Things from Another World

Chapter 878: Can the operating system be upgraded?

In Prendall, astral creatures are not encountered casually. Even legendary powerhouses such as Jean, Angus, and Eggwin rarely enter the astral world. After all, astral creatures are quite powerful. , Coupled with a relatively dangerous environment, will accidentally die there.

Jean once walked in the astral world for a short time. He tried to find some rare materials in the astral world. He had seen the astral warhorse, and he was very impressed by the glance at the beginning.

I did not expect to see astral warhorses here today.

"You just went to the astral circle?"

Jean stared, with an incredible look on his face: "How did you conquer this astral warhorse?"

In history, it seems that I have never heard of anyone conquering the Astral Warhorse, but looking at it now, it is clear that it has been conquered.

"It didn't go to the astral plane, it was just that it broke into that space with another astral creature."

Tang Enunu said, "Ilia saved it, and then decided to make it a mount, and it seemed to have given up."

Astral war horse is very helpless.

If you do n’t confess your life, you do n’t die ...

Jean realised that it was not too difficult for Elijah to conquer an astral warhorse.


Gene stared at the astral warhorse with a bit of enthusiasm, full of envy.

For magicians, astral warhorses may be one of the best mount options. Astral warhorses are inherently capable of phase movement, immune to physical damage, and flying. In addition, as astral creatures, they are inherently attractive. The magic of the surroundings forms a rich magic area around the body, which is convenient for the magician to cast, so it can perfectly cooperate with the magician.

It can be said that any magician wants to have an astral warhorse, but it is truly capable of achieving it, and there have been few since ancient times.

The main reason has just been said. It ’s not that you have the strength. The astral world is very dangerous. The time spent in the astral world is generally not too long. If you want to conquer the astral horse, you must first encounter it, right?

A magician who has the ability to walk to the astral world may not have good luck meeting the astral horse.

Jean rubbed his hands and squinted his face and said, "Well, Elijah, can you give me this astral horse ..."

Angus froze, does this old guy not even have his old face for the mount?

"No! Invincible is my elder brother's mount!"

Elijah rejected him decisively.

Gene looked at Don.

"Don't look at me. It's Elijah's mount. I won't interfere with her decision."

Tang En shrugged. "She doesn't want me to think you still don't think about it, unless you want to die until the end."

Tang En changed Jean's face with a word, and almost swallowed the words.

It is no longer indescribable to forcibly ask Ms. Zhe for something ...

The chef was re-fried a few dishes. Tang En and the three of them hurriedly filled their stomachs. After eating, Ilya ran on the astral warhorse to look for Coco and vanilla to show off.

Because of what happened before, the two cat-girls have been deliberately avoiding Tang En, and haven't come here for fun today.

Tang En drunken enough to ask Angus: "Have you seen the statue of the Golden Giant?"

"I've seen it, and it's a bit complicated."

Angus frowned, the situation of the golden giants was much more complicated than he imagined, especially the internal structure, full of technical crystals of gnome engineering, and even some places he could not understand, the materials used for their bodies seemed to be Similar to universal alloys, it is also an alloy material, but it has very complicated tact-they will recover on their own.

This was discovered when Angus was trying to dismantle the golden giant statue, and the cut shell even recovered by himself-this is also the first time he saw the golden giant statue's legendary self-recovery.

After telling the situation briefly, Tang En was not surprised. After all, it was already known that the gold statue might be a memory metal. (See Chapter 617)

"I have notified Master Croto, and he is also very excited, and promised to come and study the gold statue immediately."

Tang En nodded. It was normal for Clotto to be excited. The Golden Statue was probably the product of the first time that the dwarf cooperated with other races. Of course, he also wanted to see the brilliant civilization of his own race.

The Golden Titan not only condenses the crystals of dwarf technology, but also deeply integrates the essence of various alchemy techniques. The runes depicted on the Golden Titan are also improved magic arrays, which can provide the benefit of the spell aura to allies around. .

Although the Golden Titan looks stupid and cumbersome, in fact, it combines all the efforts of humans, elves, dragons, dwarfs, dwarfs, orcs and other races, including Naga, and is a product of the technical essence of the hundred. Angus had thought it too easy before.

