Things from Another World

Chapter 873: Difficult repair work

It wasn't until the next day that the real repair work officially started.

In the backyard of the huge Lord ’s Mansion, Angus, Down, and Isari stood together solemnly. Jean, Fiona, Ortinia, Yustisa, and even Elijah, etc. Columns, all waiting to watch.

And Elsa had already transformed into a dragon in advance and was walking in the backyard-it is worth mentioning that she finally wore a strangely beautiful flower skirt.

To tell the truth, the black dragon in a skirt, whether in past or present life, is unheard of by Tang En ...

But thanks to the help of this skirt, Elsa finally reluctantly resisted the shame in her heart, and can accept being transformed into a dragon in front of everyone.

"Are you ready?"

Angus looked at Isari very seriously: "It's all up to you."

Isari nodded: "Thanks to Eutinia's help, she is more confident now."

Eutinia nodded her head aside, in fact she didn't help anything-although she could understand the runes of God's Word, it was more like an instinct, and she couldn't help her The meaning is retelling with humans.

No matter how you repeat it, you can't accurately express the specific meaning of God's Word Rune, and it will be different after all.

All she could do was help Isari to interpret the rune on the royal staff, and at the same time promised to help strengthen Isari's mental power and control when repairing.

This has made Tang En happy.

Originally, Isari didn't know about Eutinia's identity, but Tang En told her privately, and Isari knew that the goddess dark girl who helped her turned out-although it was only a reincarnation of a weak wait god, But after all, it is also a real deity.

With the help of Otiniya, at least 30% of the success rate can be guaranteed.

Angus slowly said, "Now that you're ready, let's start ... Elsa."

Elsa lying next to her was already ready. Anyway, she has nothing else to do today. She is ready to donate blood. She carefully stretched out her paw and whispered: "That ... Tap ... I fear pain……"

Elsa is not afraid of pain, but she is afraid of her subconscious movements. Any sneezing or fluttering may damage the repair process.

Originally, Angus wanted her to be in human form. The destructive power would be a little less accidental and less, but Tang En refused and let her use the dragon form. At least when she was bleeding, her body size was large and she had a lot of blood, right? ...

The dragon form can definitely resist longer.

Just in case, Tang En greeted Nora early. Nora is now lying on the tip of Elsa's nose, ready to help.

This is probably just because Tang En is too nervous and worrying. After all, with this degree of bleeding, it is very difficult to make a dragon weak or even die, because ...

"What to do?"

Angus stared at the healed wound aggressively.

In order to avoid harming Elsa, he did not use any power and picked a place where the dragon scales were not covered. As a result, the steel sword was still broken by the strong defense power of the dragon skin.

After finally changing to a sharper weapon, that is, a mass-produced chopped iron sword, this broke the defense of the dragon skin, but before the bleeding was seen, the wound healed in a blink of an eye.

That's right, this open-race race heals faster than bleeding ... If it's not too severe a wound, they can just ignore it.

"Does it hurt?"

Down looked at Elsa's huge faucet.

"It seems ... not ... hurt?"

Elsa wasn't quite sure what she felt. It was painful to watch Angus cut and cut the skin, but the actual feeling was not painful. This experience was quite contradictory.

Probably similar to the so-called phantom limb pain.

"That's good."

Tang En turned around: "Because he's going to fight hard next."

Sure enough, Angus Yang, who did not believe in evil, slashed it with a sword. Since Elsa was very cooperative and had no active defense, she was cut directly into a deep wound, and finally saw red and golden blood. Exuding!

"I have it!"

Angus hurriedly shouted, "Get the pen of the world tree!"

Isari hurriedly dipped the pen of the world tree, and the nib quickly drank the dragon's blood, exuding a very majestic and sacred breath.

The pen of the world tree looks like a branch, the pen is uneven and covered with lines, and the nib is composed of tentacles on the world tree. The magic that naturally radiates them together, and it looks like a branch. Golden writing brush.

It is said that the pen of the world tree is the artifact left by the goddess Niscle Claire after the creation of all things by the gods, and because of the strong deity attached to it, only the elven queen, the bishop of the earth goddess and Only used by God's agents.

Therefore, the runes and spells drawn with this pen have an extremely powerful power bonus. The magic circle can be drawn with a success rate of 100% and the effect can be maximized.

