Things from Another World

Chapter 915: Do you think we need that stuff?

Tang En flapped his wings and soared on the edge of the corrupted woodland, releasing a continuous stream of pure fire from him.

Different from the concentrated powers of purifying Sashaglot and Eniglota during the corruption, the corruption of the purification of the earth actually does not require high concentration of the power of the void, so it can spread the power as much as possible to achieve a wider Coverage.

With him as the center, the black mist constantly rises in the degraded woodland, which is the decomposed breath forced from the earth by the fire of the void. After leaving the earth, it is soon burned by the fire of the void around Tang En. Completely vanished.

A very clear band-shaped area appeared where Tang En flew by. The purified ground was restored to ordinary withered yellow. Although it still did not restore vitality, it did not have a terrible corruption.

As long as Tang En purifies the decaying atmosphere here, then the Green Dragon can bring the place back to life.


The dragons harassing the chaotic creatures in the sky noticed the situation on Tang En's side, and each one opened his mouth in shock.

"Don't be distracted on the battlefield!"

"Are you going to repeat it !?"

The experienced old dragon shouted loudly, reminding them to concentrate.

"We are very careful, but he is too good!"

While the dragons continued to attack the chaotic creatures, they chatted with each other.

In fact, more than ten years have passed. Now they are completely used to the offensive habits of chaotic creatures. As long as they pay attention, they can avoid the attack completely without injury. There is no need to be too nervous. It is a rare situation just after the dragon.

"Yeah, a human mage can not only purify the chaotic pollution, but also rescue the dragon, and even master the legendary spell of the dragon incarnation ..."

"I have never heard of when such a powerful legendary mage appeared in the human kingdom."

"What's his name? Tang En? Who has heard of this person?"

"No, I know Jean, Angus, and even Aegwynn, Isally, but the legendary mage named Down has never heard of it."

"This person can't come out of thin air, right?"

"Who knows, anyway, he is an order creature and can help us, don't think so much."

"It's the same, at least with him, if we are accidentally eroded by chaos, we won't die."

The appearance of Tang En made the dragons inexplicably reassured. When confronted with chaos before, the most feared thing was to be attacked by chaotic creatures and invaded the body by the force of chaos, which is a death situation.

But now with Tang En's precedent after saving the dragon, they see hope, and they are more active in attacking chaotic creatures.

"Well, the purification is done here. The southwest side is too close to the battlefield. You can let it go first. The north side can continue ..."

Looking at the cleaned earth, Tang En nodded with satisfaction, and then erected a high wall to isolate this area from the battlefield in front. Although it could not stop the corruption of chaotic power, at least he could win some green dragons. Time to catalyze the vegetation and bring it back to life.

When several dragons saw that the purification was completed, they immediately broke away from the battlefield under the cover of their companions and fell to the ground.

"On behalf of Tricio (male green dragon) and Tricia (female green dragon), thank you for your help, Your Excellency Don En!"

"You're welcome, please help yourself."


The headed green dragon gave an order, and then the dragons scattered around, and then sprinkled a large piece of seed from their paws. After the seed fell to the ground, they shouted: "Mavis! Come rain. ! "

When a blue dragon in the sky heard the shout, it immediately increased the rainfall, and the area of ​​the rain began to cover the edge of the battlefield. Within a moment, it re-moisturized the dry land.

Tricio and Tricia immediately began to release the power of nature. The rich green light shrouded the dry earth. The plant seeds were quickly catalyzed, while greedily absorbing the rain, and struggling to root the roots into the earth. Nutrients were absorbed from it, and then it grew at an incredible speed, but after a moment of effort, the green land reappeared just after the land was dry and cracked, like Gobi Desert. Purifying the area is back to life in just a few minutes.

The power of magic is really amazing!

Seeing all this, Tang En sighed, and then shouted, "Elsa, let's go."


Elsa nodded, spraying a group of fiery dragons at a group of tiny chaotic creatures not far away, and after confirming that the chaotic creatures had been swept away, she swung her tail, dragged her skirt and followed Tang .

Among so many dragons in the sky, Elsa's dress is undoubtedly the most prominent ...

After all, other dragons have never seen the same kind of dress ...

With the unremitting efforts of Tang En, the peripheral area of ​​the corrupted earth was completely purified, and when he and Elsa returned to the mountain again, the newly purified land had grown back. Up green grass and woods.

