Things from Another World

Chapter 927: Divine anti-counterfeiting?

Tang En's method is actually very simple. No matter what the world is, all creatures that need to eat, live and live are always profit-seeking.

Insufficient motivation, driven by benefits.

"That's easy to say."

Tang En smiled and said to Fiona: "It is always convenient to use policies to promote. Don't forget that businessmen are a kind of chasing profits, and people also have a tendency to avoid profits. As long as a new policy is implemented, Using paper money to pay taxes can be reduced by 50%, and they will definitely raise their hands to agree with the status of paper money. "

Fiona was stunned.

Why is the tax cut again?

This guy cuts taxes and addiction! ?

Speaking of Xing head, Tang En continued to say, "And there is, Datang Chamber of Commerce products are extremely sought after now, we can launch activities, use paper money to buy products of Datang Chamber of Commerce, you can get a 10% discount, dare you dare Bet me, they will definitely scramble to exchange money? "

"Dare! You won!"

Fiona surrendered weakly.

Because she knew that Down was telling the truth.

The Datang Chamber of Commerce has now become the leading Chamber of Commerce of the Illus Empire. It claims that no one dares to call the first. Even if other chambers of commerce do not accept it, now their business scope is more or less similar to that of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Inextricable relationship.

It is an exaggeration. The more nourishing chambers of commerce we have passed, the closer the cooperation with the Datang Chamber of Commerce, especially those chambers that produce parts and provide raw materials for the Datang Chamber of Commerce, earn money by drinking soup behind the Datang Chamber of Commerce. With a lot of money, I earn more in a month than in the past year.

Do n’t worry about the product ’s market, do n’t worry about not receiving the payment, and you will make money comfortably. Is n’t this life beautiful?

Now silly talented people will be right with the Datang Chamber of Commerce-not that no one has thought about this idea, but the problem is that from technology to strength to the market to the backstage, the Datang Chamber of Commerce is already a complete monster, completely Who can compare the gap of the crushing level?

Now even the big chambers of commerce in the Roninante Kingdom dare not make too much trouble with the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

If the Datang Chamber of Commerce really launches a discounted activity using currency settlement, it is estimated that those businessmen will be the first to invest in the new currency ranks.


Fiona said a bit distressed: "You said that paper money is used, but paper money is a printed matter? It is likely to be forged, and gold coins are different. Even if it is forged, its material is gold, and the value will not disappear."

"You can rest assured in anti-counterfeiting, I already have an idea."

Tang En said with a smile: "We can take two measures. On the one hand, we can add anti-counterfeiting measures to printing. We can add hidden information through complex printing methods. We can use this method to prevent counterfeiting, which prevents more than 90% of counterfeiting. means."

Fiona nodded indifferently. "Anyway?"

"The second aspect is naturally starting from the top."

Tang En pointed to heaven: "The power of divine magic can always easily implement some functions, isn't it?"

"Use divine magic?"

Fiona froze: "Why not use the power of magic?"

"Because of cost and difficulty."

Tang En sighed: "Of course I also want to use magic to solve this problem, but if the token of magic identification is added to each currency, the cost is too high, and the magic dust consumed alone is estimated to exceed the value of the currency itself ... "

"Isn't that just right?"

Fiona raised her eyebrows and said, "The cost of producing money exceeds its own value, so that we can better prevent the wrongdoers from counterfeiting?"

Tang En patted his head: "Well? That seems to be the case, too."

"If you really want to implement a new version of the currency, I think all three methods are best used!"

Fiona said: "The printing security represents the power of mortals, the magic security represents the power of the divine power, the magic security represents the power of magic, and the three powers are combined into one, which is now our Prandall. , It ’s impeccable in the sense of the word alone, and it ’s a better anti-counterfeit. ”

Tang En clapped his hands: "Then you do!"

"What's the use of telling me this?"

Fiona said angrily: "You have to talk to Princess Aurelia about the issue of currency. There is also the Imperial Mint. If you want to ban the Imperial Mint, they must be the first to be unwilling. You first Think about how to place the people at the mint. "

Tang En thoughtfully said, "Then I think about it ..."

"Go out and think."

Fiona started to catch people: "I'm going to start drafting a cooperation plan for Dixinglong breeding industry, don't disturb me!"

"Alright then."

Tang En left the study and said that it was still early. After a while, he simply teleported directly to Alinks. When Aurelia was found, she and Fiona were in almost the same situation. Also busy and dizzy.

"My God! Look who I found! A living regent!"

