Things from Another World

Chapter 932: Really a scum

After the appearance of the pope's crown, as always, the sacred light enveloped the entire city, the hymn resounded through the sky, the pilgrims worshipped on the ground reverently, and presented their faith in the direction of the bright cathedral.

The huge wings of light slowly fluttered above the sky. Pieces of feathers attached to the power of the Holy Light descended from the sky, healing people's pain with the power of the warm light, and also giving evil believers hidden in the dark. Severe punishment.

The residents of Yalinks turned a blind eye to the screams that screamed in the street.

Because they have been accustomed to this situation, during the annual glorious ceremony, there are always so many unbelievers trying to break into the muddy waters of this sacred city to fish.

But the Pope's wings of light can leave them invisible.

Coupled with the help of ghost agents this year, those cultists with ulterior motives were caught without any chance at all.

Although the dark snake has been destroyed, there are still many fish that have missed the net. The Holy See has been looking for those people, and there are still many small-sized cults still in existence. Therefore, many cultists can be caught every year.

Both Olina and Aurelia mother and daughter are very experienced, so arrangements have been made early and will definitely not affect the normal conduct of the glorious ceremony.

However, the charitable fundraising activities of previous years were cancelled. It was because Victor was too poor that he could only organize charitable fundraising activities. When Tang En was wealthy, he directly changed to a charity sympathy activity. Municipal service staff represented on this day The royal family went to the slums for condolences, and distributed condolences, clothing and food.

Just this charity sympathy campaign cost Tang En hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

However, this is also valuable, because those condolences are branded with the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and the popularity of the Datang Chamber of Commerce can take this opportunity to deepen the society.

After the Pope ’s congratulatory message was completed, it was the Virgin Illuli, and then Princess Aurelia. When they had finished the congratulatory message, Fiona, as the representative of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, also came forward to send the congratulatory message.

In this case, the effect brought by appearance is very powerful. At this moment, the appearance of the projection spell is equivalent to the appearance of CCTV in the spring and evening. The Datang Chamber of Commerce is the largest advertising sponsor.

Fiona didn't take advantage of this opportunity to advertise, she just stated her identity and gave her a blessing.

Because she knows that too much and explicit advertisements will cause people to feel resentment. Just giving blessings will get people's favor.

She guessed it right. After this opening ceremony, people were even more impressed with the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, in the next lively activities, the district centered on the Datang Chamber of Commerce's Alinks branch was particularly lively. .

On the one hand, it is because the Datang Chamber of Commerce has held a new product launch conference today, and it has released many new convenient magic furniture. On the other hand, it is because of very attractive activities.

Last year, the activities of the Datang Chamber of Commerce gave away magic energy air conditioners, magic energy refrigerators, magic energy washing machines, and bicycles, and this year's event prizes were directly upgraded.

A chubby local businessman squeezed in front of the stage and couldn't wait to know what the mysterious special prize mentioned in the Datang Daily was. After he saw it clearly, he suddenly took a breath and shouted in shock: "The gods are on! The special prize turned out to be a magic cell phone" balance "! I am not mistaken !?"

A man next to him asked curiously: "Magic phone balance? What is it?"

"You don't even know !? The magic cell phones that have been buzzing in the aristocracy circle recently! It is said that now only the treasures owned by the big nobles and merchants! You can have another magic cell phone over a very long distance People talking! "


The outsider took a cold breath: "Such a magical thing !? I heard it for the first time!"

"You must be from a very remote place?"

"Yes, my hometown is Takira northwest, this time I want to come in and buy a batch of bicycles."

"Takira? Seems to be the border city of Taris? Ha, the bikes are already out of date! See, first prize, Harley-Davidson! That's what a real warrior should ride!"

"Harley Moto !? What is that !?"

"A kind of vehicle that you can run without using your own pedals, as long as you consume the magic crystal, hey, don't you know? I've been lucky enough to sit once, it feels awkward, flat, stable, and fast, I don't know How much better than riding! "

"Compared to a bicycle?"

"Hey, although the bicycle is convenient, it can't get out of the door, too tired! Harley-Davidson is very comfortable! And it can be more convenient to pull the goods after modification."

The businessmen who came from Takira immediately became excited.

