Things from Another World

Chapter 910: Want to kill someone?

In the Temple of Order, everyone stayed for a while.

Sasha Glott and Hal Kamanda stared at Don, not understanding how he found a replacement for Dragon Blood.

"A substitute? Of course not a substitute."

Tang En shook his head: "I couldn't find any material that could replace Dragon Blood."

If it is on Earth, observing the structure of dragon blood through a molecular microscope, it may be possible to find similar materials, or to synthesize artificially to mass produce the same thing. However, in Prandall, he obviously does not have the technical conditions.

"Then how did you make it?"

Tang En smiled slightly and spit out two words: "Yalong."

The descendants of Yalong, the Dragon and other races are also the "brilliant" history of Sashaglot. It was because he was too eager to ensure the continuity of the race, which opened the period of crazy mating of the Dragon Manchuria. The sub-dragon species reproduced and spread in large numbers, and eventually became a system of their own.

That's right, their impulses failed to solve the problem of dragon breeding. Instead, they created some new races in the world, and their strength was quite strong, which brought a lot of trouble to other intelligent races.

Times have changed, and now Sasha Glott already knows how stupid he was, and that period has become the dark history of all dragons. Few people are willing to mention that history and Yalong's affairs.

After all, it was a period of indulgence and madness. Almost none of the species that could mate ...

Thinking about it now, the bathroom is just crazy?

It's more sad than grief!

Suddenly when Tang En talked about Yalong, Sasha Glot and Hal Kamanda's expressions were a little unnatural.

Sasha Glotter muttered, "What are Yalong doing? Even if they are useless, I am afraid their blood is useless."

"Of course it's useless to use their blood directly."

Tang En smiled slightly, and then said, "So we centrifuged their blood and purified it further. Guess what we found?"

Sasha Glott was aroused by his curiosity: "What?"

"The powerful secrets of the Dragons are the mysteries hidden in the dragon's blood."

Tang Enke is not interested in circle with them, has the gods as thighs, he is not afraid of the dragons turning their faces and ignoring people, and after so long contact, the creatures of this world generally adhere to the order of the creatures under the supervision of true **** Duty, to say the worst is the neutral kind camp, there is no need to worry too much.

"Mystery in Dragon Blood?"

Not even Sasaglotte was calm: "What secrets can we have in our blood?"

"Is there no reason why the dragon is so powerful? Now we find that at least part of it is due to the dragon's blood."

Tang En took out a test tube, which was a gold cell brought from the research room before leaving, and he handed it to Sasaglot: "This is a gold cell-let's name it that, maybe it's better to name it the dragon essence A little? It just sounds like the meaning is not good ... "

Dragon Essence?

Sasha Glott covered his head with a shudder and shook his head: "Let's still have gold cells ..."

He looked down at the test tube in his hand, even opened it and smelled it, and then he was very surprised and said, "It's like the smell of dragon blood, but why is it golden?"

"You don't even know?"

Tang En looked weird: "What color is the blood of the dragon god?"

"How do I know? I was the first dragon to be created. When I saw Lord Dragon God, I did not see him bleed."

Sasha Glott said angrily: "The Lord Dragon God is extremely powerful, and it is a real deity, not the kind of false god, how could it bleed!-Wait, you mean, Lord Dragon God Is your blood golden? "

I do n’t know if it is golden, but the dragon blood he gave me is indeed golden.

Tang En silently whispered, and then said, "No matter what color his blood is, at least you, I mean the dragon of Prendall, the blood can be isolated from the blood in the body. Elsa has tested it in person pass."

Elsa nodded silently next to her. She had watched Tang En with their own eyes, and they had separated this kind of gold cells from their blood.

"Then what? What does this mean?"

Sasha Glott still didn't understand what Dunn wanted to say.

"We used the separated blood components to add formulas to synthesize Oliha steel, and eventually found out that this kind of gold cells is the decisive factor. As long as there are gold cells, Oliha steel can be produced."

"But what does this have to do with what you want to say?"

Sasha Glott is helpless, and it is still a question of dragon blood.

Tang En coldly said: "The gold cells in this test tube in your hand are not extracted from Elsa's blood, but from Yalong's blood."


Unsurprisingly, Sasaglot jumped up, stunned: "You mean, can Yalong's blood separate this thing? Is it the same as our blood?"


