Things from Another World

Chapter 890: Does this world really have normal dragon races?

The orcs' political sensitivity is too poor, or they are naturally not interested in such things, which is determined by the nature of the Creator.

That's why Tastro didn't bother to talk with Tang En so much. This gave Tang En the opportunity to take advantage of the imagination. Whether politically or economically, advanced ideas are always easy to agree with.

After the completion of the construction of the new Bourkeseau, the entire city was engraved with traces of the Datang Chamber of Commerce from top to bottom. The clothing, food and accommodation of the millions of orcs were provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. There is no room for them to choose. What is this? This is Cartel and Trust of the Other World!

The towels you use are produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the food you eat is produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the bowls you use are produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and the water you drink is provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, even the clothes you wear The house you live in, the bed you sleep in, the way you go out, the bus you take, etc. are all from the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

When every aspect of a person's life is controlled by an enterprise, what is the difference between this enterprise and a country?

One year was enough for them to fully adapt to the existence of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and in the subtle influence, they completely accepted the control of the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

And now the establishment of the executive team is deeply brainwashed by Aurelia. Under the influence of Aurelia, those orcs who have been trained will also subconsciously accept that they are the "led" party, and the leader There is no doubt about it.

In other words, just through the so-called economic support and humanitarian aid, Tang En slowly pulled the Rennes empire on his thief ship, and eroded the country with his influence.

By the time they came to their senses, the Rennes Empire, like the Spad family now, would have become completely owned by Down.

This is very similar to the method used by a certain country on the planet. Through economic assistance, it can expand its influence, strengthen its international status, and slowly become a leader ... Well, let's skip this topic.

All in all, Tang En provided Testro with a set of proven solutions, including appeasing the people, creating jobs, increasing economic vitality, and expanding domestic demand.

Among them, only the comfort of the public needs to be done by Tastro, and the other several schemes all need the powerful Datang Chamber of Commerce to assist them. In these schemes, the importance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce has even exceeded the blood-eyed clan. Status.

However, Testero, who has now become a brainwasher of Down's brain, did not notice this, or, even if he did notice, he had no choice. Once Tangen left the more than one million orc residents, regardless of the whole new Burke Suo will instantly become a dead city, and the stomach of more than a million orcs will eat it into a dead domain.

No matter when it is, eating a full stomach is always the first need of living beings. If you grasp the stomach of these orcs, you will grasp their lifeline.

In fact, if more than a thousand years ago, before the first chaotic invasion war broke out, it was almost impossible for Tang En to enter the orc empire so easily. At that time, the relationship between the orcs and humans was quite tense. Said to be a fire, every year the orcs who are forced by their livelihoods will go south to plunder human cities and villages, and the war will continue for years.

It is precisely because of the invasion of chaotic creatures that they have forcibly merged the races and greatly eased the relationship. At present, no matter whether orcs or humans, the vitality has not been restored. The orc population is far from rising to the red line, and it is barely able to be self-sufficient. The constraints of the gods ensured that the two sides were safe.

It is foreseeable that as Tang En now interferes with the national economy and people's livelihood of the Rennes Empire, one year later, this place will become an open city, and the relationship between orcs and humans will truly enter a sweet period.

Perhaps, when the Third Chaos Invasion War arrives, Prandall will usher in a golden age of true integration of the hundreds.

While the two parties were having a great conversation, Vanilla and Coco suddenly stared at the sky outside the hall, the little mouths of the sisters widened in surprise.

Both Tang En and Tastro turned their heads subconsciously, and suddenly they saw a blue dragon flying in the distance, and after a closer look, the blue dragon carried two burly orcs on their backs.

Testro squinted his eyes and said, "It's the Master of Sharp Teeth and Montgomern!"

"I'm just asking," Tang En stared at the blue dragon from far and near. "Where have Master Tooth and Meng Kahn gone?"

"It was too boring to supervise the construction before, so he said he was going to look for the obscurity of chaos."

Ursa shrugged and said, "Then he dragged Meng Kahn and flew away. Well, I don't know if he found any clues."

The blue dragon hovered around the two orcs, and Tastro walked into the yard and shouted at the sky, then the blue dragon flew straight towards this side, and then fell directly on The yard.

Sharp teeth jumped from the blue dragon's back with a string of **** heads, and his face was inexplicably skeptical: "Here is New Burkeso? Am I right?"

Testero greeted with a smile: "Ha ha, of course not, can you gain something from this trip?"


