Things from Another World

Chapter 916: Dragon armor? Dragon Cannon!

Regarding the teleportation, Tang En was completely confused.

Because of the technology of the teleportation array, it was developed by human mage in history.

Only humans have the need for large-scale ultra-long-distance transmission.

Originally this kind of demand could be solved by the portal spell, but the strength of human beings could not bear that kind of teleportation load, so the derivative product of teleportation array would eventually appear.

It can be said that the teleportation array is completely a product of the pressure of the magician to transmit.

For the **** darling family, the dragon does not need such a thing at all.

When any of them is an adult, they have the ability to teleport themselves to any area in Plantar.

Under this average strength of the whole people, the teleportation array is completely chicken ribs.

Therefore, only the human kingdom spread the teleportation array everywhere.

The dragon did not even have an interest in learning the relevant knowledge.

If the human race is lost, it is really lost.

Tang En will build a teleportation formation. Sasha Glott is surprised, but not as shocked as those in the human kingdom.

After confirming that Tang En will set up a teleportation array, a group of dragons looked at Sasha Glott with eager eyes.

Because he originally set the rule of "no teleportation team on Long Island".

What do you think I do?

Sasha Glott was speechless.

I'm also very distressed!

This rule was originally formulated to keep a distance from other races, so that an irreversible situation really appeared, and the dragon could relentlessly execute the order to purify the world.

It was not his intention to retreat.

However, Tang En's proposal touched him.

Because the dragon really needs Tang En's power.

Sasha Glott scratched his head: "That being the case, change the rules."

Although it was for his own convenience, Tang En still wanted to talk about him. After thousands of years of rules, change it!

Tang En said: "Then you choose a place, I'll set up a teleportation array."

Sasha Glott pointed at his feet: "No need to choose, here it is."


Tang En said: "This is the Temple of Order!"

"All dragons know this place, this is also the center of Long Island, and it is convenient to go anywhere. This is the most suitable place. And the Temple of Order can identify evil, but not afraid that someone will come here to make trouble.

Sasha Glott said: "As soon as you leave the teleportation team, you can be sure that the comer is good or evil."

"Crouch! The temple still has this function !?"

"Ability unique to the Temple of Order."

"Then I'll set up a teleportation team over there."

Tang En pointed to the corner of the temple, where it is regarded as a partial temple, an empty area can be regarded as a square to humans, enough.

Sasha Glott waved at will: "You are free."

Perhaps Tang En will be the highest human being in Long Island in history.

So Tang En ran over and began to get busy. A group of dragons watched curiously for a moment and then dispersed.

After all, as long as they can be sure that Tang En can set up a teleportation array here, the corrupted dragon can always find him for treatment.

They are not very interested in the teleportation team itself.

After half an hour, a brand new teleportation array stood in the side hall of the Temple of Order, and Tang En had corrected the space coordinates, linking it with the teleportation array in Ellington.

"Big brother, you have become more and more skilled in building teleportation."

Brian woke up again with emotion: "I feel like you've almost covered the teleportation empire throughout the Illus Empire? When are you going to make it public?"

Tang En said while adding the coordinates of other teleportation arrays, "I won't announce it until the normal trading market is established."

The emergence of the teleportation array will have devastating consequences for the existing business system, and it will even impact the current messy financial system, including the political power of various countries. It will completely stabilize the business and financial system while holding the decisive Before the power of the teleportation array, it would not be open to ordinary people.

"It feels like you're thinking a lot ... but it's still because you have too many human problems."

Brian mumbled, "We dwarves don't have that much trouble."

Tang En could not refute.

Because the composition of the creators of humans in this world is too complicated, it is full of contradictions, but it is precisely because of this that humans are also full of various uncertainties and can often create miracles.

After finishing the teleportation, Dunn sat again in front of Sasha Glot.

"The Teleportation Array is well established. The permissions of the Teleportation Array here are completely public and all dragons can use it."


"Well, other teleportation arrays have permissions restrictions, and people with insufficient permissions cannot use them."

Tang En briefly explained the purpose and benefits of his authority. Only then did Sasha Glott discover that the human being in front of him had not only a powerful force, but he was also careful and thoughtful.

With this wisdom alone, he can definitely bring a strong personal color to this world!

"Let's talk about the armor of the dragon."

Tang En returned to the topic: "I have a few ideas about the equipment of the dragon. Let me discuss it with you."

Sasha Glott revived and said solemnly: "Please."

Tang En's idea is very simple. The first is to strengthen the defense, and to ensure the survival of the dragon as the first element. After all, the dragon's own strength is already very strong, and it is enough. I want to continue on that basis. Improvement is also difficult, but it is still possible to make some equipment that can resist the pollution of chaos.

