Things from Another World

Chapter 871: Anyway, it will flow every month

As a member of the Dragon Clan, they said that their race was as ignorant and backward as primitive creatures. I heard that they were more than just madness when they heard it.

But then again, the shame of putting on clothes is indeed a big difference between intelligent civilization and beasts, and it is normal for Elsa to think so.

"Although it makes sense," Tang En drew a corner of his mouth. "But don't let Atzo Kamanda hear them, or you must be crazy."

"But that's true ..."

Elsa pouted with grievances: "Besides, although the memory at that time was recovered, it was useless ... I was very weak at that time, so I rarely went out, and I was the most contacted. Kamanda, and he left later, so it didn't make sense, but it doesn't work now ... "

All in all, she was very weak when she was Elro Haksha, so she rarely touched other people, including members of the Dragon clan. So after so many years, she has been very simple, and really shaped her three views. Sixteen years of Ellington's rebirth.

Although Ellington was very poor at that time, everyone lived together, hunted together, trained together, laughed together for a good harvest, saddened by the death of a familiar friend ...

These childhood experiences shaped Elsa now.

Without Elro's memory, Elsa is still Elsa, but without Elsa, Elro would not exist in this world.

"What then?"

"Yes, or not ..."

Elsa said, "Make a big skirt for me?"

Tang En collapsed: "Let's not say how strange it is for Dragon to wear a skirt. Even if he wears a skirt and flies in the sky, he will see the skirt ..."

Elsa whispered with her finger: "To, at least I feel a little comfort ..."

"You promise her."

Fiona touched Tang En, and it was estimated that this girl would be embarrassed to become a dragon again.

Helpless Tang En had no choice but to agree with her. When thinking of a mighty black dragon flying in the sky, she was surrounded by a strange flower skirt, Tang En felt that her three views would be subverted.

Seeing that Tang En agreed, Elsa, who was happy, then thought of another question: "Yes, brother Tang En, what do you want me to do for you?"

Tang En clapped, "I almost forgot!"

He called Angus and called him over. When Angus was there, he briefly told Elsa about the royal staff. When Angus arrived, Elsa had already Basically understand the situation.

"... In other words, in order to repair the Staff of Kingship, you need to activate the Rune of Dragon Blood on it. The best choice is the blood of your father, Taser Haklo, but he has been dead for many years, so you are the best. Choice. "

After listening to Tang En's narrative, Elsa nodded without hesitation and said, "No problem! As long as you can help Brother Tang En, a little blood is nothing, anyway, it will circulate every month, and it will be waste if not used."

"Cough, cough! Huh!"

Elsa stunned Fiona's words so bluntly. She coughed and signaled Elsa's convergence point. She was rather aloof from aristocratic origins. This kind of private statement was very vulgar in public. of.

"What happened to sister Fiona?"

I have no problem. What's wrong with you, girl!

Tang En couldn't continue to be stupid. He sighed and said, "In short, all the repair conditions are now in place. Angus, please prepare. I'll call Isari over."

"I have nothing to prepare for."

Angus spread his hand: "The situation about the royal cane on the scroll has been well known, and I can no longer analyze anything else. Only the actual hands are left. The problem is how to teach Isari. This is the most important thing. Difficult place. "

The pen of the world tree can only be used by the elven queen representing the elven tribe, the bishop Maserati representing the earth goddess, and the goddess Aegwin who represents the will of the earth goddess, so although the restoration plan was developed by Angus , But the final implementation was Isari.

One thing that is well known is that the Elves' learning talent is not strong.

what? I'm just kidding? Elf members are all-powerful in singing and dancing?

Please! Is that all piled up in time?

Humans' learning abilities and talents are known to be strong. With a short life span of 100 years, they can continue to strengthen during this period. At the same time, they can master a variety of complex knowledge and technology, which is much stronger than other races.

If you give humans a thousand years of life, as long as they are not late in cancer, they must all be masters, sages, legendary strongmen, believe it or not?

Because of its unparalleled life advantage, the shortcomings of the elves are hard to see. After all, in the blink of an eye, you may have been turned over several generations, and even the exaggerated shortcomings have been ignored.

"... It shouldn't be a problem ... well, forget it, you'll know later."