The sharp teeth shook the bunch of heads on his hands, revealing an icy cold smile: "I didn't run for nothing and found a mouse nest. Unfortunately, only a few little mice were found. There were no big guys. Ask It was all slaughtered without any information. "

Only then did Tang En find that there were a series of heads of seven or eight orcs in the sharp teeth, which belonged to all sub-tribes, and Testero also found this, and could not help but breathe in: Already spread! "

"This is the obvious thing."

Sharp teeth yelled at Meng Kahn, signalling that Meng Kahn threw the bag on his back to the ground, and rolled out a pile of Warcraft bodies from the inside.

Meng Kahn frowned and said, "These World of Warcraft are contaminated with a lot of chaos. We are tracking the chaos believers found by these World of Warcraft, which is very abnormal."

Chaos believers will release a slight amount of chaos when they are active. These chaos will affect nearby Warcraft and beasts and make them more aggressive. This is an effective way to track chaotic believers.

However, in the Rennes empire this is very unusual.

There is a well-known thing. Although the Rennes Empire is barren, it has been far away from the main battlefield during the two Chaos Invasion Wars. The spatial structure here is relatively stable, so it is less affected by chaotic creatures.

The chaos religion originated in the south, especially the main battlefield eroded by the chaos on the southern coast. Therefore, the mission of the chaos religion also developed slowly from south to north. It is normal for chaotic believers to be found in the Principality of Sri Lanka, the Empire of Illus, and other countries.

But the Rennes empire found it unusual to see so many chaotic followers.

This means that the forces of chaos have spread from the southern coast to the northern wasteland, and I am afraid that the Kingdom of Solant and the Kingdom of Grace have also been infiltrated by them.

This is not good news.

"Who is this?"

Tang En was holding the little fat guy next to him. Yes, he was just the blue dragon. After landing, he turned into a pure little fat guy, but now the little fat guy was obviously absent-minded.

Just thinking that the dragons are all streaking naked, it is difficult for him to look directly at the clothes on this little fat man.

"Don't you know His Excellency Doromavis? Oh, I forgot to introduce it."

Testro patted his head and said, "This is Lord Dolomavis of the Dragons. As you can see, it belongs to Mavis. He is an observer at the Star Diamond Bank branch of Burkeso. Job. "

Tang En realized suddenly: "It turns out that this is the Lord Dolomavis (see Chapter 834) you and Lavitz mentioned before, hello."

"Oh hello hello."

Doromavis slouched hello to Tang En, and then said sharply to Sharp Teeth, "What the hell, can I go back to sleep?"

"You haven't got enough sleep?"

Sharp teeth stared back at him vulgarly: "The chaos believers appeared in Burkeso before, causing Burkeso to be destroyed once, and you, as an observer of the Dragon race, did not protect Burkeso, you even star The diamond bank is not protected. Facing such serious dereliction of duty, you still want to go back to sleep? I think I should talk to the person in charge of the Dragon family next time. "

Doromavis had a cold sweat in an instant. He was just an adult dragon, like Eldor Kamanda. It was a beautiful job to leave Long Island as an observer. On the one hand, he could enjoy life freely, on the other hand, It can be out of control, if he is reported by the sharp teeth, he will have to face the end of being transferred back to Long Island-for the young dragon with strong curiosity and unwilling to accept early retirement life, it is obviously a torture.

Dolomavis wiped the sweat from his face and said carefully: "That, this ... you know that our blue dragon is more water-friendly. The dry environment of the Green Plains really makes me a headache ... ... "

Tang En asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Sharp Teeth said angrily: "This guy is in Gorgalon Crater ... Oh, it should be called Gorgalon Lake now, lying on the bottom of the lake and sleeping dead, even without knowing that Burkeso was attacked. "

Doromavis said with a smile: "I just haven't encountered such a comfortable environment for a long time, so I accidentally slept ... and I just have such a hobby ..."

Well, yes, the blue dragon's only hobby is sleeping.

If there is, it is enough to sleep.

Sharp Teeth said angrily: "You haven't exaggerated like this before. I didn't expect to hide on the bottom of the lake to sleep this time. I thought there was a high-end Warcraft there."

"You also said ..." Dolomavis particularly innocently pointed at a pale pink mark on his head, a crying look: "You almost broke my face with an ax."

Sharp Teeth said coldly, "You should be glad I didn't do my best."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Doromavis nodded, not having a temper in front of the sharp teeth.

Seeing his weak-hearted appearance, Tang En looked at the same weak-hearted love next to him. He felt his teeth were a little bit sour. Is there really a normal dragon in this world ...

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