Things from Another World

Chapter 879: Complete information, experts in place

Generally speaking, the software and hardware of the computer must match. You must use DOS if you use 386. If you install a new OSX or WIN system, you are doing evil.

But artificial souls don't have this problem ...

Is this gadget's compatibility perfect?

No matter what you put in it, as long as you design a basic response to it, it will automatically execute, and the tailor-made artificial soul will not have hardware compatibility problems at all.

Although the Golden Giant was designed and manufactured thousands of years ago, it replaced the original primary technology and used Einzbelen's mature version of the artificial soul technology. There is no problem. It may even improve the actual combat effectiveness of the Golden Giant due to the maturity of the technology. A part of it.

However, before this, the driving problem of the Golden Titan must be solved.

These guys have been there for thousands of years, and now they all seem to be down ...

Before Sierra and Li Jie Lite returned, Clotto rushed forward, and on a comet motorcycle he whistled and landed in the back garden, then raised his head, took a deep breath, exclaimed: "I Oh my god! It's so high !!! "

The dwarf is not tall, and the contrast standing in front of the golden giant is even more exaggerated.

Croto jumped out of the car and patted it hard in front of the feet of the Golden Colossus, saying very excitedly, "This is what our ancestors participated in the design and production? Our ancestors even made such a tall structure!" ? "

Angus couldn't help but say, "To be honest, this thing should be regarded as an alchemy cricket strictly, not a construction gimmick."

There are differences between alchemy magpies and structural magpies. Generally speaking, the main difference lies in the composition of the body and the source of power, but for adventurers, it is too much trouble to distinguish the two, and they are generally called casually.

"I can feel it! My curiosity is burning! I can't wait to take it apart and study its structure!"

Clotto danced with excitement, the engineering master's glasses clicked and deformed, the sight was automatically in place, the high-energy ray cutter had begun to spray particle streams, and various cutting tools appeared in his hands.

Tang En was stunned. He didn't know where Croto made these things at all-knowing that the gnome couldn't use magic, so he couldn't use the space equipment (Down and Angus tried to develop A space gear powered by magic crystals was used by Croto, but unfortunately the entry was slow).

"It's useless."

Angus poured cold water on him: "The shell of the Golden Titan is made of a special alloy that will automatically restore its original form, and it will not help you to cut it."

"Impossible! That metal only exists in historical records, you can't make it!"

Croto did not believe in evil, and began to hum the cutting operation on the spot. After a while, several assistants came to help him cut, and finally made a cut of tens of centimeters. Just watched the cut out at the beginning has started to recover automatically.

"It turned out to be true !?"

Croto stared and stunned: "Memory metal !?"


Tang En glanced at Croto, who knew the memory metal?

"how can that be!?"

Croto was a little crazy: "Memory metal is a product of prehistoric civilization in ancient times. We have not yet been able to restore the relevant synthetic technology. How could this thing be used !?"

The construction of the Golden Giant was more than a thousand years ago. During the first chaotic invasion war, the dwarf technology recovered at that time was not even as good as it is now. If they master such things as memory metal, there is no reason for Croto to not know.

"Perhaps this is another memory metal."

Dunn reminded Croto: "After all, there is not only one kind of metal alloy that realizes physical form self-healing."

"Is that right?"

"Of course this is the case, I know a few of them myself."

Tang En spread his hand and said, "This is not the time to study this, let's consider how to repair this golden giant statue. Later, Sierra and Li Jie Lite will bring all the original design drawings and materials, You want to know everything. "

Croto just nodded reluctantly, but jumped up again: "But it's still not right, even if it is another memory metal, we should still have a production method! But there is no relevant information on Gear City!"

"I have no idea then……"

Just after Tang En finished speaking, he saw two people rushing forward one after another. It was the two personal guards, Sera and Lizette, who followed her, and there were several Einz behind them. Alchemist of the Belen family.

"we are back."

