Things from Another World

Chapter 931: Shining Ceremony Opening

When Tang En met Sasha Glott, he couldn't believe that the efficiency of the Dragons would be so fast.

15,000 tons of Oriha Steel, they actually produced in two days!

"Gods are up! How did you do that !?"

Tang En inspected the Oliha Steel brought by Sasha Glott, which was piled as high as a hill on the outskirts of Ellington, 15,000 tons, which was definitely only a lot more.

"It's so difficult to do that for humans, but it's nothing to us."

Sasha Glot, who turned into a humanoid, looked curiously at Ellington and said, "It's you here ... Is this really Ellington? I can't believe my eyes."

When Sasha Glott came to Ellington last time, or when Elsa was very young, she came over to visit it once. At that time, Ellington was still a poor and run-down village. What a metropolis looks like.

Sasha Glott felt that it was more beautiful than Yalinx, the king of the Illus Empire.

Tang En put away those Oriha steels and said to him, "Anyway, it's fine for you to go back. If you are interested, you can visit here for a few days."

"Well, that's a good idea."

Sasha Glott really responded to his words: "I'm very interested in you, just stay here for a few days."

This guy really borrows donkeys ...

"I'll let Brian come over to be your guide. He's a nonsense, and he'll be happy to chat with you."

Down made a phone call to Brian, and without a moment's effort, Brian wearing sunglasses riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle rushed in front of them. Brian made a smart and elegant turn, then pushed up his sunglasses and said, "Big brother, let I will be your guide for His Excellency Sasha Glott. You are really the right person-Lord Dragon, get in the car. The old driver will show you Ellington! "

Although Bryan is a dwarf, he prefers larger things, so his personal motorcycle is also a more special custom model, with low terrain, large and thick wheels, exaggerated streamlined structure, and looks extremely crazy. Wild, the wide back seat can take another adult.

Sasha Glott looked at Brian's exaggerated and arrogant Harley-Davidson motorcycle with interest: "It's a very chic thing, you can feel the flow of magic, but there are not too many traces of magic. What is this?"

"Harley's motorcycle, a product of magical engineering, can be used to easily carry people to replace horses."

Tang En introduced it and said, "If you like, I'll send you one when you go back."

"Good toy, thank you so much."

A smiling Sasha Glott sits across the back seat behind Brian, and looks curiously at the front panel of Brian: "How does this thing work?"

"Just sit down-just stay away from me, and suddenly you remember that you are all streaking naked." Brian specifically warned, Sasha Glott moved back awkwardly, "- Let's go! "

He snorted, slammed the throttle, and rushed out instantly, and then ... Sasha Glott sat in place, looking blankly at Brian, with a question mark on his head.

Tang En drew a corner of his mouth, and shouted at the distance: "Brian! You left the person down!"

Brian braked abruptly, looked back, and turned back again: "What's the matter?"

After finally explaining the situation to Sasha Glot, he finally lifted the buoyancy and smoothly left Brian.

Crying Tang Enmu sent them into the city and teleported to the underground world, the Black Stone Cave.

At this time Nokia was urging to test the magic jet propulsion device according to Croto's arrangement, and Tim had already started testing the stability of the small model. After seeing Tang En, they reported on the current progress, and then Tang En took a big step Swinged and threw out 15,000 tons of Oliha Steel.

"Comrades, Oliha Steel is already in place, as long as the test passes, you can start production!"

Tang En said, "Please ask everyone to resolve the key issues as soon as possible. The demand on Long Island is urgent, and we can't let customers wait too long."

Timid Tim yawned: "No problem, if the stress test can pass tonight, production can start tomorrow, and production can be completed after the glory ceremony ends."

"That would be great, but ..."

Tang En stared at Tim curiously: "Don't you transform into a puppet body? Why do you look like you're not getting enough sleep every time?"

"Oh ... I made a mistake when I was doing the conversion, so that's it, please don't worry, in fact, I'm still full of energy ..."

You look totally unconvincing!

After encouraging everyone, Tang En promised many benefits and encouragement to the Redstone Dwarfs and Dark Elves, and returned to Ellington.

With less than three days left for the glorious ceremony, he, as the regent, also needs to start making some preparations, otherwise Aurelia's grievances are afraid to curse him to death.

