in Ellington these days."

Winissa blushed. Although she was married to Adrien, she felt embarrassed when she was teased.

Clara is okay. Although the teacher has become a mother, at least the relationship is one step closer.

"Although I want to talk to you for a while, but I think I'll give time to Elsa now."

Dunn pushed Elsa ahead and encouraged her to say, "She has something important to tell you."


Clara turned to tease Down: "Did you finally plan to confess your relationship with Elsa? Say when are you planning to marry Elsa?"

"Hey, hey !? Hey !?"

Elsa, who had just had the courage to prepare to speak, exclaimed a few moments, her morale leaked, her face flushed with redness, and she looked at Tang En nervously, shyly and shyly, and then hurriedly said: "Mom, mom, what are you talking about! Only then isn't it--"


Clara looked at both of them suspiciously: "Besides this, I really can't think of anything that would allow you to come so seriously and talk to me. Let me say first, I don't oppose you. Marry my two daughters, but Elijah is still too young, can you stop doing it in a hurry? "

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Am I so hungry in your eyes?"

"Is not it?"

Clara asked Tang En: "Last time, I saw that silver-haired dark elf sneaked into your room. What's your name? Yes, Fiona said her name was Luo Lin-such a small girl, you Let ’s go? ”

Tang En mouthed: "Aunt Clara, don't blame me for speaking directly, Rowling is old enough to be your grandma's grandma, she just looks like a little girl ..."

"I don't care, anyway, I can't accept it physically."

Clara rolled her eyes: "I know that Elijah is very sticky to you and you spoil her, but don't hurt her, otherwise I won't be polite even if you are a king."

"It's as if you are polite to me now ..."

Tang En muttered and said, "Don't say this, it feels darker and darker, let's talk about Elsa."

"Thing about Elsa? What's the matter?"

Clara and Winissa were puzzled.

After hesitating, Elsa slowly opened her lips and said, "The dragon found me ..."

In just one sentence, Clara shook her body, her smile stiffened on her face, her blood color faded instantly, her eyes filled with fear.


"Stop saying it !!!"

Clara screamed and rushed over, holding Elsa in a hug, holding her tightly, her voice stunned and terrified: "Elsa! My Elsa! Are you leaving me !? Abandon us !? "


Elsa was taken aback, but after noticing Clara's reaction, she felt sore and immediately cried: "No! I won't! I won't leave my father and mother! Absolutely not ! "

Sure enough, Brother Tang En was right.

They don't want to avoid themselves.

Rather than worrying about themselves, they worry more about not wanting them.

Elsa's heart was sour, but she was so touched, her eyes were completely blurred, and Clara cried out in a hug.

"How is this going!?"

The next Winessa was startled. Why did she suddenly cry together when she said a word?

The development of things is completely scratchy.

"Let them cry for a while and tell you later."

Dunne motioned to Winissa not to disturb them, he could understand Clara's mood.

The truth has not been told in these years, but the truth must have been on Clara's heart and never disappeared. She was worried that Elsa would abandon them after knowing the truth, so she would only adopt Illia after coming to Ellington. The goal is to distract and prevent Elsa from getting too sad when she loses her child.

Now that things have finally reached this point, Clara's burden can finally be relieved, and Elsa will not abandon them.

Whether she is a dragon or not, she is a child of herself and Abbotton.

Clara, with red eyes, held Elsa's shoulders and cried, "They told you everything? Everything?"

Elsa nodded, choking and said, "But no matter what they say, I'm a mother's daughter and will never change!"

That's right! She is her own daughter!

No one can change this!

"What did you say?"

Winissa was even more puzzled.

"Elsa's true identity."

After a pause, Tang En spread his hand and said, "She is a dragon."


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