Sierra gestured to Tang En, then handed the storage ring to Yu Stisa: "All the relevant information is here, the gold giant statue has more information than expected, this small space The rings are almost full. "

Yu Stisa nodded, put on the ring and waved her hand gently, all the precious documents from thousands of years ago appeared in front of everyone, and there were fifteen neatly arranged bookshelves, each of which had eight columns and eight layers. And it's all stuffed.

Although thousands of years have passed, these books and scrolls are quite complete, and there is no evidence of damage-after all, protected by the magic circle of Einzbelen, these precious books are not easy to break.

When Tang En raised his eyebrows, he guessed that the design and production of the golden giant statue might leave a lot of information, but he did not expect so much.

However, he thought for a while that there were no computers or micro-data storage devices, and all of them were recorded by manuscripts and scrolls. It would be normal to have so much data-it might as well be small.

Do not believe?

Can you make Gundam with the same amount of books and materials?

Not to mention Gundam, what about Gundam's control system (artificial soul)?

So it's not that simple.

The biggest reason why I can now create the gold giant statue and artificial soul is because here is Prandall, with incredible magic power, can simplify many complex things very easily-of course, many are on the technology side Very simple things are complicated here.

"All the information is here, including the original design ideas, design core, internal structure, rune composition, etc. of the Golden Titan."

Yu Stisa pointed to the bookshelf and said lightly, "All of them have been arranged in different categories. These books are all isolated books. I think you should be careful when you read them."

Croto rushed to the bookshelf and asked casually, "Will it break?"

"No," Stiesa shook her head. "Because they are precious, they are connected to the core of Einzbelen, protected by Einzbelen. If the violence is destroyed, you will be counterattacked, and you may be attacked. The book is dead. "

Croto froze-can he still read?

Tang En is also powerless to speak, and even reading a book is dangerous these years, and carelessness will kill people.

"It's all with magic books ..." Yusita shrugged, and suddenly hesitated. "Or are we out of date?"

Gene said with a bitter smile: "The magic book is no longer used in the past, and generally there are no dangerous enchantments on it. After all, you think, the purpose of compiling knowledge into a book is to spread it so that Others see, if there are so many traps, what is the point of making a book? "

Gene is talking about the previous situation of Prendall. At that time, the magician liked to make some magic books, good or bad, and then arranged ten or eight layers of traps on it, using mysterious knowledge to entice others to be fooled, and then used them. Magic trap to pit them.

If you're lucky, you've encountered a conscience, probably the extent of mischief, may pass you to the sky, teleport you back when you are about to fall, or give you an illusion to make you ugly, At best it scares you.

However, if you are unlucky, you will encounter something ruthless. If you open the magic book and fail to answer the correct password, the probability of being directly blown into pieces is not small.

Now Prandall ’s magic world is much more normal under the constraints of Gene. All kinds of unhealthy magic books have been collected during the process of integrating magicians. The valuable knowledge above is retained. All were destroyed centrally.

When they were talking, Clotto had already taken out a thick book and looked at it—Plandall, a thousand years ago, had not matured in papermaking, so all these books were made of animal skin paper, which looked very thick. This book actually doesn't have many pages and can't record much knowledge.

"This is Tim Ray, who was involved in the design of the Golden Colossus."

Yustisa pointed to one of those alchemists who followed Li Jie Lit, who was wearing a white robe often worn by alchemists, who looked like he was forty or fifty years old, indicating that during his At the time of transformation, he was already middle-aged. He had short purple-gray hair with slightly curly hair, and his eyes looked a bit listless. He nodded to Tang En: "Hello, Lord, I am Tim Ray."

"Hello Dr. Tim ..."

Tang En's head signaled that he really wanted to ask Dr. Tim whether this so-called golden giant statue is a modified version of the RX78 ...

"I heard that Lord Herald wanted to repair the Golden Colossus?"

Tim looked at the golden giant statue next to him, and there was a hint of remembrance in his eyes. For this thing, he and Master Hohenheim and others discussed for a few days and nights. Although his design was not adopted in the end, the golden giant statue Many of his ideas have also been added. Now that Master Hohenheim has been dead for many years, he has lived in another space to this day, and his fate is really impermanent.

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