Things from Another World

Chapter 928: How do you know that they are very likely to draw people with whip?

Tang En, who was sitting opposite Aurelia, recounted the issue that she had just discussed with Fiona, and Princess Aurelia understood the cause and effect.

Like Fiona's initial reaction, she did not understand the reason why Tang En did this at first, but after listening to Tang En's explanation, she discovered the great benefits contained in it.

Not to mention anything else, the monopoly of the right to issue currency is an extraordinary power.

Regardless of the fact that the official currency of Prendall is the Illus gold coin, in fact, the status of the legal currency is already shaken because the status of the Illus empire is not as good as before. And continue to circulate in the market.

Don't say other countries, even in Alynx, you can still see the gold coins of the Orlando Empire and Kansas Empire thousands of years ago. Do you believe this?

Therefore, the statistics of the number of gold coins issued by the Illus coin cannot be believed at all. They don't collect a lot of old gold coins every year and re-smelt them. The life is so passable anyway.

If it is really possible to make the entire Prandall use the new currency issued by the Illus Empire, it will not only control the lifeblood of the market, but also allow people in all countries to accept the current status of the Illus Empire invisibly.

The re-emergence of the Illus Empire may have fallen on this new currency.

"I support you!"

Princess Aurelia said very decisively: "But the specific implementation needs to continue to discuss, which involves too much, it is likely to be huge resistance."

"I believe no resistance can stop us."

Tang En said with a smile: "Don't you say that Alynx is understaffed? My dark elf warriors have been pretty boring these days, so let's send them out and relax ..."

Alleria's eyes lit up: "They're not going to spoil, are they?"

"of course not."

Tang En grinned: "At most those guys who want to touch the fish in the muddy waters are flogged. They are quite knowledgeable about how to use a whip to draw people."

"Well, then ... wait."

Aurelia stared at Tang En with a suspicious look: "How do you know that they are very likely to draw people with a whip?"

An unnatural expression flashed on Tang En's face, his eyes fluttered, "Because I've seen it before ... don't say this, let's get back to the topic."

Aurelia didn't want to be confused by him so easily, and just wanted to ask, Queen Orina pushed in.

"Eh? Don ... dear?"

Olina's face was full of surprises: "You are finally back, the glory ceremony is about to begin, and we are still worried that we cannot reach you."

Tang En stunned: "Isn't Fiona bringing you a magic cell phone? You can call me if you find me."

When Aurelia heard the words, she didn't make a call: "The magic cell phone was brought, but the communication method !? I haven't exchanged contacts with you, how can I call you !?"

Don't dare say anything? I took out my magic cell phone and exchanged their contact information on the spot: "In the future, if something unexpected happens, call me directly."

Aurelia was upset for her mother's back: "The subtext is to stop disturbing you, okay?"

"This ... doesn't mean that ..."

"Okay, mother, you heard it. When you think of him later, you will call and come over. Anyway, he will teleport, and in a blink of an eye!"

Aurelia finished speaking swiftly and whispered again, "This way I also save myself in the middle of the night sneaking in there eh ah ah ..."

Tang En and Olina stared at Aurelia, especially Olina. A cheeky face suddenly turned red and rushed to cover her daughter's mouth: "You, you, you, you What nonsense! Shut me up! "


Aurelia waved her arms in indignation, as if she wanted to express something. Unfortunately, Olina covered her mouth. She couldn't tell at all. After struggling with her mother and daughter for a while, they reached a compromise. Only Lena let go of Alleria.

After being tossed Aurelia tidy up her messy clothes, then glared at Tang En, and said angrily: "I blame you!"


Tang En felt himself lying inexplicably.

"Returning to the topic before, Alynx is currently understaffed. Let your Dark Elf Warriors ... what's your name?"

"Agent Ghost."

"Yes, Agent Ghost, let them help to maintain order. It still has some power to clean up the stubborn aristocracy. Many people know the contribution of the Dark Elves in that matter, and they may be surprised when they come forward. Unexpected effect. "

In the current environment, it may be better to have a deterrent role.

"I arranged for them to come back when I went back."

"Then I think you'd better discuss it with your mother-in-law about currency reform."

Olena was confused: "Monetary reform?"

Tang En had to repeat the previous words again.

After listening to it for a moment, Olina nodded and said, "I also support you. I think if the Illus Empire can really rise again, the person who leads us must be you."

"Thank you for your trust."

"No, thank you for everything you have done for us."