Tang En felt again, if there is such a magical power on the earth, where is the headache of desertification?

"Have a hard time, Lord Don."

Sasha Glott greeted her with a smile on her face: "We are really eye-opening today. The power you have is a well-deserved miracle."

The power of miracles?

Tang En smiled indifferently.


After all, being able to choose yourself from so many earth people to save this world is already a miracle in itself, isn't it?

"Let's go back."

Tang En said: "The thing about chaotic creatures can only be done for the time being. I can't help you with too many things. Let's discuss how to build equipment for you."

"Of course, no problem."

Sasaglo nodded characteristically, and then stunned Eniglota's neck, and said, "Dear, continue to work hard for you."

Tang En stunned: "You still want her to continue fighting here?"

Eniglota smiled and said, "It's nothing. The gods have given us powerful power and long lives. All of this is not in vain. This is our responsibility."

Well, Tang En can only say that their consciousness is really high ...

As soon as they flew into the sky, they saw a group of dragons flying from the center of Long Island.

The energetic dragon shouted, "Brothers, clean up the battlefield, it's time to change shifts!"

"Oh oh oh !!! It's finally time to rest!"

"Good time! Wait for me to send them a dragon breath-ahhhhh!"

Tang En suddenly, Dragon Brothers, are you sure it's not Dragon Sputum?

Sasha Glotter laughed: "It's a coincidence that it's time to change shifts."

Elsa said happily, "Isn't the dragon queen able to take a rest?"

Eniglota next to her smiled and shook her head: "It's different. As the leader of the dragon race, Sasha and I rotate once a month."

After all, the Dragon King and Queen Queen are the strongest and need to lead the dragon, so the interval between their shifts is relatively long.

Tang En sings his respects, this kind of consciousness is not something everyone will have.

A few of them were shifting back to the Temple of Order with the envoys of the dragons changing, and as soon as they landed, the dragons who stepped off the battlefield surrounded them enthusiastically.

"Tang En, your strength is really an eye-opener for us. If it weren't for you, we would lose our Queen."

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Tang En."

"You must be a hero sent by Lord Dragon God to save us!"

Tang En scratched his head, how did it always feel like I heard it ...

"Master Tang En's strength is so important to us. It is better to let Master Tang En stay on Long Island."

A dragon with eyes glowing, said excitedly, "In this case, even if we are in danger, we can get the first treatment!"

His proposal was immediately approved by other dragons.

"Yes, yes, Lord Tang En, just stay!"

"We have a lot of good things in Long Island. Despite mentioning what you want, we will certainly be able to meet your needs!"

In order to convince Tang En, some dragons even came up with lure ideas.

"Sorry, I can't be here permanently. I still have Ellington and Illus to manage. I can't leave my people and stay here to wait for the dragon."

"But we really need your strength!"

A group of dragons stared at Tang En, and sent him to kneel: "Only you can save the dragons corrupted by the power of chaos. You are gone, and the injured dragons have only a dead end!"

"But it really doesn't work ..."

Tang En turned his eyes, and deliberately pushed away a few times. Seeing that the dragons were really anxious, he threw out his true intentions.

"Why not."

Tang En sighed suddenly and said, "Although I can't stay here permanently, I can build a teleportation array here. If you are wounded, you can teleport to Ellington or Yalinks to find me at any time. I can save people too ... no, save the dragon. "

Although he cannot stay on Long Island, he has the urgent healing power of the dragon, so even Long Island has not been allowed to build a teleportation team here since ancient times. They want Tang En's power to make an exception for him. Row.

Originally, Tang En was still worried about how to persuade Sasaglot, but he did not expect that after he saved the dragon, the power of the void he had mastered became a knocker here on Long Island.

The dragons listened to Tang En's compromise solution and thought it was quite good. Although it was not as good as letting him stay here directly, it seemed to sound good. At least he was injured and could be treated in the first time. Well.


"Isn't the technology of the teleportation array lost?"

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with a puzzled look: "Will you build a teleportation array?"

Tang En was also puzzled: "I'll be there, but for you, there should be no such thing as loss of transmission technology?"

How long the dragon has a long life, this technology should not be lost.

In the past, Tang En was curious. Why did Jean and Angus not ask the Dragons to ask about the construction technology of the teleportation array?


Sasha Glott looked at Tang En and said quietly, "Do you think ... do we need a teleporter?"

These **** darlings!

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