Things from Another World

Chapter 918: Father and son bureau! Disapprove of SALA!

Down and Brian didn't return directly to Ellington, but instead teleported to Forgehammer.

Although the time has entered the month of celebration, the strong wine fragrance still lingers in the forge hammer, as if the wine festival of the harvest month has just ended.

They found Durandon directly.

The first time he saw Brian, Durandon wanted to rush over to give him a long-lost "greeting". Brian saw the situation was not good, and he waved his hand without saying a word. The full armor in the storage ring was immediately attached to In him, the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains stood ready in his hands.

"whispering sound!"

Durandon didn't expect that Brian actually responded so quickly, took a sip, and said angrily, "What are you still running back to? The wine festival is over, and you don't want to drink wine anymore! Or do you change your mind and plan to take the throne? Go back? If so, I welcome with both hands! "

"in your dream!"

Brian said proudly: "Lao Tzu, how much chic I've been in Ellington. I want to eat and drink, and drink and drink. In the tavern, I chatted happily with the travelers from Tiannanhaibei. If you are upset, go get rid of the demons, and you will continue to envy you on this day! "

After seeing Brian throw the throne to himself, he was so smart, Durandon suddenly became red: "You old bastard! That kind of smart life should belong to me! It belongs to me! I and Tess should enjoy that life! You are so shameless! "

"As my son, you should have had this awareness already!"

Brian said with a look of righteousness: "The blood of the Dwarven King will be passed down by you!"

Durandon gritted his teeth and spit out two words: "Shameless!"

"Okay, okay, can't you and your two be in harmony when you meet?"

Tang En had a headache as a peacemaker, no matter how many times, he was difficult to get used to such a special political form and political concept of dwarves.

"No! Unless he takes back the crown!"

"No! Unless he is honestly a king!"

After the two had spoken in unison, they stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, until Selma and Tess came hand in hand, and the two men ended the cold war between father and son.

The group returned to the throne, and Durandon shouted. The stock sat on the hard throne and said, "Tang En, my friend, although I don't know what happened to you this time, I think if you I will definitely be happy to work with you to send this guy off. "

"What a blind name!"

Brian, who was whispering to Selma, heard Dulandon's words, and jumped up with a beard and eyes: "Big brother and my peers, you should call Uncle Tang En!"

Durandon sneered, looking down at Brian, "You seem to forget that I am the dwarf king, and Tang En is the king of human beings. We have the same status, so my title is completely fine."

"How could it be okay! You're called Lao Tzu, am I not with your peers!"

Brian couldn't accept the statement with his neck around.

Durandon smiled victoriously, took off the crown and handed it out: "If you don't want to, you can come and take the crown and put it on your head? Hmm? Do you dare?"

"Good boy! Dare to count me! I really dare not !?"

Brian yelled, then turned and said, "Well, I just don't dare."

Lying in your bones! ?

Durant was anxious, and he still revealed Brian's shamelessness.

"You treat me stupid?"

Brian dug his nostrils completely as if he didn't see Durandon's expression: "Let's live a free life now, but as a dwarf king of Rush, you can't run around on a hard bench, but also with the elders every day The guys talked about who broke the wall and whose children could swing the hammer. Which village has a few more children? "

The dwarf elder elders would sit there every day talking about gossip! ?

"Just say a few less words."

Thelma glared at him: "You have been deceived into a dwarven king, the child is poor enough, so don't bully him."

"What is deception, obviously a tactic ..."

Brian muttered, but he didn't even spray with Durandon after listening to his wife.

"To be honest, as a human, it's difficult to understand your political form."

Tang En smiled and said, "But I'm glad that you are now in charge of the Dwarf Kingdom, not Brian, otherwise I will carefully consider the relationship with the Dwarf."

"Big brother, you can't do this, obviously I have laid a solid foundation for him, that's why-eh! Eh!"

Brian was covered by Selma before he finished speaking, and Tang En glanced at him, always feeling that Selma's stout arm seemed to strangle Brian ...

"In fact, in our race, the Dwarven King is a display."

Durandon said angrily: "Except for a symbolic meaning, there is nothing to use."

Dwarves have no interest in power. Whether it is to mine iron or study winemaking technology, it is more interesting than being a mascot dwarf king.

Tang En smiled and said, "I have no intention to doubt your political form. Although I am not used to it, personally, I still like your idea very much."

