Things from Another World

Chapter 907: There is no perfect world

"What's going on?"

"Is there a Warcraft attack?"


The magicians who had just arrived in Ellington not long ago flexed their muscles: "Finally there is a chance for performance!"

"What Warcraft! Look over there, an alchemist!"

A magician with a shocked face pointed out the window: "Oh my God! Such a huge gold colossus! I'm afraid it's almost the same as the legendary golden colossus!"

"Ellington still has this technology !?"

Dormalt, who was in class, was completely distracted, his eyes widened in wonder.

Even at such a long distance, he can clearly see the runes and magic channels on the giant statue, close his eyes and even feel the surging magic flowing from above!

"It's a perfect design!"

Dormalt was shocked. Just from the appearance, it can be seen that the design of this golden colossus is already a master level, not to mention that the operation is so smooth, it has completely reached the combat level!

If it was only fortunate to come here at first, if you came here to try your luck, Dormalt was completely convinced by Ellington.

He used to sit and watch the sky too.

Not to mention anything else, just a lecturer casually pulled out here, talking about alchemy and magic magic, those elves living here are more proficient in all kinds of skills, and are very happy to answer whatever questions are asked, completely unobtrusive, more Not to mention the superb masters in the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute.

This is the Kingdom of God for Dormalt!

"Oh my god, it jumped up! How did that heavy body do it !?"

"Maybe it's unexpectedly light? Speaking of which metal material is its shell, it's such a dazzling golden color, can it be Aujin?"

"You're stupid, so many Austrian golds create alchemy urns? It is simply to put the vault in front of the robbers and wait for them to be snatched! I think it is at most a layer of fine gold to increase the magical conductivity."

"The color of Adamantite is not right, it won't be so dazzling, it must be Austrian gold!"

Pamela, who was in class, turned her head and glanced at him, then said with a smile: "You are all wrong, not fine gold or Austrian gold, but Oliha Steel."

"Oliha Steel?"

A group of talented students from Xingyue Secret Law School are at a loss, what is it?

There was a flash of light in Dormalt's mind, remembering the name, he stood up arrogantly, eyes widened inconceivably: "Wait !? You just said, the gold colossus was made of Oriha steel !? "

Pamela nodded. "Yes."

"That's impossible! Oliha Steel is only a legendary metal! It is a legendary metal created by the Dragons to fight against the Chaos Army thousands of years ago. It is said that all Oliha Steel is used to build the Gold Titan Legion. Then, with the end of the war, the Legion of Gold Colossus will always fall asleep in a different space— "

Speaking of this, Dormalt suddenly stunned and said in disbelief: "--Wait! The one outside is, is it the legend--"

"Don't be so excited."

Pamela squeezed her hands and said with a grin, "You guessed it, it is indeed a legend of your humanity. It is a golden giant statue designed and made by Master Hohenheim and various masters of various races."

It is a legend to human beings, but it is just like what happened more than ten years ago to the elves. Any elves who have experienced the chaotic invasion wars remember it well.

The first chaotic invasion war broke out before 1119 and lasted for 170 years, while Pamela was 1122 years old this year, when the war broke out when she was three years old, the war ended when she was an adult. It can be said that she was accompanied by He grew up with the development of the first chaotic invasion war.

I am still very impressed by the Golden Giant Idol Corps of the Allied Human Country.

"Gods are on!"

A cry exclaimed in the room: "The Legion of the Golden Titans has disappeared into a different space early. Who can find it and who can wake it up ?!"

"It is Lord Down."

Pamela is not very excited. In the eyes of the Elves, Tang En is a messenger of God, a character destined to save the Elves and save the world. It is not surprising that any miracle happened to him.


It's Down!

If you think about it, it can only be him!

After all, this is his home base!

The Golden Titan appears here. Who else can it be?

Dormalt suddenly discovered that leaving Silver City and coming here would be one of the most important decisions in his life!


"I don't think it's necessary to change anything anymore! Perfect now! Pretty perfect! I like it!"

"But in fact there is the possibility of further optimization."

"That's a waste of time! My soldiers can't wait to return to this world!"

"Even if they return, it is useless, and there is no mass-produced optimized core and soul strength amplifying device."