When she saw Tang En, Aurelia exclaimed exaggeratedly, letting a group of ministers who assisted her all bewildered.

Such an exaggeration, wouldn't it be tempting to chop his head and eat me?

Tang En secretly slandered, but with a kind smile on his face, he greeted the ministers, and then he glanced next to Aurelia: "What are you doing?"

Princess Aurelia Liu Mei frowned: "What do you say I'm busy !? The glory ceremony is coming soon, and things are everywhere now!"

"First of all, there are too many foreign personnel, and our city defense manpower is simply not enough! In the past few days, there have been hundreds of vicious incidents of gathering people and the prisons in the outer city are almost full!"

"Second is the declaration and approval of various activities of the Shining Ceremony. The income of residents has increased significantly in the past few months from mid-year to the present. Therefore, they are full of expectations for the coming Shining Ceremony, and their desire for consumption has risen unprecedentedly. Various chambers of commerce have submitted applications for large-scale events. Some need to occupy the aisle, and some still want to rent the square and the opera house. Even if a batch has been screened out, a large number will be delivered. "

Having said that, Aurelia glared at Tang En and said angrily: "One of them is your application from the Datang Chamber of Commerce-you actually want to rent the entire championship arena during the glorious ceremony. What are you trying to do !? Again What press conference do you want? "

Tang En stunned: "Rent the championship arena? I don't know."

"It seems Fiona's idea. I have to ask her at night."

Aurelia muttered, and then said ruefully, "So, respect, respect, regent, king, lord, king, sir, what would you tell me to come back for a special trip today? The little girl listens to you ! "

Listening to Aurelia's resentful voice, Tang En shouted: "I don't see you being well organized in the country, so come and condole with you ..."

Alleria stared at his face: "Is that so? I don't know if I have any gifts with me?"

Tang En murmured inwardly, but following Aurelia's words made him feel even more impatient.

"——Such as the element lord's kernel or something?"

Fiona, you little girl! Why is your mouth so unreliable!

Tang En suddenly felt itchy teeth. The core of the water lord was originally intended for her and Aurelia. The power in it was so huge that Fiona couldn't use it all by herself. Now Well, Fiona obviously has flaunted in front of Princess Aurelia and must have sworn sovereignty. It is impossible to come here in the future.

In other words ...

Aurelia is obviously out of balance.

But Tang En is really nothing good now!

How can there be good things like the core of the element lord that can not be met every day!

You ca n’t let Dikarios return to the elemental world to fight against an elemental lord, and get another one?

After noticing Tang En's expression, Aurelia flashed a loss in her eyes, and then snorted, "It really is a lie, it's not difficult for you. If there's anything, just say this-"

Alleria suddenly paused.

It turned out that Tang En, who was in a hurry, couldn't find anything good, and simply packed out a few fruits from Long Island.

"Golden Holy Fruit that enhances magic!"

"Ambergris to strengthen your body!"

"Also-a longevity fruit that can prolong life !?"

The ministers were more visionary. They had seen these rare fruits in the book. When they suddenly saw the real thing, they suddenly had shortness of breath, their eyes widened, and they looked incredible.

For these ordinary people, the value of the first two kinds of fruits does not add up to the longevity fruit, but it is really a good thing that can extend people's life! Definitely worth millions of gold!


Aurelia snorted coldly, her cold voice mixed with magic power, aroused the ministers who were filled with greed and longing.

The ministers may also find themselves redundant here, so they resigned, leaving a private space for Tang En and Aurelia.

Aurelia put away those fruits, and her attitude was a little better: "It's fair to say that you have the sincerity. If you want to be a mother, just sit and wait for a while. She should be back soon after she just went out."

Olina is also very hard these days. As the supreme leader of the country, she is actually not responsible for many things. However, Tang En, who really should be in power, is a shaker and treasurer, throwing everything to their mother and daughter. It was hard for Olina.

Although she has already awakened her talents with the help of Tang En, she is not interested in cultivation, so her strength growth has been slow, and she is still hovering at the black iron level. She must be harder under the same work intensity.

"She has been struggling lately. Sometimes I'm busy late at night, and it makes me sad to watch it. If you have time ..."

Aurelia bit her lower lip and hesitated for a long time before she said, "... More with her."

Tang En said "um", then sat opposite her and said, "This time I'm here to discuss with you about currency reform."

"Monetary reform?"

Aurelia immediately dispelled the reveries in her mind and asked in surprise: "Why currency reform?"

"Because of the need for trade, and our industrial problems next."

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