Things from Another World

Chapter 908: Arrive at Long Island

Early the next morning, sleepy-eyed Tang En was frightened as soon as he opened his eyes.

A large eyeball was staring at him through the window.

"who is it!?"

Tang En was so frightened that he subconsciously tightened the quilt: "Echo Kamanda !?"

He couldn't tell who it was from one eye.

"It's his son."

The dragon transformed and landed on the balcony as a human, and it was Hal Kamanda.

"I said you're okay to learn to peep?"

Tang En said angrily: "It almost didn't scare me to death."

"Peeping? No."

Hal Kamanda scratched his head: "I want to see if you get up, if it's okay, get ready to go."

"So early?"

Tang En yawned, "Wait for breakfast after I finish washing."

Har Kamanda was helpless and could only continue to wait.

During breakfast, Elijah heard that Tang En was going to Long Island to play, and her eyes lighted up immediately, and she followed along.

Unfortunately, Tang En didn't let her go.

"No, you are going to start school right away. You can't run around."

Tang En ignored Ilia ’s coquettishness, on the one hand, because she was going to start school, and on the other, because the problem on Long Island was chaotic creatures. If they had the power of Ilia, would that be enough? You can lift the table and hit GG directly.

Elijah pouted and sulked while running.

"But Elsa is going with her this time."

"Huh? Me?"

Elsa snapped: "Why?"

"Why do you say ..."

Tang En was helpless: "You have now awakened the blood of the dragon, and it is time to go home and look at it. After all, it is also your home."


In Elsa's memory, there was not much impression of Longdao's home, but she listened to Tang En all.

As for Fiona, although curious about Long Island, there are important things to do on Ellington's side, so I can only stay here.

Anyway, Tang En intends to continue to implement his map habit, and plans to build a teleportation array on Long Island, and then he can go directly to visit-provided that the Dragons can agree.

"Big brother, you can't leave me for such an interesting thing as Long Island!"

Bryan is also entangled in Down. There is nothing for him at Ellington's side. A while ago, he also killed a lot of demons in the Rift Valley camp and became addicted, so he planned to follow Down to run away.

After Tang and Hal Kamanda discussed it, he agreed quickly.

As the people of the goddess of the earth, the Dragons still have a good opinion of the dwarves.

"Hold your phone when you go out, don't always pack it in the portable space, I will contact you if there is something."

Fiona, like a housewife, arranged the clothes for Tang En attentively, and at the same time kept telling him some precautions in life, making Tang En like a child who went away for the first time.

"Also, you better bring some food to the past. I heard that the dragons are eating raw meat and other things. You must not be used to eating ..."

Har Kamanda, who was next to me, said unpleasantly: "This is a naked slander! We also pay great attention to the quality of life! We have a lot of chefs on Long Island!"

This is not a lie. The dragon's long life is enough for them to learn any skills that need time to hone, and cooking is no exception.

Fiona gave him a white look, and continued to froze, but they only started after three shots a day.

Hal Kamanda carried three people, Tang, Elsa, and Brian, into the air, and flew straight to the southeast. After leaving over Ellington, he opened the space door and pierced in, leaving the space door. After that, they came to the vicinity of Long Island, and the endless sea was below.

"Is this the sea of ​​the abyss? The bottom of the sea should be Naga's territory."

Tang En stared into the distance. After a moment, he looked at Brian with a bit of helplessness: "I said, why are you doing this? Don't follow the excitement if you're afraid of high."

Brian hugged Tang's thigh tightly, his whole body shook like sieve bran, and he looked stubbornly and said, "Just, even if I'm afraid, I'm afraid of heights, I have to go to Dragon and Dragon Island Look……"

"I think your life is over."

This height can't stand it. If he really blasts into space in the future and goes to Lolita and Loliya for exploration and archaeology, this guy may just stare.

Compared with Brian, Elsa is okay-well, anyway, she can become a dragon anytime, and she may be difficult to fall in the future.

"It's still a long way from the Broken Isles where you last fought, not too far from Nanila in Ronentante."

Hal Kamanda said as he flew forward: "Dragon Island, the heart of the dragon you call it, is always flying. It would be difficult to find it without us."

Looking at Long Island from a distance, the entire Long Island is a floating island group with a tapered top and bottom. The small floating island is accompanied by a central main island. The central area of ​​the main island is the highest with many mountain peaks. They have been hollowed out by dragons to build a nest, and in the center is a mountain peak soaring into the clouds.

