Things from Another World

Chapter 868: Unprecedented shock

"Really! What homework!"

Eliya finally managed to finish her homework. After washing her clothes with a quick spell, Clara, Elsa, and Winissa were still whispering in the living room. Then they took advantage of them when they weren't. Watch out for sneaking out the door.

Although it was still raining outside, she opened her spell shield this time, so it had no effect.

I trot happily all the way to the Lord's Mansion, then made a face with the guards in the duty room, and ran into the yard of the Lord's Mansion.

I wanted to push in, but found that the gate was locked. After all, it was late, it was raining, and the servants were resting.

With a turn of her eyes, Elijah turned to the side and flew directly onto the balcony, intending to enter from the balcony.

"Hee hee, go in here and startle your elder brother ~"

Eliya throbbed smileily, she quietly approached the window of the balcony, then jumped out of her teeth, and then she held her arms the next moment.

Elijah looked at her little friend Luo Lin who was riding on Big Brother Tang En. They had already done this! ?

Elijah covered her mouth, her face incredible.

Although my brothers and sisters have said that Luo Lin's age is much older than herself (Anya: Hehe ...), her body shape is completely the same as herself. Listening to Gillian they said that that kind of thing should not be done again Can it be done in two years?

Why is Luo Lin just fine?

Elijah covered her mouth, her eyes widened subconsciously, capturing every detail of every action in front of her.

... looks so intense ...

Luo Lin's face was exactly facing the balcony. Suddenly, the undulating Luo Lin opened her eyes from the intoxication, and then she saw Ilya with her mouth wide and her eyes on the balcony.

For a moment the two looked at each other, and Luo Lin's body became subconscious.


Tang En took a breath of air, and sat up subconsciously.

Elijah hurriedly waved her hand to Luolin not to reveal herself.

Luo Lin held down Tang En's head and held him in his arms so that he could not look over the balcony.

As a thief, Eliya paid more attention to covering her breath, sneaking behind the bushes on the balcony, revealing only a pair of glittering eyes.

Luo Lin was relieved, she blinked, and suddenly remembered the embarrassment of playing games with them today, so she smiled proudly, and exaggerated the waves, shaking her body hard.

Although there is a silent enchantment and no sound can be heard outside, Ilia can see from her expression what she wants to express-唉呦 Are you very good at fighting mud and attacking defense today?

What about winning?

Now your elder brother is riding under me!

Owned by me!

The proud Luo Lin used all the means to do everything, only one purpose is to let Tang Enbai fall under his pomegranate skirt, squeeze out more of the essence of his life, and let the outside peeping Ilia be envious of death.

However, she overestimated her ability ...

Even though she is now 160 years old, she is still a small, silvery-haired little loli, not to mention that Tang En had a draw with Lola of Atanox, who had not yet started her career, It's weird that Luo Lin, who is bound by chickens, can squeeze him out.

She was just so proud of her effort that she rolled over.

Then, she and Eliya peeping out the window saw the real storm and stormy sea ...

Luo Lin was shocked like never before.

Elijah has also been hit like never before ...

Seeing the end, the profound explanation of Guan Bao's confession really made the little girl's heart full of emotions, and finally fled in Luo Lin's neck-singing song.

Sure enough, the older brother is right ...

Sweaty Ilya covered her pounding chest, her face flushed, and that kind of thing was really early for herself ...

That ’s it. How could something so intense and so terrible go in ...

"Ilia? When did you go out?"

As soon as Ilia returned, I saw Clara's mother happened to send Grandma Winissa out, and she panicked and shouted, "I, I went out to give Luo Lin something-good-night, grandma, good-night, sister, good-night, I'm going. go to bed!"

"This girl is weird tonight."

Winissa looked at Elijah with a suspicious look.

"It's weird ..."

Clara stared at Elijah's back, thoughtfully.

Elsa tilted her head and shook her nose, always feeling that Ilia had a familiar smell ...

She blushed suddenly, remembering when it smelled.

"I'm going to leave first. Rarely your dad is back today. Your mother and I need to accompany him."

Clara heard her face awkwardly and said, "Good night."

It's too embarrassing to say this to myself.

Winissa seemed to react too, and explained with a light cough: "It's not what you think, it's just a literal meaning."

"I know."

"……That's good……"

This is even more embarrassing! !!