Tang En is also a little uncertain, but considering Isaley's strength, it should be no big problem to cooperate with Angus to repair the cane of kingship.

He teleported directly to the Emerald Corolla, outside the main entrance of the Queen's Palace.

When teleportation appeared at the gate of the Queen's palace, the sleepy female elf leaning on the trunk opened her eyes sharply, her sharp eyes were like a sword out of the sheath, but after she saw the visitors clearly, she was very lazy and soft Falling down on the trunk: "Hah ... who do I think it is ... it's Your Royal Highness ..."

Tang En's face was wrong: "When will I become the prince? Don't bark."

"Ah, what else do you think it is that individuals can freely enter and leave the Queen's Palace?"

The guard of the queen Matilda waved her hands, squinting her eyes and said lazily: "Or do you plan to run away with a clean mouth? I don't think Her Majesty will let you run away."

Tang En wiped his sweat: "What are you talking about ..."

"So don't confess what you have done. The Queen has given you the privilege of a prince, which is very telling."

Matilda said lazily: "Come in, don't let the Queen wait long."

A cold sweat, Tang En walked straight into the palace, that is, after being reminded by Matilda, he suddenly reacted, even if he was a **** ambassador, it was too free here in the Queen's palace-I came here before He never encountered any obstructions, and those guards still respected him ...

Feeling that they have made me a prince!

Tang En suddenly realized that she had fallen into a gentle trap under Isari cloth. She mentioned this before, but because of Aegwynn, Tang En refused, and Isari did not mention it again. Thought that Sally had given up.

It seems that he is still too young!

If everyone thinks you are the prince, then you are the prince, even if you deny it yourself.

Apparently this is the small abacus.


The elven queen had just had breakfast when Tang found her, and she was already early in terms of lazy elves' rest time.

"Ah, dear, why are you here?"

Yisali greeted her cheerfully, held Tang En in her arms, pressed his face against her full chest, and gave him a well-being ceremony. "Did you finally miss me?" Yet?"

It was Tang En's heart-warming anger that he could not help but be quenched by this facial cleanser.

With tenacious willpower to resist the temptation of the sweet smell lingering on the tip of the nose, Tang En struggled and looked up: "How can you let Matilda talk nonsense? I didn't promise to be the elven prince!"

Although it is not unwilling to be the elven prince, the most important thing is Aegwynn's side. If she can't accept it, how can she carry out the next strategy!

"I didn't say anything."

Isali blinked her eyes innocently, and her face seemed aggrieved, "You're misunderstood."

"As soon as Matilda met, he called my Highness Prince!"

"--That was their misunderstanding."

"You've just been a bit slow! You're thinking of a reason, right?"


Isari evaded Tang's eyes and said, "I just gave you the treatment that the deities should receive. The other sisters thought it was the treatment of the prince, so you thought you were the prince of our elf. This is what they think. I can't control them. "

Alright! I don't even want to justify the reason, and directly put the blame on those elf girls, this is going to take the mass line!

You and I glared at you, and after a stalemate for a long time, Tang En gave up weakly: "Well, you won ... If Igwin ignores me in the future, how do I fix you."

"Relax, it won't."

Isari narrowed her eyes happily, holding one of Tang's arms and walking inside: "I'd rather order Sister Egwin to marry you, right?"

Based on Aegwynn's personality and the habits of the elves, if Isari really orders this, I'm afraid Aegwynn will really agree without hesitation.


Is that what Tang En wants?

After Tang En hesitated, he shook his head: "No, I disdain to use this method, I will let her accept me and understand my heart."

"Oh oh! Have ambition!"

Issally raised her fist to cheer for Tang En: "Then you have to be prepared for a long battle! Sister Egwin is notoriously slow in terms of feelings-in the sense of elves."

Compared with humans, the elves are already slow enough, so how much will the "slowness" inside the elves be ...

"Do not worry!"

Tang En was confident this time: "It won't take long!"

Before, I stunned Aegwin a little, and then she didn't dare to see Tang En for so long, and her mood was obviously fluctuating. Too slow, so the effect is very small.

But, at least better than the two hundred-year-old bachelors who are singletons of Angus and Jean?

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