Olena and Princess Aurelia knew of Tang En's identity and mission (see Chapter 486), so they trusted him so much.

Since both of them supported their decision, then Tang En began to discuss with them in detail the feasibility of currency reform and the problems that may be encountered in the meantime. At that time, Tang En personally experienced the feeling of processing a country's official documents-then Aurelia couldn't stand it and snatched it back. I have to say that Tang En might not be the one who is the ruler ...

That night Tang En naturally stayed in the palace.

On the next day, Olina's face was ruddy and her complexion was obviously better, as if even her skin was much brighter, which made many maids look around frequently.

Tang En didn't just stay here to pay rations last night. He also discussed a lot of business with Olina-although the place to discuss business was a bit delicate-but let's just worry about the state affairs.

Olina was not in power before, but she learned something more or less by Victor's side. It is also quite clear which policies can be easily implemented and those that will be resisted, so she also gave Tang En Many ideas, after having breakfast, in the subtle mentality of Aurelia, the three have put together a draft of the currency reform.

A plan was finalized.

The former Illus Empire Mint was reorganized into the Prandall Central Bank, which is responsible for the formulation and distribution of the new currency. The relevant printing, anti-counterfeiting technology and personnel are supported by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, the original staff will be retrained to compete for employment. The method can be re-employed after passing the assessment, and the staff who have failed the assessment or have stains in their careers will not be used.

After the issuance of the new currency, there will be a buffer period of one to three years. A period of common circulation of the new version of the currency and the alloy currency will be implemented, and a buffer period for the currency exchange for citizens.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with the promotion of the new currency, the Datang Chamber of Commerce and the Illus Royal Family will launch preferential policies. The Datang Chamber of Commerce is naturally a product discount, while the royal family is exempted from taxation-after all, the benefits can be seen by the eyes That's what people love and will give them more subjective initiative.

As for when the news will be announced, Aurelia decides to let it go for the time being, because Tang En's currency printing technology has not been completely determined, so she cannot act rashly.

"The matter of currency reform will be put down for the time being. After the institute has given a feasible plan, we are fully prepared and then we will fully disclose the news."

After getting Aurelia's answer, Tang En said goodbye to the busy Wangdu again and returned to Ellington.

Fiona glanced at him and didn't ask him about spending the night in the capital. After all, Tang En was married to Olena, and he could justify staying there overnight.

After listening to Aurelia's thoughts, Fiona said: "His Royal Highness Princess's opinion is my opinion too. What can be carried out immediately is the issue of Dixinglong breeding industry. You have to look at this draft first."

Tang En took the draft with a grimace: "Did you really fight all night?"

"What do you think?"

Fiona gave him a white look, but she was very hard to be able to date him happily!

Tang En took a very careful look at the draft written by Fiona, and had to say that she from the Jin Qiangwei family was more thoughtful than Tang En, and she took into account many details that Tang En did not consider. This is not even a draft, it can be used directly.

"You think it's too simple. Although Testereau is very eager for our economy and culture, after all, he is the king of the Rennes empire, and he has to consider for the interests of the Rennes empire, so he is bound to put forward some opinions ... Forget it, let's go to New Burkeso now. "

Having said that, Fiona simply pressed the bell on the table, and after a short while, Marin came in quickly.

"Move all my appointments in the morning to the afternoon, and my Majesty and I will go out. In addition, the documents I handed over to you will be processed as soon as possible, and I will check them in the evening."

As soon as Malin nodded, her pretty face broke down, and she said, "Sister Fiona ... I can't handle those things ... I'm just a little maid with no culture ..."

"What an illiterate little maid!"

Fiona glared at her and said, "Isn't Tina doing everything right now? Castle Caspari is well organized by her. Don't you think you are worse than her?"

"That ... seems worse than ..."

"Don't be arrogant!"

Fiona said angrily as she packed her things: "I'm getting more and more busy now, and many things are too busy. I will definitely need you to share them in the future. Don't you want to troubleshoot Her Majesty Tang En?"

Marilyn glanced down at Tang En, and after thinking for a moment, she nodded: "But ..."

"No, but."

Fiona interrupted her: "I remember that you used to scold Ellington ’s former lord is not a thing, it is a waste. In this case, now is your chance to work hard, and soon you will have to bear Tina Responsibility. "

Having said that, Fiona was the first to leave the study.

Tang En gave Malin a helpless look, leaving her bitter face, and followed Fiona out.

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