Things from Another World

Chapter 872: Her Majesty, steady!

"Although I don't know where you are confident, but I am optimistic about you ~"

Isari smirked and pulled Down.

Tang En in meditation returned to his head, looked up, and was suddenly surprised: "What do you want to do this morning !?"

Appearing in front of him was the big bed full of nature!

Asked with a tilted head, Isari asked, "Early morning, everything is rejuvenating and full of vitality. Isn't it a good time to have a baby?"

"——That's strange!"

Tang En was so annoyed that he didn't scatter. These guys really wanted to have children and went crazy! He will be taken to the morning exercise in the morning-is he such a person! ?


Isari pouted: "Why are you looking for me without a child?"

This guy is not saved!

"I have something I want you to help with--"


At this point, Tang En was shocked, and then saw a sly smile flash on Isari's face.

Now the sheep are entering the tiger's mouth!

Isary pushed Thun: "What do you say?"

"……Is such that."

So far, Tang En had no choice but to tell the whole thing honestly to Isari.

"In other words, do you need me to help you fix that royal cane?"


"In other words, are you asking me for something?"


"Then have a baby with me!"

Shake your head!

Isari looked at Tang En: "Is this how you ask for help?"

Damn I know!

Tang En was struggling for a while. Why was this girl so foolish and sweet all of a sudden? Do you know how to take advantage of conditions?

"So, if you want me to help, just have a baby with me ~"

Isari sticked up again and said cheerfully: "I will accompany you after the end."

Faced with this situation, what else can Tang En say?

Even if he is reluctant, for the sake of justice and great cause, he has to bite the bullet!

What's more, he can't be said to be reluctant. He simply got cheap and sold well, because he was too greedy, afraid of having both fish and bear's paw, so he wanted to avoid suspicion.

Isali played Tang En from a young age to a big one. Persevering Tang En was omnipotent. She tried everything she could to explain the situation in an unstoppable way. She directly lost the helmet and armor that was killed by Isari, making Tang En addicted to it.

At the end of the panic intestine battle, it was already noon.

Matilda squatting at the palace door suddenly raised her head, and when she saw the noble queen walking out of the palace, holding Tang En in one hand and covering her lower abdomen, with a mother-like smile on her face, she gave her thumbs up.

Her Majesty, steady!

When the two went to the Temple of the Earth and took the pen of the world tree, and then returned to Ellington, Isael continued to ask Tang En if he had any thoughts on the child's name. Collapse-Judging from the ultra-low pregnancy probability of the Elves, it is still a matter of pregnancy. It is so anxious to name the child ...

How much does this guy want to have children?

Having said that, after a year of 18X book bombing, haven't the elves created humans more frequently? This unscientific!

"Why so long?"

When Down and Isari returned to the yard, only Angus himself was left here.

"Well? What about them?"

"It's been all morning! How could it still be standing here stupid!"

Angus looked with amazement at Isael holding Down's arm: "Fiona can't stay here for a long time. Elsa feels hungry after waking up so she went to the kitchen. You came back just right, It's time for lunch. Let's work after lunch. "

"Do you want to try?"

Tang En asked Isari: "Ellington's meals are heavier and may not suit the taste of elves."

"It doesn't matter."

Isali was very interested, eager to try: "Eating occasionally does not matter, we just do not like to eat too greasy things, it is not impossible to eat."

She understood what Tang En called "heavy taste" as heavy oil meals.

Angus smiled strangely and walked straight to the restaurant.

Tang En wanted to explain, but the thought of being forced to juice by her in the morning changed her mind instantly.

Huh, silly white and sweet elven queen, let you accept the baptism of Eastern cuisine from another world!

A lunch at noon did not surprise Tang En. Although Isali's powerful talent was amazing, she was sunk by a combination of dishes she had never seen before. Tang Entune teaches all kinds of children's essence, now under the teaching of Tang En began to boldly develop new cuisine and spices, Tina, Marin and other maids and sisters are also enjoying it.

Although dark cuisines are often born, in general, new dishes are often brought to light, and Tang En finally has a glimmer of hope for the world's culinary world.

"Who is dyed blue and skinny, but is good at riding (although uncomfortable, but delicious.)."

