Things from Another World

Chapter 867: He said no, but his body was honest.

Elsa is a dragon!

A word from Tang En made Winissa instantly aggressive, Clara was a real human, and Abbotton was also a real human. How could two humans give birth to a dragon?

Think carefully!

Tang En certainly saw Winissa's suspicion, and he said helplessly: "The situation inside is very complicated, you will understand after a while ... I said you cried enough? Elsa her grandmother is about to be Curiosity is tortured to death. "

Winissa's face was tangled, admittedly the phrase "Elsa her grandmother" made her very happy, but how did she always sound like she was old?

After crying enough, the mother and daughter finally separated. After opening the stool and sitting at the table, there was a silence between the four, looking at each other silently.

Winissa said quietly, "You guys say ..."

"Don't listen to the story like a gossip."

Tang En rolled his eyes and said to Elsa, "You can tell the situation briefly."

Elsa shook her head and took hold of Clara's somewhat cold hand: "Brother Tang En, tell your grandmother."

Seriously, she didn't necessarily know Tang Endo about her identity.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En nodded, sorted out the context of what Har Kamanda had said before, and retelled it to Winissa, of course, in order to take care of Aberton's dignity, skipped about portion.

Unsurprisingly, after listening to the story, Winissa was completely dumbfounded, looking at Clara and Elsa in wonder.

"You can accept this kind of thing !? You're really crazy, you know!"

Winissa was very surprised: "No wonder you've been weak for so many years! Breeding dragons as human beings, the essence of life consumed must be very horrible. If you don't have some strength and family background, I guess you can't support Elsa's birth! "

How strong is the vitality of the dragon? It is difficult to successfully breed offspring even as a female dragon, let alone as a human being.

Sasha Glott used improved spells, coupled with the blood of the Dragon King in Clara's body, and various dragon clan treasures smashed down, Sasha Glott was able to save Ellu Haksha.

"I didn't expect it to be so scary ..."

Clara was a little embarrassed: "When I first met the king, I knew that our family had his bloodline, and it was because of this that it was possible to conceive Elsa, perhaps because of the strength of that bloodline. Come down. "

The birth of Elsa was the happiest and most painful day for Clara. She was happy because she could finally have her own daughter. The pain was because her vitality was absorbed by Elsa in large quantities and became her development. Of nutrients.

But Clara didn't regret it.

How many women will regret it because of their children? The sense of happiness and heavy responsibility can only be understood by those who have really experienced it.

"I didn't expect Elsa to be a dragon ..."

Winissa's eyes are quite weird. What kind of change would a dragon grow up in human society and form the values ​​of the worldview?

I can't imagine it.

"I have never dared to tell you this."

Clara clasped Elsa's hand tightly: "That's what you should know. I'm guilty, but I'm more afraid that you will abandon us after you know your life."

"No, I won't!"

Elsa shook her head vigorously: "No matter what the past is like, mom and dad will always be my mom and dad!"

"What are you talking about?"

A curious voice suddenly came from the side. Tang En just turned around and the two little guys ran into his arms almost at the same time.

Under the guidance of Aiya, a deep consciousness, Elijah is now able to better and better control her power. Without careful attention, even Tang En will find it hard to find her whereabouts.

It was Elijah and Lorraine who had just mentioned. Today she came over to play again—looking at the mud on the two little guys, it is estimated that they had just been in the mud pit with Gillian, Nicole and Betty again. Go away.

Don't be surprised. In an era of very scarce entertainment resources, it is not strange for girls to play mud, but it is more high-end-for example, letting Elijah build a small castle with spells, and then they start playing similar play Home game ...

It's just that their physical fitness is much better than that of the Earth people, so don't worry about getting a cold and fever.

"How so dirty!"

Clara couldn't help but blame Ilya: "Don't you say that you should pay attention to the rainy days."

"Hey hey ..."

Ilia smirked on Tang En again with a smirk, and all the mud was on Tang En, and then she ran to Clara casually: "Mom, what was your sister just saying?"

With a twitch of Tang En's mouth, the little girl was intentional.

"Nothing, we're discussing whether Ilia's vacation homework is done."

Immediately after Clara's words came out, Elijah's face changed color and she turned away.

"No running! At least three pages of homework must be done tonight! Also wash your clothes!"

