Things from Another World

Chapter 870: Shock! The truth about a whole race streaking! ?

Scales are not clothes, this is a difficult topic to define.

After all, intelligent races with scales, such as the Naga in the Abyss, treat scales as part of their body, and the Dragon Dragon family is probably the same.

But Naga also wore clothes, such as seaweed woven clothes similar to textiles, or corsets made of shells, hair accessories made of starfish, and so on.

And the dragon ... they seem to have nothing but scales! clothes? I'm afraid it's something new for them ...

Well, let alone say this, it is Elsa's thing that is more tangled now.

No matter how bitterly persuasive Tang En and Fiona are, Elsa always feels like she is standing naked under the broad daylight, and the kind of shame seen by people at first glance makes the shy girl feel helpless.

After all, she's not an exhibitionist, how could she like this feeling.

The members of the Dragon family have been living on Long Island since they were small, so they are used to this feeling, or they have already regarded scales as clothes or armor, but Elsa is different. Although she has recovered The memory of Ellu Haksha, but she has grown up again in the past ten years, receiving the education of human common sense.

No clothes = naked. Body = streaking = I don't know shame. After this series of equations came down, Elsa had already buried her head under the wings with shame, so why bother to talk to Tang En.

The bitter smile Tang En racked his brains, but still failed to persuade Elsa to use the scales as clothes. In the end, he patted his mind: "It's stupid ... you changed back to a human appearance, when you use deformity ... "

Tang En was suddenly there.

Having said that, the dragons use the deformation technique to change into human form, and there is no need to change clothes. That is to say, the clothes of human dragons are actually part of their bodies ... Wait, what seems to be wrong?

Lying down!

Tang En thinks he seems to have found the shocking truth-the original Njoma Kadman, or the members of the Dragon clan, has been streaking in front of the public. ?

This discovery is so shocking!

If it spreads out, I'm afraid that the lofty status of the Dragons in Prendall will drop by several percentage points in an instant!

"Well, by the way, when you transform back to humans, you turn the scales into clothes ... hh wait!"

Thinking about solving Elsa's current problems first, Tang En suddenly became nervous again: "Will you use metamorphosis?"

It is said that the dragon's genes are inherently inherited. All dragons will receive complete memory inheritance when they are adults, and dragon grammar will be acquired by nature, but Elsa's situation is a bit complicated, and Tang En is really a bit Unsure.

If she can't transfiguration now, the fun will be great.

"It seems ... will?"

Elsa showed a pair of eyes under the wings, and she was a little uncertain herself.

There is a complete dragon grammar system in Ellu Haksha's memory, but after all, Elsa has always used herself as a warrior. She has never used a spell before and she does n’t know if she will use those spells. .

"Try it."

Down made an ice target in the air: "Blow it up with a fireball."

When Elsa was depressed, she opened her mouth and blew a dragon's breath to burn the ice target.

Down: "..."

Fiona: "..."

Tang En sighed, "I'm letting you use fireball, not letting you use dragon breath ..."

Dragon Breath is a dragon's natural instinct. Their body structure is special, they can store a large number of elements, and when they are used again, it is a dangerous torrent of elements, that is, Dragon Breath-but it is obviously not attached to the molding spell.

"I, I try again ..."

After finishing speaking in Elsa's period, after trying hard to remember for a long time, she sang a few short and powerful syllables in a familiar and unfamiliar (no problem) dragon language, followed by a circle of crimson runes in front of her. Wen, the huge fire element whistled and condensed, and then turned into a huge swirling fire element sphere.

"Sink !?"

Tang En was suddenly shocked: "Throw it into the sky!"

"it is good."

Elsa was puzzled, but still obeyed Tang En's orders and threw the "fireball" into the sky.

Tang En rushed into the air instantly, spreading a layer of shield, covering Ellington below.

Just listening to the loud sound of "Boom", the fireball exploded in the sky, the fiery elements of fire swept over half of the sky, the rolling waves evaporated the clouds in the sky, and the refreshing morning turned into a hot summer.

Fortunately, Tang En reacted fast enough, so that did not cause any bad effects.

After Tang En fell, his face was covered with a reprimand, and then a summary was made: "You need to be trained in control magic as Ilia!"

Elsa's current strength has been directly promoted from the original gold level to the legend-adult dragons have legendary strength-but she obviously does not have a lot of time to adapt like those long-term growth dragons Growing power in the body.

