Things from Another World

Chapter 891: Windfall

The Dragons, no matter which legend or fantasy works, are extremely powerful, and they can destroy the existence of a world without a word.

Even the dragons in the evil camp are big villains facing the BOSS aura, waiting to kill or kill the hero.

And the native dragon family here in Plantar completely subverted Tang En's impression of the dragon.

Their natural strength is one-on-one, but unfortunately they are very thick-we are the observers of the world, the maintainers of order, not the fans of wealth! ——This is the publicity slogan of the Dragons. Unfortunately, the dragon who said this is still holding gold coins in his arms.

And the individual dragons that I have seen so far have unique personalities-Alcho Kamanda, who is suspected of having sexual orientation, likes Hal Kamanda, who turns into cooking ingredients to frighten the chef. The black dragon Elsa in a skirt now has a weaker one who likes to sleep, and the blue dragon Dolomas ...

Tang En can't help wondering if there are any normal dragons in this world.

But this place where Doromavis slept ... was still made by him.

Because the Gorgalon crater became a lake, especially in the dry environment of the Rennes empire, it attracted Doromavis to slip away.

It was precisely because Doromavis was so full of sleep on the bottom of the lake that he did not fight back the first time Chaos believers appeared-as pure order creatures, the Dragons are quite sensitive to the atmosphere of chaos.

This led to Tang En's shot, the Skybreaker launched, and a blast of Burkeso into the long river of history.

Speaking of causality, Tang En's expression was a bit unnatural.

Sharp Teeth was there to teach Doromas, the fat man didn't dare to refute it, he could only be humbly taught.

After all, Sharp Tooth is a legendary powerhouse. If he shoots with all his strength, with the strength of Doromavis just in his adulthood, he will definitely be separated after sleeping.

As soon as the reprimand was over, Doromavis planned to run away in dingy.

"come back."

Sharp teeth stared at him: "What about that thing?"

"No, I don't know ..."

Dolomavis' expression was a bit unnatural, and Gu Weiwei said, "Maybe you lost it ..."

"Give it up now, don't bullshit,"

Sharp Teeth said angrily: "I've been staring at you, I've known for a long time that you can't get in and out."

Dolomavis's white, chubby face was sharpened with sharp teeth, and finally he couldn't stand the strong evil spirit on the sharp teeth. He reluctantly spit out a fist-sized water-blue crystal from his mouth. , Mumbled and said: "I knew I shouldn't have let you see it at that time ... it was obviously the treasure I found ..."

The sharp teeth did not dislike the drool above, grabbed it directly in their hands, and then drew a ball of water to clean the aqua blue crystals, and then threw it to Tang En: "Catch, you or Jean and Angus It should be used all the time, and I think it should be able to offset some of the debt. "

"I rely!"

Tang En caught the water-blue spherical crystal, and his eyes almost popped out, suddenly swearing: "The core of the element lord !? Where did you get this stuff !?"

The core of the elemental lord, as the name implies, is the most important core of the elemental lord, and also the foundation of the formation and formation of elemental organisms. Building a stable and powerful core is the instinct of elemental organisms, and it is for this reason that Dikarios only I chose to cooperate with Tang En because of a star gold (see Chapter 251).

This stuff can not only be used to make exceptionally powerful magic equipment-at least the base of the legend, and the exaggeration and artifacts are not exaggerated-it can also be the core of the magic circle, providing the magic circle with extremely powerful magic power, according to quality The difference is that at least the moat-level magic enchantment can be guaranteed to run for more than a thousand years, and it can also defend for 100 years at full load operation. It can even serve as a super power source for the magic energy machinery, providing a continuous stream of breakthroughs for the magic energy engine. power!

More importantly, using this thing as the transaction content, the magician can easily reach a contract with another element lord and gain the power of the element lord. Using the core of this water lord is especially easy to contract with the water lord or fire lord success.

The strength of the Element Lord does not need to say a lot. It can obtain the contract of the Element Lord. Even if it was just a silent magician, it will instantly become a character who can stand up to the legendary powerhouse. Pseudo Legend.

Even if you do not make a contract, staying in your hands and relying on it to absorb magic to practice magic can also have a powerful effect of doing more with less. The power contained in it can be promoted to the supreme level after it has been completely absorbed. In some words, it is not impossible to promote the legend-just this way takes a little longer than the contract element lord.

