Things from Another World

Chapter 917: You should wash and sleep

The whimsical dragon cannon plan excited Tang En.

Because this idea is completely feasible!

"This is a good idea!"

Tang En was overjoyed: "But can you still produce things like the magic crystal cannon?"

Bryan said proudly: "The magic crystal cannon was a popular product during the Second Chaos Invasion War and was widely welcomed by the Allied Forces. Therefore, at that time, Fort Hammer received many orders and produced thousands of doors. Magic crystal artillery, many of the artisans involved in production are now the main artisans of Forge Hammer Fort. "

"Is it fully capable of mass production?"

Brian waved his hand and said, "Of course it can, but although it was damaged a lot during the war, there are still a lot left. They are all stored in the forge of Fort Hammer. If you want, you can talk to Duran. Say that stupid boy. "

"And," Brian thought for a while, and then said, "I'm not sure whether the two are suitable or not. We still need to test it. Don't rush to production, go get a few modifications and try it, and then make sure Do you want mass production? "

Down looked at Brian in amazement.

Brian looked unnaturally at him: "Brother, what kind of look do you have !?"

"... I suddenly felt that I should fly with you a few more times."


Brian was silent for a moment and said quietly, "Did I plan on your family's grave? How hostile?"


Tang En pointed to his head and said, "I just feel like you're dizzy and wake up twice when you wake up ... it's so thoughtful! It's not scientific!"

"What is science? Can it be eaten?"

Brian said angrily: "I just happen to know-ah! No, I've always been so wise and wise, right? I usually just don't want to perform, I just give you the opportunity to perform!"

"Well, let's just take it for granted."

"What! You look totally unbelievable!"

Brian jumped anxiously: "Don't forget, I was the Dwarf King during the Second Chaos Invasion War! I was under the command of the Dwarf Army! We also fired the magic crystal cannon! I launched the war myself First magic crystal cannon! "


Tang En patted his head: "I forgot about it ... I always thought you were just 108 years old."

Since Bryan was involved in the war and was in charge of commanding the Dwarf Army, he certainly knew the matter of the magic crystal cannon, so he was more sensitive in this regard.

After hearing about the old things from Tang En, Brian blushed and hummed, "In short, as long as you want to use the magic crystal cannon, you can't do without the technical support of our dwarves. You have been proud of you for so long, this time. Look at us! "

Tang En didn't care. He shrugged and said, "You can rely on you to produce one door or two doors, but there are so many dragons on Long Island and they are so large. Are you sure that the production capacity of dwarves can keep up with demand?"

Brian snapped: "Should, probably, maybe, maybe ..."

Tang En sighed and simply asked, "How long will it take to make a magic crystal cannon?"

Brian said helplessly: "A month."

He also knew that compared to Ellington's current industrial system, the production efficiency of Forge Hammer Fort was too low.

"You should wash and sleep ..."

"As far as I know, it is not slow to produce a magic crystal cannon a month."

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with great confusion: "In the heat of the war, all the power of dwarves and dwarfs could only reach this level."

"Unfortunately, the gap is still too large compared to large-scale industrial production."

Tang En explained: "We first shipped two magic crystal cannons for disassembly, analyzed their structural principles, and then optimized the design based on the dragon's size and strength, and then designed the production line after the transformation. These preliminary tasks may be slow. It may take a month or two, but once the design of the production line is complete and the raw material reserves are sufficient, if the production starts immediately, the output will become higher and higher. Although I dare not say that one hundred magic crystal cannons are produced a day, but It's okay to reduce production time to a dozen doors a day. "

Sasha Glott was startled: "So amazing?"

"It's so great."

Har Kamanda, who has personally seen Ellington ’s industrial production efficiency, nodded: "I have seen with my own eyes that those fine magic energy machines are almost shipped out of the factory one by one, it is too fast. "

"It's amazing."

Sasha Glott sighed: "Unexpectedly, humans have already created such amazing miracles ... maybe the world in the future will be the world of humans."

"No, this world belongs to all beings."

Tang En smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to accept reality, accept the unknown, accept everything in this world, and actively integrate into this world, you can become a member of it."