"Thank you, let's just get down to business. Tess, we'll be better off waiting to see the cellar."

Durandon looked at Tess next to him with affection, and Tess smiled and said, "It's still important to talk about our business, we can talk about our affairs later."

"Is such that."

Tang En no longer lost time, went straight to the subject, told Durandon about the magic crystal cannon that Brian had said before, and finally said, "So we need to take two magic crystal cannons and study them first. The feasibility of retrofitting. "

"Oh, the magic crystal artillery, I think that stuff is coming from the bottom warehouse. It's too big and bulky. It's just a monster. Are you sure you want to use that thing as a weapon?"

Durandon was not optimistic.

"Just have it."

Tang En smiled: "It's for the dragon anyway, it doesn't matter if it's bigger or heavier."

"Then let's go now."

Durandon was also very crisp, and immediately led the way.

Down and Brian followed, and he scratched his head: "Uh, we don't seem to be discussing the price yet."

The magic crystal cannon is expensive and expensive, because the technical cost and manufacturing cost are placed there. A large number of expensive magic metal cannon bodies, and the exquisite mechanical structure constitute the magic crystal trigger, which combines the highest of the dwarves and the gnome. Skill level, but it is cheaper and cheaper, because no one buys or sells this stuff now, all prices depend on a mouth.

"Hey, what's the price of this thing? For more than a year, our dwarves have earned a lot of money by digging asphalt for you to sell, and can eat enough food and clothing, and most importantly, they can drink every day. It ’s time to drink, but unfortunately you did n’t come this year ’s Wine Festival. I swear with my beard. Because of your sake, this year ’s Wine Festival is the busiest and happiest festival in history! What you brought to our country of dwarves Countless happiness and joy! "

Durandon said, "You can take this magic crystal cannon if you need it. Don't talk nonsense. The most important thing is that these things are left unused. They are just a pile of waste. Take up space. "

What Durandon said is also true. The magic crystal cannon is powerful, horrible, and bulky. Except for large-scale wars, such war monsters are not used at all. Now, Prandall is leveling and peace (at least on the surface). Is it so), how could it be used?

Tang En smiled bitterly, and he always felt uneasy.

All the way through the melting furnace, and I greeted Eberron, and then went down the steps all the way down to the ground for hundreds of meters, before we came to the deepest warehouse in the forge of Hammer Fort.

After pulling out the seal and opening the heavy door, a cold, rotten breath rushed towards him, and Durandon took the lead in, then lit the torch on the wall with the organ, and said, "Hey, it's all here, I was I do n’t understand why you stuff such a big guy into it, now I understand it—because the mages brought them in, they did n’t plan to let others get them out again. ”

After the Second Chaos Invasion War, the magicians all followed Gene to run to the Silver City. Of course, the neutral magician would not want to see Prendall again, so blocking this kind of war monster is the best choice. .

Without the power of magic, it is not difficult to free these war monsters.

The torch's light couldn't fully illuminate the huge underground cave. Tang En released a gleam, which illuminated the front, and then he stayed.

Originally, he thought that the wall in front of him or a corridor could illuminate the entire underground cave, only to find that the wall in front of him was not the wall, but the stand of TM's cannon!

Looking at the cannon in front of it, no, it should be said to be a cannon!

Tang En took a breath of air, and shuddered, "Isn't this Armstrong Cyclone Accelerated Jet Armstrong Cannon !? Not only is the degree of reduction really high, but it's still huge!"

No wonder Tang En is so morbid, because the thing in front of him and the indescribable thing really look too TM! -Except for the base.

What is surprising is that the bottom bracket of this so-called magic crystal cannon has a length of more than 40 meters, the muzzle is about 30 degrees above the ground, and the height exceeds 10 meters. The length of the gun body is at least 32 meters!

What is even more frightening is that such a huge monster even has a caliber beyond imagination-I have seen the gun muzzle, which is also the narrowest place in the entire cannon.

never seen it?

Seen now!

Mom's Tang En was scared, OK? ? The caliber of the Dora giant gun of the head of state is only 800mm. The caliber of this gadget has reached 3000mm!

No wonder Brian and Durandon spit a war monster, and the dwarf 3 can be stacked in the muzzle alone!

What kind of mentality did they use to create this stuff? ?

——Speaking of which this thing really works! ?

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