Fierce quarrels came from the meeting room of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, and the researchers passing by all held their breaths and calmed down, lest they affected the people sitting inside.

Sitting inside are all big men, and no one dares to mess with it.

"I have used it myself, so I have the most say!"

Victor shouted, "Now the soul core and soul strength magnification device are perfect. Now we can consider mass production!"

"Layman, you don't understand the concept of 'perfect' at all."

The lazy Tim couldn't even bother to refute Victor: "There is no perfect world, do you understand?"

No, perfection exists, just for gaming or MLM ...


"No, but you, a little hair kid, know a fart."

Tim waved impatiently and said, "I personally participated in the design and production of the Golden Titan, and no one who is alive knows it better than me. After the original design was completed, I thought of several improvements, but It was too late, and now is the time for the Golden Titan to be reborn. "

For Tim, Victor had nothing to respect.

Regarding age, Tim is an ancestor, and Victor is not even a fertilized egg.

On technology, Tim is a master and Victor is a layman.

Regarding nationality, Tim is not from the Illus Empire, there is no need to respect Victor, let alone he is still dead ...

So of course he won't have any respect.

Victor's words that Tim scolded did not dare to say, and blushed—if the soul felt blushing.

Yustis knocked at the table, and Tim a little bit relaxed, and his eyes opened because of the quarrel pulled back lazily.

"As Tim said just now, there is still a lot of room for optimization in the soul core, the soul strength magnification device, and the golden giant statue itself, so mass production now is undoubtedly an increase in replacement costs. I don't recommend this."

Yustisa looked at Tang En and said, "Besides that, Tim just showed me a moment ago, the Lord Lord's idea was very good just now. Add a magic pool to the gold statue, and let the hero use the magic to absorb the magic. A complete or auxiliary driving force can greatly save the consumption of magic crystals, and even a powerful enough spirit. The magic power absorbed by itself alone is enough to drive the golden giant statue to continue fighting. This is a great idea. "

Tang En's eyes brightened: "Can you do it?"


Yusita nodded: "But it takes time to design a scheme that simulates a magic pool."

In fact, the source of magic power is a form of magic pool, but of course it is impossible for Tang En to build a magic pool for each golden giant statue, even if he cannot afford such a huge expenditure.

So we need a different solution.

"No problem, we don't have such an urgent need for the time being."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "You let go and do what you need."

Yusita smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Lord, Lord."

Tang En stood up and said, "If nothing unexpected, I'm going to Long Island tomorrow. I'm not sure how many days I will go. I try to come back before the glorious ceremony. These days Ellington will trouble you to take care of it. . "

Angus stunned: "Are you really going to Long Island to discuss it with them?"

"Of course, would you rest assured to continue your research?"


Angus finally compromised: "I will come up with a plan before you return."

"That would be best."

Tang En smiled and said, "Actually it's not just about discussing this. There is a little trouble on Long Island, and I need to go there to help."

Long Island? trouble?

Will these two words appear together?

Angus and others shook their heads: "What are you kidding, what trouble will the Dragons have?"

Based on the overall strength of the dragon, there are no characters in the world who can find them trouble, how could they encounter any trouble.

"Of course, and the trouble is not small."

Tang En looked at the people in the room, hesitated, and said simply: "Anyway, everyone is not an outsider, let me tell you ... Dragon Island was invaded by Chaos believers."


"Dragon Island? Invaded by Chaos believers?"

Angus was stunned: "How is this possible? No matter how powerful the Chaos believers are, they cannot face the dragon!"

"It is a deeply corrupted chaotic believer, and it is no different from a chaotic creature."

Tang En explained: "Hal Kamanda didn't tell me specifically, but the general situation has been understood. When he first defended, he didn't kill them cleanly, and they took their power. As a result, those chaotic creatures became very powerful. To prevent them from leaving Long Island and destroying the world, the Dragons have been entangled with them for more than a decade. "

Angus was stunned: "I never heard of it!"

Tang En said: "So, Azkar Kamanda said that they are the observer of the world, the guardian of order, but it is true that they have been silently guarding the world."

Everyone was silent.

Tang En got up, "If nothing else, break up!"

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