Hal Kamanda said: "The mountain is called the Pillar of Creation, and it is said that it was where the gods stood when they created the world. As for the truth ... who knows?"

The main island has very dense forests. A huge lake is embedded in the center of the island like a mirror, and several rivers are scattered from it to cover the entire island. When the river flows to the edge of the floating island, it turns into a waterfall. Spilled into the sea and evaporated, and there are beautiful rainbows nearby.


The floating island floats in the air and does not participate in the groundwater circulation system. Where does the water in the lake on the island come from? I am afraid that precipitation alone is not enough.

Tang En scratched his head: "Where did the water in the lake on the floating island come from? Could it be ..."

Hal Kamanda glanced and said, "After the first Mavis (male blue dragons) settled here, they modified the Dragon Island. In order to obtain sufficient water, they negotiated with the water lord. There was a small portal that connected the water elemental boundary. "


If there is an endless source of water in this world, there is only the elemental world of water.

A black smoke can be seen faintly on the west side of Long Island, and the vegetation in that area has also been greatly damaged, but Hal Kamanda did not take them, but took Tang En from the beautiful lake. Passing by, flying over the jungle, and directly into the canyon.

After entering this canyon, Tang En could not help but widen their eyes, they finally met the Dragon Clan on Long Island!

There are more than a dozen young dragons, red dragon, blue dragon, black dragon, green dragon, yellow dragon, and green (color) dragon ...

They were playing around in the canyon. A sixth-level Warcraft was surrounded as a toy in the middle. The poor Warcraft was extremely manic when played by the young dragons, but its counterattack was just a futile struggle.

After seeing Hal Kamanda, the young dragons cheered, dropped Warcraft and surrounded them, curiously looking at Tang En on his back.

Har Kamanda greeted the young dragons and explained to Tang En: "This gorge is a place for young dragons to play and learn. Now there are only twelve young dragons on the entire Dragon Island. They are the whole. The most important treasure of Long Island. "

The dragon and the elves face the same problem, they are very powerful, but their fertility rate is very low. These twelve young dragons have been on Long Island for more than 200 years since the Second Chaos Invasion War broke out. All young dragons born.

With such a low fertility rate, it is no wonder that the Dragons care so much about Elsa.

Distribute the gifts to the young dragons, and after sending them away, Hal Kamanda continues to fly forward, through the canyon, to the mountainside of a mountain peak, and falls on a platform.

"Come down."

"here is?"

"The home of Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw."

Hal Kamanda said in a deep voice: "It's the nest where Ellu Hakshah will inherit ... the king is waiting for you inside."

King of the Dragon Race?

Tang En froze, and then saw a golden dragon stepping out of the cave. Its scales shone under the sun, shining like gold, and the extremely tall body was as tall as a dragon. His body also shows that he is stronger than Hal Kamanda.


Hal Kamanda lowered her head to the golden dragon: "This is the king of our family, Sasha Glot."

"Hello, the strong man."

Sasha Glott's gaze first glanced at Tang En. Although he noticed the special breath on him, he resisted curiosity and focused on Elsa next to him. A lot of softness: "Ilu Haksha, finally saw you again, blessed by the dragon god, you have grown up smoothly and healthily."

"Salute to you, king."

Elsa greeted her first, and her memory of Ellu Haksha made it clear to her who was standing in front of her. Although she has now been reborn as Elsa, Sasha Glott told her What she did was something she could not forget.

Without Sasaglot's decisive choice, there would be no Elsa now.

"You don't have to be polite, Elro Haksha, you are the descendant of Taser and Murphy. They are our heroes, and you deserve their honor."

Sasha Glott transformed into a strong middle-aged man with long blond hair behind his face, with clear lines and well-organized features, looking like the Illus race, but also a charming handsome Uncle.

Tang En couldn't help but groan in his heart-this guy must have spent a lot of time when he kept his human form.

"Come with me. I think you need me to help you reintroduction here ... all the property you should inherit."

Sasha Glot turned and walked towards the cave, and Hal Kamanda also turned into a human form, signaled to Tang that they would follow.

"let's go!"

Brian jumped alive as soon as he couldn't wait to urge Down and Elsa: "I can't help but want to see the wealth of the legendary dragon!"

Tang En followed them and walked through the long "corridor". They came to the "hall". According to the dragon's usual habit, this is also where they pile their wealth.

Seeing what was in the hall, Down, Brian, and Elsa were all stunned.

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