Things from Another World

Chapter 911: Think carefully about your mission

Although it is rude for the dragon to ask for blood, it is considered to have violated their taboos, but thanks to the special charm aura of Tang En, Sasha Glott did not pay attention to his invasion. .

And Sasha Glott would be happy to cooperate with Down's bloodletting experiment-after all, that blood is not much for his size.

After turning into dragon form again, after Tang En stabbed a sword and let out some blood, Sashaglot became human form again.

"Does it hurt?"

Elsa looked painful beside her.

"Of course it doesn't hurt."

Sasha Glotter said very kindly: "At most, it is a small pin with a needle. As a great dragon family, we must be strong so that we can carry out the great mission given by the Dragon God."

As Tang En centrifuged the blood by hand, he asked casually, "What else does Dragon God leave for you?"

"Of course, not only us, but also the Elves."

Sasha Glotter smiled and said, "It's just that time is too long. It's been over 10,000 years, and nobody cares."

Tang Enra asked intently: "Can you tell me what my mission is?"

Sasha Glott shrugged and said, "Although it is a secret, the dragon knows that it is not impossible to tell you, after all ..."

Sasha Glott glanced at Elsa, smiled inexplicably, and said, "In a sense, you are also entitled to know this secret."

Brian grabbed a few fruits and blinked: "Do I need to avoid it?"

"No need, if I remember correctly, you are the blood of the dwarven royal family? I can feel it, the breath of the earth goddess on you is quite strong."

Brian grinned. "Have a vision."

Tang En's old face collapsed, how did it feel that Brian was so involved with the goddess that even the grade of the earth goddess dropped a lot?

Sasha Glott said, "When the Dragon God left this world, it left us a mission, that is, once the world is out of balance and the situation is uncontrollable, it will execute the order to purify the entire world, even if all giants Long."

Tang En held a hand next to him, and the test tube almost flew out: "What do you mean?"

"It literally means."

Sasha Glott casually said: "The whole family is dispatched to obliterate all the souls of Prandall and purify the entire world."

Tang En took a breath, what did it mean that Dragon God issued this order ten thousand years ago?

Can he see the future?

Or is it just a precautionary measure?

"Because of this mission, we dragons have always been separated from all intelligent races, and we try to keep distance from them."

Sasha Glott drank a glass of water and looked at the test tube spinning fast in Tang En's hand, saying, "You should also understand that the relationship is too familiar, so it's not easy to start."

Was the original sentence so understood? ?

And you are so happy working with Goblin now, do n’t be too happy to make money!

Sasha Glott shrugged: "Speaking back, I remember that the land goddess Nissclair also gave a similar order to the elves, but their mission was to maintain the balance of the world and remove the pollution that invaded the world. Our boss So extreme. "

To maintain world balance?

Clear the pollution that invaded the world?

The face of Aigwin appeared in Tang En's mind. What she has been doing persistently is not chasing chaos, purifying pollution?

As a representative of the goddess of the earth, she is particularly strongly influenced by the will of the goddess, so it is especially important for her own obligations.

If she can help her get rid of the chaotic pollution, she may be able to win her favor ...

Sasha Glotter said with a smile: "Fortunately, so far, I haven't found that the world has reached a step that requires us to execute orders, so we can live a leisurely life ... well, the closest It's probably about two chaotic invasion wars. If not the threat is finally resolved, I am afraid we have already begun. "

Hal Kamanda couldn't help but interject: "You still said that when you forced Taser and his wife back, you were ready to give the highest order to purify the world ... if it wasn't for Taser, it was Hohenheim. The master has found a way to fight chaos, and now the world is estimated to have been completely destroyed by Dragon Breath. "

Down, Brian, and Elsa were sweating coldly on their heads. They never thought that this world was just a step away from destruction, and now they are still on the verge of destruction!

And those who destroy the world are sitting in front of themselves now!

After listening to Sasha Glott's mission to the Dragon and Elves, Tang En had a vague impression in his heart.

In terms of images, the elves are like a firewall erected by the goddess of the earth, or the white blood cells of the world's immune system. They are responsible for solving the threat of invading the world. The necessary moments are like white blood cells engulfing pathogens. Sacrifice yourself to end up with the enemy and use your own life force to neutralize pollution.