"Wow! Mom bullies people--"

Elijah covered her fart. The stock fled, and when she ran to the door, she suddenly turned her head and shouted at Luo Lin: "--I'll do my homework first, and I'll go to you later to play--

Luo Lin glanced at Tang En and said suddenly, "Stop going out at night."

However, Elijah has run away.

Watching Clara go after Elijah, Down suddenly felt that Clara and Abbot's luck was actually incredible ...

Born a daughter, the blood of the dragon, picked up a daughter, the reincarnation of the goddess. If it wasn't for the birth of the gods' son Tang En, they would be the protagonist template.

"I leave first."

Tang En stood up holding Lorraine, and he said to Elsa: "Aunt Clara should have answered your concerns well, call me after you figure out how to choose."

"Brother! Hold on!"

As soon as Tang En flew out of the balcony, Elsa called him.


"I heard Hal Kamanda say you need me so much, don't you?"

Tang En shook his head and smiled, and said, "That's not important. What's important is what you think in your heart. Don't affect your own judgment because of me."

Elsa nodded silently, watching as Tang En disappeared into the rain curtain.

Winissa suddenly asked, "Do you want to help him?"

Elsa nodded: "I'm stupid. I have only this strength for a long time. I can only help Brother Tang En, but Brother Tang En doesn't like violence very much. I don't look like sister Fiona, nor Austria Her Royal Highness Princess Lelia, there is very little I can help him. "

"You are you, don't compare with others."

"Without comparison, you can't see yourself clearly."

Elsa said very firmly: "It was because of Brother Tang En, that the residents of Ellington lived upside down, not only Ellington, but now the entire Illus Empire is because of Brother Tang En. Policies and ideas have changed, and more and more people have jobs, not only contributing to the country and the world for a better world, but also earning previously unimaginable wealth and living Eat well and get warm. "

"Now everyone's life is so good, it's inseparable from Brother Tang En."

"I want to repay Brother Tang En, but I have no chance to repay. I, I think ..."

Elsa blushed and stuttered for a long time, but still did not have the courage to say those words, but changed the topic, saying: "... I heard Har Kamanda tell me, Brother Tang En It is because I have to find the blood of Taser Hackero to discover my true life ... "

"Tessa Hackero? Seems to have seen the name somewhere ..."

Winissa murmured, she was a little impressed with the name.

"My father in the bloodline sense, a hero of the dragon family, died of the Black Dragon in the First Chaos Invasion War."

Although he didn't want to admit it, the taser hakro described by Hal Kamanda was deeply engraved in Elsa's mind. It was like a soul instinct. The memory has been etched in There, it was only just discovered by her.

"I remember it!"

Winissa slaps her hand: "The mentor's collection of" The History of the War of Prandall · The First Chaos Invasion War "has something to do with him! Together with Master Hohenheim and others, he created the cane of Illus, and The most powerful legionnaire weapon ever! "

Kingship cane?

Elsa froze, she knew that Tang En had such a royal staff, but did not expect that it was related to herself.

Could it be that……

Although Elsa has not yet made a decision, long-trained Winissa has seen the final result, and she sighed, saying, "You want to repay him, so you want to awaken your own blood power?"

"I haven't figured it out yet ..."

Elsa was a little cramped.

"No, you already have the answer in your heart."

Winissa shook her head and said, "If you have an idea, take a bold move and don't let the opportunity slip past you."

If she hadn't acted boldly to chase Adrien, I'm afraid she won't realize her wish until now and become Adrien's wife.

"I, I see!"

the other side.

"Speaking of how did you come over here? Is Shallah all right?"

Luo Lin looked up proudly: "I have my mother staring. I'm on vacation today!"


Tang En was silent for a moment, then let her go: "It's getting late, it's time to go to bed and go to rest."


Tang En returned to the bedroom and turned around, and had a headache.

"What are you doing here?"

Luo Lin said with a look of course: "Sleep."

"But your room is not here ..."

"What are you talking about?"

Luo Lin licked her **** little lips and floated up. She sat directly on Tang En's face and sat him down on the bed: "Today you belong to me only. Don't want to be lazy, let's have a happy baby."

Tang En, whose face was covered with a skirt, was embarrassed (no problem), then he looked back: "No! We didn't just just a few days ago--"

"Less nonsense!"

Luo Lin grabbed Tang En's key points, and showed a jerky but charming smile: "I said no on my mouth, but my body is very honest. Come, donate your seed of life."

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