With so many uses and so powerful effects, can you say that it is not a good thing?

The good thing, of course, is not running, but what makes Tang En wonder is where did this stuff come from?

The element lord is extremely powerful. Few times in the history of Prendall, the element lords who were summoned finally ended by being sieged to death. This led to the fact that the element lords rarely came to the material world. They stayed in the four major elements. There are no natural enemies in the realm. Unless they are hunted by a super strong who can cross the plane at will, or proactively challenge the status of the elemental monarch, the life of the elemental lord is basically eternal, but the elemental lord in front of him The inner core is clearly left over after the death of a water lord.

How did Dolomavis and Sharp Teeth have this thing?

Could it be that the Water Elemental Lord appeared in the Gorgalon Crater, and then these two guys did it! ?

Damn it, a bad fight will trigger a war on the plane!

Sharp-toothed Nou mouth: "Let him say."

Dolomavis pouted and said in a grievance, "This is what I found when I slept on the bottom of the lake ... that's right ... I obviously found it ..."

"Bottom of the lake?"

The turn of the Gorgalon crater into a lake was made by Tang. There was no trace of the water lord before, which means ...

Tang En found the reality very erroneously: The core of this water lord was most likely washed by the water when he opened the plane portal to flood the mountains!

Whoops I go, should I say that it really deserves the protagonist's aura? Opening a hole in the boundless water element boundary to use water, you can even encounter the treasure of the water element lord core-unfortunately it is not him who found this thing.

This is indeed a good thing, and it is also useful for Tang En.

Not to mention, even if you directly use it to hire a water lord for a long time, it will be of great benefit to Tang En-at least it will ensure that the territories under his rule will be smooth and rainless.

Don't look now that Dikarios can control all elemental creatures, that's because it has the highest rank among the existing elemental creatures.

As soon as the Lord of the Waters comes to the physical world, those waters will now be out of the control of Dikarios.

In terms of control and efficiency, a leader is undoubtedly more efficient, but only the water element lord can make the water element truly exert its power-at least Dikarios cannot order the water element to water the ground ...

Or leave it to Fiona or Aurelia to let them gradually improve their strength.

Tang En looked up and said to Sharp Teeth, "It's really a good thing. How much debt do you want to cover?"

The core of the water element lord is a good thing, yes, but because this thing is so good, there is no way to set a price. It is this kind of thing that there is no price.

"How much do you think it is worth? I think, since you can be regarded by Aegwin, you should not lie to us on this."

The sharp tooth "Engwin can be seen by you" said Tang Entong Shutai, suddenly red, and his heart was beautiful, he smiled and said, "I will give you this number at this sentence."

Tang En held out five fingers: "Use it to offset the debt of 500 million gold coins."

Five or 500 million gold coins! ?

The blue dragon fat man suddenly had shortness of breath, and his eyes became red. Why, then it was the baby he found!

With such a large sum of money, he just sneaked away from him!

This price is not exaggerated. Whether it is the contractual water element lord or used to enhance its own strength, the meaning and value it represents are worth this number-of course, is there any number that can be reached, would you like to press this? Counting to sell is another matter.

"500 million gold coins?"

Sharp teeth raised an eyebrow, and looked at Tang En with a bit of surprise: "I know you are kind, I didn't expect you to be so kind."

He thought that Tang En would be able to produce a maximum of 200 million gold coins. After all, human businessmen are very cunning.

He didn't know how much his unintentional sentence had played ...

"Well? Right?"

Testero scratched his head: "Don't our debts have been offset by tax exemptions and mining certifications? What's the point of repaying debts now?"

Tang En nodded with a smile and said, "Of course there is, at least, the tax exemption period does not take that long. The Blood-Eye Royal Family can get the withdrawal funds from the tax as soon as possible, or I can provide you with material support worth 500 million gold coins, You choose, and we can revise the contract we made earlier. "

Shorten the tax exemption period to get the withdrawal funds as soon as possible?

Or get material support worth 500 million gold coins?

This is a dilemma.

Testero frowned for a moment, and after a fierce discussion with sharp teeth, Ursa, and Montgomery, they finally made a decision.

"We decided to choose the material support of 500 million gold coins," Shenstrom said in a deep voice.

Tang En praised: "a wise choice."

Make this choice, the Rennes empire will make no money.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Tang En also made a steady profit.

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