Elsa couldn't control the power of one step to the sky, and the power that grew too quickly was very easy to get out of control. Just like the high-concentration fire elemental sphere, if it exploded over the lord's palace, if Tang En didn't take the shot, most of them were Eling. All of them disappear-no kidding.

Think about the consequences of Jean or Angus not controlling the power, and shooting at full force-the eighth-order spell is not a random spell.

"I know, I know ..."

Grieved Elsa bowed her head timidly, and honestly accepted Tang En's reprimand.

After the lesson, Tang En told her briefly about the key points of the transfiguration technique, and combined with her experience in Eluo's memory, it should be no problem to become Elsa.


Elsa tried to concentrate, recalling her original image, and constructing all the details from head to toe, as Tang En said.

Metamorphosis is simple and complex, and complex. If you want to temporarily turn a target into a sheep or a turtle, the difficulty depends on the target's magic resistance, but at least it is not difficult.

But if you want to reach the level of the legendary magic dragon incarnation, it is difficult to reach the sky-you must detail the dragon incarnation you want to change to the level of each bone, scale, and tooth in your mind. .

"Remember, the more detailed the better, especially when it comes to such a huge body change, you have to rebuild another‘ self ’in your mind completely.”

I saw a huge black dragon girl like a hill suddenly surrounded by strong magic, and then quickly reduced her body shape in a dazzling light and shadow, the wings and tail contracted, the long neck also continued to shorten, the scales gradually disappeared, and the skin became white again ...

Fortunately today, Elsa has just restored the dragon body from human form. The previous human posture has not been completely forgotten, so it has changed from dragon form to human form again. This step of humans is easy to achieve.


When Elsa opened her eyes again, she exclaimed immediately, squatting down holding her chest.

This time it was really lighted up ...


Down turned and motioned to Fiona to dress her: "At least the transformation process went smoothly."


After Fiona put on Elsa's coat, her eyes widened suddenly, and she exclaimed, "There is still something wrong!"

"what happened!?"

Tang En turned back nervously: "What's wrong?"

Problems can be large or small in the process of metamorphosis, and sometimes the consequences are quite serious.

Fiona pointed at Elsa and said, "Her **** weren't that big before!"

Tang En looked intently, rubbing his nose a bit unnaturally: "It seems ... hasn't changed much ..."

"Nothing changed? You call it nothing changed?"

Fiona's heart is sour, and the only one who can match her in the original material is only Princess Aurelia and Queen Olena (she doesn't know about Isari and Down), and even the Virgin Elly There was a gap in front of me, not to mention Igwin (Agwin :?), now it's okay, Elsa, the little girl, cheated with metamorphosis!

Elsa lowered her head shyly, playing with her fingers without explaining anything.

This is a bit of her selfishness, anyway, she wants to be transformed. She simply makes up for the place that had been envious of Fiona before. Besides, Brother Tang En also seems to like a bigger one ...

"Ahem, please be considerate of Elsa."

Tang En hit the field: "After awakening the blood of the dragon, basically the body will no longer develop, and her constant shape will not change in the future. Can't she always envy you?"

"Not yet because you like ..."

Fiona muttered, Elsa's head was lower and her neck and ears were red.

Transfiguration, she is still quite proficient now, she might as well be one size bigger ... but would it be a bit exaggerated ...

"Let's get back to business."

When I continue this topic, I always feel that it will go awry. Tang En forced the topic back: "How does it feel to be a dragon for the first time?"

"Awkward ..."

Elsa said Ai Aidi: "I feel uncomfortable with various things, as if there are many things on my body ..."

"Normal, there are more wings and tails."

Tang En smiled and said, "If it's okay, go to the sky for a few laps to get used to it, and get used to it after a long time."


Elsa blushed suddenly and shouted, "It's too shameful!"

Bare naked. The body flies around in the sky, so that so many people look at it-this kind of things can not be accepted!

Tang En scratched his head: "Don't you have recovered Elo's memory? You should already be used to this kind of thing."

"Memory is found, but it has been reshaped in Ellington."

Elsa showed an expression of wanting to cry and laugh: "Now I feel like I was a primitive creature at that time, without civilization."

Hey girl, you can eat things randomly, but you can't say them!

This made Alcho Kamanda they would be absolutely crazy when they heard it!

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