In the next two days, Tang En didn't run anywhere, and returned to Yalinks honestly to discuss the glory ceremony with Princess Aurelia, Queen Olena, and Virgin Elour and the pope. related business.

The main thing he wanted to study abruptly was about royal etiquette, ceremonial speeches and participation in the activities of various ministers and nobles. After all, Tang En was only an ordinary person. Although he became a regent, he could not change his inner essence. This complicated etiquette had tormented him.

He even had some doubts. Didn't these so-called aristocrats add so many complicated etiquettes to the so-called upper society to block themselves?

Isn't a person asking for something alive and chic and free?

Just when Tang En was about to die, the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce took advantage of these two days to produce a batch of fax machines and sent them to each branch. He also provided Aurelia with a batch of Various departments pass documents for use.

I have to say that after the magic energy fax machine, although the office efficiency has not further improved, but the reliability of the transmission of instructions has been guaranteed-the instructions communicated by the magic energy mobile phone orally will then be supplemented by a messenger to send documents, quite trouble.

After having the magic fax machine, Aurelia signed and stamped the document here, and sent it over the face. After receiving it, you can make another copy. The announcement can be copied, and the fax can be directly put into the file, which is quite convenient.

In addition, in order to cope with the sales boom of the glorious festival, all the factories of the Datang Chamber of Commerce have been running at almost full speed these days. There are three shifts a day and thirty-six hours a day without stopping. A large amount of goods are continuously flowing around Ellington. Go out and transport it to the warehouses in major cities, waiting for the glory ceremony to come.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

When the first rays of morning light illuminate the spire of the Bright Cathedral, a bunch of goblin fireworks burst into the sky, "Bang Bang-", the sky exploded with a colorful light, Yalinks in the sky On the floating island, the Keqing magician also shot a beautiful spell into the sky, adding a touch of color to this lively festival.

The lively glorious ceremony has begun.

After the first round of lively fireworks and paintballs ended, Tang En himself opened a huge projection on the sky without the magical assistance of the Hakka mages, so that the entire population of Yalinks saw his face .

In order to ensure the royal image, before the rise of Lumbica, Olena, Aurelia, and Fiona and Ilulli who had made a special trip together came together, and they also held a glorious festival within a few days of school. Yiliaa even jumped directly to the bed, a fart. The stock sat on his stomach, waking him up and going. Then the four women dressed him up carefully, and spent two full minutes, that is, nearly an hour-if it is not too tight, Tang En thinks they will continue to dress him up.

At this moment, Tang En's image is completely different from his usual days. His hair is well-organized, as if he was waxed, and his face is also coated with a layer of powder, which makes him look quite white-faced.

If it wasn't for Tang En's strong protest, they'd like to add another blush.

He also finally replaced the gilt “fashion” that came with him, which was very awkwardly fitted into a Prandall local style costume, which looked quite similar to the Gothic clothes on the earth, but with some the difference.

At this moment, just like Tistero he saw the other day, Tang En now feels that he has been restrained all over, uncomfortable and dying.

But Tang En had to hold on to his smiling face, and under the threatening gaze of Aurelia and Fiona next to him, he honestly followed the pre-written manuscript and put a solemn statement with a sense of mission. Read it out.

"Alynx, and citizens of the entire Illus Empire, travelers, I am your regent, Down, and Queen Olina and I hereby represent the Royal Illuss and wish you all— —Uh, what is it? Aurelia, Aurelia tell me what's next? "

There was a sudden chaos in the projection.

Perhaps this is the most memorable day ever for the residents of Alynx—because their beloved King Down, when he read the message, suddenly fell off the chain—he forgot his words.

Although the residents who bowed their heads toward the palace did not see the scene of the commotion on the altar in the sky projection, they still guessed what happened from the voice uploaded from heaven.

At the same time, it made people and tourists feel a little closer to Tang En. Look, although Her Majesty the King is a supreme ruler, he, like us, will make mistakes and be embarrassed.

After reading the embarrassing congratulations, Tang En fled without saying a word. Wearing such clothes and reading the manuscript was like a shameful PLAY!

Fortunately, Pope Yebilny XXIII, who subsequently appeared, saved all this with a solemn aura ...

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