Things from Another World

Chapter 909: Dragon Fortune

In almost all legends, dragons are synonymous with wealth, they are the guardians of wealth.

In the story sung by the bard (most likely the dragon), the dragons like to search for wealth. They searched a lot of wealth and accumulated it in their lairs, and then took away the princess or the beauty, and later the hero Come and kill the evil dragon to save the princess, and at the same time get the wealth of the enemy country, and the highest honor of the dragon-slayer ...

Although there are a lot of ingredients in this legend that are the evil tastes of dragons, they have to say that one thing is true: the dragons are indeed rich and powerful.

The nest in front of me does not know how long it has not been cleaned, and it is covered with a thick layer of dust, but even the dust cannot hide the rich magic glory below-there are at least a dozen legendary magic equipment inside!

Not only powerful magic equipment, but the absolute amount of these wealth is piled up like hills of gold coins. Gold coins minted in various countries in various periods in the history of Prendall can be found here, and some can even be used as text. Objects, but now they are randomly stacked here, even buried in the corner.

When Sasha Glott set off a gust of wind to blow away the dust and cast a light on the cave, the eyes of the crowd were immediately blinded.

There was a golden light in front of me, and almost nothing could be seen. In addition, there were gems of various colors on the Jinshan, which made people dizzy.

Although Tang En now has more wealth than the Jinshan in front of him, the figures on the account book are definitely not as powerful as the Jinshan now.

Brian said coldly: "I seem to suddenly understand why the little dwarfs love gold coins so much."

"I understand ..."

Tang En murmured to himself, that such a large mountain of gold will indeed bring an unimaginable impact, and it is difficult to imagine who can withstand the temptation of such wealth.

"It's all yours."

Sasha Glott told Elsa: "Although your parents died, they left you with enough wealth to make you happy in the human kingdom."

With this money, not only is it a very happy life, it is more than enough to make yourself a princess of a country.

"But, but ... it doesn't help if I want these ..."

Elsa was at a loss. She was basically reimbursed by Tang En at Ellington ’s clothing, food, and shelter. There was no money at all. The most expensive equipment on her body was also made by Tang En herself. What's the use of money?

"Useful! Of course it works!"

Hal Kamanda frowned, and said very seriously: "Any dragon must have enough wealth! This symbolizes our dignity!"


Elsa, including Down, was stunned.

"Each dragon should have its own coin bed!"

Hal Kamanda said rightly: "There is not enough gold as a mattress dragon, not a qualified dragon!"

Down: "..."

Elsa: "..."

Brian: "..."

Tang En originally thought that the dragon's fascination with gold coins was because the dragon king was a golden dragon. Now he seems to be wrong.

This is simply the pathological wealth concept that has penetrated the bone marrow!

"In short, these wealth belong to you, whether you take it or keep it here, this lair is also your property now, and other dragons will not come here."

Dragons don't steal things like humans, so there is no need to guard against them. If they want, they will be upright-waiting for dividends at the end of the year.

That ’s right, dragons are not popular now to make money or become humans. Humans have gone to robbers and bandits to eat black. Since cooperating with Goblin to set up a Star Diamond Bank, every year when lying down, they can get a lot of dividends. There is no wood there!


Elsa stared at Tang En, asking him to help him get his idea.

"It belongs to you, just accept it."

Tang En smiled: "In case I go bankrupt in the future, I can still find you something to eat and drink."

Elsa thought for a moment, and after thinking about it, she said to Sasha Glott: "Well then, I'll take it."

"You believe it! The business of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is booming, how can it go bankrupt!"

Brian was stunned, this stupid girl really believed it!

"I feel that even if I return to the earth and turn into a stone, he may not be bankrupt!"

Tang En shrugged. "Just kidding."

Sasha Glotter smiled: "Her Bryan, you are still so upright."

Tang En suddenly said: "Do you know him?"

"of course."

Sasagolo nodded characteristically and smiled, "Former comrade in arms."

Tang En didn't expect that Blaine actually knew such awesome comrade-in-arms. Sasha Glott didn't say much, so Tang En didn't ask much, and exposed the topic.

This golden mountain will be placed here for the time being. Sasha Glott took Down to visit the lairs of Tesse Huckro and Murphy Haksha, and also told them their story. Finally, they came In a "small" square full of stone pillars, Sasha Glotte pulled out a table and gave them some tea fruits.