Therefore, the Elves have a long life span and strong average strength. Every adult Elf is at least a gold-level power, and a master-level extraordinary level abounds, and their overall number has been balanced at a lower level until There is pollution in this world, that is, when "lesions" occur, a large number of elves will be born on the tree of the world to fight against pollution.

It is a pity that now the tree of the world itself is also polluted by the gate of chaos (see Chapter 269). Even if the world is already facing the invasion of chaotic creatures, the tree of the world has no ability to give birth to elves against the chaotic creatures.

The elves are not keen to breed offspring through a combination of both sexes, so Isari has such a headache.

The situation of the dragon is similar to that of the elves, but their mission is more extreme. If the elves are firewalls or white blood cells of the immune system, then the dragons are the last insurance in the world of Prandall.

Once there is pollution that even the elves cannot solve, the worst case is that when the entire world is to be devoured by pollution, as a final insurance, the dragon will be dispatched.

As absolute order creatures, dragons, like elves, have strong vitality, and the power they use is also full of very powerful purification capabilities, which can well control evil or chaotic creatures.

But when they were dispatched, they also represented the demise of all other races—insurance, which is not usually used. Once used, it means that some force has lost its balance and broke through the dangerous threshold.

And dying in the hands of order creatures is at least better than the corrupted.

There is another benefit to the implementation of species extinction. If the target of infection is lost, the invaders will gradually die and eventually disappear completely from the world. In this way, although all species in Prandall are extinct, at least the world remains intact. From now on, the gods still exist, and they can re-create things and rejuvenate the world.

Thinking of this, Tang En shuddered from his bones.

You know, when the gods created the dragon and elves, 10,000 years ago, at that time, there was no chaotic invasion in Prendall?

Why have they been prepared since then?

Tang En thought of the sudden extinction of goblins and dwarf civilizations thousands of years ago, and what Saratimore said, at that time there already existed in the depths of the devil's family against chaotic invasion (see Chapter 740) ...

Has this world ever been triggered by an "insurance"?

He always felt that this war started earlier than expected!

Now everything in Prandall is like a game of chess, played by the gods, all living beings are chess pieces, and even his stranger is now in the game.

However, the variables he brought were great, and the gods had high hopes for him.

I hope that this war, which has not been known for a long time, can be ended in his hands-no victory, but death!

Tang En's thoughts in his mind are just his own imagination. Many things can only be known, but he cannot say them. This is also his responsibility.

The gods gave him unlimited power and growth possibilities, which meant that he had to carry an extremely heavy mission and save the world, which was more difficult than he thought.

Sasha Glott stared at the test tube held by Tornado in Down's hand, all eyes spent: "Speaking back, I see you've been here for a long time, okay?"

"OK OK."

Tang En dispersed the whirlwind, picked up the test tube and handed it to Sasha Glot.

Sasha Glott was taken aback at a glance: "It's amazing! There are so many ingredients in the dragon's blood!"

The original dragon blood was red with gold, and the main body was red. After a simple centrifugal separation, it became a four-layer structure. Unsurprisingly, it is the gold cells that occupy most of the volume, and it is quite bright and bright. Gold cells.

Tang En felt that the gold cells isolated in his blood looked similar to those of the golden dragon blood in his hands. It is conceivable that as the first dragon family, it was the first dragon created by the dragon **** himself, Sashaglo. The power contained in the special blood is absolutely extraordinary.

"This verifies my guess."

Tang En pointed at the gold cells and said, "The number of gold cells is indeed closely related to the strength of the dragon."

According to scientific logical thinking to reason, there must be deeper secrets hidden in this gold cell.

Why is the number of dragons more powerful?

Is it because of its ability to transport oxygen?

Or is it because of its ability to transport nutrients?

Or is it because it can assist the body fusion to absorb magic?

If the secret is cracked, does it mean that the power of the dragon can also be copied?

If it is a scientist on the earth, it will definitely continue to study the secrets, but unfortunately, Tang En is not a scientist and does not have such strong scientific theory support. He just thinks of this layer and knows that further research will definitely dig What came out-even Pandora's box-must have a secret in it.

However, he decided to stop it for now.

He only needs to leave this primer. As for the mystery of dragon blood, it is left to the people in this world to study it.

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