Things from Another World

Chapter 929: Dong Shi Xiao

New Burkeso.

At this moment, it is really difficult for Tang En to associate this modern and modern city with the former Burkeso.

The flat streets, the uniform houses, the orcs of all races, the bustling streets are full of upgrades, and the faces of the residents are full of vitality and laughter.

"Don't be surprised, this is all the changes you brought to them, and they should be grateful to you."

Fiona proudly said that she was very proud of the changes that Tang En had brought here.

This is the power of the man she loves.

In fact, due to the assistance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, humans are often seen among pedestrians on the streets of New Burkeso at this moment, and humans and orcs can often be seen sitting on buses that have not been running long Together, there are even many humans and orcs talking and laughing, just like a peaceful scene of family joy.

This is not the same as the orc's usual style.

When approaching the shops of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, Tang En went to visit Xiao Ai by the way. What was unexpected was that in just a few days, Xiao Ai had been fully integrated into his post, and the huge new Burkeso The arrangement of the branch is well-organized, and many of the facilities here have also made some changes to the special shape and customs of the orcs under her suggestion. These changes will undoubtedly make the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce more easily accepted by the orcs.

Although the sales here are not high at present, it is only because the orcs have not cultivated their consumption habits and they have not yet enjoyed the convenience brought by the magic furniture. After the influence of the Datang Chamber of Commerce has further expanded The turnover here is bound to rise.

"Good job."

Tang En praised: "I thought you would make a mess here because you were worried to come over and see."

"Thank you for the compliment ..."

The little ashamed man in the manager's uniform turned red, his head bowed and nervously playing with his fingers.

Although she was able to deal with things calmly in front of the orc employees, in front of Tang En she would still be nervous, shy, and even dare not look at his face.

She didn't know why, anyway, just when she saw Tang En, she felt that her heart was beating fast.

"Yes, come on, don't worry about the magic phone. The research institute already has a solution. After the solution is determined, it will soon be able to supply the magic phone."

After Fiona checked the account here, she also confirmed Xiao Ai's work.

In fact, Xiao Ai has experience working in the ranch, and she is very careful and prudent in doing things. The inventory records on the ledger are very clear. Even many places are marked with detailed information, which can make people at a glance. Fiona is very natural. happy.

In order to reward Xiao Ai's work, Tang En left her with several dragon-specific fruits, and then, with Xiao Ai Yiyi's persistent gaze, left the shop with Fiona and proceeded to the palace.

"You just said that there was a solution over the academy? How did you solve it?"

Tang En was curious about how the researchers would solve the mismatch between the magic cell phone and the orc sub-ear.

"Since the earpieces on the Magic phones can't match their ears, extend the effective distance of the earpieces."

As Fiona explained the researcher's plan as she walked, Tang En couldn't help but listen.

Because the researchers even tinkered with something similar to headphones ...

The principle is not complicated, just use the principle of the earpiece to miniaturize, and then conduct the magic wave received by the earpiece speaker to the earphone and then restore it, so that you can easily put the earphone outside the ear to hear the sound Now that the prototype of the headset is undergoing final testing, once it is determined that it can work stably, mass production will begin immediately.

It has to be said that the potential of intelligent creatures and their brain holes are endless. Once someone gives a revelation, the wisdom of countless people will be awakened immediately.

Tang En can't even wait to see what step this magical civilization will eventually take under his interference-provided that he can repel the invasion of the chaotic army first.

When they came to the palace, the two went directly without even having to report.

Not long after they left, they met Ursa with a bitter face.

Yet Ursa, who had gone wild in the past, is wearing a luxurious dress today.


"Do not laugh!"

Ursa said angrily: "Just as if you didn't see it."

How could it be that I didn't see it?

Have you ever seen a bear wearing a hem-like gothic dress and tight stretch pants?

Tang En has never seen it.

So the visual impact is simply unbeatable!

"I said Testero didn't have to imitate the exaggeration even if he wanted to imitate human nobility?"

Tang En walked over and looked at Ursa: "This dress is obviously not suitable for you orcs, and this style of clothing has been out of fashion for two years."

"The ghost knows what the old man wants to do ... do you look for him? Come with me."

Ursa had no complaints in his stomach, and mumbled while leading the way: "I've been crazy these past few days. What kind of ceremonial training for Chu, and what royal code of conduct does Barbara have ... That's it after returning. What did you teach him? "

Tang En can hear the grievances in Ursa's words, and understands well that although Testero would also force him to become a qualified prince, at least he would not be allowed to wear these clown-like clothes.