"Do you think it's really good for us to integrate into this world?"

A question from Sasaglotte made Tang En speechless.

Even if he knew that the real mission of the Dragons was to be ready for biological extinction at any time, it would be difficult to accept, let alone let them fully integrate into the world.

Still, the relationship is too familiar, so I am embarrassed to start.

So keeping a certain distance and mystery is good for both sides.

"That being the case, come on your plan."

Sasha Glott was very interested in Down's plan, and was already a bit eager to see the results.

"Then we will go back and start preparing now."

Tang En stood up and planned to leave.

"Go back now?"

Sasha Glot and Hal Kamanda both froze: "What's the hurry? Don't care about these three or five years, stay and enjoy the life of Long Island before leaving."

Three or five years ...

Tang En was sweating, he really didn't know how to explain the precious concept of time with these long-lived species.

At this moment, he had a flash of light, and said very seriously, "Farewell, time is money, my friends, we must hurry up."

Sasha Glott and Hal Kamanda suddenly looked serious: "You're right, let's move quickly."

Down: "..."

Brian: "..."

Elsa: "..."

Damn these two guys turned their faces faster than their books!

"But Elu stays for the time being."

"Ah !? No!"

Elsa's response was fierce: "I don't want to stay here!"

"Don't be so excited."

Sasha Glott calmed her emotions: "You have just awakened your blood, we need to give you some special training so that you can better master your power."

"But," Elsa flushed eagerly. "I think I have a good grasp ..."


Hal Kamanda couldn't help but ask Elsa: "You haven't broken anything since you awakened?"

This is almost the norm. Anyone who suddenly gains power beyond their control will break things around because they cannot control the power. This is still good. If you accidentally hurt someone, you will be in great trouble.

Elsa heard her head bowed and said nothing.

Because Hal Kamanda was right.

A few days after she awakened her blood, the house was almost a mess, and Clara was about to die with a headache.

Elsa also had a similar situation when she first gained strength when she was a child. It took a long time before she knew what she was special and learned to control her strength without causing damage.

Now everything is back to the past, but now her destructive power is even more amazing.

The power of the dragon is no joke.

"Elsa, you stay."

Tang En comforted her: "It won't take long anyway, right?"

The next sentence was asked Sasaglot.

"Well, that's right."

Sasagolo nodded characteristically: "It will be ten or eight years at most."

Elsa, who was about to nod, jumped up suddenly: "Ah !?"

Even Tang En froze: "Ten years and eight years !?"

At that time, the chaotic army came over! ?

"Uh, actually Elw's words shouldn't take that long."

Sasha Glott hurriedly said, "After all, he is a child of Taser and Murphy, and he must have a strong learning ability. Well, that's it."

"……That one……"

Hal Kamanda next to him stopped talking, and he always felt panic if something didn't come out, and what he said broke down Sasha Glotter's desk ...

Sasha Glott noticed his thoughts and gave him a stern glance, forcing him to swallow it.

"Anyway, all in all, you stay here at least to control your power."

Tang En continued comforting Elsa: "Anyway, I have already set up a teleportation team here. If you are homesick, you can go back at any time, and I will often come here recently. Maybe when things are done here, you Already able to control his power? "

Tang En's remark was really reassuring to Elsa, yes, there is already a teleportation array anyway, and you can go back in no time at any distance.

You can study here during the day and go home to sleep at night.

Thinking about this, Elsa really relaxed and nodded and said, "Well then ..."

"Then we will go back first. There are some things to be busy before the official start of construction."

Down, Brian and them resigned.

"I'll send them off."

Elsa also got up and sent Down and Brian.

After they left, Hal Kamanda whispered, "King, are you serious? Taser and Murphy have strong learning abilities? Who doesn't know that the two of them were a crane duo ..."

"Just you talk!"

Sasha Glott glared at him: "You don't say who knows them !? I said they learn well, they just learn well! They are the heroes of the dragons! The heroes of the dragons are untainted! Understand?

"You are wise!"

What can Harcamanda say? I can only kneel ...

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