After lunch, Isaly drinking tea repeatedly covered her cheek and commented-her face had been scalloped with spicy and hemp, but the unprecedented meal did let her enjoy a special taste.

"Drink tea slowly, and let Angus tell you what to do next."

Although Isali's mouth was useless for the time being, Tang En, who was full of emotion, didn't mind, shouted Angus with a smile and started giving her temporary training classes.

Now that she couldn't fight Tang En, Sally could only sit down and listen to Angus class.

Angus took out a piece of parchment paper with the runes printed on the cane of royal power. After comparing and repairing with the original, the printed copy almost perfected the runes on the cane of royal power.

"Your Majesty, what you have to say is to use the blood provided by Elsa to redraw these runes on the cane of kingship with the pen of the world tree."

Isari nodded: "It's a pity to make a layup (it doesn't seem difficult)."

Angus understood what she meant and shook her head. "It doesn't look difficult on the surface, it's a rare place here ... see this."

Angus handed Isari a piece of parchment paper written in Rune language, which was densely written with notes that need to be paid attention to when drawing runes.

When Isari looked at the parchment, Angus slowly said, "About the consumption of magic power, I don't want to care about your strength. The main difficulty is to draw the runes, and you need to follow A certain law injects magic into it. A little more or less will cause the overall rune to collapse. Although it will not damage the royal staff, the wasted blood cannot be reused. Elsa cannot provide us with too much. Dragon's blood. "

The power in the blood of the Dragon is the power that is condensed by the continuous absorption of magic during the long life. As a new dragon, Elsa's blood is actually very thin. She has just awakened the blood, although she doesn't mind She was bled by Tang En, but too much blood will definitely affect her future growth.

So it saves a little bit.

"Besides, there must not be any deviation in the position of the runes, because these runes are actually not flat. After they are drawn on the cane, they are actually three-dimensional runes. According to the record left by Master Hohenheim, This three-dimensional rune simulates the effects of a divine rune in a way that humans can understand, but we don't know what it means. "

Three-dimensional text?

Tang En was a little surprised, he didn't notice it at first.

"Because it is a three-dimensional rune, it cannot be interpreted in the text you see now. From each angle, its meaning is different, but the overall meaning is highly unified. It can describe a complete piece of information. The runes are more complicated, but mortals cannot understand at all. This three-dimensional rune is the limit that we humans can understand at present. "

The reason why God Word Rune cannot be cracked and cannot be understood by humans may be precisely because it is a space-based text. The amount of information in a single body is too large. From a mortal perspective, it is impossible to understand the meaning.

The field of vision is confined by its own conditions. This cannot be changed, just like the creatures in the two-dimensional world can never observe the height, and the creatures in the three-dimensional world can never observe the time.

Isari frowned slightly, and began to feel that the task was not easy.

Because the requirements listed on the parchment must be met, and the difficulty of releasing several legendary spells is almost the same, the mental energy consumed is extremely terrible.

Not to mention paying attention to the accuracy of the runes.

At this level of consumption, even trying to use other materials a few times may not be able to do it, because she will become exhausted once.

Angus said very seriously: "After remembering the main points on this scroll, we can start. Since fresh dragon blood is needed, during the drawing process, we must ensure that Elsa is next to it, and We can't let the wounds heal, we try to succeed at once. "

He also knew it would be difficult to do, but he had to do it if he wanted to repair the cane of kingship.

He didn't know how powerful Illuth's cane of power was, but from the point of view of the power of the cane, it was necessary for him to help Tang En repair the treasure-it was the only one in Prandall's history. Legion Weapons Designed and Created Together! It is also the most successful, powerful, and representative alchemy product ever!

Restored it, his name, Donn ’s name, Isaley ’s name, will surely be alive, and its achievements are no less than Hohenheim and Tesse Hackero who created the weapon.

Angus began to explain some of the special needs for Isari. Many people who do not understand alchemy do not understand why they do it at all, and they will make mistakes if they do not understand the meaning, and Angus' task is to detail He told her the whole process of drawing the runes, and the areas where errors were easy to make, and at the same time, she drew a demonstration and showed it to her.

Then they spent all their afternoons studying that rune.

It wasn't until Tang En's flash of light that Otinija was called over and finally proceeded smoothly.

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