Tang En's expression is even more weird. This not only means that the production of Oliha Steel is possible, but from a biological point of view, it also means that the blood relationship between Yalong and Dragon is well documented. Even if they want to erase history, they will never erase it.

Sasaglotte is not stupid. As soon as Tang En said that the dragon has the same composition as the dragon, he also thought of this. The black history is a history that all dragons are unwilling to mention. Well, various races have explanations for the cause and source of Yalong. The dragon race can also be used as a wall view, but once there are decisive factors ...

"Hal, why don't we kill people?"


Brian was frightened: "Hey, don't suddenly say such a terrible topic, I can't afford to be scared!"

"Look at you like a bear."

Tang En gave him a look of anger, "The Dragon King is joking with us. If he really wants to kill someone, will he still say it?"

"It turned out to be a joke, it really scared me to death ... I'm more frightened by eating a few more fruits."

"Brian, you're still the same."

Sasha Glott couldn't help laughing, "That's the golden fruit, you're not a rune dwarf, it's useless if you eat it. It's better to eat more ambergris and longevity fruit."

"No matter how much he is, it's all good stuff anyway, who doesn't know that dragons are tyrants."

Brian didn't care about that much, just put it in his mouth and chewed.

Tang En covered his face and didn't want to sit next to him. It was a shame to take him out.

Anyway, is also the former dwarf king, can't you have a little quality?

"Return to the topic, you said that you also extracted this kind of gold cells from Yalong's blood, that is to say, the key to mass production of Oliha Steel lies on Yalong?"

Once he knew what the point was, Sasaglot could guess what Dunn thought, which was easy to understand.

"That's it."

Tang En smiled, put away the gold cell, and said, "Although the blood cells of Yalong are particularly small, Yalong can be farmed on a large scale to win by volume. Once the base is up, a lot of it can be obtained. Of gold cells are used to produce Oliha Steel. "

"That's it ... then you do it?"

Sasha Glott scratched his head: "What are you telling me about this? Do you still want us to help you make a few more sub-dragons?"

Tang En's eyes lit up: "Can you?"

"Don't think!"

Sasha Glott yelled angrily: "In the past, my head was hot and dizzy. Who will do such a crazy thing now-will you go and mate with Naga? Will you?"

Tang En's expression was a bit unnatural.

"Of course you don't want to ... eh?"

Sasha Groot looked suspiciously at Tang En: "Why is your expression a little strange?"

Tang En said casually, "It's you who read wrong."

"……is it?"

Sasha Glott didn't care too much, and continued: "The past things have passed, so don't mention them anymore, there won't be any dragons that will do such stupid things. We have already given our fate now. This is the arrangement of the Dragon God. After all, we are already so strong and our life is so long. If the breeding ability is still so strong, Prandall will soon be completely occupied by us and there will be no room for other races to live. "

He looked straight away.

"Don't you mind if we breed Yalong to draw blood to produce Oliha Steel?"

"Of course I don't mind, Yalong is Yalong, has nothing to do with us (whispering)."

Sasha Glott said that he had a confession in the back: "Well, let ’s discuss it, you are also the beneficiaries of the Dragon blood, can you at least cover us? At least after this thing is passed down, do n’t Are the dragons connected? "

"I'll do my best, at least now call it gold cells. No one would associate with the Dragons, right?"

Tang En can't help but seem to be very anxious that the Dragons want to erase the black history.

However, one thing he did not expect was that the dragon really didn't care about him breeding Yalong and using Yalong's blood as raw material to produce Oliha Steel.

If you think about it, after all, you don't want to be related to Yalong. Why do you care about Yalong's life?

Yalong has so many species. If they are all in charge, what life will they have, and they will be the world police every day.

"Yes, there is one more thing to tell you, that is, we passed the test and found that the amount of gold cells in Yalong's blood is proportional to Yalong's own strength."

"The amount of gold cells in Elsa's blood is far more than that of Yalong."

"The number of gold cells seems to determine the strength."

Tang En looked at Sasha Glott and said, "This is why I say that gold cells are the secret of dragons. Unexpectedly, the amount of gold cells in your blood is definitely far higher than other dragons."

"Oh, really?"

Sasha Glott was interested: "How to test?"

"Actually, it's really simple."

Tang En grinned, "As long as you put a little blood on it."

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