The second is to continue to strengthen the firepower, which is what he thought of before, to build the dragon into a mobile aerial firepower platform, using various powerful firepower systems developed by Ellington as auxiliary attack methods, and the dragon itself abandons the individual. Strength and focus on mobility.

The advantage of this scheme is that it can prevent the situation on Dragon Island from happening again-once the dragon's attack fails to completely destroy the chaotic creatures, it will spawn terrible monsters, and any sudden situation on the battlefield will bring devastating effects. Consequences, and this powerful and chaotic creature is definitely one of the most dangerous emergencies.

The third is a combination of the two schemes, which uses a certain degree of armor to enhance the dragon's defense against chaos, but it is not entirely based on strengthening the defense. Full-cover armor will be to a certain extent. This affects the dragon's combat effectiveness, so step back and choose to partially cover the armor to protect most of the torso, while the dragon's limbs use specially developed lightweight armor, as long as it can withstand the impact of a chaotic force.

At the same time, they gave up casting, and the enchanted claws built on the claws were equipped with the equipment isolation, allowing the dragon to go directly to kill with the claws and chaotic creatures based on physical power alone, which could prevent the chaotic creatures from drawing magic.

As long as it is not hit by chaotic creatures, the power of the dragon is almost invincible.

But to be honest, Tang En didn't want to choose this plan because he was too mean.

Moderation means that there is no feature, and no feature is the most terrible thing.

Because the dragon's body is quite large, the materials used to build armor for a dragon can even build a hundred-man elite cavalry. The thicker the armor, the more materials it consumes, so the costs of these solutions are not the same.

Tang En personally prefers the second one. Similar to the aircraft carrier, the giant ship cannon is a man's romance.

"Are there no fourth option? I don't think they will be willing to give up their magic advantage."

Sasha Glott frowned slightly. These options didn't sound satisfactory. He didn't want to be beaten as a hard-shell turtle, and he didn't want to give up his casting ability.

After all, the dragon's inherently powerful reserves of magic power are their greatest strength-humans can't have a magician to fight for as long as they do for a week, and the magic power consumed is really terrible.

"No more."

Tang En shook his head, and even he couldn't think of more ways to strengthen the dragon.

After all, as long as the spell is used, the magic in the body may be drawn by the chaotic creature and become more powerful.


Brian scratched his head and suddenly said, "Why not just hang two magic crystal cannons on them? Isn't that monster weapon suitable for dragons?"

"Magic cannon? That thing is powerful, but it's useless and too expensive."

Tang En shook his head, but when he was here, he suddenly stopped and froze.

Brian corrected Down: "Not a magic crystal cannon, but a magic crystal cannon!"

The magic crystal cannon is an upgraded version of the magic crystal cannon. It is also an abnormal product made by dwarves and gnomes under the cannon doctrine. The magic crystal cannon that consumes high-level magic crystals can destroy a small hill. Crystal cannon, one shot can destroy a city, the power is very huge, equivalent to eighth-order spells!


The magic crystal cannon has a fatal flaw-it is huge, the recoil is super strong, and the magic power consumed is extremely amazing!

One shot will consume a magical essence worth ten thousand dollars-a magical essence can destroy a city. Of course, it is worthwhile from the perspective of war. Unfortunately, no one can use it.

On the one hand, it was the dwarves and dwarfs who invented this thing, but neither dwarves nor dwarves love to dominate the world.

On the other hand, this gadget is too clunky. After it was invented, no one could remove it at all. The human ruler who wanted to die would like to use it but couldn't get it.

What you can use is not needed. What you want to use is not used until the second chaotic invasion war. This stuff really shines. The magicians transferred this monster to the battlefield, relying on the powerful magic crystal cannon. Obstruction, only to get breathing time for the tired magicians.

It was later discovered that using this thing had one of the biggest benefits.

That is, the chaotic creatures cannot get stronger through the attack of the magic crystal cannon.

So in the Second Chaos Invasion War, the Dwarves and Gnomes mass-produced the Magic Crystal Cannon.

Excluding the losses in the war, there are still a lot left to eat ash in the warehouse below the forge hammer.

Tang En was heartbroken. The two biggest shortcomings of the magic crystal artillery were completely absent from the dragon!

Expensive? There is an endless stream of magical power in the dragon, transform it, draw magical power from the dragon, and transform it into pure energy. As long as you do n’t drive the magical power to directly attack chaotic creatures, they will not become stronger. Boom!

Too bulky? The dragon is extremely powerful, and the anti-magic cannon is not like playing?

The most important thing is that this thing can be launched continuously after being combined with the dragon!

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