Elsa put the gold statue in the back garden of the Lord ’s Mansion, but the gold statue is too tall, even if you can clearly see the gold statue of Jin Chancan even a few blocks away, now in Eling He caused a commotion.

Fortunately, Down's prestige in Ellington was unmatched, but there was nothing wrong with it.

When they came to the statue next to the Golden Titan, they found that Yustysa and Otinija were both here. The two of them were whispering and discussing something. They closed their mouths immediately after seeing Tang En, Yusty. Sa greeted with a faint smile: "Master."

"What are you discussing? Any ideas?"

Tang En looked at her curiously. The family of Yustesa experienced the first chaotic invasion war. The powerful alchemy family of Einzbelen, Master Hohenheim could not have found them, perhaps this golden giant statue. He has Alchemy's alchemy skills.


There is still a gentle smile on Stiesa's face: "Einzbelen participated in the first war of chaos invasion, and Master Hohenheim was going to make a cane of kings and a golden statue of gold. Now. "

Don Angus, they immediately overjoyed: "There is relevant information saved-look at me! Isn't it for sure!"

The Einzbelen family was sealed shortly after the end of the First Chaos Invasion War, and had never been in contact with the outside world, and the information must have been kept in the castle.

"Yes, I have already asked Sierra to get it back."

Yustissa said with a smile: "Although we do not have the information about the King's Staff, we have more information about the Golden Titan than Hohenheim, because the alchemist in our family who participated in the production of the Golden Titan is still Alive. "


Angus exclaimed, "Really !?"

"Of course, are you still unclear about our situation?"

Yusita spread her hands and said with a smile, "I think you should need them very much, so let Li Jie Lite go and invite them over. It shouldn't be long before they arrive."


Angus was inexplicably excited and couldn't help but slap Tang En with a slap: "I didn't expect that your last decision was so important that it directly solved so many problems for us!"

Tang En couldn't help laughing, he was so determined to find Einzbelen that he was focusing on artificial soul technology, but there was such an unexpected gain.

The restoration of the Golden Titan is very difficult. There is no relevant information to explore it. Rao is an ancient alchemist like Angus and there is no other way.

But it ’s different now. The Einzbelen family even keeps the design drawings of the gold giant statue, and the internal core information. Even if the gold giant statue is not dismantled for a while, you can know its internal structure, and conclude that Direction of repair.

More importantly, the Einzbelen family was sealed by the gods, but it unexpectedly facilitated their technical transformation in artificial souls and alchemists, while also preventing them from the next chaotic invasion war. After the alchemists who participated in the production of the gold giant statues have undergone the transformation of the human body, they have been living to this day. With these alchemists participating in the repair work, the effect is certainly not ordinary.

"It's our pleasure to help the Lord."

Yustis blinked, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

I don't know why, Tang En always felt like she had a wonderful conversation with Otinija ...

He coughed: "Do you know what Einzbelen's technique is used on this golden giant?"

"I'm not sure about anything else, but one thing I can be sure of."

Yu Stisa said with a grin: "The Golden Titan has artificial soul technology on it, and it's the rudimentary version just researched before we were sealed by the gods."

Tang En was a little surprised: "You can see that they can't move?"

Feistissa walked to the feet of the Golden Colossus, pointed to the runes on her legs and said, "You can observe familiar magic channels from these runes."

Angus was also surprised: "At that time, you already put artificial soul technology into practical use?"

"No," Stiesa shook her head. "In fact, according to the family records, it was precisely because of the construction of the golden giant statue that we were motivated to develop the technology of" artificial soul "."

In the face of the chaotic army, the Prandall clans retreated successively. They had to decide to backwater the battle, and designed an ultimate weapon that did not require warriors to fight directly to reduce chaos and reduce casualties.

But as long as it is a weapon, someone must operate it. In order to solve the operator's problem, the Einzbelen family was responsible for this. Finally, they developed the artificial soul technology and applied this technology to the development of new weapons. .

The final result is this golden giant statue.

"That's it, no wonder you ... eh?"

Tang En suddenly looked at Yu Stisa with two eyes: "You said that the original version of artificial soul technology was used on this, that is to say, the operating system of these golden giant idols can be given with mature technology now ... … Ah, I mean their artificial soul technology has been upgraded !? "

Yusitsa froze: "Theoretically ... should do it ..."

Lying down! This must work!

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