Brian Fart. He leaned on a stone chair and kept licking at the rare fruit: "It's strange here, although it looks nothing, but it feels inexplicably comfortable."

"Probably because it's special here."

Sasha Glott pointed at his feet: "This is the Temple of Order."


Tang En froze: "This is the Temple of Order among the six temples?"

Earth, water, fire, wind, light, order, the six temples of Plantar are also the cornerstones of maintaining this world. Several other temples have almost corresponding sectarian handles, and they have not even been allowed to approach without permission. , But in such an important place as the Temple of Order, Sasaglotte brought them in casually? Still drinking tea here?

However, if Sasha Glott said it, Tang En would not really notice that this place is the temple of order. Without him, from a human perspective, this "small" square is too big, so big Human beings cannot see the whole picture at all.

Tang En suddenly said: "How can you let us in here in such an important place?"

"It's important to say that it's important, but you don't need to care so much."

Sasha Glott twisted a fruit and put it in his mouth, a look of indifference: "After all, this is the 'order' temple. Only order creatures can enter, and chaotic creatures will be purified when they approach here. It's a powerful chaotic creature, and it's blocked, so there's no need to worry about it. "

After all, it is the temple of order. It has the ability to identify the enemy and the self ...

Sasha Glotter asked with interest: "Yes, I heard that you have repaired the Golden Titan Legion?"

"Yes, that legion of giant legends is indeed extraordinary."

Tang En nodded with a smile: "Unfortunately, the long slumber has made them lose their combat capabilities, and now all we have to do is repair them."

Sasha Glott marveled: "It's not easy to repair them, the masters of your humans ... Oh, yes, the alchemist of Hohenheim, he has been dead for many years, right? His descendants are still alive, and I am afraid that he is not able to repair the legion of gold giants. After all, the number is too large. "

"The number is indeed large, but because of this, it has the value of restoration, rather than letting us rebuild a batch of giant idols."

Tang En smiled and said, "Although Master Hohenheim is gone, the Tim of the Einzbelen family is still alive. I do n’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate. After the first Chaos Invasion War ended, Ein The Zbelen family was sealed by the gods for studying artificial souls, and then they used the Hohenheim family's puppet technology to convert their bodies into immortal puppet bodies, which were derived from artificial soul technology. The soul-strengthening technology has allowed them to spend a thousand years in peace under the seal and persist to this day. "

"With the help of Master Tim and Ms. Stiesa, the current patriarch of Einzbelen, we have now successfully restored a golden giant statue and improved it from the original."

Tang En said with a smile: "After the repair, I am confident that the Golden Giant Statue Corps will be stronger than before ... Speaking of the Golden Giant Statue Corps, I still have things to talk to you this time."

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with interest: "What is it?"

"About Oliha Steel."

"Oliha Steel?"

Sasha Glott waved his hand: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Since the first Chaos Invasion War thousands of years ago, so many gold statues have been made, we have never made Oliha Steel again, even if you want , We are gone now. "

"Not to ask you, but we want to produce."

"Production? Ha!"

Sasha Glotter laughed: "Do you know how Olija Steel produced it?"

"Know, Eltro Kamanda told me the recipe."

Sasaglot: "..."

He was a bit wrong: "Since you know the formula, you still have to produce it? I won't talk about other materials, but how do you solve the dragon's blood? Let me say first, we are not interested in bleeding ourselves now."

Sasaglotte is still very depressing, nothing else. At the time, the Dragon God was too costly when he created the Dragon Clan. As a result, the Dragon Clan was treated too well, which caused the Dragon Clan to have excellent materials all over the body. It is a first-class material for making armor or magic equipment.

This led to the fact that during the war, they had to cut out and find materials from themselves to make equipment for other races.

Doesn't sound like much, but if you let you put some blood and cut some flesh every day to give it to others, would you be happy?

Dragons are certainly not happy.

Sometimes he even thought, if the Dragon God did not have such a heart when he created the Dragon Clan, would they be better off now ...

"We have solved the problem of dragon blood, and this time I am going to talk to you. If you have no comments, we will start production."

Sasha Glott was more mistaken: "How did you solve it? Dragon Blood cannot have a substitute."

Including Har Kamanda is also quite wrong. He knows that Tang En has repaired the Legion of the Golden Colossus, but he doesn't know that Tang En even cracked the secret of Oriha.

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