"We didn't teach anything, maybe he realized it himself."

Tang En patted his shoulder, looked at his hand subconsciously, and nodded: "Well, it seems that you have at least learned to take a bath every day."

"Do you think we didn't want to take a shower every day!"

Ursa complained: "That's because the lack of water is good! Now, thanks to you, we have plenty of water, and everyone is of course happy to take a bath. Such a hot day, the hair is still so thick, who wants to sweat ... ... hmm, go in, he's inside. "

Down and Fiona were startled again when they pushed in.

Because Testero is also a very funny costume now, looks like a clown who wants to imitate humans, but learns to be different.

"Ah! My friend! What are you doing here? Is there any good news !?"

Testero stood up and said very exaggeratedly, came over and gave Tang En a big hug, and then when he came to Fiona, he bowed his waist and gave Fiona a kiss.


Testeron's exaggerated but strongly imitating the behavior and speaking of human nobles made Tang En shiver. This guy seems to have been poisoned by Tina during the training ...

"That, Your Majesty Testero."

Tang En couldn't bear to see Testero go on like this, he whispered: "Although I know you are trying to imitate the dress and behavior of human nobility, but I have to tell you that first, human nobility may not be advanced Civilization representatives, they are actually very stupid. You don't need to imitate them, just keep as natural as before. Second ... the clothes you wear are already outdated ... "


Testro snapped: "But I've read it in Ellington's book before, this is obviously the most popular dress in the human kingdom ..."

Fiona said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid the book you read was published at least a hundred years ago ..."

Testerrow's flushed face suddenly made Tang and Fiona sit down and take a break, and he ran out like a fly. When he returned a moment later, he had been replaced with the most common light clothes of the orcs. ——Basically light leather armor that only protects the vitals and limbs.

"Huh, it's much more comfortable ..."

With a soothing expression, Testero said, "I'm surprised, why do humans wear so awkward, even if there is magic air conditioning, it makes me feel panicky."

Tang En sneered, please, it's not about clothes, it's because your hair is too strong!

Under the action of the magic air conditioner, the sweat on Tastro's body quickly went down, he grinned, and gave Thumbs a thumbs up: "Besides, the effects of this magic air conditioner and magic refrigerator, praise! "

With the magic air conditioner, he does n’t have to use magic to keep his body clean and refreshed, his spirit is relaxed, his body is comfortable, and he feels that the whole person has gained understanding.

"Thank you for the compliment, but let's talk about the business."

Tang En smiled and told Fiona to take out the draft of the Xinglong breeding industry, and said to Tastro: "Trust me, you will be very happy to see this."

"what? What?"

Testero couldn't wait to pick up the documents and looked up: "Are those mines finally going to be officially mined? Or are they finally going to start building highways? Or are they going to start soil modification?"

These three things are most concerned by Testero, but what he sees from the document is the completely unrelated "Analysis of the Economic Value of Dixinglong and Development Draft of Dixinglong's Breeding Industry".

"Dixinglong breeding?"

Testero looked stunned: "Why do you suddenly want to do this?"

Tang En motioned him to keep watching: "You read it before you say it."

So Testero continued to read.

Half an hour later, Testereau's expression was surprised for a while, and then he frowned again. All in all, the expression change was very rich. Tang Enguang didn't look bored when he looked at his expression change, it was just too happy.

After Tistro saw the entire draft, he took a long breath and silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Are you hiding something in this draft?"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"We talked about the breeding and export of Dixinglong before. Because the cost is too high, we are not very interested. But today you brought this up again and came up with a draft to prove that there is indeed a considerable amount of money in it. Economic Value."

Testro's eyes are full of light: "Among them, selling as a mount or labor, slaughtering and selling leather, meat, and bones are all things we have discussed before. There is nothing to say, but here you add another item No, that's a monthly blood draw, including blood at the time of slaughter, and the Datang Chamber of Commerce is responsible for pricing the blood for recovery. "

"If I'm guessing well, it should be because of the blood of the dragon that makes you change your mind."

"That means ... the blood of Dixinglong contains value I don't know, right?"

Lying down!

Looking at Tastro, who became so savvy, Tang En swears in his heart.

I knew this product would become so savvy after class, so he shouldn't have been sent to Ellington for class!

He suddenly understood a little why leaders like education for the people.

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