"I care more about participation awards than limited first-class awards or anything. I was lucky enough to get a bicycle last year. It would be great if I could get some good things this year."

The chubby businessman was looking for the participation award as he was talking. After a moment, his eyes lit up, he pointed to the poster behind the stage in disbelief, and pursed his lips, "I, am I wrong ?!"

The poster reads, "Participation Award: A Magic Phone with a Gold Coin."

Magic phone, isn't that a treasure owned only by big nobles and big businessmen! ? How could it be a prize for participation in the prize! ?

Take a closer look, there are two characters behind the magic phone.


The magic cell phone discussed by the big aristocracy and the big businessmen seems to be called "balance", right?

Is it possible ... this is another?

Whether or not, the fat businessman shivered with excitement. In short, today he must find a way to get one!

If you can get a magic mobile phone that everyone is after, isn't it better to have face in the future in the same industry? You can even have a common topic with many merchants who already have magic phones, maybe you can get online!

Thinking of this, the fat businessman immediately started to squeeze to the event registration point next to him, but unexpectedly, he was too late now, because many people were already one step ahead of the line.

After asking for a while, the fat businessman discovered with a stern look that those people didn't even see the prizes. They just came in line. When he passed, there were already hundreds of people. ,

Because they all know that none of the prizes sent by the Datang Chamber of Commerce last year were not good, so this year I heard that there were events and they came in line early.

Fat businessmen naturally can only be forced behind.

Standing on the second floor of the shop, looking at the bustling crowd below, Tang En smiled satisfactorily, and asked the Hilton next to him: "In this case, how much sales are expected?

Hilton said confidently: "Under the circumstances, the activities throughout the day can drive at least 4 million gold coins. On average, the total sales of the shining festival can reach 30 million gold coins, which is almost other Month-to-month sales. "

Seven days sales of 30 million, after deducting various operating costs, net profit can reach more than 20 million gold coins, a profit rate of nearly 200%, who is not jealous of this business?

But jealousy can't help it, this business is really only Tang En can do.

Just as Tang En was enjoying the lively activities in Yalinks, Fiona's cell phone suddenly rang. When she connected the cell phone and heard no two words, she suddenly became very strange: "You are not kidding ? ... Okay, I see. Let's go back. "

Tang En asked, "What's wrong?"

After Fiona hung up the phone, she said to Tang En with a strange look: "Lord Ellington's Mansion has been thief ..."

That's right, the home of the great Regent King Tang En, the lord's house in Ellington, has been thiefed.

As soon as this remark came out, not only was Tang En stunned, but the people next to him were all aggressive.

Are you kidding me?

Where is Ellington!

Not to mention how strict the security measures are, they will be thieves! ?

Tang En faced with aggression: "Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"I asked the same thing, but unfortunately Brian wasn't kidding ... What about your cell phone? Brian couldn't get through."

"Can't get through? ... Oh, I'm stuck in the carry-on space."

Tang En patted his head, took out his mobile phone and put it away.

"How to do?"

Fiona glanced at the event below, and said, "We haven't visited the event venue over the championship duel, or you'll stay and I'll take care of it."

After thinking for a while, Tang En said, "Forget it, I ’m not going there too. Anyway, I already have experience. Let's go back together. I want to see who has the ability so much that he stole it to me . "

So Tang En and Fiona temporarily said goodbye to the others, and after explaining to Aurelia, they returned to Ellington.

When returning to the lord's residence, Tang En was shocked to find that not only Brian, Sasha Glott, but even Dikarios, Yustissa, and Alcho Kamanda were also present.

A group of people were around the thief in the middle of it with interest, as if something new had been encountered, and they all came to enjoy the fun.

"what's the situation?"

Tang En asked with a stupid look: "So motivated?"

"Make a teacher and move the crowd?"

Brian looked at Tang En with a weird look: "Brother, you can have a snack. If it wasn't for His Excellency Sasaglotte, I think your treasure will be evacuated by her."

how can that be?

Tang En's face was weird. The treasure house of the Lord's Mansion had been strengthened by magic circles, and it was impossible for ordinary people to break into it.

"You are the lord here?"

The thief surrounded by the center did not seem nervous, but looked at Tang En with curiosity: "This dress, like the nobles, is really a scum."

What a ghost! ?

Tang En suddenly turned black.

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