After the teacher and apprentice said good night awkwardly, they separated.

"Tomorrow, go to Tang En."

Clara told Elsa: "No matter what choice you make, I think he will always support you."

"……can you?"

"Even if you refuse to awaken the blood of the dragon and live like Elsa, he will never blame you."

Clara is very sure of this, and after so long, she knows what kind of person Tang En is.

Maybe Elsa could not see through the game, but in fact, Tang En took care of her very much and coddled, and it was for this reason that Elsa worshipped him so blindly.

It is easy for girls to adore worship.

Clara doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but at least, if you choose Down, the result should not be too bad.

When Elsa passed the bathroom, she suddenly saw Ilya sneaking into the bathroom, then threw a bunch of things she was holding into the frame, then walked out of the bathroom with her hands on her back.


"Ah, ah! Sister, uh, good night, good night ..."

Elijah greeted her very unnaturally, then quickly returned to the house and closed the door with a swift slap.

Since Ellington rebuilt, Clara's home has also been rebuilt, and Elijah has her own house, so she no longer lives with Elsa.

Elsa looked at the closed door suspiciously. After hesitating, she went into the bathroom, groped for a moment in the clothes box, and then came up with a pair of small underwear ...

Looking at the wet marks on it, Elsa suddenly became tense, turned and ran to knock on Elijah's door.

"Ilia, open the door."

"No, I'm asleep!"

"Well, then tell me where did you go just now?"

Elsa was very nervous. What if Ilia was cheated by a bad guy?

Elijah didn't doubt Elsa, she said directly, "I just went to the Lord's Mansion to find my elder brother!"

Brother Donn?

As soon as Elsa was breathing hard, she relaxed immediately, and she felt like laughing.

Brother Tang En, how could it be to Elijah ...

Obviously even myself ... wait? I remember that in Salhera, Lorraine was married to brother Tang En. She came to play today and lived there at night. No, no, no, it must be that Ilia saw Lorraine and What Brother Tang En did.

Luo Lin's body size is almost the same as that of Elijah. The two look like little sisters of the same age. It is normal for Elijah to be affected when she sees things like Luo Lin and Tang En doing.

Thinking of this, Elsa had an inexplicable sourness in her heart.

More than half a year ago, Elsa was still a silly girl who didn't understand anything, but after learning and experience in this half a year, she also learned a lot from other people, and finally turned into a slim and big Girl.

She now knows what she feels in her heart, that attachment, that worship, that kind of gratitude, and all kinds of complicated feelings mixed together, which led to her special feelings for Tang En, which is a deep obsession .

After making sure that Elijah wasn't affected by the bad guys, Elsa returned to her room, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, her mind constantly flashing through various scenes of the past when the two got along.

Unfortunately, Tang En is always too busy. In the true sense, the two spend too little time alone, and spend most of their time with other people.

No one would notice the enchanted gaze of the girl beside Tang En.

Now, Brother Tang En needs himself ...

Elsa clasped her hands.

However, after awakening blood and memory, you may no longer be yourself ...

In her heart, there is still a resistance to the memory of the past, and even with the relief of Tang En, such resistance cannot disappear completely.

No one will accept this possibility-if a person does not even care about the meaning of his existence, he cannot survive.

Elsa took out the rune box, and the red and golden blood slowly swirled around, releasing amazing heat from time to time, looking like Lumbica (sun) in the sky.

The closer you get to it, the more you can feel the call and desire of the soul deep—but it is this instinctual call and desire that makes people even more frightened.

Because before you truly accept the past, you simply cannot explain where this instinctual call and thirst originated-but after you accept it, you have no chance to regret it.

Elsa looked at the dragon's heart and blood, thinking in her mind faster than ever. The troubled girl felt that she had never been so tired as she is now.


She fell asleep.

In the dream, Elsa found herself a human girl who was running happily with him on the green field, and a moment later he carried his wings and soared high above the sky, allowing all things to submit to Long Wei Black dragon.

The black dragon and the girl are constantly changing, and the surrounding environment is constantly changing, but the only one who is by his side has never changed.

It's Brother Tang En.

As long as he saw him, all dangers, all pains, all uneasiness disappeared.

In the dream, Elsa's breathing gradually calmed down, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she entered a happy dreamland with a sweet smile.

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