At this moment, the pen of the World Tree, which was soaked in dragon blood, exuded a strong magical brilliance, and the power contained in it surprised even Jean and Angus.

The power above is too powerful, and now it is very difficult for Isari to hold the pen of the world tree.

Tang En whispered, "Otinia!"

Eutinia glanced up and threw a small ball of light. The light ball fell directly into Isari's forehead, followed by a sudden change of expression in Isari's expression, her eyes suddenly became extremely solemn and noble, like a The goddess who came to earth is generally sacred and inviolable!

The Pen of the World Tree trembling in her hands quieted in a blink of an eye.

Angus was overjoyed: "It's now! Hurry up! Start now!"

Isali turned without hesitation and locked the royal cane standing in the air. After a moment, she decisively extended her right hand!

Mysterious runes emerged smoothly from under the nib, one by one jumping out, and steadily landed on the cane of kingship.

Although the top is a relatively complicated rune, the size of the royal staff is not large, and the size of the rune is also quite small. It is a test of control and attention. It is just that the power of Otania makes up for Isari's short board. Her eyes exuded a faint glow, and her writing was abnormally stable. So far, she has drawn the third bar, and no accident has occurred.

"Fortunately, everything goes well ..."

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as his voice fell off, he heard a bang and the rune blew up.

Isari was worried about hurting Elsa, so her movements were slightly gentler when she took the dragon's blood, and her movement was a little slow, and then the sound of "snap" suddenly collapsed and the magic condensed on the already drawn runes suddenly collapsed , Even with the rune that was drawn, it exploded again.

Isali stayed for a while, and almost broke away from the detached state. She immediately controlled her mood swings and started the second drawing carefully.

Oh shit……

Tang En cursed in his heart, he shouldn't stand FLAG at random, then the poisoned milk is king!

Restarting the runes took much more energy than they imagined. Rao Yisali's strength and a little sweat on her forehead, her eyes staring at the king's cane without blinking, the air was invisible The magic fluctuations and patterns in her eyes are almost essential, allowing her to accurately grasp every magic fluctuation and avoid the risk of failure.

Everyone around them didn't dare to breathe for fear that it would affect Isari.

I dipped the dragon blood for the third time, and have already gone through two difficult points. So far everything has gone smoothly.

Unfortunately, the sweat on her forehead reached Isari's eyes, she blinked subconsciously, and then "snapped," the second attempt, and she lost all her achievements!

Suddenly, Isali's mood fluctuated again, and she failed twice in a row.

"Don't worry, take your time. It doesn't matter if you fail, just give up."

Down's voice came from the side.

Isari took a deep breath a few times, and in an aloof state, she suddenly looked at Tang En, and then with the horrified gaze of others, she ran to Tang En and kissed him directly.

Tang En was suddenly aggressive, looking subconsciously at Fiona-lying down! This is the rhythm of the table fire!

Sure enough, Fiona's eyes widened suddenly, and the whole person was stupid there.

Although I know that Tang En has a good relationship with the Elven clan, when will even the Elven Queen be so close to him! ?

At the same time, Fiona suddenly felt a sense of crisis-even the elf queen of the free and quiet nature launched an active attack on him, but she was so slow waiting for him to take the initiative, wouldn't she fall into passive !! ?

Not good!

Really bad!

You have to take the initiative!

"Oh oh ..."

Yustis narrowed her eyes and gave a strange smile.

"This jealous guy!"

Jean's hatred teeth were itchy and his eyes were red: "It's obvious that she has such a relationship with Queen Isary, and she still thinks of Aegwynn!"


Ilya covered her eyes subconsciously, her face flushed.

Even when she was young, she didn't have any exclusivity. She thought that her older brother was going to do something with Luo Lin before this big sister, and the little girl knew she was shy.

Elsa also widened her eyes, but she was too big at the moment, and it was difficult for the dragon to see her expression, but she was ignored by her.

"I need your help and hug me from behind."

Isari kissed, whispered gently in Tang En's ear, and then pulled him to the front of the royal cane.

Helpless Tang En had to do it, staring at the king's staff intently, not even looking at him.

Isari took a deep breath, holding the pen of the World Tree firmly, Angus cut a wound on Elsa's finger again, and let Isari dip the dragon's blood.

Feeling Down's breath next to her, Isari's anxiety completely subsided and she entered an unprecedented ethereal state ...

Drawing for the third time, start!

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